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Shrinking your wardrobe

PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 12:36 pm
by GlennR
Okay, I know a lot of you have gone through sizes as you shrunk yourself down It's time to chip in with advice and suggestions on how to best do that. :-D My wallet is counting on you for good advice.

I've been lucky, up to date, that I had clothes in multiple sizes to wear as my weight dropped. The smaller sizes I've been able to resurrect from the closet. However I'm now ready to move into "time to buy" territory. My shirt size has dropped from tight 3XL to L. My pant size from 46 to something below 40. I'm not sure what the new size is but I can tell you if my belt isn't cinched tight enough my pants will drop to my feet at the most inopportune moments. (You don't want to know how I know this.)

The 3XL tee shirts I've recycled into night shirts. That works well. The larger jeans and most of the business pants are off to charity shops, good for the soul, so that's fine. The sweat pants I guess I'll toss as the elastic waist no longer helps.

So, now I need to go shopping, or at least I do fairly soon. For jeans I was thinking I may try for a size a bit under what's comfortable to wear, skip from the very loose 40 to 36 instead of going for a 38. Is that sensible or will I regret it? For business/dress pants I can use suspenders for a bit yet but my blazers and suit jackets are hanging off me. As I have no urgent need to go into the office I think I'll stretch out the suspender use for a bit yet and hold off on new suits.

Any other ideas, suggestions, things to avoid, ...?

Re: Shrinking your wardrobe

PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 12:52 pm
by hazelrah
I always get a kick out of buying smaller sized jeans, so buying the 38s might give you that thrill twice. I like my pants a bit tight, and that works for jeans, but I would not be too quick about buying tight dress trousers. They seem to withstand less to me. Besides, the suspenders and extra room look cool. The other thing I rethought was buying the Levi 501s. Buttondowns are a PIA. I thought they'd make me feel like Jim Morrison. They just made me feel like a spastic. Switching to the 505's was a great relief. You must be thrilled with the changes. Congratulations!


Re: Shrinking your wardrobe

PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 1:26 pm
by dailycarbs
I went from 195 to ~145. I tried to avoid buying anything during the process and wore my clothes baggy. I punched new holes in my belts. I looked a little like a vagabond but I didn't care as I was feeling great physically and had a lot of confidence. At around 165, I couldn't keep my pants up no matter what and I was looking like a homeless man so I bought a pair of jeans and another pair of pants that fit. Also some shirts. It was a temporary wardrobe because I wasn't sure where I'd land. I didn't try to guess and get get something snug with the hope of losing more weight. What if I didn't lose more? What if I lost a lot more? Just get clothes that fit you now is my theory. If you need to replace later, do so. You can afford it. Think of all the money you'll save on meds!

I got a few more things to wear at the bargain bins at ~140-145. Now I'm settled in at around 145-150. Some of those pants fit ok. Others are snug. I got rid of the snug ones and feel comfortable purchasing things that fit me right now since my weight seems very stable and has been for several years.

Re: Shrinking your wardrobe

PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 1:35 pm
by Katydid
Head over to your local Goodwill (Salvation Army, Purple Heart, etc.) and go crazy. While there you can donate your oversized clothes and pick up a tax deduction. Win - Win.


Re: Shrinking your wardrobe

PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 4:20 pm
by Vanilla Orchid
You deserve to look good. It will make you feel good.

I was lucky to have a friend who had recently retired. She bought lots of beautiful business clothes when they went on sale that she decided she would never again wear, and gave them to me. I'm now down another size. I bought a few really nice things that fit so that I will look good instead of looking frumpy, which, would only trigger binge eating for me. It's worth the price. Go ahead and splurge on a couple nice well-fitting clothes outfits that make you feel great. Wear them over and over until they are too big, then happily pass them on to others. It's money well spent.

I was also able to find some very nice items at consignment shops. And find a really good tailor.

Re: Shrinking your wardrobe

PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 7:25 pm
by sjsilver
I went from 212 to 150 lbs. For years I was wearing clothing that were XL, now I am down to a medium. It feels good. I still have to weed clothes out of my closet. I don't know why I am hanging onto them. My husband and I now wear the same size pants, only he is about a foot taller than I am. He has always been tall and thin. I keep mixing ours up in the closet. He accidentally put mine on one day, only it came halfway up to his knees. It was pretty funny.

Re: Shrinking your wardrobe

PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 8:47 pm
by Vegankit
Agree with suggestion for Goodwill/second hand stores.

Do you have access to a sewing machine? Men's dress pants are easy to take in about an inch or more in the back seam. And with dress shirts, especially if you wear a jacket or something over them - you can sew seams that run vertical - if you look at dress shirts for men who want form fitting shirts - you'll see they have vertical seams sewn in the back and front mid section. I save a lot of money by altering DH's clothes as he shrank. You can do the same with some jeans - if the back seam is simple.

Also while you are in the weight loss phase, stick to very basic colors and look for something else to direct attention such as colorful ties. Doing so you can wear the same clothes over and over again - no need to invest in large temporary wardrobes unless you can find them cheap enough to be disposable.

Re: Shrinking your wardrobe

PostPosted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 10:14 am
by WyldMoonWoman
Thrift stores!

Re: Shrinking your wardrobe

PostPosted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 4:13 pm
by katgirl55
Two years ago I lost 70 pounds in about 3-4 months. During that time, because the weight was coming off so fast, it was difficult to keep up with having clothes that fit that I could wear to work. I had some smaller sizes in my closet and used them until they also became too big. Then it was time for shopping. Old Navy s pretty inexpensive, along with some sales from department stores. I like the idea of thrift stores as well, but did not get down small enough to be able to buy from there.

Re: Shrinking your wardrobe

PostPosted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 6:35 pm
by viv
You deserve to reward yourself for this major accomplishment with fabulous new clothes. Buy one outfit now that fits great and makes you look and feel like a million dollars, and enjoy all the compliments you will receive. When you lose more weight you can either get these new clothes tailored or repeat the process.


Re: Shrinking your wardrobe

PostPosted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 3:36 pm
by Sunny58
Congratulations on your weight loss, that is great !!!
Have you thought about the thrift store ? They carry all sizes, styles, etc ... And the price is right.