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Re: 1000 Vegan Recipes

PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 5:23 pm
by f1jim
Thanks Becky

Re: 1000 Vegan Recipes

PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2017 7:02 pm
by Becky
Not quite 10 months elapsed this time around! :D

Recently Added Recipes:

Flower Power Granola Squares
Cabbage Rolls Stuffed With Bulgur & Chickpeas

Re: 1000 Vegan Recipes

PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 7:52 pm
by Becky
Recently Added Recipes:

Sicilian-Style Tofu
Ginger-Peanut Tempeh
Black & Green Olive Tapenade

Re: 1000 Vegan Recipes

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 6:23 am
by patty
Mahalo for posting!!!

Aloha, patty

Re: 1000 Vegan Recipes

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 7:58 am
by Becky
Aa'ole pilikia, Patty! :)

Re: 1000 Vegan Recipes

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 1:19 pm
by patty
Becky wrote:Aa'ole pilikia, Patty! :)

Your Black & Green Olive Tapenade looks really good and easy to make. It sounds like a great dip. I found some no oil flour tortillas from WFs, and they crisp up into chips really good in a Air Fryer. I have to spend more time looking over the recipes:) You do us poor unrequited hungry seekers a great service:)

Again.. Mahalo, patty

Re: 1000 Vegan Recipes

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 8:28 pm
by Becky
Thank you so much for your kind words, Patty! :nod:
Tell me about the air fryer, I'm not familiar with this.
Oh no!!! Is this another kitchen appliance I'm going to obsess on until I have it? :eek: :lol:

Re: 1000 Vegan Recipes

PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 10:12 am
by patty
I know.. if it not food it is the appliance:) I purchased the Black and Decker, because it is a smaller size. And the reason I purchase it was for french fries. It does a really good job, of course they can be done in the oven. I tired potato chips, but I prefer the microwave as in the AF they stick some what together. Apple crisps turned out really well. Though they get eaten really fast:) And I tired doing the potato skins stuffed with refried beans and enjoyed them. I love looking at recipes.. like the ones you have posted then just making them really simple. I am a former fast food junkie:) I don't know if you have watched BULL, the TV show that is about Dr. Phil's former life, where he helps select juries. One of the questions in deciding a juror, was are you a baker or a cook? The difference the baker is more precise where the cook throws everything together. I imagine I wouldn't have been chosen:)

Again Mahalo for posting. Yesterday when at Costco, at the Salsa section I smiled when I saw the jar Olive Tapenade with the oil, and knew I too could have them only in a healthier way. I had purchased some cans black olives for my granddaughter, and I opened one of them and put into a container and smashed them up with stick blender. I am anxious to pick up some green olives and cappers. As you shared they would be good on just about anything.. to add that extra tastes. I have really learned how to cook from the people on this site. Much appreciated!!!

Aloha, patty

Re: 1000 Vegan Recipes

PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 2:19 pm
by Becky
Nope, I've never seen BULL, I'll have to keep an eye out for it. :nod:

I'm really happy this discussion board has been helpful for you on your cooking journey. Cooking this way is so much fun, and there is so much information available, it helps so much!

Re: 1000 Vegan Recipes

PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 6:22 pm
by Fatvegan_girl
Help!!! I work a grueling 13 hours a day. My last 4 hours are torture for me to find a snack. I end up at the vending machine buying a oatmeal bar loaded with salt, sugar and more sugar. I need a recipe for a snack that is quick and I can have for my last snack before I go home. Seeing that I don't have a lot of time to make it, I would need something easy and fast to make. Jeff N. what do you have or where can I go to get your recipes to help me?? :D Thanks for any help you can give.

Re: 1000 Vegan Recipes

PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 6:38 pm
by Becky
In response to your post:

"Help!!! I work a grueling 13 hours a day. My last 4 hours are torture for me to find a snack. I end up at the vending machine buying a oatmeal bar loaded with salt, sugar and more sugar. I need a recipe for a snack that is quick and I can have for my last snack before I go home. Seeing that I don't have a lot of time to make it, I would need something easy and fast to make. Jeff N. what do you have or where can I go to get your recipes to help me?? :D Thanks for any help you can give."

Hi there! You might try re-posting this in the "Food & Recipes" forum, you'd probably get a lot more views, and I'm pretty sure you'll get lots of great suggestions. As far as the recipes I'm testing and McDougallizing from the 1000 Vegan Recipes book, I'm not totally sure any of these fit your exact situation, as they are very specific recipes from that book, and if you don't have that book, the posts from my blog may not be very helpful. BUT - if you do have the book, check out my blog, and search the "Appetizers & Snacks" posts, and see if anything looks doable for you! :-)

Re: 1000 Vegan Recipes

PostPosted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 10:08 am
by Becky
Recently Added Recipes:

White Bean & Artichoke Spread
Coconut-Peanut Chickpeas & Vegetables
Macaroni Salad
Strawberry Parfaits with Cashew Crème

Re: 1000 Vegan Recipes

PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2017 4:14 pm
by Becky
Recently Added Recipes:

Seitan with Ancho-Chipotle Sauce
Tempeh and Sweet Potato Shepherd’s Pie

Re: 1000 Vegan Recipes

PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2017 7:24 pm
by Birdy
Hi Becky!
Great to see your new recipe post. It led me to check out your recipe for granola without oil, and surprise there's already one you listed from Robin Robertson's 1000 Vegan Recipes. I'm going to make it this weekend. My copy of her cookbook is falling apart.

I also checked out your travel blog from this April in San Diego and loved the many beautiful photos. I'm guessing you and your husband park your RV at your sister's house? I've heard parking options for people traveling in RV's, camper trailers, etc. is very limited and hard to get in San Diego. Do you know if this is true?

Thanks for posting the newest recipe. Looking forward to more updates :-D

Re: 1000 Vegan Recipes

PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2017 8:44 pm
by Becky
Hi Birdie!

Thanks for checking out my blogs and giving me some feedback, I really appreciate that! :nod:

Yes, I have been making Robin Robertson's granola for years now, with a few customizations to fit my and DH's particular preferences, but it is an awesome recipe. And, happily, it was already oil free, so I didn't have to alter anything in that respect.

(Just in case someone new to this thread doesn't realize, all the recipes I link to on this thread are from Robin Robertson's "1000 Vegan Recipes", and I give my testing notes and reviews on how I "McDougallize" them, i.e., make them oil free, whole grain, etc.)

San Diego is such a beautiful place, we love stopping there as often as possible as we travel in this part of the country. Unfortunately, my sister lives in an apartment, so we aren't able to park at her place,LOL! :D

There are three RV Parks where we've stayed in the San Diego area: Santee Lakes Recreation Preserve, Mission Bay RV Resort, and San Diego RV Resort. We are good about planning ahead, and we've never had a problem finding a spot for the period of time we are visiting the area. However, we've never waited until the last minute, nor do we ever just "show up" hoping for the best.

That being said, it isn't inexpensive to stay in San Diego. There are lots of RV Parks in and around the area, and they are all somewhat pricey. We pay more than normal to enjoy this beautiful part of California! :eek: