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Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 11:33 am
by nicoles
Happy Friday! This is adorbs:


Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 11:35 am
by Ruff
So cute! :D

Thank you for the smile.

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 1:19 pm
by jamietwo
Awwww! How cute! :)

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 8:56 pm
by nicoles
Hi Katie and Jamie!

Jst popping in to link to this interesting article on gene expression

My favorite "soundbites":

Cole was channeling John Milton: “The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.”

Of course I did not realize that at the moment. My reaction was more prosaic.

“So environment and experience aren’t the same,” I offered.

Steve Cole wrote:“Your experiences today will influence the molecular composition of your body for the next two to three months,” he tells his audience, “or, perhaps, for the rest of your life. Plan your day accordingly.”

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

PostPosted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 11:17 am
by Ruff
I read this. Interesting. Thank you for the link.

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

PostPosted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 11:48 am
by lmggallagher
Just to say howdy and hoping all is good with you - will be back to catch up on your journal! Leo above is hysterical for starters!

Psoriatic Arthritis 3 Year Update

PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 8:07 pm
by nicoles
Howdy Katie and Michelle! Yurp, gotta love the Leo, eh ;-)

So I have been busy for months! This is a good thing, and speaks well to my levels of health and well being, but in the spirit of honesty, I will tell the whole story.

The Good:

I have improved even further still from my last update six-ish months ago, with some detours. I managed to start my own home-based pet portrait painting business and do much better than expected, and actually meet the deadlines for the demand right up to Christmas. I could never have done that in the last few years until now. I am also starting another business as a live event painter and building that up slowly. This is very exciting!! And I feel confidently up the the task. Yes, there are things I need to work out and streamline, including how I pace myself, but these are all workable things. I also am managing to exercise fairly regularly.

The Bad

The PsA and the psoriasis are still simmering under the surface, albeit much quieter and with less bite than before. I have fully accepted that I am managing this, not curing it, and that there will always be times where it flares up. If I do not take care of myself on MANY LEVELS, I will feel bad, simple as that.

The Ugly...

During a busy time in my Holiday Portrait Making, I got some scalp psoriasis. I was undoubtedly under stress (good stress, but stress nonetheless) and was not taking great care of myself for a couple of weeks. I ate on-plan, but too much, I did not sleep enough and I did not leave the house or exercise barely at all. Not good!

Things I Have Observed:

1A) Hormones play a HUGE part in my flaring cycles. Specifically:

a) ovulation=noticeable inflammation for 2-3 days

b) PMS/PMDD=mild inflammation/muscle stiffness/water retention for 10-15 days

c) period=quite high pain and fatigue for the first day, day-and-a-half.

1B) I can significantly manage hormonal balance, and therefore flare-ups, through:

a) daily early morning walks in natural light for at least 20 minutes

b) eating lowfat, that is, no more than 1.5 oz nuts/seeds daily (sometimes I overdo the nuts, seeds and avocado without gaining weight BUT now I know how I pay the price)

c) avoiding overeating fruit (this little piggy can eat 8 bananas in one day, ignoring the tortured squealing of her tummy-tum-tum) and limiting fruit primarily to low-sugar fruits like green apples, kiwis, pomegranates and berries.

d) GOING TO BED BY 9:30 AT THE LATEST CONSISTENTLY. So important for me. Cannot understate the need for sleep. Also throw in a nap any day I feel I need it and I can do it.

e) Getting regular exercise. For me this means walking at least half an hour daily, even if it is broken up into chunks of 10 or even 5 minutes, stretching daily, and very slowly and gradually weight training a couple of times a week, aiming for consistency over gains. Throw in some water aerobics or H2O yoga in a fancy-pants heated pool and we are golden :-D

2A) If I react to a food, or overeating a food, I won't feel the effects until the second day, not the first day, after eating it. So I won't wake up the next day miserable, I will feel it the day after that.

2B) I can eat one half to one banana and be fine. I cannot eat 5-8 bananas and feel fine. Within two days I will feel very un-fine. But only for a day if I sleep, rest, and eat well accordingly.

