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Re: Marsha's MWL journal

PostPosted: Wed Aug 12, 2020 8:59 am
by deweyswakms
Wednesday Aug 12, 2020

This week I am working to get down to my goal weight; body isn't cooperating with my usual routine of foods I prepare. Interesting. I need to change something up and not sure what to do.

A friend gave me a 5# bag of potatoes; yay me. I wonder though if I'm eating too many of them or if that's possible.

Today I'll make veggie chili and probably one of Jeff N's 'fast food' meals.


Re: Marsha's MWL journal

PostPosted: Tue Aug 18, 2020 9:53 am
by deweyswakms
Tuesday August 18, 2020

Good morning,
allergies are bad; very congested; I take a prescription for them plus two steroidal nasal sprays: marginal help. It clears away in the afternoon. But very annoying. Tree, grasses, pollens, molds. Not foods.

Anyway, I am going to double down to lose these last few pounds! moderation isn't working (but we knew that, didn't we?)

I am going to make another batch of veggie chili. I eat it a lot but it is so very tasty! This last batch was especially good and maybe because I added about 1/3rd a cup of leftover coffee to it! I always add lots of veggies, whatever is in the fridge so carrots, bok choy this time, kale, a package of southwestern veggies, couple cans of beans, tomatoes, carrots, plenty of chili seasonings, and I did add a couple tablespoons of dark molasses to counter all the tomato acid.

I also made an orzo salad, just finished it. I pan seared some diced zucchini, then cut up tomatoes, the zucchini, some green onions and added the cooked orzo. Also used a couple dashes of a ginger tumeric curry seasoning. Light and good summer salad.

And I have lots of potatoes to eat with the chili. Always oatmeal for dinner if nothing else is appealing.

The Oregon fruits are amazing: peaches now, plus dark cherries really help my arthritic hips. Plums and cantaloupe are so good. I only have 1 or 2 of each a day though, plus 4 dark cherries.

Summer is a good thing.


Re: Marsha's MWL journal

PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2020 11:30 am
by deweyswakms
Wednesday Sept 2, 2020

I am really loving warm sunny days here in the NW. Must enjoy them as long as possible!

After several days parked at one weight, this morning I had dropped a pound. Now 1.5#s from my 2nd goal. Challenge is to hold onto the new level. But I see that it can be done.

Yesterday I made the slow cooker beans & berries recipe from the Quick & Easy cookbook. Recipe says to cook on high for 8-10 hours. Well, mine was done at 5 hours in my relatively new slow cooker. It was very good! I would substitute something else for so much cumin the next time I make it. It's very filling too.

Hope everybody is well and eating healthy.


Re: Marsha's MWL journal

PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 2:38 pm
by deweyswakms
Thursday Sept 3, 2020

Another hot day, last gasp of summer. Oatmeal with ground flax seed, hemp hearts, almond milk for breakfast. Today's plan is eat up the veggie leftovers which includes a bag of spinach. Also going to make the corn/bean salad. Cherries too! Plus the bean and grain casserole.

Re: Marsha's MWL journal

PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 8:07 am
by bunsofaluminum
Hi Marsha,

Sorry about your allergies. My youngest has them really bad as well. She gets hay fever every spring and fall, and we've never found anything that works to reduce her symptoms. I wonder if bee pollen would do any good. Nettle? I've heard that's good for building resistance to allergens...

And I love it that you're using dark cherry for your arthritis pain. I knew it was good for gout. Makes sense that it would help with arthritis... hmmm... *knee pain?*

Re: Marsha's MWL journal

PostPosted: Thu Sep 17, 2020 8:10 am
by deweyswakms
Thursday Sept 17, 2020

I live in Oregon; in the 10th day of confined indoors due to very hazardous air quality from the horrific fires south of me. I have gained 3#s from stress eating and lack of my usual exercise, not getting outdoors. Not in fire danger anymore but I did get packed up in case ordered to leave. I have had too many PB&J sandwiches. Today I'll start back to trying to eat right. I have plenty of good food.

Climate change is here folks; plan accordingly.


Re: Marsha's MWL journal

PostPosted: Sun Sep 20, 2020 12:22 pm
by deweyswakms
Sunday, Sept 20, 2020

Blessed rains and cooler temps arrived; took 2-3 days to get the air quality index back to healthy levels. Fires still burning in the mountains but the weather helps. We are all a bit shell shocked still. Every day brings new psychic blows. I am rethinking my 'go bag' and what I would take if get the 'go now' order.

But I am back to eating healthy again; lost 1.5 of the 3#s I gained. I really like the recipes in the Quick & Easy cookbook. That's one reason this program, way of eating (WOE) works for me. I love tasty, nutritious, and fast food. I have made the beans & berries (wheat berries) recipe a few times; it's so good. And I just made the red lentil sauce again. I always follow recipes the 1st time I make them. Then I feel free to add seasonings, experiment, etc. The red lentil sauce, for me, needs seasonings. Today I made it with my own veggie broth which is very rich and flavorful. I added some ginger turmeric with fenegreek seasoning and some red pepper flakes.

Also today will cook broccoli and spinach. Food prep ahead of time is a big key for me. Then I am free to do other things.

