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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

PostPosted: Tue May 26, 2020 6:10 pm
by squealcat
I am full of good emotions right now. I had some "face time" with my 7 year old granddaughter this afternoon. She took the I pad from her dad after I dialed in and went to a place away from her parents to talk to me. I noticed that my daughter and my son in law kept away. She and I chatted and then she "took me" down to her bedroom and she began to build with her legos while explaining all the characters she was making. I played along with her but mostly was just "there" with her. She seemed to just want my presence as we continued. We then drew pictures. "What shall we draw?" I said. " Let's draw our kitchen countertop and things that are on it. We can give each other ideas ! " Simple enough. We each drew our sinks with the water running, we each drew a bowl of fruit. There were so many likenesses that is was amazing. That closeness instilled in me a real need to keep on this journey. I know I am important to this little girl and she means so much to me. I want to hold onto that for as long as I can and that means I need to feed my body what it needs as well as feed my soul with as much time with her and others that I can.


Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

PostPosted: Thu May 28, 2020 2:28 pm
by squealcat
Feeling kind of blah today. I haven't even tracked my food today except for breakfast. I don't know what happened.

breakfast was oatmeal, splash of almond milk and an apple cooked into the oatmeal.
lunch was veggie soup, large salad with balsamic vinegar and my hummus for the dressing. I also had yellow potatoes.

After that I started snacking and had a hard time stopping. Once again, I do not know why. I have to stop the afternoon mindless eating. I was doing so well much of the month. It feels like I am just tired of the food I have. Maybe I need to change it up a little. Will see.

exercise: walked 3 miles

There are stable things in my day that have become routines. These are good. I need to create a routine for the afternoons. That may help me. I will think about it.


Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

PostPosted: Fri May 29, 2020 2:14 pm
by squealcat
I gained weight this week (no surprise). Mindless eating in the afternoon and going crazy when ordering take-out this week....were the culprits. Today is turn around day.

I am pretty proud that I tracked my food every single day except for one. I also walked every single day except for one day when it rained hard all day. Tracking mindful afternoons started May 7 and I was mindful 17 out of 23 days. Afternoon is my tough time as far as eating goes. Not having anything interesting to do usually makes my mind look for other interesting things like peanut butter, chips or anything else in the pleasure trap.

My plan is to continue tracking my food but I will put all effort into tracking before I eat as this usually wakes me up to just what I am consuming and will probably make me work harder to make my food more interesting. I will put that big X over the dates in the calendar for tracking, a star for mindfulness, and will write down number of miles I walk. It can't be hard, has to be easy or I won't do it.
Let's see how next month goes !

I think I will just follow Starch Solution way of eating this next month . It won't be very different except will add interest.

Today went well. Bought flowers to plant in pots by the front door and also in planters on the porch. The store was almost wiped out ! The lady that worked there said people must have been spending their stimulus checks on flowers this year.

Be mindful !

Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

PostPosted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 5:46 pm
by squealcat
I started following SS this month in order to get myself back to healthy eating. I just started to feel like I was bored with what I was fixing for myself and things were not tasting good to me. Maybe it was my fault (not creative enough ?) but I needed to step in a different direction.

I was not hungry until noon today so started with a big salad topped with my hummus and a balsamic vinegar. I ordered a new flavor (I think it was called Asian Blackberry ). Oh my, I think this is my new favorite ! I ordered it from Fustini's based here in Michigan. I also had a couple of veg dogs with mustard. Dinner was asparagus, beet greens, a gluten free wrap with sweet potato, my FF hummus, greens and a chipoltle sauce I made from tofu. This was delicious ! For dessert I had wild blueberries over oatmeal with a little maple syrup. I feel satisfied. I got through my day feeling successful. No crazy afternoon out of control eating.

I took my measurements this morning also and will check them again the end of the month. I weigh myself each Friday.

There is crazy stuff on TV. Riots, protests etc.... lots of yelling and misunderstanding. Makes me feel sad and angry at the same time. I am staying at the computer now to get away from it. I pray for all of them.

Find some good in your day, pray, smile and maybe turn off the TV or at least go to another room !


Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 4:35 pm
by squealcat
I was encouraged by my good day yesterday. For dinner I made a wrap that had sweet potato, hummus, a chipoltle sauce, greens.....anyway it was delicious ! Asparagus is in season here in Michigan and I also had that. Today started very well but in the afternoon it tumbled somewhat.... Afternoons are difficult for me. Wish i knew why.

I walked today but only a mile and a half but afterwards I did some gardening and that can be a workout in itself !

Discouraging feelings are coming upon me. I just want to start losing weight again !! I want to get to my goal ! I feel like I will never get there ! I keep making plans, trying different things, thinking new thoughts.....

