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Veganmothering Journal

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 5:46 am
by Veganmothering
I'm recommitting myself to what I know works! As of last night, I'm doing the MWL program so I can lose the rest of my baby weight (and a bit more!). I'm writing this in hopes to garner support.

A little background. Been vegan for 5 years. Been McDougalling for most of that time. I've had 3 pregnancies during this time, and have breast fed all of my babies for 12+ months. Currently breastfeeding my 3 month old.

I was at my lowest weight right before I got pregnant this time around, did so by eating essentially the SNAP way (thanks, Jeff). As soon as I got pregnant, or should I say, about 3 weeks after conception, I was hit with unbearable morning sickness. Nausea, day in, day out. I couldn't look at anything even remotely healthy. Vegetables made me want to vomit. I couldn't stomach whole grains, fruit. And to make matters worse, the only thing that seemed to make the nausea subside was plain, old-fashioned junk food. I don't even want to recall what sort of crap I ate during those bleak months. It was a tough time, and anyone who has gone through some terrible pregnancy sickness (which lasts nearly the whole 9 months for does get better towards the end, but I still loathe healthy food, for the most part), knows how awful it is.

This was a recipe for major weight gain. Each of my pregnancies is like this--I gain 40-50 pounds. Fortunately I've lost it all (and more in some cases), but it takes time, dillegence, and adherence. Since this is my fourth child, I am busy as ever and just don't have time to worry about losing the weight. I've been doing WW for 2 months and have lost 15 pounds. I'm ready to go back to MWL, mostly because it's pretty simple, and not time consuming, and I believe it is the best program. But I admit my hesitations. I don't like the thought of giving up dessert, breads, tortillas, smoothies, oh the list goes on and on. These were all foods I ate with abandon during my pregnancy and old habits die hard. Also, I'm combatting intense hunger pangs due to nursing (it revs up my appetite like nothing else!). But I'd rather be back into my size 4 jeans, not worrying about trying to lose weight! Since I'm rather young yet, I don't have the health problems that many in this forum do, so my main motivator is weight loss and feeling good as well as keeping me healthy for the future.

So that's my intro. I'm doing Mary's mini this week. Since I've done this all before, I know I can do it, I just have to pysch myself into it--you know remember how easy it really is. It's NOT torture to eat this way, right??

Re: Recommitting to what I know works!

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 5:54 am
by StarchBeet
If you have those kids (in that short period of time) and that web're a super mother and I never aspired to be one. My kids were all five year apart. I don't think my body could have taken raising all those kids so fast. You are amazing! I didn't gain a lot of weight during my first two pregnancies and for my second I was prebirth weight when the baby was born. The last birth I got fat and didn't lose the weight until 15 years later. So cheers to being young and smart!! You can do it.

You have all the answers and you're miles ahead of me.

So, I'll cheer you on, but you look extremely able to stay focused. I would need help to do all that you do.

best wishes, great energy and much fun and love to you.

Re: Recommitting to what I know works!

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 8:39 pm
by lfwfv
Cheering you on! I look forward to seeing how you make this a part of your life with young kids and a busy, active life! I love your honesty.

All the best!

MM Day 1

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 9:11 pm
by Veganmothering
Wanted to do either winter squash or sweet potatoes for MM. Turns out sweet potatoes are not a good price these days, and nary a winter squash is to be found anywhere in these parts (except in the frozen food section and the cost is astronomical). So potatoes it is. Just as well. I like potatoes. I cooked about 7 or 8 of them today--boiled 'em up in a big pot. Unfortunately, got distracted (isn't that bound to happen in my house?!), and potatoes got burned because I forgot they were still on high. They had a little smoky flavor, not too bad, at least salvagable, and since they were so well cooked and I had plenty of water in the pot, I didn't have to worry about mashing them.

Here's what I ate today:
Breakfast: Vegetable soup (very brothy, homemade--just frozen veggies, a few cans of diced tomatoes, lots of water, and herbs, tabasco sauce, cause I can take the heat)
Snack: 1/2 frozen banana
Lunch: Mashed potatoes & more of the same vegetable soup
Snack: another bowl of vegetable soup with a small amount of mashed potatoes added to it
Dinner: A large salad--sliced mushrooms, shredded cabbage (I buy the bagged coleslaw, makes my life soo much easier!), mixed greens, and my FAVORITE, sunflower sprouts. Seasoned with basalmic vinegar and original Mrs. Dash & dulse flakes; Mashed potatoes covered with vegetable soup; side of steamed kale seasoned with Bragg's herbal salt-free seasoning
Dessert: Gotta have dessert. 1/2 cup of fresh raspberries & a cup of cocoa coconut rooibos tea (no calories, I swear, but it tasted so decedant!)

