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Exercising gets rid of visceral fat around organs

PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 12:55 pm
by soul food ... rgans.html

Exercising DOESN'T make you lose weight - but will getting rid of deadly fat around your organs, helping you live longer

Study: 2-6 months of endurance training led to no or minimal weight loss
But it did cut hidden internal 'visceral fat' that cloaks our organs
This can lead to type 2 diabetes and heart and circulatory disease
People who are thin but don't exercise still at risk of these conditions

By Colin Fernandez, Science Correspondent For The Daily Mail

Published: 11:45 EST, 22 June 2016 | Updated: 11:51 EST, 22 June 2016

Even in the absence of any change in weight, carrying out an exercise program resulted in a 6 per cent reduction in visceral fat – with every 1 per cent of weight loss leading to further reductions in visceral fat.
But exercise does cut the hidden internal ‘visceral fat’ that cloaks our organs and can lead to health problems – particularly type 2 diabetes and heart and circulatory disease

To illustrate the difference, the authors say if you lost 5 per cent in body weight after exercise training, you would reduce your visceral fat by 21.3 per cent.

But if you lost 5 per cent by calorie reduction alone, your visceral fat would drop by just 13.4 per cent.