Hope you all are safe and healthy, Marsha

Re: Marsha's MWL journal

PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 10:54 am
by deweyswakms
Oct 1, 2020, one year to the day since I started this journal. I lost many pounds in the past 12 months, and still hoping to lose 2 more. Stubborn fat cells are mocking me.

The slow cooker beans and berries recipe in the Quick & Easy cookbook is so darn good! I make it a lot now. It's so easy to put in the slow cooker and leave it on high for 5 hrs or so (mine is done in 5 hrs). I love the chewy wheat berries. I do add seasonings to mine; this time I added a can of tomatoes with spicy peppers in them. Had some for breakfast.

Yesterday I had split pea soup (with celery, carrots and potatoes) over Jasmine rice. Yummy and filling.

I need to make more effort to add dark leafy greens to my daily diet. I like them; just lazy to make something. I usually buy a bag of salad greens and cabbage.

Hope everybody is happy, healthy and safe.


Re: Marsha's MWL journal

PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 11:05 am
by deweyswakms
Monday Nov 9, 2020

I'm still here, still working the program, still under my 180 goal # but not by much. Still want to lose 5 more but frankly 2020 'events' have sucked the motivation out of me. I am happy to be under 180.

I have really enjoyed recipes from the Quick & Easy cookbook. Beans and Berries (wheat berries) is very good and yes, quick and easy. Today I will try the vegetable grain casserole. Our small immediate family will have a covid careful Thanksgiving. I am making a butternut squash risotto; will make it this week to test it. I think it's a McDougall recipe.

I get in walking 5 out of 7 days; the one day with 4th grade online school is very tiring for my old granny body and it takes a day to recover.

take care, be safe and healthy,


Re: Marsha's MWL journal

PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 6:25 pm
by moonlight
Congrats, Marsha! Sounds like you have this diet under control. :D

Since you mentioned cooking, today I made the Garbanzo Stew from the MWL cookbook. It is excellent. I made some Basmati brown rice to go with it. I highly recommend the recipe.

Re: Marsha's MWL journal

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2020 8:52 am
by deweyswakms
Hello December 2020, what a long miserable year. New Year's Day is my new favorite holiday.

A few pounds have crept back, so today, this month, I double down again on MWL. Today I will make the longevity soup. Nothing better for me than Jeff's fast food, so I will do that too. I admit to a weakness for gingersnap cookies and chips. Gone!

Time to shake things up, try new recipes. I liked the 'sheet pan recipes' just published on the McDougall newsletter. And I have barley simmering now; really love this chewy grain.

At least here in the gloomy NW, we have several almost sunny days! Always helps my mood to get outside.

Hope everybody is staying covid safe.


Re: Marsha's MWL journal

PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 11:01 am
by deweyswakms
Thursday Dec 3, 2020

Yesterday I made split pea soup with carrots and celery; so good! I have a big batch of broccoli to cook today, plus some green beans. And I'll make yet another pot of my veggie chili; it really is good and easy. I'll make the longevity soup later; want to eat up foods I already have. I have 2 orange acorn squashes that need to be roasted.

I have walked every day this week, body is tired today so will rest. I think it was a past McDougall newsletter touting the benefits of eating cherries for inflammation. I started having a few last summer (now have 4-5 frozen cherries most days), and have to say that nearly all my arthritic hip pain is gone. I eat them with maybe half a cup of frozen raspberries. So happy because I was thinking I was headed straight to a hip replacement.

Tomorrow I'll probably post to the December MWL thread as I need to get rid of the 4 Lbs I gained plus lose 2-3 more.

Thankful a covid vaccine will start to roll out. Be save, Marsha

Re: Marsha's MWL journal

PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 10:18 pm
by taz432
How do you eat the frozen cherries? Just as is? I was having smoothies over the summer that I loved with frozen cherries, rice milk, cocoa powder and a little sugar. Since then, I found you aren't supposed to drink calories with MWL.

Re: Marsha's MWL journal

PostPosted: Sat Dec 05, 2020 11:17 am
by deweyswakms
Hi Taz,

I just put a few frozen cherries in a bowl with maybe 1/2 cup of frozen raspberries, and I let them thaw out before eating. Nothing beats fresh summer cherries but this works for my achy hips.

I never got into the smoothie habit; too lazy, too cheap to buy a good machine. Plus I want the fiber from eating the fruits/veggies in their natural state.


Re: Marsha's MWL journal

PostPosted: Sat Dec 05, 2020 11:24 am
by deweyswakms
Saturday Dec 5, 2020

I have dropped 2 lbs, so now is when I get strong about staying MWL (mostly) because it works! I already had my morning oatmeal with ground flax seed, hemp hearts and plant milk, and an English muffin with 1 tbsp of peanut butter. My body needs a bit of fat to feel full. This will satisfy me for hours. Later I have split pea soup to eat, and more steamed broccoli. I really like the chewy barley that I cooked; it acts as my rice for a serving of one of Jeff's 'fast food' meals.

Later I'll cook some carrots; turns out I like them cooked (also roasted). I gave up on the yellow squash. I really don't like it! I don't have to eat something I don't like all that much.

We do need rain here in the rainy NW but several days of cold but brilliant sunshine are welcome too! The sun shows up my very dirty windows, so I will do some window cleaning today.

I'll walk later. Plus I will start a painting. Am reading a great book.

And stay safe from covid. Please mask up people. Do it for our beleaguered health care workers. Marsha