3) It is important for me to get outside regularly, in fresh air, and sun if it is available. I do not feel as well without that, and my skin will get slightly itchy and flaky, which I take as a psoriasis prelude.

4) I am less and less likely to show a reaction to a food I test, although overeating certain foods (bananas, I'm looking at you!) can cause a reaction. So when I test a food, I test in reasonable amounts first, wait a bit, then try unreasonable amounts to know if it is a "regular" food, or an "occasional" food. I like to have as much variety in my diet as possible, to avoid getting a reaction to my staples after so long on the ED.

Lastly, I have been exploring a Feldenkrais-related movement system called Hanna Somatics. Out of the blue I recalled that an old camp friend had terrible fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome when he was 19, which continued on and responded to nothing until it finally resolved through doing some kooky exercises when he was 24 or 25. So I sent him an email asking what the kooky stuff was and he told me the skinny.

It is pretty cool. I have been doing the very easy Cat Stretch daily and it is transforming the way I move and feel in my body. I plan to talk more about it later, after I have done it for awhile.

So all in all, that's that!

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 10:45 pm
by lmggallagher
Hey Nicole:

Cool that you posted Toni's book. She came and talked at the Insight Meditation Center near me and was really wonderful. She has a connection to that group and really had to rally to get over and do it. It involved travel that she just has a terribly hard time with - but gosh she gave a great talk. I'll happily listen to the podcast too.

I have the book as well and need to dig it out again and read it- lots of sage stuff therein. But I also have a bit of a feeling from reading about her and also the book - that perhaps she hasn't really exhausted all the remedies she could. I'd like to revise my thinking on this by reading it again though.

I may be very biased though - I had many of the same highly chronic fatigue symptoms and pulled through a lot of it by working hard. Then maybe it was all just luck, which she hasn't had. Anyway, I still respect her a lot and know she is doing many people a ton of good!

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

PostPosted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 4:27 pm
by MSNomad
Nicole, it is so nice to read your update and hear how you're doing. Thanks for sharing things that you find helpful and interesting. Thanks for the link to Toni Bernhard's book - I've checked it out from the library and have just started reading it. Good stuff so far!

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

PostPosted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 7:47 pm
by jamietwo
Nicole, thank you for posting such a thorough update together with your observations on "what makes a difference"! I've been staying up later than normal to watch the Olympics, and I definitely need more sleep! In fact, my body demands it. I took a long nap yesterday and still slept well last night. :)

Congratulations on your success with your new businesses! That is just so awesome on so many levels!

And thank you thank you thank you for sharing that you are able to eat foods today that you could not eat in the past.

Keep up the good work! :nod:

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

PostPosted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 8:48 pm
by lmggallagher
Hey Nicole:

I completely missed your update the first time I came to catch up with your journal. It is all so fantastic! I am thrilled to death (why do we say that) that your art work endeavors are taking off so well. You are so very talented that it's just a matter of exposure. People see, people want. I know I do. Mr. Weasel and Mizz Swoozie wake up and pose for Auntie Nicole ;-)

Then there is the laundry list of what you know now. it is always so stunning to find out how similar we are. It shocks me though that we have the same triggers and present in such different ways. Though I did have a patch of psoriasis going into McDougall I have not seen since.

Your observations are right on in the over eating of certain foods. I get half a banana and really the FODMAPS thing is the best thing to come my way since McD. Back on it just a few days (except for an unfortunate trip to the ER - which was all about pre FODMAPS SAD eating ) and I know by experience I will be feeling tops in week two. After that I will finally start challenging. Thereafter, we should compare notes on that - I am so curious to see what other foods may be negatives for both of us.

Sleep, exercise and sunshine all on my list too. Right now - I am in a high intolerance of exertion mode still as I am reconditioning back to a regular exercise regime. This is really typical for fibro folk - especially those of us who went chronic fatigue prior to fibro. I really think though I can shorten the keel over like the little girl naps now, if I add in sun. Got to try this - where is that sun though just now....????

