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New here & carb confused:-)

PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 2:59 pm
by wildflour
Too long a story to post at once so... cut to the chase! I have ordered both FoK books and they should be here today or tomorrow! I am SO excited!!! Since I was diagnosed with hypoglycemia about 25 years ago it has always medically been stated that CARBS are basically all bad~ even complex, especially simple ones! So for the last 25 years (or so and between all this also tried the Atkins Diet) I have avoided them pretty much. Okay... about 3 years ago, I felt "funny", went to the doctor & was told I was T2 diabetic. And put me on medication. It hasn't helped. My latest doc put me on the South Beach Diet. Hasn't helped, in fact, has made my numbers worse. Day before yesterday morning fasting sugar was a smidge over 400. Yeah. I was looking for movies on Netflix & came across Forks Over Knives. Watching it for the 3rd time now. I need to change my thinking, and am, after all of the years of avoiding potatoes, oatmeal, etc. What a revolution! I am hoping that this will be the end of drugs! Doctors have said if not for the fact I have high blood sugar, I'd be normal. Hmmmm.... I am so happy to have found you!

Re: New here & carb confused:-)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 4:22 am
by VeggieSue
First of all, welcome, but I suggest copy/pasting your message and posting it in the Lounge. This forum, the Sandbox, is where people come to test their tickers and avatars and such.

Besides the Forks over Knives literature, since this is the forum for the McDougall Program (NOT FoK, even though their web site lists this as a reference since they closed down their own forums a few months ago), you may want to go to the main page ( and take a look around, paying close attention to the info in the link titled Free Program, which explains Dr. McDougall's food plan. It's very similar to the Forks over Knives one but allows less processed foods and a few other differences.

Re: New here & carb confused:-)

PostPosted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 12:10 pm
by deardiananelson
Hi Wildflour and Veggie Sue, This is my first post. I was reading about how your doctors had discouraged carbs, Wildflour, and your FOK/McDougall reply, Veggie Sue. I own that documentary and the book. Plus I own three of the Dr. and Mary McDougall books. Sharing this info with my son has been interesting. He is 27 years old and it is so much easier, since we live together, if he buys in. Dr. McDougall's program is the one that makes the most sense to him. I really like Dr. McDougall's attitude that we are all on the same team, whichever whole-food, plant-based program you favor. I am here to get to know a few people who are on this journey with us. Thanks for your time. :-)