A few days ago I put flowers into pots . I hauled out the potting soil.....WOW ! It was so heavy !! I could barely hoist it into the wheelbarrow ! I looked at the weight printed on the bag....40 pounds ! I have lost over 40 pounds already . How did I carry that much around ? I have 40 more pounds to lose.... What effect will that have on my body? I bet my legs won't feel so tired, my feet will feel so much better, my clothes will fall off ! I will be a whole different person ! I need to think about that bag of potting soil ....


Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

PostPosted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 6:19 am
by AnnetteW
squealcat wrote:A few days ago I put flowers into pots . I hauled out the potting soil.....WOW ! It was so heavy !! I could barely hoist it into the wheelbarrow ! I looked at the weight printed on the bag....40 pounds ! I have lost over 40 pounds already . How did I carry that much around ? I have 40 more pounds to lose.... What effect will that have on my body? I bet my legs won't feel so tired, my feet will feel so much better, my clothes will fall off ! I will be a whole different person ! I need to think about that bag of potting soil ....


Realizations like that I find quite motivating. I have been quite frustrated by my recent 13 lb weight gain (since January :shock: ) but when I got back on the scale and it recorded over to my tracking app, I'm still down and lower than I've been in 9 years. So it still is a success, and then realizing what I was doing and stopping the ride back up is also a success.

Enjoy your flowers, I only planted a few.

Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

PostPosted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 2:16 pm
by squealcat
Yes Annette, I am still thinking about it today. I have lost a lot and still can lose a lot more. Today I was at the health food store to get some Japanese sweet potatoes and some other things. I happened to see some chocolate items that started to make my mouth water and then I thought: "this is a lie, this is not my voice, this will not make me happy " after that I just walked by very happy with my sweet potatoes.

I have a plan. What I will do when temptation enters my mind. It starts with a cup of tea and a deep breath to get my brain back to being MY brain . There are plenty of treats I can have that are perfectly fine ( like Japanese sweet potatoes !) . I have to keep them in an easy place so I can grab and find them when needed. I am also paying attention to hunger. "Am I hungry? or not? "


Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 9:34 am
by squealcat
I just read through all the latest posting on the June MWL board. Today I have a feeling of renewal on some of the 10 points we are following there. I will make a veggie soup to start my dinner with. That's an easy one. I am just THINKING :roll: about having a small salad or veggies before breakfast. I may try it one day this week and see if I can tolerate it. Like Annette, I will discontinue salt on my oatmeal. I have to get used to it I guess.

First thing this morning I packed up our empty cans and took them to our church parking lot. They have a can drive going on to improve their school technology. A good cause and a good way to get those cans out of our garage as Michigan will not let us return cans and bottles until next week. I don't want to wait in long lines to turn them in. Almost all our cans are from my LaCroix and Bubly waters. I am addicted !

Exercise today was my usual 3 miles. Cooler this morning and it felt good ! I should do some stretches.....maybe before my shower....maybe

My general eating plan for the day : I had oatmeal and blueberries already. Forgot about leaving salt out. I will do that tomorrow. Lunch is always a big salad with balsamic vinegar and blobs of my homemade hummus on top. I am addicted to that too ! I also will have potatoes, lentils, beets, asparagus, brussel sprouts, rice......for the rest of the day. I like to just figure out a good combo and heat it up ! I have a MWL cheeze sauce to use on top. I am not too crazy about this one I have been using but hate to waste it. I like the one made with cauliflower better.

That's it for today !

Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

PostPosted: Sun Jun 07, 2020 1:07 pm
by squealcat
The birds are chirping, the sun is shining and I feel pretty good today !

Started my day off with some quiet time. 20 minutes of meditation. Felt really good ! I watched the CBS Sunday morning show for one hour then my husband and I watched a mass on TV. He is not ready to go to church yet because of covid so I stay home with him. I will go tomorrow for a daily mass. After that I went for a mile and a half walk. A little shorter today. I do a short walk twice a week.

I had oatmeal this morning with blueberries and NO SALT today. I remembered ! It was fine, really. I will repeat again tomorrow. Lunch is partly prepared and on my kitchen counter. Chopped kale, a lemon dressing, greens all washed (from our garden). I will probably do something with the lentils that are left over and rice or potatoes. I just mix up whatever I have prepared. Not much of a big recipe maker.

I am starting my grocery list today. I will make a veggie soup in the crock pot to have before dinner. Need to get ingredients!

That is about all for now. Quiet Sunday and all good !


Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

PostPosted: Sun Jun 07, 2020 8:09 pm
by viajera919
squealcat wrote:Yes Annette, I am still thinking about it today. I have lost a lot and still can lose a lot more. Today I was at the health food store to get some Japanese sweet potatoes and some other things. I happened to see some chocolate items that started to make my mouth water and then I thought: "this is a lie, this is not my voice, this will not make me happy " after that I just walked by very happy with my sweet potatoes.

