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Re: Weight Loss and Recovery

PostPosted: Tue Jul 21, 2020 7:29 am
by Ejeff
Good for you Kirstykay with a substantial amount of weight loss and sticking to your exercise plan! You are making great progress. I enjoyed the honesty in what you wrote, it is true the program does work if it is followed. The scale sure can be a tricky thing how it motivates or deflates how we feel. I’m in maintenance and I still have those feelings from time to time. If the scale climbs a bit I just make sure I’m eating my veggies and starches.

Anyway, just wanted to say congratulations on your progress. I think you are doing great and being honest with yourself and sharing it with others is very kind of you :-D

Re: Weight Loss and Recovery

PostPosted: Tue Jul 21, 2020 11:40 am
by kirstykay
Thank you for the kind words and the encouragement. Yes...that dang scale. It is a necessary evil for me because when I don't weigh at all I end up on the river of denial. But I do wish I could get to the point where it doesn't affect my emotions so much! I have done well to only weigh once a week since joining the MWL group - a great improvement from the "scale monkey" that I once was. Interesting to note that you still feel that way, even at maintenance. Maybe this is just a fact of life... but also a good tool to keep ourselves honest.
Anyway, thanks so much for your feedback. I really appreciate it. :)


BKFS: green smoothie - (power greens, frozen mango, frozen mixed berries, water)

2nd BKFS: Pasta Salad - (Rigatoni Pasta, cucumber, grape tomato, green onion, garbanzo beans, artichoke hearts, fresh basil and dill, lime juice & white balsamic vinegar blended with 1/4 avocado for dressing (for the entire salad) salt and pepper)

LUNCH: Kale Salad - (1 head kale massaged with 2 Tbs lemon juice and no oil hummus, red pepper, red onion, mandarin oranges, 1/2 grapefruit slices)
Split Pea soup and white rice

DINNER: Teriyaki Veggie Stir-Fry with Rice

DESSERT: Apple Crisp with Vanilla Nice Cream

EXERCISE: 60 min morning walk; 30 min swim (laps) with rests


BKFS: 1 Nectarine & 1 Mango then Chocolate Banana Oatmeal with Strawberries

LUNCH: Split Pea Soup

DINNER: Kale Salad (see yesterday), Homemade Blackbean Burger with tomatoes, pickles, onions, mushrooms, ketchup, mustard in lettuce wrap, Pasta Salad (see yesterday).

EXERCISE: 60 min Elliptical with HIIT Intervals; 30 min Swim (laps) with rests

10-point Checklist Evaluation:
1. Start Each Meal with soup, salad, or fruit. 80% (this is an area I can constantly improve on. I feel like 80% is a win)
2. 50/50 veg/starch. 80%
3. Reduce added sugar and salt. 90% I have no intention of completely eliminating either of these. They are essential for me sticking to my plan and enjoying my food. (could use less salt, sugar is fine -about 1 Tbs Maple syrup in my oatmeal)
4. No Animal Foods. 100%
5. No High Fat plant foods 97% (1/4 avocado in about 10 servings of pasta salad)
6. No Oil 100%
9. No flour, or high-calorie dense food. 100%
8. Don't drink calories 90% (green smoothie)
9. Eat when hungry till comfortably full. 100%
10 Moderate Exercise. 100%

Re: Weight Loss and Recovery

PostPosted: Tue Jul 21, 2020 12:18 pm
by squealcat
I was reading through a lot of your journal posts and see a lot of myself in them. I watch videos on UTube and think that I can try what he/she is doing as it works for them ! I go to Starbucks for a soy latte thinking it is just once and then I find myself there again ! Getting sucked into things I really don't want to do sometimes becomes my life and THAT life is not the one I want.

The previous times I joined the MWL group I just lost so slowly and I was thinking I would never "get there". I realize that is a lie and I can get there even at a slow pace. I guess I am just afraid I will fail.

Your thoughts here are strengthening me so thank you for posting ! Yes, you SHOULD keep posting here and I should keep it up as well on my journal. Thinking of joining the MWL group in August. Maybe I will see you there !


Re: Weight Loss and Recovery

PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 2:43 pm
by kirstykay
Squealcat, It's so helpful to realize that we are not alone on this journey! And also to recognize our story in someone always makes me feel a little less "crazy." I'm glad you've found some of my posts helpful, and I hope you do join the MWL group in August. Lots of great support and accountability over there. Here's to us succeeding and living the lives we've imagined!

