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Time and Adherence!

PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 8:01 pm
by nicoles
Hello All! :-D

My name is Nicole and I have a chronic autoimmune disease with two names, psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. Like all autoimmune diseases, it has no cure, and is conventionally treated with medications with varying levels of nasty side effects, running the gamut from weight gain, to cancer to death by infection.

I was essentially disabled when I found this website. I had unrelenting pain in some joints, and fluctuating levels of pain and stiffness in other joints and muscles. At times I could not walk, dress or bathe myself. Other times I was a bit more mobile, but I could not predict how I might be feeling at any given moment. I was on Imuran (Azathioprine), a purine drug and chemotherapeutic agent that suppresses the immune system. I was getting regular infections, mouth sores, tooth decay and other issues as a result. I had only been on it for two months but it was horrible. Even though I was on this strong medication, I was still essentially disabled. My terrible pain only abated slightly, I was exhausted all the time, and I had awful brain fog, too. Additionally, I had psoriasis - flaky patches of itchy skin - in a few spots on my body. I had suffered from psoriasis since I was a toddler, always on my ankles and sometimes other areas, like my scalp. In truth, I did not really suffer much, as my case of psoriasis was mild, but it was there indicating immune dysfunction all the while.

I weighed about 165 pounds at 5' 6.5", had a BMI of 26.2 and a blood pressure of 140/90, heading into high blood pressure range. My cholesterol was naturally on the low side, considering I was a veritable butter-and-cheese vampire before changing my diet, coming in at 160. My fasting glucose was borderline high, too, but I don't remember what it was now.

On January 10th, 2011, I started the diet. Within the first 2 days I had to go off of the Imuran because I began to experience some dangerous symptoms of racing heart, shortness of breath and a distinct rash. (I never went back on any medication) Within 2 weeks I had lost 15 pounds and had a significant reduction in my symptoms. I notice that I wrote in my journal that most of my symptoms were gone then , but looking back and remembering, I realize they were just relatively better. I could function, but I still had pain and stiffness. However, my lifelong psoriasis patches on my ankles were gone!

In March, 2011, I got a physical. These were the results:

Blood Pressure 120/70
Fasting Blood Sugar: 85
Cholesterol: 108
Weight: 148

Very good :mrgreen: , but my pain was still there. :-(

For the next six months I continued to steadily lose weight, and my pain and stiffness improved incrementally. Very slowly. I noticed that it was cyclical: I had increased pain and psoriasis during in the luteal phase of my menstruation. I also got sick very often. I was ALWAYS ill with something or another. Not a poster child for this WOE at that point, although it undeniably helped out and was worth something!

I got impatient around the 6 month mark, and did a 5-day water fast (it was terribly hard, I felt so sick and awful the whole time) and then embarked upon and Elimination Diet. This also helped a lot. I lost more weight, getting as low as 112 lbs and then finally settling at around 123 pounds. However, I still had many ups and downs in terms of pain, and there were certain things my body just would not do. I also continued to have severe PMS/PMDD, long after I "should" be still having the issues I did.

About 8 months in, I had a terrible flare up of pain, followed by an improvement in pain and mobility afterwards. This became a pattern that I recognized which continued for a couple of years - flare ups, followed by improvements. Overall, I was improving. But there were ups and downs.

Over time, I learned more and more about what I could and could not eat (I am sensitive to carrots and brown rice, for example, which are staples on most Elimination Diets). I had committed to this WOE for life, but on another level was not sure if I'd ever be one of the people who really got all the way better. I was content enough with that, although it wasn't wonderful.

I observed that lack of sleep, excess stress and either too much or too little physical activity made things worse.

I noticed that eating more of a MWL-style, heavy on green leafies, was beneficial for me.

Two and a half years in, I was doing pretty good, still not all there. I could finally work, though! :-D

Now, Three and a half years in, I finally feel OK enough to say that I am really there.

I walk 4-7 miles in very hilly areas almost daily

I swim 2-3 times a week

I stretch daily

I lift weights 2-3x a week.

I have energy.

I have a life outside of taking care of my health.

I travel.

I feel like myself.

Some foods I used to get pain from eating no longer bother me. (Not all of them, though)


It was predicted to me by my Doctors that I would only get worse, even within the natural variability of autoimmune disease. They were wrong. Simple as that.

I wrote this to help out anyone who feels like giving up after two weeks, 6 months, a year or more of trying without full success. Especially those with autoimmune disease, but also for those with other issues. Jeff Novick has said it many times, and I fully agree - Time and Adherence are key. For some of us it might take longer, but we can and will get ahead if we just keep plugging along. Time and Adherence :-D

Thanks So Much to Dr McDougall, and this wonderful forum inhabited by wonderful people! I know I could not have done any of it without you. I am eternally grateful.


(p.s. - I will put up pictures once I find some - I have a ton of "After" but I can't find any "Before" I wonder why? I guess me, overweight and in a wheelchair, with braces on my hands and knees plus a shoulder sling was not something I wanted a record of :lol: )

Re: Time and Adherence!

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 1:21 am
by Daydream
Wow, what a great post. Thank you for sharing!

Re: Time and Adherence!

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 8:45 am
by pundit999
Wow! One of the greatest posts on this forum!
Thanks for sharing.

I am trying to reverse heart disease through this way of eating and after 2 years, seem to be mostly out of the woods. I also experienced that improvement came in bursts. At times, I felt like I was not making any progress. But as I persevered , I saw unambiguous improvement.