I have a plan. What I will do when temptation enters my mind. It starts with a cup of tea and a deep breath to get my brain back to being MY brain . There are plenty of treats I can have that are perfectly fine ( like Japanese sweet potatoes !) . I have to keep them in an easy place so I can grab and find them when needed. I am also paying attention to hunger. "Am I hungry? or not? "


Can you share the cauliflower cheese sauce recipe?

Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

PostPosted: Mon Jun 08, 2020 6:14 am
by AnnetteW
I had to take a step back on my blah glue-like oatmeal. Just oats and fruit, I really can't stomach it. Thinking about it makes me not want to eat it. And I like oats and fruit, and it's good for me. I decided to add back about 1/2 the quantity of salt and a touch of honey and a bit of ground flax or chia. I did not get fat because I ate 1 T of ground chia, in fact, it keeps my gut a bit happier. So I bow down to your greatness for eating the oats totally plain. I do have a plan to slowly cut back even more. But right now my 5 little shakes (yes I count and before it was 10, sometimes 12) will help me for now.

I am always surprised when I read what others post and I see the similarities...and then there are other people and I totally can't relate.

How are you doing with your hunger signals? I still don't think I have any, at least not good and strong ones. Maybe I'm broken. I need to keep working on that.

Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

PostPosted: Mon Jun 08, 2020 6:15 pm
by squealcat
I persisted and kept salt off my morning oatmeal..... I was tempted to add it but stopped myself.

I, also add a tablespoon of flax seed to my oatmeal. I don't really think it will stall weight loss. If it does then I will stop it for a while.

The cheeze sauce is from Brand New Vegan. It is a sauce I can use on everything and tastes pretty good.....not really like cheese but it adds to the taste of things. It is on his web site.

Today went very well! I walked 3 miles, remembered to do my stretches afterward. My meals were good and I enjoyed them.

Oats and blueberries for breakfast
Large salad with balsamic vinegar for lunch (blackberry flavor is very good ). I also had brown rice with lentils ( I made lentil sloppy joes from Dr McDougall's daughter's recipe (from Forks Over Knives) and really liked it.....I use those lentils on everything ! A cup of tea to end my lunch
Made a snack/shake out of 1 1/2 frozen banana, a cup of almond milk (30 cal), 1/4 tsp of vanilla, and a generous tablespoon of cocoa. This many times stops cravings for me. I don't have it every day ....maybe twice a week.
Dinner was brussel sprouts, potatoes, and an apple

That is all for today

Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

PostPosted: Tue Jun 09, 2020 4:25 pm
by squealcat
Another 3 mile walk today before it got blistering hot and humid.

Today I started with two muffins made with bananas, oats, quinoa and a little flax.. It tastes good ! The recipe is from Nutmeg Notebook if you want to look it up. I make up a recipe of it and freeze the muffins and use for emergencies. Today I went to get groceries early and was starving when i got home. I wanted to get walking before the heat so pulled out two muffins and defrosted them. Had them with my very rare cup of coffee (my treat for today). Since I don't have caffeine very often, I react to it by talking WAY to much to my husband in the morning. He always knows when I have caffeine..... My next cup may be next month on my birthday.

Lunch was my usual large salad, leftover rice, lentils, and a sweet potato. Still hungry so had a veggie sandwich. That filled me up. It is time for dinner so I will heat up the recipe I made from the Forks Over Knives magazine....One pot Spaghetti and marinara sauce. It was SO easy to make and made a lot ! I used whole wheat linguine for the pasta. I will add mushrooms to it and maybe some chopped raw onion on top.

I have been re-reading "How Not to Die" by Dr Gregor. It is so interesting ! Because of it I bought some purple cabbage this week. Delicious on my salad today !


Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 9:29 am
by squealcat
My last post was Tuesday and today is Friday. What happened? A couple of storms ! High winds, lightning......and then a couple of power outages. Power is back now. I have food stacked on my kitchen countertop that I will throw away. What makes me sad is that I had just made a double batch of oatmeal/buckwheat cereal and a large batch of whole wheat pasta with maranara sauce. Saying good bye to all that !

Life happens as we all know. My choices for take-out were not the best but I stepped on the scale this morning and the weight gain was not that bad (or was not as bad as I pictured). I hope it was mostly water weight that I gained.

Took a 3 mile walk today. I skipped yesterday because I would not be able to shower afterwards. We live outside the city so have a well. We only had bottled water and no use of shower (or flushing toilet) for almost 3 days. I went to our grocery store a couple of times to use their bathroom (confession ! :roll: )

My shower today felt like heaven ! Back to basics and back to making a few things. Hummus, potatoes, beans are the important ones.

See you tomorrow !

Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 7:29 pm
by AnnetteW
Glad everything is back to normal. Lack of power, water, etc, makes our lives so miserable.

I often notice we eat a lot of similar types of meals.