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Family 1 yr Anniversary

PostPosted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 11:25 pm
by Geeneeus1
I first posted on the discussion board at our 7 month mark.

Jan 14, 2014 was the family anniversary on the plan. My parents and I started together, my brother and sister joined in as they saw how great we looked and felt.

My grandparents and extended family living in London haven't seen my parents in about a year; the reactions said it all. My grandmother commented on how glowing mum's skin was, EVERYONE told her she looked fantastic, they loved the food she made.

That last statement is no surprise, mum is a wizard when it comes to food. The thing is, our family ate the food thinking there was a "full" fat version and the McDougall version. They still don't know, they all ate the McDougall version. Mum simply put the food in two separate dishes to avoid controversy.

6 aunt's, 2 uncle's knowingly, 2 because they don't cook, and 8 cousins have joined the program after seeing our physical results and hearing about mum's diabetes, dad's arthritis/joint pain and my allergy/asthma results.

This last point is our biggest cause for celebration. Not only is mum's daily blood sugar in the 85-110 range but her A1c is down to 6. Additionally, her life insurance premium has dropped, she got a$1300 refund for the 6 months we tried to get the premium reduction, plus there will be future reductions with regular checkups.

It gets better! My father and I are saving $2400 annually in allergy med costs. that was our out of pocket...not including what the insurance company payed or the quarterly Dr. visits plus hours wasted sitting in waiting rooms and cold exam rooms. These are the material benefits (most of which funded a new wardrobe for three of us).

The priceless benefits...Mum is diabetes, cholesterol and blood pressure free, dad is pain free (arthritis), all of us feel fantastic, have double to triple the energy we did before, we are actually getting back to doing the activities we enjoyed like biking, canoeing, etc...

With regard to energy, I used to be productive for about 6 to 8 hours a day. Sometimes, I would wake up feeling drained even though I had solid rest. I tried all sorts of tips and tricks including exercise but nothing was helping. Now I sleep 6 to 8 hours and wake up naturally without feeling tired. Sometimes I do a double take in the mirror because my skin looks brilliant!

Confessions...I cheated twice with pizza, about 10 times with ice cream and countless times with chocolate. I'm over everything except chocolate but that it's on the way out too.

me- from 178 to 139 (I was 135 my entire adult life until age 30, then I gained about 8lbs per year, even with exercise)
dad- from 180 to 140
Mum-from 180 -158 (I'm attributing the difference in her weight loss vs mine and dad's to muscle and age).

No one thought I'd last a year eating like this based on my penchant for cheese and gelato but I plan to go for the rest of my life. I wish I listened to my grandfather when he told me but better now than never!

Big thanks to Dr. McDougall and all those who left testimonials. Between the research available on the site and the real results we were motivated to action. Now we're part of happy stats instead SAD stats.

This was composed on a mobile phone so apologies if it comes off as remedial English.

Re: Family 1 yr Anniversary

PostPosted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 4:39 am
by amgmmg
Congratulations. That is an inspiring story. Well Done. You must be proud of yourself and you deserve it.

Re: Family 1 yr Anniversary

PostPosted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 10:11 am
by PreciousTaters
Geeneeus1 wrote:The thing is, our family ate the food thinking there was a "full" fat version and the McDougall version. They still don't know, they all ate the McDougall version. Mum simply put the dishes in two separate dishes to avoid controversy.

So brilliant! :nod: :thumbsup:

Re: Family 1 yr Anniversary

PostPosted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 10:27 am
by JulieS
Fantastic! What an inspiring story! Thanks for sharing!

Re: Family 1 yr Anniversary

PostPosted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 11:08 am
by Melinda
That is so wonderful! Congratulations - I'll bet there are a lot of us who envy you that your whole family got onboard. :-D

Re: Family 1 yr Anniversary

PostPosted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 5:45 pm
by Geeneeus1
Thanks all! I've find the testimonials really helpful so I thought us share our success as well.

