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PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 6:17 am
by Mommylut
April has always been my favorite month. It is my birthday month as well. I really feel like things are meant to be this month. I am re-reading McDougall's Digestive Tune Up to remind myself of all the reasons why I am following this plan. I have definitely gained some weight over the past few months. I chalk up the reason to my allowing others to question what I am doing. Whenever my husband sees me eating my potato, I am in for a 10 minute lecture on how it is not the right thing to eat, blah, blah, blah. So, here is my plan. I have a physical on April 22. The doctor has already OK'd my eating this way, but I am going to use that as my focus (not that I am not planning on eating this way after that). I am going to tell all my loved ones to leave me alone until then and we will see what my results are after the doctor's visit. I will report in each day on how much closer to my goal I am.

Today, I have eaten hash browns for breakfast with ice coffee and soy milk. I am going to find a Wendy's somewhere near here (I am in the middle of Manhattan, for goodness sake) and by baked potatoes and salad for lunch. Dinner will be baked oatmeal - I actually like eating breakfast for dinner. I will be doing 25 minutes on the eliptical and 15 on the treadmill tonight.

I look forward to all our successes in April.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 6:32 am
by LauraA
Welcome all - we have a good size group already! Some of you have posted some great goals. I think that my goal will be to stick with what I'm going - stay on plan with eating, and exercise 6 times per week. This is a month where i will be traveling a good bit. I go to visit my son and his wife who live in Australia. I'll be there for a week, then visit grandkids in Seattle to babysit, then go to New York and to Baltimore for my niece's play. I leave on April 13th, so I'll be extra careful for this first two weeks. I don't really worry about temptation anymore (amazing!) but I will just be worried about having the right foods available. Take care, LauraA

I'm commiting for this month of April

PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 6:34 am
by healthyME
I'm back. I have been in and out for a very long time.

I know this way of life works, I conceived a baby on it after trying for five years. this was eating just regular mcdougall.

Anyway, the baby is one, and I lost my baby weight with her, which was only 30 pounds. I have alot more to go. I quit smoking two weeks ago today and can breathe easier. Now I want to be radiant. I started this morning and feel better already... I'm hoping I can keep this up...

I'm excited about the month and looking forward to feeling better and losing some weight.


PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 6:40 am
by Mommylut
By the way - I realize the one thing that keeps getting in the way is taking snacks with me. I am OK if I am in the office or at home and can make a quick cup of oatmeal or a mcdougall soup. The difficult thing is something I can grab for a day outside (besides a cold potatoe). As the weather gets warmer, we are out more and more. Any suggestions?


goals for April

PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 6:44 am
by healthyME
eat more fruits, veggies, whole grains, a lot less fat.

Start exercising... even if at 10 minutes a time...


PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 8:00 am
by bethannerickson
I'm in. I don't post often, but will try to squeeze some time in to chat.


PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 8:49 am
by Letha.
Thursday Is Weigh-In Day

If you’d like to participate, please post your results sometime on Thursday and I’ll add them up for the group on Friday morning.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 8:53 am
by Letha.
Good morning all,
I’m on plan and planning to stay that way. Dang good newsletter this month, don’t ya think? I’m feeling passionate about starch and I love the new proposed CA state law.

I’m experimenting with congee this week. Basically you just cook the heck out of some rice until it turns into porridge. Keda got me going on this. Anyway, yesterday I made a plain pot and ate it with a sliced banana and a dollop of raspberry jam. This morning I’ve got a pot on the stove with sweet potato, garlic, ginger, & veggie broth in it and I’m going to serve it with a little green onion on top. My internet research this week tells me that congee, also known as jook, is widely eaten in Asian countries for breakfast and is often fed to babies, the elderly, and people who are ill because it’s easy to digest. Millet and sweet potato congee is a popular dish in some places. Of course, they do add all kinds of non-McDougall ingredients to congee too but we won’t discuss that here. :cool:

Hope you all are having a great day. I’ll check back tomorrow.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 9:13 am
by Bambie113
Ok, I was out for most of March because I wasn't close to being 100% and was embarressed that wasn't loosing but didn't really want to change my habits again.. But I am starting today! I want to be 100% as soon as I eat a piece of bread or a little piece of dark chocolate I have to have more and the next day I want even more. It just never stops! I'm very excited to get back to it. Thanks everyone for being here!

PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 10:38 am
by Faith in DC
I'm on course and planning on staying the course for April. The weather should be better, so I will get more walks in. I had a good March.

Laura - There is Baltimore folks on here. There is mcd friendly places.

The good news, we should start to see some good veggies and fruits coming in and being cheap. Farmers markets will be starting up. We have no excuse not to eat healthy.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 10:47 am
by MelissaB
I'm in for April. Like many others, March was not good for me. It feels good to be back...

PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 12:13 pm
by marlie
I know you are a big group.. :-D Is there enough room for me?

The light finally clicked on overhead and who knew if one really stuck to the program, it works!lol I've been following the MWLP with no falling off for about a week now and am already seeing progress.

I finally got Dr. McDougall's MWL book and also got The China Study.
I've been trying Mary's mini diet off and on for quite some time and then fell off completely.
But I'm here and I'm sticking with MWLP as exact as I can.

So far I'm focusing on the MWLP and then will get to adding in my exercising. I'm waiting for my treadmill to be delivered, so it will be great to get started on it when it gets here!
I do like that I am able to focus on the MWLP first though. I tend to better that way. (one thing at a time :-D )

Count me in

PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 1:15 pm
by sulross
I have been reading this for a few months. I am the only one at my house McDougalling, so sometimes it is a challenge that I don't always win. However, I want to set a positive example for my young daughter and show my older son that you can be a strong person physically and not live on meat. So far I am not a good example because I am over one hundred lbs overweight and basically miserable. I have been dabbling with this for to long and need to get serious. :mad: I am not getting any younger ya know. So hopefully reporting into this thread will help me be more focused and stay away from my husbands good cooking. :-)

PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 1:35 pm
by Bambie113
Welcome Sulross! I'm sure you'll really like having the accountability of the forum! You've already got a great loss going there! Good Luck with April!

PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 2:12 pm
by txveggie
I am really stressed out right now (family issues and whatnot) but was so proud of myself today. I was helping Dad with some chores and he wanted Popeye's fried shrimp for lunch and instead of eating it as well I got their beans and rice. It might have not been completely oil free but I bet it is close, very tasty too!