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Re: CJJ's Journal - beginning 9/30/2010

PostPosted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 1:23 pm
by nomikins
The five day program does not offer the medical care the ten day program has. I think that may be one of the big differences.

Re: CJJ's Journal - beginning 9/30/2010

PostPosted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 7:51 pm
by CJJ
B-oatmeal, applesauce, banana
L- romaine, rice, 1/3 or so black beans, salsa
D- white bean chili, salad (romaine,spinach,tomato,red onion, red pepper, oil free raspberry dressing)

walked for 40 minutes today.

Re: CJJ's Journal - beginning 9/30/2010

PostPosted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 11:27 am
by CJJ
Last night, when I found out for sure that my son's friends were going to visit him at college I made a pan of his fave brownies. I had to stay up late to let them cool, make the ganache and frost them. I did lick the spatula from the ganache. Just one lick then I plunged it in the water. I wasn't craving chocolate or sweets and I dont' even know why I did it. Put the brownies in the fridge and had dh cut and wrap them up this morning. Cutting brownies is tougher for me...cuz there is always that little piece that ....well I'm sure you know. So brownies made and out of the house already.

Earlier in the week I made double chocolate choc chip cookies to send to my daughter at college. I didn't taste the dough or have any chips or cookies. YAY!!!

Re: CJJ's Journal - beginning 9/30/2010

PostPosted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 11:35 am
by CJJ
Week one - lost FIVE pounds!!! I'm happy with that reward. My mind instantly starts figuring out 'okay, if I lose 5 pounds week, then by Christmas I will weigh...' OY!! Why do I do that??

I did wear a pair of black jeans on Wednesday night that I have not worn in a very long time. There was still a roll over the waistband but not as bad as previously and they were zipped up and comfortable! I just had to find a top that didn't cling to the roll :?

So many options of what to make for dinner and I don't know which way to go;
Lentil soup??
Mex Lasagna?
Green Potato Soup?
Pumpkin Black Bean soup?

LOL - yes it is definitely a soup kind of day. Dh loves soups and he loves the leftovers for lunch so it is all good.

sides could be potatoes or grains or salad. Already thinking ahead to the weekend. I am going to make crockpot African Sweet Potato Stew tomorrow and on Sunday I am going to make a Black Bean 'meatloaf' with baked potatoes (or mashed) on the side.

Re: CJJ's Journal - beginning 9/30/2010

PostPosted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 11:45 am
by CJJ
Week two, Day one 10/8

B-oatmeal, applesauce, cinnamon, vanilla
L-2 rice cakes, apple
D-rice,black beans,salsa, two corn tortillas, 1/3 avocado (my TREAT!)
fruit smoothie

walked 60 minutes on treadmill

Re: CJJ's Journal - beginning 9/30/2010

PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 12:08 pm
by CJJ
It was nice to sleep in this morning. When I got up my eyes were just weird and I couldn't get focused and then I realized... :eek: I had slept with my contact lenses in!!!! :? Not good. After I pried those out of my eyes and washed my face I have this weird coloration on my face. Weird irregular shapes of redness on either side of my nose. I have washed my face, splashed it with cold water, exercised has only slightly faded. NO CLUE what this is! :?: :?:

On with the day. I am dressed for exercise but hoping to walk outdoors today if I can get dh to join me. We'll see how the weather cooperates for that.

L-apple (really not hungry for anything more)
S-two rice cakes
D- baked potato w/bbq sauce, fruit smoothie

Hmmmm, nothing GREEN today! :?

Re: CJJ's Journal - beginning 9/30/2010

PostPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 3:05 pm
by CJJ

B- oatmeal,applesauce,cinnamon,vanilla
L- salad -romaine,red onion,red pepper,carrot - one rice cake
D- sweet potato soup, quinoa w/beluga lentils on the side.

Re: CJJ's Journal - beginning 9/30/2010

PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 10:21 am
by CJJ
GOOOOOOD Morning MONDAY!!! Slept great, woke up with a long list of things to do. My kind of weather going on outside. I have lots of energy and need to get busy.

L-leftover quinoa/lentil 'salad' - very good cold!, apple.
D-entire bunch of romaine lettuce topped with FF refried beans mixed with rice and mex seasoning, onion and salsa. Green smoothie to drink (contained apple,orange,red grapes,kiwi,spinach)

I did have a BITE of a homemade Choc Chip cookie. I made them to send to my son's roommate for his bday and they didn't look quite right so I took a bite of one. It tasted fine, and I put the rest in the garbage disposal and turned it on! One of the few times I have made cookies and not eaten the dough. I wasn't even tempted.

Re: CJJ's Journal - beginning 9/30/2010

PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 9:39 am
by CJJ
Was tempted to weigh this morning. I resisted, talked myself out of it. I am going to wait until Friday.

L-apple, leftover refried bean/rice in a corn tortilla
S-two rice cakes
D-mashed potatoes, potato skins, large salad with romaine, onion, pepper, mushrooms, tomato

Re: CJJ's Journal - beginning 9/30/2010

PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 10:00 am
by nomikins
Good job on not going crazy with the cookies!

Re: CJJ's Journal - beginning 9/30/2010

PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:55 pm
by CJJ
B-oatmeal,applesauce,cinnamon, vanilla
S-one rice cake (hungry but mouth still numb from dentist)
L-two rice cakes -lame but mouth was numb until 4pm! I almost bit my lip eating the rice cakes so I didn't want to venture to more chewing
D- late due to contractor appt - blk beans,rice,onion,salsa in two corn tortillas. Fruit smoothie (strawberries,orange,banana,grapes,pineapple)

Re: CJJ's Journal - beginning 9/30/2010

PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 2:05 pm
by CJJ
I have NO CLUE what the redness was caused by! :? It was gone a few hours later and I haven't seen it again.

Speaking of baking, I made two loaves of banana bread last night. I needed to take dinner to a family from church today so made that for their dessert and I had so many brown/black bananas that I just made two loaves. Hubby is eating the second loaf. I do wish he would have taken it to work with him just to avoid being tempted by it but so far so good. Not being able to eat yet because of my numb mouth helps. ;)

Re: CJJ's Journal - beginning 9/30/2010

PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 8:50 pm
by sksamboots
Your doing great, good job :nod:

Re: CJJ's Journal - beginning 9/30/2010

PostPosted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 12:47 pm
by CJJ
I have African Sweet Potato Stew in the crockpot and the rice cooker working away on 16 cups of brown rice.

L-brown rice w/cut up apple cinnamon,vanilla
D-African Sweet potato stew,romaine salad with red onion & mushrooms.

Re: CJJ's Journal - beginning 9/30/2010

PostPosted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 10:16 am
by CJJ
Excited to have lost 4 pounds this past week!! WOO HOO!! That is such a great feeling when I see a lower number register on the scale. :-D

To keep this momentum going I really need to focus on MORE GREENS/VEGETABLES I think, and that is my self inflicted challenge for this week.