@Melinda - it's definitely nice that were all on the plan together. Initially it was just me. I'd cook my own meals and mum would make hers. Dad would have a bit of both and there would be leftovers. Between leftovers and buying dairy milk AND soy juice, mum got fed up. I also quite bluntly told her that if she chose to die a show painful death, she was welcome to and I along with my siblings would gladly take care if her. However, while she was free to do that, I let her know my plan was different. I am going to be healthy and independent like my grandparents in their 90s. After about two months ( the day after mum's 50th birthday) she declared she is joining...and by default dad.

My brother and sister don't live with us, they opted in AFTER seeing physical results. Frankly, I'm blown away that my brother is following the plan. He even cooks which is a shocking first.

All the best and thanks for the responses!

Re: Family 1 yr Anniversary

PostPosted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 6:10 pm
by greentea
PreciousTaters wrote:
Geeneeus1 wrote:The thing is, our family ate the food thinking there was a "full" fat version and the McDougall version. They still don't know, they all ate the McDougall version. Mum simply put the dishes in two separate dishes to avoid controversy.

So brilliant! :nod: :thumbsup:

I agree, your mom is awesome! Congrats to the whole family!

Re: Family 1 yr Anniversary

PostPosted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 10:07 pm
by Pumpkin Pete
What I find particularly impressive is that the whole family adopted this way of eating.

By the way you can have 'ice cream' on the McDougall plan, banana ice cream that is.
Freeze the flesh of ripe bananas. A day later remove them from the freezer and blend until creamy - a powerful food processor is necessary. Add a few berries to the frozen bananas to add flavour and colour. You should eat the banana ice cream immediately while it's creamy.

Re: Family 1 yr Anniversary

PostPosted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 8:26 pm
by Primrose
Well Done! :D

Re: Family 1 yr Anniversary

PostPosted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 6:27 am
by SocratesOfHealth
Thanks for sharing. This is very motivational.

Re: Family 1 yr Anniversary

PostPosted: Sun Feb 16, 2014 4:21 pm
by eXtremE
Congrats....keep up the good work! Image

Re: Family 1 yr Anniversary

PostPosted: Sat Mar 01, 2014 6:16 pm
by Nean
Wonderful! Good job getting Mum to join (and finding a powerful cook to convert!)

We are going to see my brother and sister in law in September. I better keep getting serious about my diet and exercise - want to convert them! :evil:

Re: Family 1 yr Anniversary

PostPosted: Thu May 15, 2014 12:17 pm
by Geeneeus1
This year, we have had two tragedies in our family. One of my uncle's passed away due to leukemia and another is currently recovering in icu from a triple bypass.

In the second event, my aunt asked us a year ago what we are doing regards our health because she thought my parents looked amazing (she is younger than my parents). My aunt still uses dairy in meals. Both my parents thanked me again for changing their health. My siblings and I are thrilled that we won't have to see our parents living painfully.

Personally, I'm at GOOOOOOOOOAL! 135 :-), my brother still cooks for himself, my sister is making progress towards getting healthy and both ny parents are in great shape.
I went from a size 16 to 6/8 in jeans and 4 in dresses. Having a delectable lasagna as I type. It took 18 months but I can do this forever. I'm thrilled!

Feel free to contact me if you have questions. We make a lot of quick and easy meals that are delicious such as curried roasted cauliflower, cabbage steaks, pasta putanesca, dosa, lentil tacos etc....the list is endless.

Re: Family 1 yr Anniversary

PostPosted: Thu May 15, 2014 2:12 pm
by viv
Many congratulations to you for reaching G-O-A-L!! It must feel so wonderful to finally get there. You have inspired your family to change as well, and now they can look forward to long life and good health. FANTASTIC!!

Your story is very newsworthy. Maybe a local magazine or newspaper would be interested because it's unusual for a whole family to regain their health together. The more ways we can get the word out the better!

Happy McDougalling!

Re: Family 1 yr Anniversary

PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2014 8:35 am
by Nean
You and your family remain an amazing story. Thanks so much for the update and for reminding us that one person's behavior can have such a positive ripple effect on the health of an entire community! :-D