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PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 8:09 am
by Mommylut
sksamboots- Can you provide the link to Mary's article? I am thinking of joining in on this challenge, but would like to read the article first.

Checking in

PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 8:11 am
by kirstykay
Day 9 for me. One more day on the original 10-day challenge. I'm definately going to stay on this until Friday, but I was considering doing it until my birthday on Nov. 17th. It could be fun to see if I can do it that long. It's just sooo easy and straightforward, and I'm not bored with the food like I thought I would be.

I'm amazed that I'm not craving food. I've always been a "foodie" and I've always craved sweets. My boys had ice cream sundaes last night, and they honestly looked gross to me!! I can't tell you how weird that felt! Ice cream used to be my biggest trigger! I could eat a whole carton over the course of a day without thinking about it. There was a time when I couldn't keep it in the house at all, or I'd eat it. It literally called my name from the freezer and it was like I had no power over it at all...I HAD to eat it! I haven't been that bad in a while, but it's still been my downfall on many diets that I've been on. So, to not even be tempted by it, is astounding to me. There really IS something to the physiology behind eating this way!

Which reminds me, I'm reading Dr. Neal Barnard's book about reversing diabetes, and it's fascinating!!! He explains, in easy to understand terms, the scientific research that proves the "why" behind how this way of eating works to combat diabetes and obesity. I'm so encouraged. I can't tell you how helpless and hopeless and scared I felt before starting this! It feels so good to have hope again that I'm not powerless...and I don't have to sit by and watch my weight continue to go up and my health steadily deteriorate.

Deb-Thanks for starting this new thread to keep us all going! It looks like you're back on track. It's inspiring to see you not give up when you were frustrated and just "begin again." Have a great day!


PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 10:20 am
by sksamboots

PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 10:24 am
by Della Street
I've posted on the November MWL thread but thought I would also write here because I'm currently doing Mary's Mini. Just finished Day 1 yesterday of potatoes and veggies. Prior to that, I completed 2 months of mostly compliant MWL and have lost 10 lbs.

Sksamboots - I too would like a link to Mary's article about potatoes only. I don't think I've seen it before.

Kirstykay - It's great to hear how hopeful and encouraged you are. Your enthusiasm is rubbing off on me. :)

PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 10:25 am
by sksamboots
Hello Everyone!!

I'm doing great. The scale is moving down slowly but I don't blame it. I won't post my loss until I'm below my lowest weight, that I was at before I binged on SAD food. So once I'm there, then I will let you know how it's working for me. The good news is the weight is coming off.

The potatoe thing is really working for me. I'm never hungry.

3 small sweet potatoes

Lunch: 2 medium russett potatoes

Snack: 1 sweet potatoe

Russett Potatoes

I eat as much as a want and sometimes stuff myself. I have no cravings. I have been 100% for 7 days now on MM. Feeling good and motivated. I'm just feeling my way through this but I believe this is something I can stick to for a while. Hope everyone has a successful day :-D

Potatoe Information

PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 10:30 am
by sksamboots
*"While root vegetables like potatoes and sweet potatoes provide well-rounded nutrition—grains and beans lack sufficient vitamins A and C to be eaten alone; therefore add some fruit and/or green and yellow vegetables to make your grain and bean meals complete."

This is quoted from the two links I posted :-D

PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 12:56 pm
by kirstykay
janluvs2heel wrote:Just checking in. On plan & planning on staying that way.

Really busy, no overwhelming busy at my job so no real time to be posting my thoughts. Hope I keep it together all week!!

Jan-Thanks for posting even though you're busy. I hope you find time to do everything that's overwhelming you! It's nice to have a simply eating plan, so that doesn't have to take too much of your attention. Have a great day.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 8:05 pm
by MaryW
Great to be here, sksamboots! :-D

My internet connection is slooooooooow. Sometimes it stops altogether. :-( So I'll do my best posting, but I can't make any guarantees.

Today I had a baked potato for breakfast with some leftover baked beans. Baked potato snack midmorning. I had a sweet potato AND a baked potato with salsa for lunch. (boy was I stuffed!) Dinner was some steamed brussels sprouts with braggs and has browns that I baked in the oven. Still feeling a bit peckish, so I might have to have some more hash browns.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 10:03 pm
by sksamboots
Yay for a successful day everyone :-D

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 6:41 am
by janluvs2heel
On plan & really trying to stay that way. My office is so stressful right now, with one person on maternity leave, another one out due to breast cancer. She is supposed to come back this Monday, I can hardly wait. But in the meantime, the temp is trying to take over & at 430 yesterday, today's charts weren't even pulled & gone thru. I had to run around doing it so my end of month stuff is not even done. So today I have decided I am going to say something, I just can't keep holding it in. It isn't her place to be changing things around to suit her, she is a temp, hello, what part of that dont you understand & even so, how does she think Teri will feel when she is back on Monday to find things all moved around to suit MARIA??? And I am spending time running around trying to finish her work? Okay, thanks for letting me vent. I dont have time to do any journaling until the end of the week. Yesterday someone brought in Pumpkin Pie from Marie Callendar's. Luckily I dont care for it but you know, when you are stressed, sometimes it is so tempting to just eat anything off plan. Then I think of last week, the chocolate cake, the cinnamon rolls, dang, if I am gonna eat something, it is gonna be something I like. So I am in control, barely hanging on. I know I will feel horrible if I eat off plan so hanging onto that thought.

On plan for potatoes, gonna make sweet potatoes & apples for breakfast. I will take it to work, maybe Maria will ask me if it is potatoes & eggs again. Ha,ha. Potatoes for lunch, maybe with some veggies.

Glad to hear everyone is doing well.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 8:01 am
by kirstykay
janluvs2heel wrote: So I am in control, barely hanging on. I know I will feel horrible if I eat off plan so hanging onto that thought.

Jan-I think being stressed is the hardest time to stay strong! You're doing GREAT!!!! Keep it up! :D

Today is day 10 for me!!! Yea!! I'm going to keep doing this because it's really working. I'll weigh in Friday and see what the scale says.

Hope you all have a great day!

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 8:29 am
by nomikins
I joined this group yesterday and totally blew it yesterday. I ate cheese and sour cream at a burrito place, even after the big talk with self to say "NO DAIRY". Afterward, I had that mucousy feeling in my throat. Blech.

However, that was the second time I ate cheese yesterday. I scarfed down some cheese cubes at work because I let myself get too hungry between breakfast and lunch. Ate breakfast at 7:30 (a bowl of oatmeal with 1 TBSP raisins). Then, took a walk at 12:30 and didn't get to lunch until 1:30. Not good, and I know much better than that.

After running a half marathon this past weekend, I have been extra hungry and craving salty food. The smart thing would have been to eat more potatoes and sprinkle on some salt. However, I'm feeling more "normal" today and will be a good girl.

Got my sweet taters all cooked up and ready to reheat. I ate breakfast at 7:30 and will eat lunch #1 at 11:30 (consisting of sweet potato and broccoli). Lunch #2 will be around 3PM or so (more of the same). Then CrossFit workout after work and some soup for dinner.

Hope you all have a successful day!

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 10:31 am
by sksamboots
Looks like everyone is doing great. I'm feeling really strong and this is very easy for me at the moment. It helps having my SAD husband decide he wants to eat MWL for health reasons, so that's really good. I've been trying to convert him for a while now. So there is absolutely no SAD food in the house and he doesn't buy fast food anymore. Makes it so much easier. I also am always prepared. I cook a big 5 pound bag of russett potatoes and 5 pounds of sweet potatoes every 2 days. I have some in my bag at all times, so if I'm hungry I can just grab some. Anyways, hope you are all finding what works for you.

Deb: hope you figure the thyroid thing out, sounds scary.
nomikins: I think each time I would eat off plan, always helped me to prepare to stay on plan next time. Looks like it's the same for you
jan: I know times are stressful, but you are doing amazing! If you can pass up all that food, you can do anything!
kristykay: congrats on day 10! I'm glad your staying

Breakfast for me: 2 sweet potatoes
Lunch: Russett potatoes
Dinner: Russett potatoes
Beverage: Water

Keep on keepin on everyone! :D

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 12:44 pm
by CraftyeLadye
Day 3 for me and feeling so much better already. the exciting thing is my blood sugar is below 200 finally. Yay me!

Menu for today:

B: sliced roasted potatoes
S: grapple
L: potatoes with spinach, mushrooms and yellow squash and a large salad
D: stir fry veggies with potatoes and large salad

I made it through the snack attack.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 2:40 pm
by nomikins
I'm happy to report I made it through the valley of temptation. When my blood sugar abruptly plummeted at about 3PM, I went to the breakroom kitchen, where I saw some leftover salad and pasta from a meeting. Pasta had meat and cream sauce, so no temptation there. But, what's that? Croutons! Mmm, croutons, I can just have a couple. Musn't. Give. In. No, wait! CHERRY TOMATOES! YES! Score! I ate the last three cherry tomatoes and then grabbed a sweet potato from the fridge. The sweet potato was just this side of carmelized. YUM. I feel so much better! Oh, and I did NOT eat any of the croutons. :D