Re: Weight Loss and Recovery

PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 2:47 pm
by squealcat
Yes ! Agree !! :D

Re: Weight Loss and Recovery

PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 2:56 pm
by kirstykay
I was going to come here and report on the last two days of eating/exercise, but to be perfectly honest, I've sort of forgotten what all I ate yesterday. Here's what I remember:

BKFS: Green Smoothie
SNACK: Pasta Salad
LUNCH: Fruited Kale Salad with Tuno Salad
DINNER: Air fries, Grilled veggies, and Corn on the cob for dinner
DESSERT: chocolate nice cream for dessert and Air Popped popcorn

I do think I ate more than this. I went to bed very full last night, and I kept grazing throughout the day. I don't have any non-compliant food in the house, but I would say I overate.

Exercise: 60 min walk - AM

BKFS: Oatmeal (made with water) topped with summer fruit (blueberries, strawberries, peaches) So DELISH!!!

LUNCH: Rice, Broccoli, Corn (kinda a weird lunch but I was really hungry and thew it was surprisingly yummy.)

SNACK: Pasta Salad

DINNER: Kale Salad, Split Pea Soup with Rice

DESSERT: Chocolate Nice Cream

Exercise: 60 min morning Elliptical/ 30 min evening swim

Re: Weight Loss and Recovery

PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2020 11:13 am
by kirstykay
Weighed in on the MWL thread this week. Lost the 1 pound that I gained last week. YAY! Less exciting is that we are at the end of the weigh-in month for July and in- total this month I have lost 1.4 pounds. NOT stellar, however I am taking the win! Any weight lost is a win. Hopefully August will be a better month. I am a "Myopic Turtle" Dr. Lisle likes to call it. Head down, focused on the goal, slow and steady wins the race. There are still 5 months left in the year. I'd like to average a pound a week for the year which would have me down 52 pounds this year. I'm down 29 pounds currently. I need to lose 23 pounds to get there. There are 22 weeks and 5 days left in this year as of today. I think I can do this. That will put me right at 160 pounds, which is significant because when I lost 100 pounds (2009-2012, yes, it took me 3 years) I went from 260 to 160. The difference is that this time I will be on my way down to 130 (my goal weight). I don't mind if it takes me all of 2021 to lose the last 30 pounds, but I WILL lose it.

Ok. Enough projecting into the future! Myopic Turtle time! Slow and Steady. Looking at the next step, not the finish line. Here I am today! 183.7. Down 29 pounds! Blood Sugar numbers in the mid 100s instead of the mid 300s! Body smaller and stronger. Feeling positive and hopeful!

Food Journal
Chef AJ's Cinnamon Buns (2) - just did the calorie calculation on these they are 225 cal each!!! NOT making these again- too easy to overeat. They sure were good, though!
Blueberries (1 cup)
Banana (1 medium)
Salad Sushi with Ginger dressing and pickled garlic (purchased at Whole Foods)
Chef AJ's Cinnamon Bun
[b]DINNER [/b](overate at dinner- too full!)
Black Bean Burger in lettuce wrap with pickles, sauteed mushrooms, ketchup, mustard
Corn on Cob
Air Fries
Baked Beans
Summer Fruit Salad (blueberries, peaches, stawberries)

Old Fashioned Oats with Summer Fruit (I'm noticing a theme here! LOL! Peaches and Blueberries are in season here in SC and they are SOOOO delicious!!
Mixed Greens with McDougall Pasta Salad
Buritto Bowl
Chocolate NICE cream

So, I've started doing something that worked for me before, but I haven't done lately. That is PLAN my meals the night before so that I know EXACTLY what I'm eating the next day. I always have a rough idea of what I have on hand, but I like to decide from day to day what I "feel" like eating. However, if I get too hungry, that can lead me into trouble, so I spend a few minutes the night before or the morning of and decide what meals I'll be enjoying for the day. Takes the decision-making out of the equation and still allows me to not feel bound by a specific pre-determined meal plan that I tend to rebel against, even if I've set it. I remember this really working for me in the past, and I had forgotten what a powerful tool it had been until recently.

Re: Weight Loss and Recovery

PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2020 11:36 am
by JeffN
kirstykay wrote: So, I've started doing something that worked for me before, but I haven't done lately. That is PLAN my meals the night before so that I know EXACTLY what I'm eating the next day. I always have a rough idea of what I have on hand, but I like to decide from day to day what I "feel" like eating. However, if I get too hungry, that can lead me into trouble, so I spend a few minutes the night before or the morning of and decide what meals I'll be enjoying for the day. Takes the decision-making out of the equation and still allows me to not feel bound by a specific pre-determined meal plan that I tend to rebel against, even if I've set it. I remember this really working for me in the past, and I had forgotten what a powerful tool it had been until recently.

I thought you might appreciate this...


In Health

Re: Weight Loss and Recovery

PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2020 4:33 pm
by kirstykay
That is exactly it, Jeff! Your illustration speaks to the problem perfectly. "Fail to Plan=Plan to Fail" sure fits! Thanks.

Re: Weight Loss and Recovery

PostPosted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 1:06 pm
by kirstykay
Okay. So, I've been MIA for a bit here. I'm back now. To be honest, I've been struggling to find my footing again. I have some destructive eating/self sabotage, and the scale has shown it.

Mark Cooper from the MWL group had these encouraging words for me that have helped me tremendously:

I really do believe that the times we face challenges are all part of the process (maybe even an essential part). Figuring out specifically what we, as individuals under dynamic circumstances, need to do so that we can overcome these setbacks is so important and valuable, because the factors contributing to almost any setback will inevitably recur at some future point. Taking the time to carefully and systematically solve the underlying problem (whether that is the Pleasure Trap or something else), means we're teaching ourselves a viable strategy for solving it again next time.

Thinking of this time as an "essential part" of the process of changing my life into a lifestyle that is sustainable and health promoting has helped me re-frame my struggle. Instead of beating myself up and throwing in the towel, I am evaluating and learning and moving on. Frankly, I am at the point that giving up is not an option. My declining health has brought me to a point where my future and the future of my family would be so adversely affected that I cannot in good conscience turn back now. I have made so much progress, but I am also fully aware that if I don't fight to continue on and make more progress, I will be surrendering to a life I am unwilling to accept. Maybe that is actually a gift. Like swimming upstream, if I stop swimming, I will be swept away by the river and eventually drown. That may sound overly dramatic, but it's the reality of the situation I face.

So, I carry on. Live to fight another day! I am happy to say that I have stopped the decline, and I am back to where I was on the scale and in my brain. I decided I needed to do something to interrupt what I feared was a going to become a downward spiral, so I began a Mary's Mini with potatoes. I am 1 week in. I have committed to 30 days. It has been absolutely remarkable! Not only have I lost the weight I gained, but my brain is calm. I am not struggling. This has been a total godsend. I started the Mini one week ago today ( August 3rd) at 187.1 pounds. This morning, I weighed in at 183.6! :shock: I haven't lost that much weight in one week maybe ever! I'm not expecting to lose that much every week for this month of my Mini, but I AM grateful to have lost what I gained and, more importantly, stopped my downward spiral!

I have learned a lot about myself and why my weight loss had stalled for the month of July:
1. Mostly, I was just plain overeating- eating way beyond full, especially at dinner.
2. I was doing a lot of "recreational" eating - eating for reasons other than hunger, and eating more highly palatable food than I should have been (Chocolate Banana Nice Cream, I'm looking at YOU!).
3. What I have found by narrowing my food options to either potatoes or vegetables is I am simply getting fuller much sooner, and staying fuller longer. I'm not sure if this means I wasn't eating enough starch before, or what. But potatoes sure do it for me!
4. There are many times during the day (especially at the beginning) where I would think, "I'd like to eat something," and then I think about eating a potato and realize I'm not that interested. So I just don't eat. The thought goes away when I realize I'm not really hungry, and I get busy doing something else. That is not to say I am not enjoying my potatoes and veggies! Quite the contrary. When I am actually hungry, I get really excited about my food and enjoy it tremendously. And I easily stop when I get full. It's like a miracle!
5. I am not "broken." It actually IS the food! Huh! Go figure! My satiety signals are fully functioning. There is nothing wrong with me. I AM capable of continuing to lose weight. My "plateau" was not my body being stubborn, it was me eating too much and when I wasn't hungry.
6. My emotions don't dictate when I eat if I am eating the right foods. I do not "eat my feelings" when I am eating potatoes and vegetables and nothing else. I eat when I'm hungry. If I'm sad, I cry or call a friend or pray. Sometimes I take a walk or go swimming so I can get my mind off my problems and clear my head. I am coping with this difficult season of my life much better by not comforting myself with food.
7. I am happier when I honor myself and work toward my healing instead of against it.

So, I'm staying on the Potato Mini for at least 30 days. Today is Day 8. I will re-evaluate at the end of the month. I see the doctor in early September. I am hoping for a good report. I will be checking in here as often as I feel serves me.