So far, so good. When I went shopping today, I was tempted by all of the variety. I'm a sucker for variety and love to change things up in all aspects of my life on a regular basis (my husband, ironically, is the complete opposite!). But it's a good practice in self-restraint. Also, I crave simplicity, and doing the MM helps me to achieve this, at least on some level.

My favorite new thing is herbal tea. Rooibos, in particular. Lots of flavors to choose from.

Re: Veganmothering Journal

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 12:08 pm
by Chere
You can do it!

You know, I never would have discovered McDougall in the first place if it hadn't been for your website. I'm totally confident you will be able to do this again. And this is so close to the way you eat anyway - much simpler a transition than it is for some of us who are from households with almost all meat and dairy based meals. So I fully expect success from you. :)

I look forward to reading your menus and hearing of your progress.

Re: Veganmothering Journal

PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 9:43 am
by Veganmothering
Here's what I ate yesterday (May 17):

Bfast: Large salad (mixed greens, cabbage, mushrooms), Vegetable soup, mashed potatoes
Snack: 1/2 frozen banana
Lunch: Large salad, vegetable soup, mashed potatoes
Dinner: Large salad, spinach mushroom onion vegetable soup, 1 cup black eyed peas, & more mashed potatoes
Dessert: 1/2 cup frozen cherries & 1/2 cup fresh raspberries

All day long: about 10 cups of rooibos tea!

I can't believe how NOT hungry I am. All the bulk and volume from the vegetables really fills me up, every time I do this, I'm always surprised at how NOT deprived I feel, how my sugar/chocolate cravings totally go away, and how I become pretty indifferent to food. I suppose that's what the monotony does to you. Also, my skin has really cleared up. The past month or so, my face has been super dry and flaky. Despite trying various different moisturizers, nothing has seemed to help. I've only been doing this for 2 days, but already I notice a marked difference in my skin--soft and supple! I've also cut out any added sodium. This has resolved water retention issues I occasionally have.

I love how simple it is to eat, but it does take awhile to eat the volume of food I'm eating! I have to plan on taking at least 30 minutes to eat each meal, which is a struggle sometimes, I have to admit. This is one reason why I was a big fan of smoothies--easy to make, easy to down (also easy calories, that's for sure!).

Wednesday is my weigh in day. I've lost 2.5 pounds this past week. I think some of that was water weight--once I cut out the salt I stopped retaining water.

Re: Veganmothering Journal

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2011 5:18 am
by dragana
Great job this week. I am looking at your journal and thinking to myself: if she can do it with 4 small children, I sure can do it with only 2!! Thank you for that.

I can't believe how NOT hungry I am. All the bulk and volume from the vegetables really fills me up, every time I do this, I'm always surprised at how NOT deprived I feel, how my sugar/chocolate cravings totally go away, and how I become pretty indifferent to food.

Me too. Isn't it this wonderful. Just like you I was on the plan before and got off it in my pregnancies. It is incredible how easy this plan is once you get rolling. I have to figure out why I get off the plan when I like it so much. Maybe I forgot? Maybe it is because I start to consider other plans etc, confuse myself etc...Not sure, but I am sure I will be more vigilant this time...

Take care

Re: Veganmothering Journal

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2011 7:39 am
by Veganmothering
Veganmothering wrote:Me too. Isn't it this wonderful. Just like you I was on the plan before and got off it in my pregnancies. It is incredible how easy this plan is once you get rolling. I have to figure out why I get off the plan when I like it so much. Maybe I forgot? Maybe it is because I start to consider other plans etc, confuse myself etc...Not sure, but I am sure I will be more vigilant this time...

I totally agree with you dragana. I'm not hungry, it's super easy (no portion counting, which makes my life so much easier). How easy is it to boil a pot of potatoes, to make one of Jeff's easy vegetable soups, and to eat a salad made from a mix of pre-washed greens and vegetables.

I wonder though, when I did MWL last year and was at a lower weight (I was only trying to lose the last 2-3 pounds), it seemed so much harder, like I was hungry a lot. I'm guessing, but maybe I just wasn't eating enough, particularly starches. This go around though, my feelings mirror yours.

Dr. McDougall never misses an opportunity to rave about the wonders of potatoes--how filling they are, meet our nutrient needs, easy to make, ect. Yah, yah, I've thought. But since I've been doing MM and eating nothing but potatoes and veggies, I have to say, yes, you're on to something McDougall. I have absolutely NO sugar cravings, even fruit isn't a HAVE-TO, which if you know me, I have a sweet tooth. Maybe when are needs for starches aren't being met we crave it in sugar? One thing I've noticed though, I get lightheaded if I'm not getting enough calories. Which, doing MM, I really am not hungry throughout the day. It's usually hunger pains that let me know when I need to eat, but when I'm eating pounds of greens and vegetables which are very low in calories, I have to force myself at times to eat more starches! Kinda ironic how I have to force myself to eat--on a diet!

