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Re: Dissolution's Solution

PostPosted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 3:01 pm
by carollynne
oh,my this is awful for your wife, Dis. And I sincerely do empathize with her mobility issues, believe me. I wish her continued success with her control of wt and that is all I can say. Sometimes we can be our own worse enemies at times, esp when we get so stubborn. She honestly reminds me of my husband too since he does waffle a bit on the diet issues. The spouse can only do so much. I think you are terrific about her diet, and how you can quietly go about your own amazing transformation and she not want to just jump on board with both feet is about amazing too. One battle at a time, and choose them wisely, I heard that once somewhere I am certain!
We just got back from going to a military commissary, the first time in a while for us, and the difference in the manners of people on a military base is so far away from our local Walmart, and Giant. It is almost worth the 32 mile trip. Polite people, and children, and teens, cub scouts were bagging for tips for their troop and adults in scout uniform were helping them. :-P
How is your weather? WE are back to March for sure!!

Re: Dissolution's Solution

PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 6:31 am
by Dissolution
carollynne It was a little chilly this weekend. Which commissary did you go to?

I survived the weekend. Was a little touch and go on

The wife and my two sons who live at home all quit smoking Friday night / Saturday morning (for #3). The wife is doing pretty good. She's had a few outbursts, I'm just trying to lay low and not give her any excuses to go buy cigarettes. #3 caved in Saturday night, apparently he just can't handle the stress of computer games while trying to quit smoking. Oh yeah, and he had nicotine patches. #4 went out and bought nicotine patches on Sunday. The wife has been cigarette and patch free since Friday night, I'm so proud of her!

I went out and picked up sticks and branches in the yard on Sunday. It made for a good workout since I didn't go to the gym. The early snow storm last year that happened while the leaves were still on the trees took out a lot of branches. Took me about three hours to get it cleaned up. It's very nice to be able to do things like that, without having to rely on the kids to do most of the work. Even though they probably should, the little moochers.

Wednesday at the gym I walked .25 miles, jogged .25 miles, walked .25 and jogged .25
Friday I walked .10, jogged .30, walked .30, jogged .30.
Saturday I walked .10, jogged .35, walked .25, jogged .30 and then walked another mile as various inclines. 65% of a mile jogged, I'm getting there.

The scale is moving again. Would be nice to make it out of the 220's in the next week.

Re: Dissolution's Solution

PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 10:56 am
by nicoles
Dissolution wrote:...The wife and my two sons who live at home all quit smoking Friday night / Saturday morning (for #3). The wife is doing pretty good. She's had a few outbursts, I'm just trying to lay low and not give her any excuses to go buy cigarettes. ...The wife has been cigarette and patch free since Friday night, I'm so proud of her!

This is wonderful news! Before you know it, she'll be running miles around you! :wink:

Dissolution wrote:Wednesday at the gym I walked .25 miles, jogged .25 miles, walked .25 and jogged .25
Friday I walked .10, jogged .30, walked .30, jogged .30.
Saturday I walked .10, jogged .35, walked .25, jogged .30 and then walked another mile as various inclines. 65% of a mile jogged, I'm getting there.

And more wonderful news! You'll get to the 220s, and below, no doubt! :-D

Re: Dissolution's Solution

PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 3:58 pm
by carollynne
Dis, wow to all the newly smoke free people in your family. That is wonderful. Sure hope that the patches will do their job and hold off the cravings. Nice you can do some of the yard work too. Altho I agree the sons should be helping out too, but then again, all I have is sons, I do understand how that works...
the commissary we go to is the War College, Carlisle Barracks, PA and since it is a top heavy in rank kind of small post, it is truly no wonder everyone is super polite (maybe) and well behaved... A lot of retirees go there too.
Hey you have to remove yourself from the equation of why she will or will not go for a cig again, It is just her choice, just like food choices. We all got them, and make our own. Just my take on it. My mother, would have the same kind of cig (addictive) outbursts and then announce she had to have a cig again. Well no wonder, if it makes you feel like you are in la-la land! She never did quit til she landed in asst living after a fall, when she was 87.
Good luck anyway, sounds so good, all of your family getting healthy!!

Re: Dissolution's Solution

PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 10:14 pm
by fulenn
That's so great about your family taking steps to become healthier! The diet will come, just keep up your very patient waiting. :)


Re: Dissolution's Solution

PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 6:38 am
by Dissolution
nicoles The wife had a bad outburst Yesterday when I got home. I think she was trying to push me into telling her to just go get a pack of cigarettes or something. Her claim is it is cruel and selfish of me to force her into quitting smoking because I have a health problem. I just chalked it up to the nicotine withdrawal talking and remained calm.

carollynne When we both smoked and would try to quit, it was very very difficult. By the 2nd day it was usually go buy cigarettes or get a divorce. One of the things she's ACTUALLY mad about is, I quit the last time, while in the cardiac critical care unit. I spent two days in there, doped up on morphine while riding out two heart attacks caused by the angioplasty. She's mad because I quit the "easy" way.

fulenn I can remember when the wife was 32, she would talk about how "old" she was. She's almost 4 years older than I am. So that is her argument against my new pursuit of fitness. That she's too old to go bike riding or hiking or she'll never be able to be thin. I of course do not see it that way. I think it's just silly that any 47 year old woman (that's not handicapped) would need to ride a motorized shopping cart at the grocery store (she only does this about 20% before she hurt her ankle).
Haven't had a good fasting day in a few weeks, will try today and see how it goes.

I realize the wife is less logical right now than normal (didn't think THAT was possible). She raised a complaint last night that I was "running the streets". Now here is my take on the rules of marriage. As a married man I can go to any appropriate place I want to, as long as I invite my wife to go with me. So if I want to go to the flea market on Saturday morning and she doesn't, it's not wrong of me to still go is it?

Yesterday at the gym I went 10/40/20/30 for a 70% running mile, even bumped the speed up on the running portions.

The wife complained so much about me going to the gym last night, that since today was going to be a cardio only day anyways, I'm just going to go out and mow grass this morning before work. $5 says that pisses her off.

Sorry guys, I know it's mostly the nicotine withdrawals talking, but as usual, I come here to vent.

Re: Dissolution's Solution

PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 6:47 am
by sigma957
Dissolution wrote:I realize the wife is less logical right now than normal (didn't think THAT was possible). She raised a complaint last night that I was "running the streets". Now here is my take on the rules of marriage. As a married man I can go to any appropriate place I want to, as long as I invite my wife to go with me. So if I want to go to the flea market on Saturday morning and she doesn't, it's not wrong of me to still go is it?

Umm, you want to go to a flea market, not a strip club. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it.

Keep up the good work,


Re: Dissolution's Solution

PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 7:28 am
by nomikins
My husband has a life that is separate from mine. He has interests that I do not share. He has (male) friends that he enjoys spending time with and playing music with. I am not a musician. I don't tag along (even though I know I'm welcome to go), preferring to have some "me" time. I have my own interests, and a set of female friends that I enjoy time with.

When hubby and I are together, we have so much to talk about and share. It's a healthy balance. There is no thought on either side of anyone running around. A marriage is built on love and trust. Without it, what do you have?

I hope you and your wife will find it as well.

Re: Dissolution's Solution

PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 7:38 am
by VegSexy
So Dis, congratulations on your family wanting to face their smoking habits. I haven't smoked in over 20 years. Did the cold turkey route and never looked back.

I'm really sorry to hear about your wife being unreasonable. Part of me wants to say it's just being a woman and having a "mood", but then again, I think, well, maybe...she's just being unreasonable.

Haha...running the streets...I don't think "going junking" is a bad thing. You may be looking at "strippers" to strip and repair some great looking piece of furniture you got a for a song and a dance (like a really cool horse head lamp that I bought and restored a while back). I see nothing wrong going to a flea market. Enjoy yourself. If she doesn't want to go, her loss.

Re: Dissolution's Solution

PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 8:06 am
by carollynne
HI again, Well she is being unreasonable and probally for all the attention she will get for doing the same old routine.
No doubt it is about the withdrawal, she loves an audience no doubt too.
Hang in there, and vent all you want!
My DH and I like to go shopping separately and I think that is great, esp for us in an 32+ yr marriage too. It is almost essential for survival I think. I hate to shop with him, and he knows it too. No problem at all for us.
Hopefully she will not need to ride that cart for the rest of her life. I never did, even when I had on my ankle cast. However I should have, they were never avail. So I clumped along. But I still may look for a place to sit down in ankles hurts . Getting so much better with all my exercises, hope she figures that out too.
Such a pretty day here!!

