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Fiber and cancer survival......

PostPosted: Mon Dec 27, 2021 5:08 pm
by f1jim
A study suggesting high fiber diets can help cancer survival. Also hinting that probiotic supplements don't help. ... 75587.html


Re: Fiber and cancer survival......

PostPosted: Sun Jan 02, 2022 8:55 pm
by patty
In the fall of 2019 I had surgery for colon cancer. If I had a colonoscopy earlier the polyp might have been detected and they could have removed it. I didn't really start to change my diet till I was in my 50s. And it could have benign as it took 6 months and about 4 ct scans before I surrendered to surgery for partial bowel obstruction. They say one ct scan is 100 times a xray. It was at the top of my colon. The surgeon said there was another spot of cancer and they took it out along with 7" of my colon. A lot of what ifs.. though because of the pandemic happened the falling year, I didn't go back for the yearly colonoscopy check. Eating a high fiber starch based diet.. I didn't worry about a recurrence. My recovery was really fast. I can't imagine anyone not thinking fiber wouldn't help cancer survival. The body doesn't lie. I attribute being alive today because of being starched based.. this way of lifestyle. I am truly grateful to Dr. McDougall, and these forums.

Re: Fiber and cancer survival......

PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2022 8:17 pm
by KillSwitch
What was your diet like prior Patty before you began this WOE? Glad you had a successful surgery and are doing ok now.

Re: Fiber and cancer survival......

PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2022 12:39 pm
by patty
It was total SAD. I contribute the polyp to animal products. My mistake was not having a procedure to have my colon checked while practicing being starch based WFPB. I saw there is a lower thread, where Jeff Novick's suggests different procedures. Like most people I thought there was only colonoscopy. My fear/anger at the medical institution really played against me where I most likely wouldn't have done any of them. And today I don't think I am really lucky that everything turned out well. I attribute my well being to being starch centered. I am a stress/emotional eater so knowing, experiencing the satiety of starch is a life saver.

I guess I should add.. a lot of anger/distrust of the medical institution was from a gynecologist doctor 8 years ago recommended a hysterectomy. I have POP/pelvic organ prolapse which I decided to leave alone. And dealing with that without any real support other than communities like this didn't help my view of the medical community. My career was being a home health aide where I witnessed a lot of I would say criminal procedures against women.. mastectomies, over time though Dr. McDougall helping to pass a law that women had to be told they could have a lumpectomy, I saw a decrease of mastectomies. Then there were the aftereffects of hysterectomies. I had one Client whose son was one of the CEO's of a major hospital and his mother was left with no control over her fecal matter after a hysterectomy. At first I thought these crimes were against just women.. and then I started putting it together the aftereffects from treatment of prostrate cancer that left me in shock.

Thank you for asking, patty

Here is the thread: colonoscopy case study and mcdougall diet