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MALLOW, in regard to, "They can't take it any more"

PostPosted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 8:47 am
by Clary
First, I'd like to encourage you to obtain a copy of The McDougall Quick and Easy Cookbook if you don't have one. Great "familiar" recipes, McDougalled, that many can enjoy, even if they aren't "volunteer McDougallers."

Then, I'd suggest you ask here on the board how to link into "Sandi's Recipes" from the old board. I looked for my link to give it to you, but can't find where I stored it. :(

Then, next, Mallow, I'd like to introduce you to some of Dr. Leslie Van Romer's experience and common sense helps. (She's a 20 yr. McDougaller, and raised three children as a single Mom--including those difficult "eating"/peer pressure teen years.) ... _but_7.htm

YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Many of us have faced this "husband/family" challenge when we began our changes to a better lifestyle. First, I offer my compassion! :thumbsup:

Then, I'd like to share with you an additional source for me of some sustaining encouagement, and some "techniques" to assist me in my McDougalling choices.

Dr. Leslie Van Romer changed her life and the lives of her family over 20 years ago when she was given a set of Dr. McDougall's cassette tapes. A couple years before that she had read a couple of his books, but "wasn't ready".

Dr. McDougall's tapes were serendipitously given to her as a gift, at the same time that she was "suffering" a crisis with her 11-yr.-old daughter being 20 pounds overweight, and Leslie did not know how to help her--and felt as a Mother that it WAS her responsibility to teach and train her children in the area of diet and nutrition when they were young and in her care.

Her "moment of truth" story and history regarding this time (and since) in her life is of great inspiration to me--esp. the part when she made the decision to follow Dr. McD's teachings and went home to make the announcement! :shock:

Leslie not only "changed her family tree" but also "found her path" in life as a result of that decision, and has spent the remaining years crediting Dr. McDougall and powerfully teaching the principles in her family and in her practice (as she has adapted them to her and her family's needs, which adaption is mostly a lot more fruit in their eating plan, and much of the McDougall foods are served raw and fresh--which she prefers).

Dr. Leslie is an enthusiastic and dedicated teacher of the principles which we attempt to follow here, with some portion differences; and what I most benefit from is her enthusiastic common-sense approach to (and generous sharing of) some of the "potholes" we often find along the way.

Many of the changes we want to make to increase our health and energy, and recapture our appearance and natural beauty, are "simple, but not easy."

Changing our food habits is often not just a change in the physical foods and recipes, but can cause emotional upheavals where we (and others) didn't even know we had such strong emotional attachments.

WHO in the family is wanting to McDougall? I suggest to be gentle in that the process is not being forced on someone who is not volunteering, willing and ready.

That is one piece of advice (and experience) that shows up here on this board, often. Prepare the meals they are used to, add enough salad, grains, veges, starches, and other McDougall offerings, etc. to the meal so everyone can sit down and eat pleasantly together. Little by little, as you learn to "McDougall" some of the former recipes in a tasty and appealing way, other family members will come around, is often the report here.

I have given you one link to one page at Dr. Leslie Van Romer's website. I found a lot of other useful, encouraging information there at her website that helped me along my McDougalling path. I selected from her free articles what helped me, and just left information that was not useful to me at this time. I emailed her, and she personally responded.

The link I gave you contains just a brief common-sense hint or two about how to eat your health-full choices, and keep other family members happy, too.

Dr. Van Romer was a speaker at the July, 2006, North American Vegetarian Society-sponsored "Vegetarian Summerfest" in PA, which some of the posters on this board attended and enthusiastically reported on. (You'll see other familiar names connected to Dr. McDougall and VegSource.)

A friend of mine in AL who was the person who originally introduced me to McDougalling those many years ago, attended Dr. Leslie's lecture in July 2006, asked to meet with her afterwards, and came home and rearranged her eating program somewhat--mostly portions (more whole fruit, more whole veges, more food!), PLUS ONE HOUR of energetic walking EVERY DAY, still following the no oil, no dairy, no meat, etc., and other basic McDougall program principles . I saw my friend at the end of Sept. and she had lost the 30 pounds that had gradually crept up on her over the past several extremely stressfull years , when she often neglected her own self-care to aid others.

Hang in there. It is worth it--going through the TRANSITION process (and for most of us, it is a learning and changing and experimental PROCESS , to reach our goals. Progress, not instant perfection!)

Lots of help and support here. Hope you will "Keep coming back"!

Re: MALLOW, in regard to, "They can't take it any more&

PostPosted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 11:02 pm
by Sher
Clary wrote:I'd suggest you ask here on the board how to link into "Sandi's Recipes" from the old board. I looked for my link to give it to you, but can't find where I stored it. :(

Sandie's website:

Sandie's Menus:


Thanks, Sher for the link. (nt)

PostPosted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 11:05 pm
by Clary
no text

Thank you, Clary

PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 11:46 pm
by Mallow
I just saw your post today. Thank you for your thoughtful response. I'm the one needing to McDougall, my family is slender/normal weight. I've been McDougalling and had a good initial weight loss, but have since stalled due to the cooking issues mentioned. My daughter is all for McDougalling, but my husband wants his "normal" food back. One thing I've noticed I need to do is always have leftovers around. If there's no MWL leftovers around for lunch or snacks, SOMETHING will get eaten, and it probably won't be healthy.

You're Welcome. You'll make it! (nt)

PostPosted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 6:50 am
by Clary