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Jubilee's Journey

PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 8:52 pm
by Jubilee
I haven't journalled in a long, long time, but I'm hoping that it will help me to do so now. SO, here goes...

I have about 50 pounds to lose, and am over 50yo with a serious kidney disorder that helps me to realize that I've GOT to get my health back before it's too late. Being so overweight, having daily knee pain, and little energy are not conditions that I want to live with for the rest of my life.

I have lost 15 pounds by McDougalling since Christmas but I really struggle with this woe and seem to start and re-start again and again. I have no doubt that this is the best diet for me but somehow it's still always a struggle. Coming to this board for every day really helps, so thank you all for being a voice of encouragement.

I seem to somehow rebound every time I talk about my successes, so this is a little intimidating to be telling where I'm at. I'm hoping to get past that this time. Since Christmas I've also gotten rid of a mucous-y throat every morning, and arthritis pain in my fingers, so there have been positive changes already, and I'm thankful.

I've been McDougalling since my kidney surgery last May. (Actually, I also did this in 2001 with great success, when my whole family was doing it together. They lost interest, and eventually I gave up). So, this time I was going about 75% successful from May thru July, then doing really well (95%) Aug, and part of Sept. where I got my weight down to 183 from 204. Then my family (3 adults) presented me with a birthday gift- a whole bag of "healthy" junk food. I was so deflated and had a hard time being grateful for their gift that hurt my feelings- and my weight. I triggered a complete break from the program and by Christmas I was back to 197. I know it's not their fault what goes into my mouth, but I really struggle with doing this in a fairly unsupportive environment, but it is what it is, and I have to get past that too.

On Dec. 27, I buckled down again, and by the end of Jan. was at 183 again. Then I took a 10-day road trip in Jan., eating every meal with friends and relatives in their homes, and gained back 5 pounds. And that triggered another break that lasted almost 3 weeks, so thankfully not as long as the Sep. one. What is it about 183?? I seem to hit it like a trampoline! Finally!!, today my weight was 182, the lowest I've been in 3 years. I only record my weight on Mondays, so I hope it's still there by then.

My next milestone is 178 which is where I was in 2008. Little steps, I know. But that gives me something to celebrate sooner. :-)

As far as what I eat- I'm doing the regular program, not MWL. For now. :-)
I usually have a green smoothie for breakfast, a potato with toppings, or a burrito, for lunch, and a McDougall soup for dinner unless I'm cooking for the whole family. When we have dinner together I actually cook a SAD entree, and a McD entree and just let everyone choose. I've learned that it doesn't work to try to control what everyone else does, and it seems to sabotage me to try, and then get emotional about it. Often we are not all together for dinner and I don't have to cook anyway so it's not that big of a deal.

If I eat out, which isn't often, I get a Subway veggie sub, or a salad and potato. In the summer we garden and I eat loads of veggies, but during the winter, not so much. I know I need to work on that aspect of my diet. Plus I still have to figure in the oxalates, sodium, calcium, etc. for the kidney issues. I have a long way to go there too.

Anyhow, that's a snapshot of where I am, and where I've been recently. Thank the dear Lord for that 182, and I hope to be seeing a lot lower numbers than that in the near future!


Re: Jubilee's Journey

PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 10:14 pm
by afreespirit
Welcome back Jubilee, and wishing you the very best on your journey. You are so right to turn all this around right now. You are off to a great start! :-)

Re: Jubilee's Journey

PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 10:22 pm
by Veg
Thank you for sharing your story Jubilee. It sounds a lot like me minus a few personal health issues. I can relate with where you're at with the program. I'm interested in the part you mentioned about gardening in the summer and eating loads of veggies. This year will be our first attempt at a small garden. I'm sure the majority of the work will fall on my shoulders but I'm always looking for information and how others approach it.

Re: Jubilee's Journey

PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 6:37 am
by TominTN
Jubilee wrote:I haven't journalled in a long, long time, but I'm hoping that it will help me to do so now. SO, here goes...

Welcome back!

I have lost 15 pounds by McDougalling since Christmas but I really struggle with this woe and seem to start and re-start again and again. I have no doubt that this is the best diet for me but somehow it's still always a struggle. Coming to this board for every day really helps, so thank you all for being a voice of encouragement.

I agree with you about the the board being an encouragement.

A thought I find helpful is that we all have to start over again every day. Each day presents me with opportunities to go off program or stick to my guns. I get to choose. Sometimes that's a struggle and sometimes it's a joy (when I choose well, mostly :)).

Since Christmas I've also gotten rid of a mucous-y throat every morning, and arthritis pain in my fingers, so there have been positive changes already, and I'm thankful.


