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Vegetarian women are more likely to have hip fractures than

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2022 3:57 pm
by DenverGuy
Did anyone see this today? I'm sure there is more to this study.

"Vegetarian women are more likely to suffer hip fractures as they age than meat-eaters, according to a study published in BMC Medicine in August.

Researchers studied data from more than 26,000 women aged 35 to 69, collected over a 22-year period, and found that vegetarians were a third more likely to break a hip than those who regularly ate meat.

Possible reasons include such women having a lower BMI on average or nutritional deficiencies, researchers said.

Re: Vegetarian women are more likely to have hip fractures t

PostPosted: Thu Dec 29, 2022 9:57 am
I've been following reporting on this story from other sources, and am not convinced yet that the data is really useful. The way it's reported by popular media is all about an attention-grabbing headline. People love bad news about good habits :roll:

For those interested, here is more detail:

Just for a start, "vegetarian" and "vegan" are pretty unscientific terms. It doesn't necessarily tell us how long they have been following a particular diet, how strictly they follow it, whether they have adequate Vitamin-D levels, what pre-existing and lifestyle conditions they many unanswered questions.

You also can't always tell, from the information given, if the subjects exercise, how much,in what way and for how long they have been doing it. Or how honestly and accurately they fill out self-reporting questionnaires.

Personally, I haven't eaten meat in 40+ years, for ethical reasons, and wouldn't do it even if i were convinced that I was at a higher risk for fractures. So I don't care - even if it was proven to be harmful, I wouldn't change my WOE.

So far, I'm a fit active septuagenarian with no broken bones as yet - I'm sticking with what works for me.:)

P.S. So many other factors in why hip fractures occur should be considered -particularly for prevention. Side effects of medication is a very common one. Women taking all the meds resulting from preventable lifestyle diseases are be more likely to have dangerous falls. There is quite a bit of literature on this. Here's a sample: ... ls-508.pdf

Re: Vegetarian women are more likely to have hip fractures t

PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2023 8:27 am
by dinska
Vegeterians (vs vegans) usually are heavy into the dairy products. Remember how dairy actually leads to poor bone health because of the higher protein? (Among other issues.)

There's a bone health graph in the first link;