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PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 7:45 am
by Tobinterri
I am still a little confused as to where beans fit in. Do they count instead of starchy veggies or in addition to starchy veggies/grains?
I'm good on the veggies. It's the other side of the plate that has me confused. I have been using either a whole grain or potato or sweet potato with beans and then fill plate with cooked veggies or salad. Breakfast has mostly been a grain or potato with fruit. Thanks

Re: confusion

PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 7:59 am
by JeffN
The recommendation is to make up to 50% of your plate (by visual volume) to be non-starchY vegetables.

Here is a decent list of what those are... ... vegetables

The other 50% should be made up of what Dr McDougall calls, starches. These include...

- Whole Grains (barley, oats, brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat, etc),
- Whole Grains Pastas (Corn pasta, Whole wheat pasta, Brown rice pasta, Buckwheat pasta),
- Potatoes (sweet potatoes, red potatoes, white potatoes, yams, etc),
- Beans (black, kidney, garbanzo, etc),
- Lentils (brown, red, green)
- Dried peas (split, black eye)

Dr McDougall recommends limiting beans, peas and lentils to about 1 cup/day on average.

Winter squashes are sometimes included in this list but they are often to low in calories and starch to be as satiating as the above.

It would be good to post these question in the MWL thread so everyone can benefit, and I will move your question and my response there later today.

I hope that helps