I've been McDougalling since my kidney surgery last May. (Actually, I also did this in 2001 with great success, when my whole family was doing it together. They lost interest, and eventually I gave up). So, this time I was going about 75% successful from May thru July, then doing really well (95%) Aug, and part of Sept. where I got my weight down to 183 from 204. Then my family (3 adults) presented me with a birthday gift- a whole bag of "healthy" junk food. I was so deflated and had a hard time being grateful for their gift that hurt my feelings- and my weight. I triggered a complete break from the program and by Christmas I was back to 197. I know it's not their fault what goes into my mouth, but I really struggle with doing this in a fairly unsupportive environment, but it is what it is, and I have to get past that too.

I can't imagine doing this without support from my family. In fact, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be successful at all under the circumstances you describe. I'm very driven by my environment, so when food is available, I eat it. That would feel extremely frustrating to me. I admire your courage and determination.

On Dec. 27, I buckled down again, and by the end of Jan. was at 183 again. Then I took a 10-day road trip in Jan., eating every meal with friends and relatives in their homes, and gained back 5 pounds. And that triggered another break that lasted almost 3 weeks, so thankfully not as long as the Sep. one. What is it about 183?? I seem to hit it like a trampoline! Finally!!, today my weight was 182, the lowest I've been in 3 years. I only record my weight on Mondays, so I hope it's still there by then.

Road trips trigger me, too.

My next milestone is 178 which is where I was in 2008. Little steps, I know. But that gives me something to celebrate sooner. :-)

I find life easier when I think of it in terms of lots of baby steps. Heroic goals are just overwhelming.

Anyhow, that's a snapshot of where I am, and where I've been recently. Thank the dear Lord for that 182, and I hope to be seeing a lot lower numbers than that in the near future!


Keep on keeping on. We'll be here. :)

Re: Jubilee's Journey

PostPosted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 7:23 am
by Jubilee
Thank you AFS, MMXI, and Tom for the comments and encouragement!

Well, I made it! Today at my "official" weigh-in, I am 182. Thank the dear Lord! That means I've made it past that rubber wall that's been defeating me. Everytime I hit it in the past 6 months, I bounced right back up to higher weights, but not this time.

Now my goal is 178. I have an old weight chart that shows that was my weight in 2006 (not 2008 like I mentioned earlier). That means if I can get below that, I'll be at my lowest weight in 5 years. That'll be a blessing.

Busy day today, but I'm packing a lunch so I won't go off course.

Blessings to all,

Re: Jubilee's Journey

PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 8:01 am
by Jubilee
Lessons learned:

Last night my dd made sushi rolls for dinner since the whole family was home together. Her sister had been on call all weekend, so we hadn't seen her since Fri. a.m. Anyhow, I assembled my own, so it was all veggie, though it did have a little avocado. The problem was that I used a very small amount of soy sauce for the first time in ages. And... this morning I'm up a whole pound! I know it's water weight, so I'm not worried about that but it's a reminder that my kidneys can't tolerate the sodium. I'm going to have to learn to enjoy my sushi without it. Last time I had this, I watered down the soy sauce, and that was fine, but I didn't think of it last night.

What I ate yesterday:
bk- green smoothie
lunch- McD burrito w/ salsa
dinner- 2 veggie rolls w/ soy sauce and wasabi, plum
snack- banana

Once it's all spelled out like that, I can see that it's not enough fresh veggies again. I have carrots and greens in the smoothie, and cucumber in the sushi rolls, and homemade salsa on the burrito. I definitely need to add a big salad to my day!

Good news today- it's the last day of a responsibility that I've had every Tue. since Oct., and not enjoyed in the least! Very stressful, lots of prep time, and no appreciation from those benefiting from my efforts. Today will still be a challenge, and then next Tuesday I'll be celebrating my freedom!!


Re: Jubilee's Journey

PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 9:11 am
by Dechen
Hey Jubilee,

Now that you started to journal, is it helping your resolve?
You seem to have had a lot on your plate and are managing to make the needed changes. Good on you!!!

Re: Jubilee's Journey

PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 7:03 pm
by Jubilee
Thanks Dechen. I guess my resolve is still ok. I'm dreading an appt. on Fri. to follow-up on last year's kidney issues. BUT, I haven't gone into little nibbles and bites that lead to total failure, like I normally would. I'll take that.

I read your quote in your signature-
For me, becoming vegetarian is like stepping into a stream that is flowing in the opposite direction, and I have to constantly fight to even stand still, and fight even harder to move upstream. :-) But, I'm still pointed in the upstream direction, and working at moving forward. Glad to know there are others moving that way too, and that for some, it's gotten to the point where it's not a struggle. That helps me to keep working at it.

