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Re: FEBRUARY 2019 Maintenance Group

PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2019 3:19 am
by Suey51
Oh Geo, I'm so sorry to hear about the tax problems :-( Hope your finances improve during the rest of the year. Your success with this way of eating and the way you write about it here have been an inspiration to me, and I'm sure, many others. As you say, you are healthy and weight is stable so that's good :-)

Lindsey Thanks for the feedback on Code Blue. I'll keep an eye out for it and may suggest it for a future date night! Glad the tea party went well - the food sounds great! Well done for staying compliant on Valentines Day :-) And thanks for the links to Dr McDougall's work on heart disease. It's a very useful reminder that this way of eating is about health, not just weight.

My weight today is down by 0.8 pounds - woo hoo! It was definitely a week of two halves with some off-program items at the weekend and then better eating through the week. Was hoping to get back to my goal weight by next weekend, but as I'm still 3 pounds above that, I'm going to be practicing being patient and adherent. A 'slow and steady' approach worked when I originally lost the weight ;-) There's room for further refinements in my diet to get me back there. Did more walking this week, so plan to continue with that, and add in some gym-work now that my back is feeling better. Overall, I'm feeling well, am healthy and enjoying life :-)

Hope everyone has a great weekend, Sue

Re: FEBRUARY 2019 Maintenance Group

PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2019 8:34 am
by Starchyme
I am a pound up from my goal. But I've been fairly inactive this past week from an injury. So I count not gaining more than that a positive. At least my house is stocked with all McDougall-approved foods, especially his soups.

Re: FEBRUARY 2019 Maintenance Group

PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2019 6:48 pm
by Lyndzie
Well done, Sue! That is almost a full pound in a week. Your compliance really shows!

Hi Starchyme! Sorry to hear you are injured, rest up and hope you feel better soon.

I’ve had a pretty decent week overall. Just up and down with that same pound. Went to the international grocery yesterday and stocked up on some favorites. Tomorrow my two sisters and I are getting together for a dumpling party to make pot stickers. We’re also going to have miso soup, salad with sesame dressing, steamed sticky rice and kimchi. It’s all compliant! I’m pretty excited.

Wishing everyone a great week,

Re: FEBRUARY 2019 Maintenance Group

PostPosted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 2:35 pm
by Ejeff
Lindsey, that is so cool you will make potstickers. I’ve never done that do you just buy potsticker wrappers? And then boil them? My week was good, had movie popcorn and do regret that, so need to not be tempted and take a healthy cookie or something. I don’t buy it but my hubby does and then the temptation is right at my fingertips, which is still a crappy excuse for eating it lol. Scale showed the exact same weight as last week. I’m not really sure what my goal weight is at this point, I know I will be where I need to be when I don’t have the fat in the couple spots where it shouldn’t be. Hope everyone has a great week :D

Re: FEBRUARY 2019 Maintenance Group

PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2019 9:38 am
by Lyndzie
Hi Erin! My husband is a popcorn fan, too. That’s a tricky food to walk away from, for sure! Great job on the constistency. Hopefully with warming weather those stubbon spots will melt away, too, haha.

The potstickers were great. You can buy wrappers and just make veggie fillings. It was a fun group activity and delicious! The whole meal was compliant and everyone loved it.

Re: FEBRUARY 2019 Maintenance Group

PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2019 9:52 am
by Lyndzie
There have been a couple posts in the lounge this week that have really gotten me thinking about the importance of adherence and the fact that no amount of vegetables can ensure that we’ll never get sick.

Jeff recently updated a thread to this effect. In it he wrote:

So, while we may wish it to be so, not everyone gets off all medication, nor can they. This is a myth in the WFPB world. As a result of this myth, some will self doctor themselves and take themselves off all medication when that may not be the wisest choice (based on risk/benefit). Not all damage is reversible and not everyone still has their full healing potential.

I found this to be motivating and a relief. Motivating in the fact that I want to continue to work hard to nourish myself, but also a relief in the fact that I had decades of life that happened before I started eating this way, and those years can’t be undone. Some illnesses aren’t food related, so no amount of kale will make them go away, but eating this way will give our bodies the best chance to manage those challenges.

Wishing everyone a great rest of the week! The next check in will be in next month’s thread, on Friday, March 1st.

Re: FEBRUARY 2019 Maintenance Group

PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2019 10:33 pm
by Lyndzie
Happy Friday! Be sure to hop on over to the March maintenance thread to touch base. viewtopic.php?f=13&t=59368

Re: FEBRUARY 2019 Maintenance Group

PostPosted: Fri Mar 01, 2019 5:37 pm
by Starchyme
So I weighed in today. I'm assuming it's for this past week. Or is it the first post of March. At any rate, I am back to my goal weight.

Re: FEBRUARY 2019 Maintenance Group

PostPosted: Fri Mar 01, 2019 7:56 pm
by geo
Its been a physically very tiring week at work, so much so that I've lost 3 lbs (!) in 4 days...yep, all water loss...a couple days rest and a little extra hydration and I'm back to normal weight :D Its amazing how weight can easily fluctuate so much without it being stirctly about calories...

Oh and the good news...I'm getting a promotion at work :D

Re: FEBRUARY 2019 Maintenance Group

PostPosted: Fri Mar 01, 2019 9:10 pm
by sirdle
geo wrote:Oh and the good news...I'm getting a promotion at work :D

Hooray! :-P

Re: FEBRUARY 2019 Maintenance Group

PostPosted: Sun Mar 03, 2019 6:40 pm
by Lyndzie
Hi guys! March is already here (February flies by so quickly). Be sure to check out the March thread here.

Geo - YAY FOR YOU! Things are looking up!! That’s quite a bit of water. Definitely time for some hydration.

Starchyme - WOOHOO! Goal weight for the win. The plan is to check in on the month that Friday lands on.