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Chronic Stuffy Nose is Gone!

PostPosted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 10:28 am
by lwolfe63
I have had a chronic stuffed up nose for years! I've been following the Starch Solution for three days. This morning - day four - I woke up and realized I could breath freely through my nose! YAY!!!! It's unbelievable.

Re: Chronic Stuffy Nose is Gone!

PostPosted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 2:46 pm
by grannylut
Oh, how I identify with what you wrote. Last year, after having followed the program for a while, I was scheduled to undergo knee replacement surgery. The surgeon was concerned about my not have adequate amounts of protein for healing. I bought it and did what was suggested. All of a sudden, I developed fluid in my nose, my lungs, and my ears. I had tests to make sure that this was not an infection of any kind. I even had to have tubes put in my ears a few days before surgery (without anesthetic I might add). During my 3 day hospitalization, I coughed so badly that no one wanted to room with me. The staff had to reassure all that I was not contagious. After returning home, I finally made the decision to get back on McDougall. Within a few days, I could breath, could hear, and the cough went away.

Glad you have had the same positive results.