Today I ate:
green smoothie
bean burrito w/ home canned salsa
pasta with mushrooms and red sauce
probably a grapefruit later this evening


Re: Jubilee's Journey

PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 5:32 am
by Dechen
I am not gonna go all 'other-worldy' on you but I found that, once I stopped struggling, stopped swimming against the tide and accepted the new status quo aka McDougall plan, I realized that it was my struggle that was causing the current I was fighting and swimming against. I believe you will get to the place you want to be and you are in the right place, with lots of people to help you on your way.
I wish you a happy and enlightening journey! :-D

Traditional Buddhist Blessing and Healing Chant

Just as the soft rains fill the streams,
pour into the rivers and join together in the oceans,
so may the power of every moment of your goodness
flow forth to awaken and heal all beings,
Those here now, those gone before, those yet to come.

By the power of every moment of your goodness
May your heart's wishes be soon fulfilled
as completely shining as the bright full moon,
as magically as by a wish-fulfilling gem.

By the power of every moment of your goodness
May all dangers be averted and all disease be gone.
May no obstacle come across your way.
May you enjoy fulfillment and long life.

For all in whose heart dwells respect,
who follow the wisdom and compassion, of the Way,
May your life prosper in the four blessings
of old age, beauty, happiness and strength.

Re: Jubilee's Journey

PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 2:43 pm
by carollynne
Dear Jubilee's Journey, :-D Welcome back, and wow to that nice sounding lowish wt! I, too, got hit by the holiday bug of eating a few too many of the wrong foods, but no more!! and I do not care whose feelings I hurt, let them all keep quiet then. :-) and watch the new me evolve.... I am too important to me!! I wish I could get to that too, and pront- tolla! But I know if I do not get till I am truly satisfied, the sugary gremlin will get me in the end.
You can do this. So so I, and will encourage anyone on the way to great health with me! :unibrow:

Re: Jubilee's Journey

PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 2:57 pm
by carollynne
By, the way what is your recipe for a :mrgreen: green smoothie! My oldest son, and I want to start making them in the am, but I wounder what to put it it to make it a McD worthy shake... :D
thanks in advance,

Re: Jubilee's Journey

PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 10:43 am
by Jubilee
I woke up yesterday with a whopping chest cold/flu. Aches, coughing, sore throat, chills. The works. No fun.

Yesterday I didn't eat any breakfast, a bowl of cereal with rice milk for lunch, and a salad for dinner. And I will admit, that salad had things in it that weren't McDougall foods. Sigh. I also drank tons of water since that made my throat burn less, and reduced the coughing.

Today I haven't eaten anything yet.

About the smoothies, Carollynne- First, the disclaimer: Dr. McDougall says we should eat our foods, not drink them. However for me, I simply don't get enough veggies in and this is a way that helps with that. I have one nearly every morn right after I exercise, and crave them when I don't. I feel like I got a really healthy start to my day and am satisfied for several hours.

Also, my recipe is something that's evolved to fit my own needs- not necessarily something anyone else would like. Having said all that- here's what I do:

1 c. rice milk
1 big splash plain cranberry juice (no sugar- I got this on sale one time and am just trying to use it up. Should be good for kidneys).
1 splash of lemon juice (new addition thanks to Shell, I think. Also for kidneys)
5 baby carrots
5 cherry tomatoes (except when they are $4 per box!)
about 1/3 cup whole cranberries (I fistful, actually)
1 frozen sliced banana
1 heaping tsp. whole flax seed (I wont' say what that's for, but it works!)
4-5 frozen strawberries, or other frozen fruit.
I used to put in a big handful of spinach, which I loved, but after reading that it's high in oxalates (bad for kidney stones), I switched to a scoop of powdered barley green last month. I miss the spinach, and might go back to it when the BG runs out. It's too expensive too.)

Then I run it through the vita-mix which grinds everything even the flax seeds to a liquid. And drink it right down. If I let it sit around, the flax starts to thicken and it's not as palatable to me.

I've tried lots of other things over the years. During the summer when my garden is in, I use some zucchini. I didn't like the taste of broccoil, radish, or onion in it. But you might. :-) I've never used kale, but it has the same oxalate issue, so I probably won't. If I didn't have to think about my kidneys, I would. I've also tried adding beans but it didn't seem necessary.

So, that's my recipe. I don't expect everyone to like it. :-) My family calls it swamp juice since it's a murky brownish green color. I LOVE IT!

And now I'm going to bundle up.


Re: Jubilee's Journey

PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 1:40 pm
by Dechen
I hope you will be better soon! Having a cold is the pits. :-(

Re: Jubilee's Journey

PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 1:51 pm
by carollynne
I love how your green smoothie sounds. I have a Jack LaLane Juicer and it will do wonders, then I hit my blender, with it and then the food processor if need be. But I tend to be lazy too. Love how it all sounds.... thanks for sharing too

Re: Jubilee's Journey

PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 4:10 pm
by Jubilee
Thanks, Dechen. The pits it is!

Carollynn- do you mean that you have to use all those appliances to make a smoothie?? Sorry I'm not understanding. Maybe the fever is dulling my brain. :-}
