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Another Success Story

PostPosted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 9:37 am
by LarryW
A week or so ago, I came across Dr. McDougall's name, while searching the main names in diet and recovery from heart disease. I had been less involved for some years. But my story has continued to improve. I wrote to this website, and Dr. M himself replied. He asked me to post my story.

Part of that story will be presented at the 2016 UCARS conference, where an abstract of my recovery has been accepted for a poster presentation. It is a cardiac recovery symposium.

For the beginning, please see the WebMD magazine, September 2012, page 73.
Massive atherosclerosis, three primaries 99, 99, and 80 % blocked, ectatic sections, and a dozen each down the artery trees of aneurysms and additional blockages. Living on a collateral capillary network that allowed every heart beat, fill and contraction , to be seen in the angiogram. Nurses whispered about me as a "miracle man".
10 years later, on a very low fat diet, and very careful, methodical, consistent and progressive exercise, i scull (row) a heavy boat, play hours of vigourous volleyball with people half my age, walk and work with weights. Most telling, i am admired playing volleyball for my hustle.

All this with no angina, no shortness of breath. My max heart rate has gone from 94 when i could hardly walk to the bathroom after bypass surgery, to over 180, where my heart rate stayed for 30 minutes while playing basketball. Again, no short of breath, or even breathing hard. That was in 2012, age 59. Bypass surgery was in January 2006.

Not a pure McDougall diet, but very close. I did lots of research on exercise, exercise physiology, atherosclerosis, and beneficial foods for heart disease.

On a low fat diet, my immune system is healthier, too.

I believe every thing I do is repeatable in training for others to have a wonderful energetic life.

Re: Another Success Story

PostPosted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 10:33 am
by Birdy
Hi Larry! Thank you for sharing your story here. I found the WedMD article you referenced and here's a link so other people can view it: ... sept12.pdf (Go to page 37 and scroll down on the right hand side.)

I'm interested to know what differences from the McDougall program you followed to regain your health? More Dean Ornish or Joel Fuhrman, for example?

My brother has heart disease and I keep trying to convince him that a diet change would help, but no luck after 20 years. The healing power of food and exercise is truly amazing. Your story is not only another success story, it's another reversal of heart disease story. Awesome!

Re: Another Success Story

PostPosted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 5:41 pm
by bestbatchyet
Page 73

Re: Another Success Story

PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 5:14 am
by LarryW
I noticed on WebMD forums that other participants seemed to mainly be adherents to one of four doctors principally: McDougall, Ornish, Esselstyn, Fuhrman. I was primarily doing my own food and execise based research for articles revealing the results of studies that made an absolute positive impact on atherosclerosis, or validated safety of various forms of exercise, or further explained concepts in atherosclerosis or exercise physiology.

Due to my own angina after any fat in the diet, I went to an essentially ultra low fat diet, hardy worth estimating.
But I did have chicken breast and salmon, since those seemed to offer improved niacin, and healthy fats in small amounts. I also ate the low fat nut pistachio, which is high in thiamine, and in studies boosted EPCs, that help keep arteries healthy. For years avoiding other nuts. And very high anti-oxidant, very high complex carb diet. I was concerned to be getting enough protein to maintain my slim frame.

To those four doctors, I added Richard Flanigan, who wrote Longevity Made Simple. He is a Denver cardiologist.

I am slim, so a very low fat diet was risky to maintain weight, or gain. Yet I maintained, and even gained back weight lost in surgery, with a plan I used from a few concepts I learned. Hard to believe I could maintain or gain weight with a 1000 less calories a day, and almost no fat. Plus as an ectomorph athlete, if I over eat a little, I produce waste body heat. I don't store hardly any fat.
My fat stayed at around 15%, later dropping to 11% when I added in many hours a week of volleyball.

The boost to my immune system was the surprise. I contracted viral meningitis in 2010 or 2011, and recovered in two days, back to work the 6th day after contracting it. Normally a week in the hospital and month recovery.

And feeling amazing. Curiously, not many people interested in how a 60 year old could have more energy than almost anyone around him. And after bypass surgery, with a prognosis of three years to an early grave.

Now I am tempted to try Dr. McDougall's stricter plan. Maybe that could cure my tinnitus.

Properly managed exercise even helps boost energy so much, one's sleep requirements drop by a few hours.
And one never needs to get out of breath, or get sore. I can and do breath plenty deep during rowing intervals. I can still hit paces of 1000 and even 1500 calories an hour rowing, though not over a minute or two, and those ratchet up my heart rate to a range of 150 and on up to 160, 170, and 180. I also check my heart rate drop in succeeding minutes, for advised counts. More is known to be better for longevity. Again, from more research studies I found.

Re: Another Success Story

PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 7:55 am
by f1jim
A great story that shows how powerful diet and lifestyle can be, It's always extra special when someone with heart disease manages to free themselves from the medical train going nowhere.
The WebMD forums revolving around Ornish and Fuhrman are in a sad state with very little participation. They used to be quite active but at some point the moderator lost all interest in advancing the Ornish dietary guidelines and now there is no active moderation. It's a mess with as many spamming entries as active participants. Several members are here now.
Come join us here on the forum pages and journal your experiences as you drop the chicken. etc. Your observances will be closely watched.
Thanks for posting your experience.