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Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 6:47 am
by Lacey
I have zero to report. It had to happen sooner or later. I was 100% MWL this week. I am not feeling discouraged though as my jeans are getting quite baggy and I am wearing a pair of slacks today that have been too tight to wear for a very long time and they now fit fine!

Down 2.2

PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 8:45 am
by Love the Lorax
Down 2.2 for the week, 90% MWL, 10% regular plan. I'm getting in more exercise which is helping.

Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 8:51 am
by RiceGirl
I lost 2 lbs. - about 90% on Plan (I had to eat out a couple of times). That's about a pound a week since I didn't report last Friday (being out of town). Kinda discouraging since everyone else seems to be doing better - but at least it's a loss - finally. :|

I won't be weighing in next Friday as I'll be out of town (in Mexico for my dtr's wedding).



Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 8:57 am
by Love the Lorax
Don't be discouraged!! I've had MANY a week of reporting no loss (or a gain) or a loss of .2, even when I was behaving. That time of the month, a little extra salt, and the scales jump up like they had their own little muscles. LOL!!! You may end up with a big loss a different week.

Have fun at the wedding! How exciting!

dannajeanette wrote:I lost 2 lbs. - about 90% on Plan (I had to eat out a couple of times). That's about a pound a week since I didn't report last Friday (being out of town). Kinda discouraging since everyone else seems to be doing better - but at least it's a loss - finally. :|

I won't be weighing in next Friday as I'll be out of town (in Mexico for my dtr's wedding).



Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 9:42 am
by McDetermined
Lost 2 lbs. this week, 85% MWL, 15% SAD.

Went on what could only be classified as a binge yesterday in response to some significant stressors. It revealed much to me about how I put this weight on in the first place. My coping skills involved eating large amounts of junk food. Thank goodness my body had more sense than I did and reacted violently to to the onslaught. It has taught me a (physically and mentally) painful lesson. Now I know I can't go back... ever. Nor do I want to.

I awoke this morning with renewed hope and, for some reason, I remembered the lyrics to an old church song that seem to apply here:

"But then comes the morning, yesterday's sorrow behind. Wake! It's the day of your longing! Life returns. Mercy comes. It's morning."

Best of luck to all who are traveling or staying home.

-Lisa R.

Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 10:23 am
by Yomom
Minus one pound for me this week. I am teetering on the border between overweight and normal, according to the BMI tables. And I actually put some of my shirts in the dryer, instead of carefully hanging them to dry - because it's OK if they shrink!
We have another sunny day here, and with snow on the ground it is quite pretty. Wishing everybody a losing day!

Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 10:30 am
by Vegeloon
I am up 1 lb today and I know why. The week started out great and I was so enthused about staying on MWL. The end of the week deteriorated into a stress-eating bonanza. Yikes, I have to get a handle on that pattern of mine. (75% MWL, 25% cr*p)
Congrats to everyone on their losses - I'll be there with you again next week.

Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 11:51 am
by Jackie J
Happy to report that I have lost 3 pounds this week down to 153 - thanks for all the support :-D

Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 12:47 pm
by debable
I am not weighing for a while. I am focusing on my plate, not my weight. I really need to let go the diet mentality. When I do decide to weigh myself, I will report. Have a great week everyone. :D

Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 1:14 pm
by SactoBob
Good thinking debable. If you watch the plate, and keep everything MWL on the plate, you are sure to succeed. How many people are trying to bargain with the scale by periodic cheats, thinking that maybe they can eat x% SAD and still lose weight. If you focus on the plate, you don't need to worry about the scale.

As for watching the scale closely, I don't think it pays because you are concentrating on results, over which you have no short term control. If you concentrate on PERFORMANCE instead of results, you are sure to win. That fact applies to just about everything in life.

Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 1:33 pm
by comingtotrue
Released another 2.8 pounds for the week.

Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 1:51 pm
by vickidau

Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 3:02 pm
by stormie
I'm down 2lbs - and I just started MWL'ing on Monday! :D

Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 3:23 pm
by Daffodil
No loss this week. Probably better next week. 95% on MWL and 5% regular plan.

Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 3:34 pm
by Love the Lorax
Sounds like we have had a good week :nod: ..... I don't know about you, but this time of year (holidays over, starting to think about spring) always seems to motivate me to take care of myself so I can enjoy the upcoming warm weather. Yes, I should have that desire all year, I know. However, a case of muffin-top disease can certainly give some extra incentive! LOL!! :lol: