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Re: Rosey - 2011 Journal

PostPosted: Wed May 30, 2018 7:04 pm
by bunsofaluminum
I am so impressed with your pics! that garden looks amazing, and what fun with your little feller along for the ride. I like that recumbent. Is it way fun to ride? Congrats on the weight loss, too! well done!

Re: Rosey - 2011 Journal

PostPosted: Wed May 30, 2018 7:09 pm
by Rosey
bunsofaluminum wrote:I am so impressed with your pics! that garden looks amazing, and what fun with your little feller along for the ride. I like that recumbent. Is it way fun to ride? Congrats on the weight loss, too! well done!

My garden is so fun. So glad to be where I can garden again. My last garden was 4 years ago and the landlord at apartments decided he was going to charge for garden space and make it so we couldn't container garden on porch as well so till we bought our current house I was garden less so good getting my hands in the dirt again.

I love riding my recumbent bike if I bike to far it is hard for me to get out of because of hip condition but last time I lost weight that even got better so here we go and this time I'm going farther and keeping it off. I'm determined big time. Seeing to many family and friends dying of things that are cureable and I don't want to be right there with them

Re: Rosey - 2011 Journal

PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 8:38 am
by Rosey
Woot!!! 296.5 to 291.4 so 5.1 more pounds gone. I'm so going to make it out of the 200's this time. almost out of the 290's.

Re: Rosey - 2011 Journal

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 12:43 pm
by Rosey
Been walking, biking and gardening so much fun. Will be mainly walking for next few weeks because I'm going to be dog sitting and can't really bike with more then one dog but we can walk lots.

Doing pretty good on food though I did have a bit of peanut butter and a few sunflower seeds this weekend so not MWL but close.

Re: Rosey - 2011 Journal

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 10:57 am
by Rosey
only a .2 lb loss but better then nothing and after last few weeks kinda expected.

Though some of that could be sunflower seeds on one of my salads and avacado and olives on a rice dish I had and a bite of peanut butter when I was making my hubby's lunch. He normally makes it but he was in a hurry and asked me to and I didn't leave the peanut butter a lone. all things that aren't MWL but not terrible.

Been doing quite a bit of walking remind me not to do a long walk when it's 78 outside boy was I roasting even my dog was panting good thing I had water for us.

Re: Rosey - 2011 Journal

PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 11:44 pm
by Rosey
Been using Samsung Health on my phone tracking exercise, BP<it has me enter it>, my phone checks my heart rate and oxygen in my blood it's pretty cool. Though it keeps telling me I ain't eating enough for the amount of exercise I'm doing. Which is only walking and Bicycling. Though I figure as long as I'm feeling full I'm not going to worry about that to much because I'm eating between 1400 and 1700 most days. My BP has been completely normal for 2 days straight WOOT!!! That's a new feeling for me since it's been high for a very long time.

Re: Rosey - 2011 Journal

PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2018 7:50 am
by bunsofaluminum
Rosey wrote:Been using Samsung Health on my phone tracking exercise, BP<it has me enter it>, my phone checks my heart rate and oxygen in my blood it's pretty cool. Though it keeps telling me I ain't eating enough for the amount of exercise I'm doing. Which is only walking and Bicycling. Though I figure as long as I'm feeling full I'm not going to worry about that to much because I'm eating between 1400 and 1700 most days. My BP has been completely normal for 2 days straight WOOT!!! That's a new feeling for me since it's been high for a very long time.

isn't it funny when our fitness tracking devices get worried about low calorie intake? LOL but if you're not hungry, and your energy is good...maybe we know something our fitness tracking devices don't ;)

Re: Rosey - 2011 Journal

PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2018 9:53 am
by Rosey
isn't it funny when our fitness tracking devices get worried about low calorie intake? LOL but if you're not hungry, and your energy is good...maybe we know something our fitness tracking devices don't ;)

Energy is definitely good. So much more energized eating this way.

Last week 291.2lbs this week 289.5lbs for a 1.7lb gone this week. That's 17.5 lbs gone since May 11th. WOOT!!!

