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Re: 1 month on diet, 30 lbs lost - and a new challenge

PostPosted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 4:54 pm
by wycoff
I haven't been in here in probably a month. I think most folks know about Coronavirus by now, and I just haven't had the heart to write or talk or video much lately, so I haven't produced weight-loss videos in a while.

But... I'm still on the diet. I've gone mostly sideways in the last four or five weeks, steady at 110 lbs lost, and I think I was at 108 or 109 pounds lost in my last post. Under the circumstances (locked up at home all but an hour or two a day for over a month, no places to go, empty slots on shelves at limited-hours stores, social distancing, etc), I am very happy to be moving sideways.

I imagine I'm not the only one challenged by boredom right now; and boredom leads to bad eating unless you can fight the urge. For me the whole-foods part of the equation is simple. I don't go for dairy or flesh. But I love calories, I used to be a chef, and the calories add up very quickly if you lose track.

Last July when I changed to a whole-foods diet I was walking on a cane and in a lot of pain. But yesterday I completed a 10 mile hike in the Santa Cruz mountains. FYI, it started out as my daily walk, but my wife and I got lost at about four miles into a new trail, and when it ended up not taking us on a loop, well, it grew to ten miles by the time we got back to the car. Fortunately the trails were virtually empty, given the time of year, so I don't think we saw more than four people. Ten miles was a record: I haven't walked/hiked ten miles in probably as many years.

So the diet continues, and I feel great about what I eat.

I wish all of you well! Take care,


Re: 1 month on diet, 30 lbs lost - and a new challenge

PostPosted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 9:18 am
by Ejeff
Good for you Donald, that is very impressive in such a short period of time to go from walking with a cane to a 10 mile hike. Very happy for you! Whenever I read these sort of testimonials I just want to call up all my friends with chronic pain and yell see this really does work. But I have tried many times and most just don’t want to listen or are afraid of change. I do keep trying though. For now I just keep setting an example. :-)

Re: 1 month on diet, 30 lbs lost - and a new challenge

PostPosted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 9:19 am
by viv
Congratulations Donald on your awsome results. You are a hero for saving your own life and being an example to many others of how the McDougall Diet (WFPB) can save lives and eliminate so much suffering.

Going on a 10 mile hike in the Santa Cruz mountains is very impressive indeed and it was great that you could find your way back to the car! I think I mentioned before that I used to live in Santa Clara and would often "go over the hill" to Santa Cruz. It's a beautiful part of the world.

It's great that we are all a part of this wonderful Dr. McDougall community and we can all support each other on our journey.