I love the Hanna Somatics video. I envy his table - I want one terribly. We had one at my old pool that is being unused now. I'd do anything to procure it. I may even ask if I can rent it!

And sounds like you are getting in some of the warm water yourself - I am back to swimming too. God I love it - it's the best thing for me ever - but I so want to walk too. I have to lose weight again though, otherwise my bad ankle rules the rest of the progress and I get completely unbalanced all over again. I was really impressed with the HS as this work is exactly the area I need to be stretching and its even gentler than the yoga. I will likely try that out after I do the ones the PT gave me. I feel obliged she was so sweet and caring.

Now I am going to steal your whole list for comparison purposes and see what I come up with for me. thanks for completing our homework - hope you don't mind me copying it :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

So glad you're able to work and exercise again - both of you are in so much the better place than last year. Happy, happy, happy for you all :) Michelle

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

PostPosted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 10:13 pm
by nicoles
Hey Y'all! I guess we're all back on the baords after the chaos that is the holidays, huh? :-D

MSNomad, glad you are reading Tony B's book! Did you know her husband's name is Tony? Fun fact, no relevance. :unibrow:

J2, Those midday naps are great, aren't they? Sleep is so important for me. I am treating myself more like a child - BEDTIME IS BEDTIME - and it is wonderful. I actually love not staying up now that I am getting used to it.

Hi Michelle! So funny how yet again we have the same experience! And , oh! The warm water. So wonderful. So wonderful. Just so wonderful!! I totally want that table the Hanna Somatics guys uses int he video as well. One day perhaps.

THANK YOU for pointing out the difference between last year and now - I have not even gotten started on DH's turnaround but some very good things are happening with him as well and it is just great!! :D



Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

PostPosted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 9:04 am
by Lesliec1
I love that lion kitty so much. (Hi giraffe; I think I'll gnaw on your head for no particular reason. Oops, you fell. Too bad. Who's next?) I miss my smart bratty kitty. We used to say some day we'll catch her trying to hot wire the car.

Your list inspired me to make serious exercise part of the equation. Time for me to find out if it helps me sleep and who knows what else.

I would love to hear what's up with your DH and his super cool job if you care to tell...

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

PostPosted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 9:02 pm
by nicoles
Leslie, he ate the giraffe because he is King of the Jungle! And the Savannah. And the Forest... cats are such brats, right? I love them :-D

Exercise helps me a ton, but it is very Goldilocks-like - not too much, not too little, just right. For me that meant starting out doing a little less than I was inclined to, yet more regularly than I was inclined to. For example, I started out walking three times a day (before breakfast, after lunch and after dinner) for a short amount of time - 5-10 minutes. I made sure that I did it little enough so I could do it EVERY DAY. Then I slowly added to the time over weeks and weeks, until now I am walking about 40 minutes to an hour in the morning and up to 20 minutes one or two more times after that. I did it so slowly it never had that satisfying felling of "exercise" until recently when I can finally walk a bit faster and up and down some hills.

I can't say much now about DH's jobs but the abstract of it is that he is getting some serious recognition way before anticipated. WHo knows where it will go yet, but it is VERY heartening. Cheers him up a bunch too. :D

IN other news, I accidentally happened upon one of the first posts I ever made here. Wow, how things have changed. I love JEff N's succinct answers, he is great.

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

PostPosted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 10:25 am
by lmggallagher
Hi Nicole:

Hey that easing up to walking more is wonderful - when I get my days in at the pool and gym both down I will try this. Firs the 2 days of swimming and then add in one day of gym for me and when possible another day of gym - until I am up to 5 days of both. I was just happy to not nap my afternoon away after swimming yesterday as I have been :lol: :lol: :lol:

You are also doing water aerobics and maybe the Hanna Somatics (sp?) too? So what does a typical week of exercise look like now for you?

I am really impressed that you took it the slow sure way and I will try hard to use this good example you set of slow and easy wins the day!