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New to plant based eating and the McDougall Program

PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 11:34 am
by Raquel1002
Hi all,
Just want to say I'm really glad these forums are here as I am all alone in my attempts to go plant-based ie, no family, friends, colleagues are inspired by the changes I've been making and/or the well known Netflix documentaries that make it so clear that PB is the best way to eat given all the research and success stores when comes to achieving optimal mental and physical health. Have some questions and am interested in hearing others' experiences so I literally took the day off from work so I could finally spend some quality time browsing this website and the forums, and figuring out which forum to ask which q (and possibly most will be answered once I start reading!) So appreciative to have this resource and all of you who're on the path; inspires me and reinforces that this is the best way for me. Thank you and thank you Jeff especially!

Re: New to plant based eating and the McDougall Program

PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2018 2:57 pm
by Idgie
Glad you're here! I find these boards invaluable.

Re: New to plant based eating and the McDougall Program

PostPosted: Wed Dec 19, 2018 11:25 pm
by Raquel1002
Thank you Idgie! How long have you been eating Plant Based? Are you 100% or like 80/20 and what do you find works best in your experience?