Re: Dissolution's Solution

PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 10:43 am
by nicoles
carollynne wrote:HI again, Well she is being unreasonable and probally for all the attention she will get for doing the same old routine.
No doubt it is about the withdrawal, she loves an audience no doubt too.

Carollynne, I fully agree! Sure she is going through nicotine withdrawal, but she has some other habits she is addicted to, including getting attention the "bad" way instead of the reasonable way.

But going through any kind of withdrawal really brings up all our baggage, so that is to be expected.

Re: Dissolution's Solution

PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 2:22 pm
by toadfood
Bitch be crazy, and the nicotine withdrawal isn't helping. If "in the hospital recovering from angioplasty and heart attacks" is the easy way to do something, I'll take the hard way, thanks!

I hope she's able to get through this difficult time and stay off cigarettes. What a huge difference that will make in her health, and maybe it will motivate her to make other positive changes too. Even if it doesn't, quitting smoking is a huge achievement.

Re: Dissolution's Solution

PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 6:40 am
by Dissolution
sigma957 Ok, this is going to be politically incorrect but, you did mention strip clubs. The neighboring county has quite a few. #4Son has gotten his GF to agree to go to a strip club with him, but only on "midget night", he is anxiously awaiting... :lol:

nomikins That's the way I figured it was supposed to be. Her best friend where we live died a couple of years ago (from chronic lung problems related to smoking). She doesn't really get out much, but when I offer to take her out to go and do things she doesn't want to go, most of the time. Of course her ankle is still healing, so that doesn't help much.

VegSexy What's funny is when I do go junking, I generally wind up buying stuff for her. Old or unique cook books, unusual things for the kitchen, stuff like that. Hmmm...Maybe she DOESN'T like that stuff..

carollynne So good to hear you are doing so much better. We actually do very well shopping together.

nicoles I think she is resorting to her old methods of fighting the quitting smoking. On the several times we both tried quitting, she would escalate things until I caved in and said screw it, let's go get cigarettes. Not working this time.

If "in the hospital recovering from angioplasty and heart attacks" is the easy way to do something, I'll take the hard way, thanks!

Haha, sounded like a pretty ridiculous argument to me.
Yesterday the lawn mower ran for about 3 minutes before dying. Yes it has gas. So I took it to the repair shop. Probably the first time I was ever disappointed the lawn mower didn't work.

I had been planning on the lawn mowing to substitute for my work out, so I didn't work out Yesterday. I feel like crap this morning. Think my BP is up. It may be medically necessary for me to exercise everyday.

The wife isn't speaking to me. I guess that's better than her yelling on Monday. She's still smoke free, so go her!

220 this morning. I need to do some paper work and then head to the gym. Happy Wednesday!

Re: Dissolution's Solution

PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 9:22 am
by VegSexy
So Dis, I have to say - sounds like your body really likes the exercising you're doing and sounds like since you are missing it so much - you might be getting addicted to it!

Welcome to the club!

I am MISERABLE if I miss a work out and, boy, I can feel it the next day. I get all stiff and cranky and crabby and stuff...not good, but a good enough motivator to keep on truckin'!

Here in beautiful Upstate NY, we have a mini Kiss band. I don't think they take their clothes off, atleast I hope not :D

Congrats on your wife still being smoke free!!

Re: Dissolution's Solution

PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 10:23 am
by nomikins
I'm getting to the point where exercise is a real treat. Also, at crossfit, I don't dread the workouts that have running. Even today, we did three rounds of:

Run 800m
50 situps
50 back extensions

Took me a litte north of 30 minutes. Lots of hills around here.

Dis, I'm proud of your running. To me, running on a treadmill is much harder than surface running. The treamill forces you to run at a consistent pace. So, good on ya!

Glad your wife is continuing to be smoke free. Progress is in the FRESH air of your house!