Re: Time and Adherence!

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 9:14 am
by nicoles
Thanks for reading, Daydream and pundit66!

Pundit66, it is very interesting to hear about your similar experience of "improving in bursts". And that after time, unambiguous improvement was evident. Glad to not be the only one!

Update to Testimonial:

Had my blood pressure taken yesterday. 90/60.

They had to take it three times before they believed it. :lol:

Re: Time and Adherence!

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 9:43 am
by FlowerPower
Thanks for this post...just the reminder I needed!!

Re: Time and Adherence!

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 10:42 am
by lmggallagher
Thank you Nicole for this testimonial. It makes me terribly sad to think at a young age you had this AI disorder take over your life: I had no idea how bad it was - even from reading your journal here. I am over-the-moon about what you can do and are achieving these days. The amount of physical activity currently in your days is just stunning and I hope one day to be able to do half of what you are doing!

Most importantly - you bring a solid story to the time and adherence mantra. There are quite a few of us with super stubborn maladies like PA, MS or in my case fibromyalgia - who must approach this and realize that turning back is impossible - and sticking with it is terribly slow and even tedious. Sadly, -there are periods with little to show often following periods where gains had been evident - and then viola you find that your life is back - usually some years into the WOE and with significant tweaking along the way.

I am thrilled to see people come here without a single health issue to prod them into it - these folks may avert health issues altogether for their lifetimes. Then there are those who'd like to address something this WOE can revert quickly, like weight loss or Type 2 diabetes - those folks do well here in no time. However, my real heroes here are the people for whom medicine says there is no cure and their progress is slow even with good adherence. That's your story and you have stuck with it learning by trial and error and tons of research. Finally, things are great for you - but it was years in the making to get to this new vibrant Nicole.

Without you and the others posting on the slow progress too - I would have given up long ago. But because of your story here and in your journal I always have faith, as do many others - that time, diligence and continually educating yourself will pay off. I also am delighted that we have stuck to it and have made some great friendships sharing together along the way!

Thank you for carefully posting your progress on this journey for all to learn from and also being the intelligent, funny, zany, accomplished artist and unique person you are!

Love and best wishes always - Michelle

Re: Time and Adherence!

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 1:25 pm
by geo
Fantastic job Nicole! I love these kinds of long term reports. It should give solice to those that don't see immediate returns. It also shows that long term compliance is not just achievable but a very worthy goal. I'm so happy to see that you have your life back. Do I hear Dr Mcdougall calling for another Star? :D

PS. you have got to show us your worst case pic and how you are today, that will be amazing!

Re: Time and Adherence!

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 2:01 pm
by Katydid
If you haven't already, please do submit your testimonial to Dr. McDougall - you are a Star McDougaller if there ever was one! :thumbsup: :nod:

Re: Time and Adherence!

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 2:43 pm
by Ltldogg
Excellent point Nicole!!!

Congrats on your success and to your health. Keep it up!

Re: Time and Adherence!

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 3:52 pm
by viv
Nicole, you are an inspiration. Your journey from disabled to fit and active with a devastating condition like psoriatic arthritis is nothing less than miraculous. My niece in Australia, who is in her thirties, suffers from psoriatic arthritis and although she is not on board with McDougall yet, I am hoping that your inspirational story will help her. I wish you many years of health and happiness.


Re: Time and Adherence!

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 4:31 pm
by JulieS
What an achievement, Nicole! I am so happy for you and your new found health and energy. Yours was truly a life changing experience! Does you family and friends comment on the difference of how you were as compared to now? Regardless, your happiness shines through for sure! :nod: Thanks for posting your story. I, too, hope that you submit your story to Dr. McDougall as you are a Star! :D

Re: Time and Adherence!

PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2014 7:22 am
by nicoles
Thank you all so much!

Michelle, I am delighted we were in this together here too! The friendships I have made here are very important to me :D

Geo and Katydid, I am feeling a bit starstruck! Thank you! I sent Dr McDougall an email, we'll see what he thinks. ( I am scouring my PC for pictures, too)

Ltdogg, thanks!

Viv, I hope your niece tries it out. Giving up dairy at the very least is worth a shot for her.

JulieS, thank you! My family and friends have definitely noticed. In fact, my parents, my husband, my In-laws and two of my cousins now eat this way., and several other family members have made more modest dietary and lifestyle changes. I guess the evidence was convincing enough for them to give it a shot. My parents and husband and I were driving somewhere recently and we realized that between all of us we'd lost enough weight to make a full grown adult. It was funny at the time ;-)

Re: Time and Adherence!

PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2014 8:18 am
by vgpedlr
Great work Nicole! What an awesome story! You are an inspiration not just to your family, but to all of us here. It's stories like yours that I reflect on after being inundated with Paleo propaganda. Congratulations!

Re: Time and Adherence!

PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2014 10:00 am
by WeeSpeck
Hi Nicole,

I hope you realize how many people you inspired and helped as you documented your journey to health on these boards. You are a beacon of hope and possibility. You are living proof that this way of eating not only saves lives but also allows us to live the life we were meant to have at the fullest potential.

Thank you!

Re: Time and Adherence!

PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2014 12:28 pm
by kalehi
Hi Nicole,

Thanks for your very inspiring story, and for the long-term perspective!

You should definitely be a Star McDougaller!
