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Re: The CRON-O-Meter

PostPosted: Sun May 13, 2012 1:54 pm
by jamietwo
Thanks! But I'm still confused about if I should weigh it before or after I cook it. :duh: For example, I cook my collard greens, kale and onion together, so it would be easier if I weighed each food individually before I cooked it...

Re: The CRON-O-Meter

PostPosted: Sun May 13, 2012 2:07 pm
by JeffN
Measuring the food in the form you consume it would result in the most accuracy.

However, the point of my last comment is this concern over such a degree of accuracy is not recommended and/or neccessaey as there is already variables beyond your control inherent in the system. I am only recommending the use of the CRON-O-Meter to get a general idea.

After all, to be truly accurate, we would also have to measure absorption rates and the impact of differing types, methods & rates of cooking, etc etc

In Health

Re: The CRON-O-Meter

PostPosted: Sun May 13, 2012 2:15 pm
by jamietwo
Thanks - got it now! :)

My reasons for doing this are because I've had an arthritic flair and have gone back to eating my 10 safe foods (long grain brown rice, collard greens, kale, onion, broccoli, carrots, apples, raisins, dates, blueberries). I also ate this diet for most of 2011 while I was doing an elimination diet. I wanted to see if I was getting enough nutrients on such a restricted diet.

If I input my greens in the uncooked quantity I was way above on everything! But if I input them in the cooked quantity, I was low in vitamin E. I wanted to be sure I was doing it right before I figured out how to eat more greens or carrots to bring up my E. The good news is that after 2 months the pain and swelling has receded in my wrists and hands. My fingers are better, but not good yet.

Re: The CRON-O-Meter

PostPosted: Sun May 13, 2012 2:19 pm
by JeffN
The differences can be in the samples, the inputed data, the food option chosen etc etc

Also, remember, most all RDA/DRI's have a safety margin of 2 SD built in so for most of us, if we average 70% or better, we should be OK.

In Health

Re: The CRON-O-Meter

PostPosted: Sun May 13, 2012 5:38 pm
by jamietwo
Thanks - good to know!

It also helped to realize that I was confusing vitamin E with vitamin A! :eek: So I was trying to up my intake (in cronometer) of carrots which wasn't helping that much! :duh: