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Re: Journal of my journey

PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2018 9:08 am
by bunsofaluminum
I’m glad your doggie is home! That must be a huge relief. Have you notified animal control or any other authority about this wandering dog and it’s irresponsible owner? That’s the first thing I would do. Dogs should not be running around making a menace of themselves and their masters should be responsible for them.
That is mighty cool about the vegan sloppy Joe’s at the fast food place that you saw. That’s cool, you’ll have to give them a try for sure. Keep on going! You are doing great.

Re: Journal of my journey

PostPosted: Tue Jul 10, 2018 6:27 am
by Morris
July 10, 2018

My fur baby ran out the door barking like she owns the world this morning - She is on the road to recovery and this is the first time she acted like her old self. But I think it hurt her because now she is crashed in her spot on the couch. Poor baby. we take her to the vet tomorrow to see how the healing is coming along.

The attacking dog's owner is being responsible and called the vet to put the charges on his credit card. That is good, but I wish he'd see that his dog is not quite the pet he thinks it is.

My weight was up a couple of pounds these past few days, but It dropped back down this morning. I started eating bread again, so I don't know if the slight gain was from lack of sleep, stress, or too much bread. My eating was not compliant with McDougall plan at all. I think I am ready to get back into it again.

I was going to make some potato salad to go with some baked beans that I had made. While I boiling potatoes, I thought I'd do extra amd make a curry dish that I make with onion, carrot, potatoes and peas. But I was too busy doing other things while the potatoes were cooking and they got over done. So, I turned all the potatoes into mashed. I had about 12 cups of mashed potatoes. So, I have been eating mashed potatoes, mashed potatoes, and some more mashed potatoes.

My garden is doing okay this year, but we have bunnies in our area and they seem to be liking our green beans. We are spraying liquid fence around our garden and hopefully, that will keep them out.

I planted carrots, rainbow carrots. But was not having any luck with them growing. Yesterday, I went out to weed the garden and saw that the section of just plain ol' orange carrots were starting to grow. (no luck with the rainbow carrots) I neglected weeding thet area because I thought the carrots were not going to come up, but SURPRISE, we have carrots growing. I spent about 4 hours weeding the garden. Sometimes I think our garden is too big. Here it is July, and I do not yet have the walkways mulched, which means I have to get out there and weed.

Our greens section is coming in great. The rain beat up the lettuce, but I weeded it and gave it some lovin' and it seemed to have perked up. I remarked to hubby that I think that plants respond positively to getting some tender loving care.

I love watching the garden plants grow, especially when they have that growth spurt and seem to just double in size overnight. Our corn is doing well considering it was all blown over from high winds a few weeks ago. The roots were intact so I went out and straightened them up mounded the roots a bit. i just wish the weeds would stop responding to my TLC I am giving the garden. :lol:

Re: Journal of my journey

PostPosted: Tue Jul 10, 2018 7:57 am
by moonlight
Morris wrote:July 4, 2018

Well, I am starting the Amerithon challenge today: 3,521 miles across America. I am going to count only intentional miles of running walking and biking. Since I am adding biking, I am hoping to finish in a year. Cheer me on...

Hi Morris, how's your challenge going? That's a lot of miles in a year! Almost 10 miles a day!! Is there a website you check in with and log your miles? Is it an ongoing thing, where people join all year and it goes a year from your join date or do you all do it together between specific dates? I love this. I know I couldn't make 10 miles a day unless I was riding a bike. Good luck! Keep us posted on your progress.

Re: Journal of my journey

PostPosted: Tue Jul 10, 2018 12:11 pm
by Morris
Moonlight, the Amerithon challenge got off on a rough start because of the dog attack. I had to take a few days off, then when I started running, someone was on the road with their dog, their big dog, and I cut my route short. Now, I am wondering how paranoid I am going to be. I am now running with pepper spray in my hand and ready to use.

I ran indoors today, hopefully with the bike miles I'll be able to get it done in a year, if not that will be okay.

Re: Journal of my journey

PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2018 5:54 am
by Morris
July 11, 2018

Well, my weight is bouncing up and down again, not really bouncing but fluctuating. That is normal, but this morning I realized that my ups and downs are lower than a month or two ago. I guess that means I shed another pound or two. I know I should not weigh myself every day because the scale only tells part of the results of this way of eating. But, I seem to have a mild obsession with seeing what that number will be and as long as that does not get out of control, I think I'm good (mentally, that is).

I am taking my two grandsons to vacation Bible school this week so that they will have some activity to break up the monotony of the summer months and not going to school. It is such a joy watching them have fun. Last night they has to dress up as their favorite sweet or dessert. GS#2 wanted to go as a piece of cake. It was fun making his costume out of cardboard with him.

Creating memories - that is what it has been about with my hubby and I with the grandchildren. We do a lot of activities with our grandchildren so, hopefully, one day think back on all the fun things they did with grandma and grandpa. I do not recall doing anything with my grandparents other than just visiting them and sitting around talking.

Well, I have to make this short today. It's going to be a busy day and I just realized I made a huge batch of beans so I can make ahead baked beans and I need to get the dog to the vet, hubby to the doctor and the grandkids to vacation Bible school. Each activity is in a different town in different direction. Lots of car time today.

Re: Journal of my journey

PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2018 9:14 am
by bunsofaluminum
Mmmmm! mashed potatoes! and it sounds like SO much fun, making that costume with your wee one. :) I love grandkids. So much fun!

Re: Journal of my journey

PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2018 7:47 am
by Morris
July 12, 2018

Bread causes me to gain weight -- only because I eat so much of it in one sitting.

Re: Journal of my journey

PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 7:06 am
by Morris
July 16, 2018

I ran my 5k race on Saturday - 32:46 10:32 pace. As I started and set my fitbit, I decided to try to see it I could keep it under an 11 minute mile for my pace - goal MET! I improved my time from last year's, but this is not my best for this course. I try not to compare my times with my best times when I started running 9 years ago because I am older now. I had read somewhere way back when that runner's usually peak after 7 years. So any improvements I make now over any time is good enough for me.

We were up at our vacation property and after my race, hubby and I mowed the yard (knee high grass). We really need to get up there more frequently during the summer. It was hot, hot, hot and we have no air conditioning. So we left for a few hours during the heat of the day. I wanted to stay up there longer, but need to take my fur baby to the vet again today. She is doing well, but still has some issues with the stitches, it keeps crusting over. I hope that she is not going to need a second surgery. She is just getting back to her usual annoying little self.

My eating was not the best while away. We had our two grandsons with us and I always try to accommodate their tastes to make sure they get calories. So, I usually end up eating something slightly processed and in this case it was boxed mac and cheese - an organic brand with white cheese. The one grandson is highly sensitive to dyes. Tootsie rolls was my downfall this weekend and donuts. I cannot believe I bought and ate donuts. I have no idea what possessed me...

Today is a new day -- how many times have you heard that before :-)

Re: Journal of my journey

PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 7:36 am
by Idgie
Great job on your race! I'm so impressed with runners. I only run if someone's chasing me. :-)

Re: Journal of my journey

PostPosted: Wed Jul 18, 2018 7:42 am
by Morris
July 18, 2018

Having a bit of stress with our oldest daughter and her family, but hopefully it is worked out a bit for the time being. Lots of stress coming from their problems. Hubby and I did not cause it but they are acting like it is our fault - so tired of this generation's attitude. They are takers and they take and take and take. Hubby and I finally said - enough, these are our terms you follow through or you are out of our house. And the ingratitude for all the help we gave them is beyond comprehension.

If it were not for the grandchildren, I do not think I would have put up with it for as long as I have been doing. But at least those two had a stable place to live for these past few years and I have been able to create memories with them. At they have been our focus. Whenever hubby and I get frustrated with the adults (if we can call them that) we remind ourselves that we did it for the grandchildren.

Today, I am going to my parents' and will help them with the house work. They are having company this weekend and need to have the house cleaned. I have been so busy that I have not been able to get there for a couple of weeks now (It was that dog attack that caused me not to be able to go and help them out).

Speaking of my fur baby, she is recovering quite well. So far we have avoided a second surgery, but the vet said she is not out of the woods yet. But my baby is feeling a lot better and I am concerned that she is feeling too good because she took of chasing a squirrel. She still needs to be kept quiet.

Today, is going to be a busy day and away from the house. My mom wants to go out to eat - but my parents are good at letting us choose the restaurant so I can find something to eat.

I am reading Super Immunity by Joel Fuhrman. He is putting emphasis on the high nutrient diet before illness strikes. Makes sense to me. So, please, please, please let me remember that when I am faced with the temptation to eat junk food.

What I have been eating:
I made a big batch of chili: onion, celery, green pepper, garlic, tomatoes, kidney beans. That is what I have been eating these past couple of days. I seem to be in a better mood. Did the kidney beans give my brain the chocolate effect?

I also bought a flat of tomatoes, so I have been eating tomato sandwiches, I love this sandwich in the summer time.
Tootsie rolls are my naughty. I keyed in the amount I ate in chronometer - WOW! eye opener - need to stop pigging out on those.

Re: Journal of my journey

PostPosted: Wed Jul 18, 2018 7:44 am
by Idgie
Wow, Morris, that's a lot of stress. So glad you're treating yourself well by focusing on what you can control.

Re: Journal of my journey

PostPosted: Wed Jul 18, 2018 10:08 am
by bunsofaluminum
Idgie wrote:Great job on your race! I'm so impressed with runners. I only run if someone's chasing me. :-)

Heh, in a zombie apocalypse I'd be the first to go, because running? Nope! but I'd last a long time in a famine :D

Re: Journal of my journey

PostPosted: Thu Jul 19, 2018 7:48 am
by Morris
July 19, 2018

UGH! I almost had a compliant eating day, but grabbed graham crackers as an evening snack. Those things are becoming like chips to me - open the bag and I cannot stop at one. I really need to get back to the Beck Diet solution techniques because those little exercises are so helpful in mindful eating.

It that I feel so overwhelmed at times and it seems like too much work. Yesterday, when I went to clean my parents' house I told my mom I did not do something because I was just too lazy to do it at the moment. But I got a lot of what she wanted done and that is what matters.

My mom is now losing her balance more often and neither my mom or dad can stand up straight anymore. It is so sad to see this. And really makes me wonder why I don't focus more on my "why" and make better choices with my snacking. I learned to eat well from my parents. My dad was into organic gardening before it became popular and we grew up eating fresh vegetables from the garden in the summer and the home canned veggies in the winter.

Both my parents are in their mid 80's and it has just been these past 5 years or so that aging has caught up with them. Sometimes it seems like BAMM you are now old. My dad keeps busy and is always doing something around the house. Mowing (using a rider), gardening, making something in the wood shop. Yesterday he was out there chipping branches. When we got there, he was outside tinkering in the garage and was trying to do something, hubby asked if he should do it. My dad replied with, "No, I'll do it myself, If I stop doing things, I'm going to die." We all have bad memories of Grandpa (his dad) before his passing. It took years and he just wasted away. It was so difficult to watch. My dad is afraid of that happening to him.

Somehow, having my daughter not pay rent seems so trivial...

I did manage to do a recumbent bike ride yesterday before we left. I did 18.2 miles and my goal was 15. I wimped out on the resistance though and kept it easy so I could get more distance, I am so behind in the Amerithon challenge and I am only 2 weeks into it. But it is early enough to catch up to where I want to be. I just need to set different priorities.

What I ate yesterday:
Nuts, seeds and dried fruit

pickled beets
broccoli (raw)
sunflower seeds
baked potato
baked beans
Mixed veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, carrot -- steamed)

tomato sandwich with whole wheat bread and just mayo
graham crackers - a whole packet

Re: Journal of my journey

PostPosted: Thu Jul 19, 2018 8:40 am
by Idgie
I only discovered Beck recently, and I'm a few weeks into the book, and it's really made a difference in how I approach this way of eating. Saying "That's not an option" to myself has worked numerous times to keep me from eating junk.

Re: Journal of my journey

PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 7:34 am
by Morris
July 20, 2018

Well, we gave our fur baby the pain pill and then let her out to go potty - she must have felt pretty darn good because she took off after a bunny. We thought she tore the stitches open - so off to the vet we go. Good news, only 1 stitch was torn but there was the inner absorbable one underneath it that is holding things together. Vet said all looking good and removed the remaining outer stitches. We canceled Monday's appointment and just need to touch base in 2 weeks (or if we have any concerns) The vet called our fur baby a "success". Now, that little doggie is back to annoying little self.

My eating yesterday was a bust. It was my turn to be the coordinator at Share-a-Meal and I ended up eating their prepared meal. It was a chicken alfredo. I tried to pick out the chicken but think I ate some of it. But I am sure it had dairy in it (Milk and cheese). I paid for it - lesson learned.

Afterwards, I went to a State Park to check out campsites and that park has 2 walk in sites that I wanted to check out (just in case I get brave enough to camp away from the other campers. I barely made it around the loop before I had to make a bee-line for the rest rooms. That Alfredo went right through me. (Sorry if TMI)

I listened to a video by Pamela Popper - about making the best of medical decisions and she told of one person who did not listen to the suggestion of changing his diet and became obese, then developed type 2 diabetic and pancreatic cancer. The shortly after he died, she stated he did not die of pancreatic cancer, but failing to make the necessary dietary changes to prevent the problems in the first place. Note to self: remember that next time you want to eat junk.

I did manage to go for a run yesterday (4 miles). I was going to go to the state park so I could run along the river, but my weather app said rain was to start in 3 minutes. So, i thought I'd run along the roads here. 3/4 mile into my run it began to rain and rain and rain. I kept going because it was a warm rain and as long as it was not storming it really did not matter to me. I did an 8:2 run:walk, but stopped a bit to check for tracks on the road. I am now afraid of that dog because I am haunted by the look in her eyes before she attacked my dog and the silence of her attack. I bought a new fresh canister of pepper spray to carry with me.

1 pound to go to reach that goal weight I set for myself. I wanted to reach it by my birthday in 12 days, but I doubt I will if I keep eating junk. On the positive, I am a holding at a weight that is a couple pounds less than what I was at a month or two ago. That kind of tells me that although I am eating junk, I must not be eating as much as I have been in the past. I'll just keep moving forward and not get too discouraged because I am not yet where I want to be with my choices.