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"Something awful" - Youtube mukbang insanity

PostPosted: Mon Jul 22, 2019 10:54 am
by Risto
Jeff Nelson's recent videos on the VegSource Youtube channel got me to look at the current state of the vegan Youtube drama, after a long, long time. The drama nonsense is the same old, but what happened to really strike me was Nikokado Avocado's channel. He was a young, lean, healthy vegan Youtuber, who interviewed Dr. McDougall over Skype at one point. Then (three years ago?) he quit his plant-based diet, deleted his old videos, including the interview with Dr. McDougall, and started to post mukbangs of him eating fatty non-vegan fast food, by the ton. How interesting can it be to watch one guy eat cheesy noodles, over and over, you may ask. Well, apparently he now gets over 300 000 views regularly, and some videos have over a million views. One had over three million. 1.6 million subscribers. I imagine that's enough to make a living as a Youtuber, which is clearly why he does it. The mukbangs are interspersed with videos of Mr. Avocado crying to the camera about his personal life, which seems to be all made up for Youtube.

I haven't watched Nikocado's recent videos, I only took a look at the channel page. Watching him basically eat himself to death for show is not exactly enjoyable. I'm not going to link to it (you can easily find it with his name). It was just amazing to me to see that he was not only still at it, two years or so after I last took a look, but approaching the major Youtubers in terms of viewership. He gets more subscribers and views than a dozen of your favorite plant-based channels put together. I guess this is the world we live in.

Re: "Something awful" - Youtube mukbang insanity

PostPosted: Mon Jul 22, 2019 2:12 pm
by Grammy Ginger
sad and pathetic...but greed is what got us into this mess with food propaganda in the first place

Re: "Something awful" - Youtube mukbang insanity

PostPosted: Mon Jul 22, 2019 2:28 pm
by Lyndzie
Yeah, I didn’t like his channel even when he was vegan. He’s looking pretty bad these days, poor guy.

Re: "Something awful" - Youtube mukbang insanity

PostPosted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 1:28 pm
by Jobet
Never heard of him, looked him up. Looked at the first video (two years ago), for all of two seconds, and the newest and he is drastically declining in health. Insane greed!

Re: "Something awful" - Youtube mukbang insanity

PostPosted: Mon Jul 29, 2019 11:51 pm
by forgood
I saw him on Tosh.o, he gained weight.

Re: "Something awful" - Youtube mukbang insanity

PostPosted: Fri Aug 02, 2019 1:49 pm
by Thrasymachus
I don't even get how mukbang even became a thing. The newer generations are just getting shittier and shittier to be blunt. Now instead of playing video games many youths are also just watching others playing video games, the trend is called "let's play" videos. Which is probably about the only thing worse than playing video games for hours each day.

Social media has unleashed a shallowness arms race.

Re: "Something awful" - Youtube mukbang insanity

PostPosted: Sat Aug 03, 2019 12:00 am
by healthyvegan
Actually knew the guy. Met him in Thailand and filmed him talking to Freelee. He was searching for dietary nirvana in myth and raw vegan and realized how nuts everyone was so that made getting famous eating garbage that everyone eats more sane while getting paid handsomely. No cooking skills, no internal health knowledge or scientific reasoning just greed and the lesser evil. We need to police mythical veganism help people understand basic science so they can build their health foundation on internal deliberations vs guru and who ever they meet next who is persuasive.

Re: "Something awful" - Youtube mukbang insanity

PostPosted: Sat May 15, 2021 3:22 pm
by Risto
A very random almost-two-year update, just because Youtube happened to put this video in front of me and I clicked. I will admit that my jaw dropped, again, after not having looked at Nikocado Avocado's channel for two years. He's at 350 pounds, and a 2.3-million-dollar apartment that he bought in Las Vegas. It does not look like he's making that up, about either. I guess mukbangs pay, in money, anyway. Looks like he hasn't had a major health crisis yet.

Re: "Something awful" - Youtube mukbang insanity

PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2021 8:00 am
by viv
It's like the modern day version of the Roman Games. The you tube spectators are in the billions desperate to be entertained by any means possible.

Re: "Something awful" - Youtube mukbang insanity

PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2021 8:48 am
by Daydream
Egads! That is so sad. This guy is getting paid millions from publicly engaging in the Pleasure Trap.

Re: "Something awful" - Youtube mukbang insanity

PostPosted: Thu May 20, 2021 9:32 am
by bunsofaluminum
First of all, I nearly got caught in a youtube mukbang rabbit hole.
Secondly EWWWWW Nikocado. I don't know what his vids used to be like but now...just ew. I couldn't watch 30 seconds.