Re: Rosey - 2011 Journal

PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 9:24 am
by Anna Green
Rosey!!! Yay!!! You are doing so great! Love your openness and your attitude. I can see you in onederland!

I also enjoyed the pics of your garden. Anytime you want to share I'd like to see. I have these 2 pathetic looking pepper plants. One just produced a little bell pepper and it made me so happy. I had to pic it though because something was eating on it. I'll use the good part anyway because it smells so wonderful. I also have basil growing nicely and plan to do some pesto. I'm getting more interested in growing stuff. You are an inspiration in so many ways.

Re: Rosey - 2011 Journal

PostPosted: Sun Jun 17, 2018 11:33 am
by Rosey
Anna Green wrote:Rosey!!! Yay!!! You are doing so great! Love your openness and your attitude. I can see you in onederland!

I also enjoyed the pics of your garden. Anytime you want to share I'd like to see. I have these 2 pathetic looking pepper plants. One just produced a little bell pepper and it made me so happy. I had to pic it though because something was eating on it. I'll use the good part anyway because it smells so wonderful. I also have basil growing nicely and plan to do some pesto. I'm getting more interested in growing stuff. You are an inspiration in so many ways.

I need to quit getting on scales so much. Laugh. Knowing I'm losing makes me want to get on them daily instead of weekly. I love gardening it's relaxing.
My pepper plant is a jalepeno it doesn't like our current weather.
My neighbors have been teasing me about sitting out in garden looking at and talking to my plants and Doggy.

Re: Rosey - 2011 Journal

PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2018 1:45 pm
by Rosey
Took a 12.54 mile bike ride yesterday with my hubby boy was I feeling it at the end but I did it with only a little assistance from him up some of the hills. Most days I tend to walk instead of bike but the biking feels better with my feet, hip and back issues.

My eating has been mainly MWL except a sandwich that and guacamole and bread, some nuts and a tiny bit of peanut butter that got on my finger when I was making hubby a peanut butter and jam sandwich. Need to leave those a long I lose better when I do.

Re: Rosey - 2011 Journal

PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 2:48 pm
by Rosey
ug. I had 2 big opps hopefully it won't kill me on the scales. don't even know why I did it either time. back to plan and using my super cool panini press for hash browns. It works so good and gives the crunch I've been missing.

Re: Rosey - 2011 Journal

PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 6:15 pm
by Rosey
Food wise been doing good every since the slip up. Hubby and I went to Cash and Carry and got a 50lb back of baking potatoes mmmm. also got cucumbers, romaine, and a few other veggies. So yummy...

Took walks early in day yesterday and today so that heat wouldn't make my stomach upset. Though today hasn't been hot like yesterday was.

Re: Rosey - 2011 Journal

PostPosted: Thu Jun 28, 2018 9:36 am
by bunsofaluminum
Rosey wrote:Food wise been doing good every since the slip up. Hubby and I went to Cash and Carry and got a 50lb back of baking potatoes mmmm. also got cucumbers, romaine, and a few other veggies. So yummy...

Took walks early in day yesterday and today so that heat wouldn't make my stomach upset. Though today hasn't been hot like yesterday was.

Mmm, potatoes! Using your pannini press is a GREAT idea for hashbrowns! I tried my air fryer for them and it isn't great. I'm going to get my waffle iron down and start using that for things like hashbrowns, and I saw an idea using the waffle iron for tofu...not a huge tofu fan, but that looked interesting for a possible burger or something.

Now I want to go to Cash and Carry :D

Re: Rosey - 2011 Journal

PostPosted: Thu Jun 28, 2018 5:35 pm
by moonlight
Rosey wrote:ug. I had 2 big opps hopefully it won't kill me on the scales. don't even know why I did it either time. back to plan and using my super cool panini press for hash browns. It works so good and gives the crunch I've been missing.

Hi Rosey, would you mind explaining how you do the hashbrowns? Do you use frozen or grate your own? Sounds very yummy! :)