I think it really does come down to keeping things simple. We're meant to eat simply, but our modern convieniances have been a mixed blessing. To much easy access to too much variety...a temptation that I'm not always up to task. Again, I think McDougall has it right--rich foods and desserts should be saved for special occassions and celebrations, instead of being a daily, or even every meal occurence.

Yesterday (may 18) I ate:

Yesterday I changed one thing, which is I added a can of small red beans to dinner. I experienced some lightheadedness. Which again, I wasn't even hungry at dinnertime, but I figured the lightheadedness had something to do with the fact I just needed more calories, which turns out, was true. After dinner, problem solved.

All 3 meals were essentially the same--potatoes and veggies.
Breakfast: Raw salad, vegetable soup & finished mashed potatoes
Lunch: homemade Asparagus Mushroom Potato soup (used a vegetable broth instead of cream)--soup also had some butter beans in it
Snack: 1/2 frozen banana
Dinner: One can small red beans over huge green raw salad (lots of red & yellow peppers, shredded cabbage, spring mix greens, romaine lettuce, carrots, and diced tomatoes) topped with oil-free pomegrante & blueberry dressing (only 25 calories per 2 TBS, less than many basalmic vinegars) & lots of oven-roasted herbed potatoes

That's it. Looks like I'll do about the same thing today--potatoes, vegetables, & a can of some variety of beans

Re: Veganmothering Journal

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2011 5:35 pm
by lfwfv
I totally agree with you about loving the simplicity of MWL. Life doesn't revolve around food when you eat this way. I tend to eat a MM type diet just because I am a routine person. I eat my raw veggies, salad, steamed veggies, grain, fruits...always very similar day to day except that the amounts vary a bit according to my hunger.

I tend to eat huge meals, but only eat 1-2 times per day. I've tried to change this at times, but I think it's just the way my life works...i get hungry, then i eat until i'm totally full and satisfied, and then i forget food for hours and hours while i work. I love not having to think about food and not feeling like i need to restrict portions or say no to myself. MWL doesn't feel restrictive.

I also agree that rich foods are meant for 'feasts'. There's nothing wrong with desserts, nuts, seeds, or even meat necessarily, if they are occasional treats. Then, we also don't have to worry that they are going to horribly affect our health, or that we will overdo it like crazy. To me, this actually feels like freedom, because I'm not always having to control my portions or my desire to eat more. I actually tend to not even choose 'feast foods' on feast days, because I prefer the freedom from addiction that i experience when i stick to MWL.

I need to boil up some potatoes again. I've been eating more quinoa, millet, and rice as my starch portion lately, after od-ing on yams and potatoes for literally a year!! Now i'm finally starting to crave the potatoes again and your post reminded me to go prepare some to eat with my next salad....yum!

So good to see you are feeling good and are at peace with your choices.

Take care

Re: Veganmothering Journal

PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 7:55 pm
by Veganmothering
Slowly, but surely. I AM losing weight. I'm doing STRICT MWL. No puffed grains, or rice cakes even.

A few times in the past few weeks I've had a few homemade chocolate chip cookies, but that was after a full day of heavy manual labor (deep housecleaning, lawn mowing, gardening, grocery shopping, picking up and carrying small children). I know I probably shouldn't indulge, it's too easy to let these foods creep in, but along with being really active, I'm also exculsively breastfeeding.

The scale hasn't budged too much, and for a time, I was really discouraged (about 2-3 weeks), where my weight was NOT changing and I simply could not figure it out. Finally the scale went down. I think it took a few weeks for my body to adjust to the larger amount of food I was consuming. Since I've been doing MWL for over a month now I've lost about 4 pounds. Not as much as when I was doing WW which averaged 1.5 pounds a week, but it's much easier to do, and I never go hungry or have to restrict food (except the high calorie stuff of course).

About 7 more pounds to go, when actually in reality it may be a bit less since I'm carrying around 1-2 more extra pounds from nursing. Either way, I'm close, and I hope to be there within the next month or so. It still amazes me though how diligent I have to be. I get comments all the time--you look so great for just having had a baby, the weight just melts off. As if it's so easy for me. I never stop moving during the day (on top of structured exercise 6 X's a week) and I eat a TON of celery, lettuce, raw vegetables and stick to low-calorie starches like squashes, oatmeal, and potatoes. It does not "just melt off." I work really hard at it!

The funnest thing is that my close are getting lose, like I like them (I hate! tight clothes). And I'm not embarassed to take my kids to the swimming pool in a swimsuit, rather than a mumu!

Re: Veganmothering Journal

PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 1:59 pm
by StarchBeet
I love reading your common sense posts. If you're nursing then you can manage an extra calorie or two. Nursing made eating a lot of food very easy. Here's a congratulations on a job well done. :applause: