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Could you help to check some example days?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 2:13 am
by windmill
Dear all,

I think I'm doing fine, probably I could do better, but lately I get very hungry in the evenings. I try to find out why, because in my opinion I really do eat generous portion sizes during the day. So I wanted to ask if I could post 2-3 example days and get some feedback from you?

If it's okay, would you prefer written quantities (then I would measure everything) or pictures? And shall I post here in the lounge or rather in the daily menus and journals section? Thanks.

Re: Could you help to check some example days?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 10:38 am
by landog
[Sure thing -- Go for it!
Written quantities would be fine, as is the lounge (IMHO)..

Re: Could you help to check some example days?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 10:31 pm
by windmill
Thank you landog, then I will directly use this post for it?

I took the quantities I would usually choose and then measured them.
(Tried to convert my measurements for you because I live in Europe. Where I couldn't find anything I just just grams)
Yesterday I tried to have my beans for dinner instead of lunch and it helped. I wasn't hungry in the evening. Anyway, I think I may have more beans then recommended per day on this program?

Day one/ yesterday

Overnight oats with 3/4 cup of oats and 1/2 cup of oat milk. I added 1/2 cup of fresh blueberries to it.
(90 g oats / 120 ml oat milk / 60g blueeberries)

2 medium apples
(167 grams)

400 grams of potato
500 grams of fresh spinach

547 grams of potato
220 grams of green beans

Day two / today

Overnight oats with 3/4 cup of oats and 1/2 cup of oat milk. Will add 1/2 cup frozen mixed berries to it.
(90 g oats / 120 ml oat milk / 60 grams of mixed berries)

150 grams of wholewheat pasta
6 fl oz of tomato sauce (175 ml)

190 grams of mixed beans
1/2 bag of rice (62,5 grams)

Re: Could you help to check some example days?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 20, 2021 7:42 pm
by VegSeekingFit
Hi Windmill!! :)

I have to admit that I don't weigh / measure my starch portions - so am not commenting on that aspect at all. I go with the eat when hungry, don't eat when not hungry ... Also, if my portion is looking large, then I try to leave some time before eating it all to make sure that I'm still hungry.

Not sure what your goals are here... If it is weight loss, thinking that you may want to reduce oat milk to more of a condiment level and make your oatmeal with water (add splash of oat milk after, to your taste).

Also, seems like you could add more veggies and fruit (again, depends on your goal). Your day 2 seems starch heavy to me.

Hoping that you find the best way to make this WOE work for you!!

Best to you,

Re: Could you help to check some example days?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 21, 2021 2:44 am
by windmill
Hey VegSeekingFit,

usually I don't do so either, but landog asked for it in my post. :)
Eating when hungry was a big thing for me during the last days. I found out that I was used to eating times and the idea of having breakfast-lunch-dinner. So I usually ate without being hungry and only thought in a range of typical breakfast/lunch/dinner recipes.
But who should judge me to have potatoes in the mornings or to take my dinner leftovers to work for a breakfast? No one, except me. I'm trying to improve things here for me right now.

To be honest, I usually use only water for my overnight oats but the oat milk was on sale and I wanted to try it out. Since there is no difference in taste for me I probably won't buy it again. So problem solved. :)

Adding more noted, thanks. :) But I have to confess I am not that big fruit lover. Ironically, I usually have lots of fruit at home, lol. My husband and son enjoy a lot of fruit. But I usually eat some watermelone in summer, tangerines during autumn/winter and that's it. Every now and then I eat an appe. Sometimes I add berries (fresh/frozen) to my oats.

Thank you a lot for your reply,

Re: Could you help to check some example days?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 21, 2021 10:15 am
by michaelswarm
We tend to eat about 4 lbs of food per day, regardless of calorie density. I like to assume about 1 lb per each meal plus 1 lb for snack or desert. Your meals appear to be about 1 lb each. (Dry grains, pasta and beans absorb about 2-3x their weight of water.)

If you don’t eat when hungry, you’ll probably eat more the next day. So whether you snack at night or not probably won’t make a difference. I would not feel guilty about snacking, as long as your snacks are healthy. You can always snack on low calorie density cut vegetables if you are concerned about weight loss. I prefer fruit or leftover toasted potatoes for night time snacks. But I will also just fast and wait for morning.

Re: Could you help to check some example days?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 21, 2021 1:32 pm
The other answers are good enough that I don't really have anything to add, except there is a definite learning curve when starting out with this WOE. It's short. But it does take some experience before you really know how much you need to eat to be not-hungry-not- stuffed (my scientific terminology LOL).

Just eat on-plan foods that you enjoy, try not to ruminate too much about calorie intake or portion control, and avoid added fats ("the fat you eat is the fat you wear", as Dr. McDougall says).

Soon you will figure out what works for you. Then it just becomes automatic!

Re: Could you help to check some example days?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2021 3:04 am
by windmill
Thanks for your replies. I agree to that learning curve. There's a thin line between not being hungry and not being stuffed at the beginning. I experienced that!

Made a little potato-experiment the last days. :D
I didn't change the amount of potatoes, but I increased the amount of salad or vegetables I had with them. Salad was more efficient than vegetables; even small amounts made a difference for satiation. But all in all both let me finish my meals only with difficulty.
So now I can understand the recommndation to eat more salad/vegetables even better. Nevertheless, I started to have plain potatoes with chives in the evenings and - to me! - this is more satisfying than any bag of potato chips in the past ever was. And since I know poatoes are low in calories I don't regret any bite.

But may I add a question regarding legumes?
I found a recommendation of one cup per day in the MWL section. Does that only count for MWL or the other programs as well? And what would be the explanation for this?

Re: Could you help to check some example days?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2021 10:09 am
I believe it is Dr. McDougall's recommendation for everyone. The concern is that over-consumption of protein can be harmful for those with existing kidney disease, or at risk for kidney disease.

Here is his explanation from an older article: ... nephritis/

This was also mentioned in The Starch Solution book. I don't know if his thinking has changed any over time, but it's still in the books so I'm assuming it's still recommended..

Of all the McDougall plan recommendations, this one the only one I had some resistance to.

I had no problem not eating refined grains, sugar, fat...but less beans Oh No! Even when I was an unhealthy vegan, I ate beans daily, often at more than one meal. This was part of my family's cultural cuisine (beans/rice, beans/pasta, lentil soup, hummus... etc.)

But I adjusted to eating one serving a day, and now it's normal for me. I was afraid I would get too hungry, but I don't because of all the other starches I eat.

Re: Could you help to check some example days?

PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2021 1:47 am
by windmill
Thanks for sharing, Minnie. I was told by my doctor I should at least eat my optimum weight in grams of protein a day. :-( Dr McDougall's recommendation is definetly below that, but the explanation is argued conclusively and so I will rather trust him. Anyway, I don't think it's too less. I could still eat lot's of my beloved green beans. :)

Re: Could you help to check some example days?

PostPosted: Sat Dec 04, 2021 10:55 am
by frozenveg
windmill wrote:Thanks for sharing, Minnie. I was told by my doctor I should at least eat my optimum weight in grams of protein a day. :-( Dr McDougall's recommendation is definetly below that, but the explanation is argued conclusively and so I will rather trust him. Anyway, I don't think it's too less. I could still eat lot's of my beloved green beans. :)

Windmill, I wonder if you are misled in your legume/green bean assumptions. Although, technically, a green bean is a legume, it is not high in protein as other more traditionally-considered beans--pinto, black, kidney, garbanzo, etc. Green beans have only 1.8 grams of protein in a cup, whereas pintos, for example, have 41 grams. Huge difference! For that reason, I believe green beans are considered non-starchy vegetables, and pretty much unlimited.

So enjoy those green beans all you want!

Re: Could you help to check some example days?

PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2021 10:42 am
by Chumly
"Green beans have only 1.8 grams of protein in a cup, whereas pintos, for example, have 41 grams. Huge difference! "

You have written the values for dried beans. Cooked beans have around 15 grams of protein per cup.