Re: Weight Loss and Recovery

PostPosted: Tue Aug 11, 2020 7:21 am
by bunsofaluminum
Hey, kirsty!!!!

I am not "broken." It actually IS the food! Huh! Go figure! My satiety signals are fully functioning. There is nothing wrong with me. I AM capable of continuing to lose weight. My "plateau" was not my body being stubborn, it was me eating too much and when I wasn't hungry.

This is the hardest one for me. That trifecta of salty, fat, and sweet is ACTUALLY addictive. The Pleasure Trap IS a thing and we bust out when we stop fueling our addiction. And yes, we stop eating too much when we start eating the foods that our bodies need. Crazy, eh?

Re: Weight Loss and Recovery

PostPosted: Wed Aug 12, 2020 8:21 am
by kirstykay
That's exactly right, Buns!!! How long have we been at this, girlfriend?? Too long! I want to not only internalize these truths, but apply them so I CAN bust out of this vicious treadmill and regain my health once and for all. Not that the fight will be over, but I'd like to be at my "fighting weight" lol!! :lol: :unibrow:

Re: Weight Loss and Recovery

PostPosted: Wed Aug 12, 2020 1:04 pm
by Debbie
I freaking LOVE reading your journal here and reading everything you post on the MM group even though I'm not following a mini currently myself. Thank you. (wish we had heart emojis here) <3 :D

Re: Weight Loss and Recovery

PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2020 9:21 am
by kirstykay
I THOUGHT that was you on the MM site!! Did you start that fb group? If so, thank you! I'm really enjoying the community over there! How are you doing? I hope you are well! :)

Re: Weight Loss and Recovery

PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2020 10:32 am
by kirstykay
Day 12 of Potato Mini -
Weight 183.1
Loss since last weigh in - 0.5
Loss since Day 1 - 4.0

I'm in a good groove. I think getting to the end of the 30 days will not be a problem. I am enjoying the food, and feeling really good. My fasting blood sugar hit a new low today, which is thrilling! 127! I can actually IMAGINE my blood sugar normalizing! It's incredible. I was so afraid it was too late for me, but it is not! That's really so much more important than the weight, although I will not lie and say the weight is unimportant to me. So many people say that...the weight is secondary...and I suppose that is sort of true. If I had to choose between reversing my diabetes and losing weight, I would 100% choose to get rid of the diabetes even if it meant staying overweight! The beauty of this WOE, though, is that the choice doesn't have to be made! BOTH are possible! BOTH will happen with time and adherence! I want BOTH! BOTH are vitally important to me. I have been battling this demon of obesity for so entire life, really, and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel...finally! I believe I will make it!

It will mean a lot to get below 180. I have considered just doing the Mini until I'm at my goal, but I'm not sure about that. I'm not making decisions like that until I've successfully accomplished the first 30. Not even half way there yet, but close! 4 pounds in 12 days is awesome. We'll see what the rest of the month brings.

My meals consist of potatoes and vegetables, obviously. I have gotten in the habit of having diced potatoes and broccoli with "cheeze" sauce for breakfast...I look forward to this daily, and it really hits the spot after my 3 mile morning walk! Lunch has been some kind of a salad with some kind of potato on it. Lately, I've been going nuts over potato salad with kale salad...perfect combo. For dinner, I tend to gravitate to air fries and a mixed green salad or green beans. It's easy and delicious. I don't think I'll ever get tired of air fries! If I had to, I could eat those with every meal. I have made a couple stews, but I get kind of tired of them, and my husband ends up finishing them up for me-they make good work lunches for him. I don't get tire of repeating these meals. I thought I'd be eating a lot more mashed potatoes, but I haven't really had the taste for that...could change, we'll see. As we often do on weekends, we may grill some vegetables, and have roasted taters with those...

We're planning a Waterfall Hike this weekend...something we've been wanting to do, but it's been so blasted hot. I think the weather this weekend will cooperate. I have to prepare enough food to bring with us for the day. We'll be gone from the house as much as 12 hours round trip. Good thin I LOVE cold potatoes! With a little salt, they remind me of hard boiled eggs! I plan to cook a bunch in the IP and chill them before we go. A couple weeks ago we decided at the last minute to spend the day at the beach, and I threw together food for the trip for us...was very happy I had cold potatoes on hand. That was before the Mini, though, and I also made a Tuno-Salad and brought a lot of fruit. This time I can't do that. I do have Potato Salad, and that will travel well. Should be no problem!