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Laura Goes Veggie

PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 6:42 am
by LauraVeg
Well, this is my first McDougall post! I guess I should have started in the Newbie section, but I was anxious to get something down in my new journal right away. I really need a place to journal to keep me on track.

Long story short....I've been trying to eat lowcarb for the past four years. I tried it in Nov. of 2004 and within a week my GERD, IBS, brain fog and knee pain went away and I was sold. Then, a few days later, my heart started pounding wildly. I figured I needed more carbs so I drank some orange juice and it went away after twenty or thirty minutes. Back on the diet, adding a few more vegetables. No luck. Added a little cravings for carbs and went off the diet completely. Back to eating SAD every day. Feel terrible, gain weight, go back on Atkins.

Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.

I know, it's Einstein's definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. I tried many versions of low carb, from Atkins to Paleo to South Beach but it never worked. Even when I felt mostly good, I couldn't sleep well and occasionally felt SO charged up and over-energized that I thought I was about to have a panic attack. Not good.

That brought me to where I am right now.

- 197 pounds (I'm 52 years old, 5'7" tall)
- BP 124/82 on medication.
- Cholesterol 212, high LDL and elevated Crp.
- Arthritis pain and stiffness in my joints, especially knees.
- terrible eczema!
- heartburn
- drink too much alcohol and coffee

I needed to do something different. Then I remembered Dr. McDougall. I had I tried his diet in '94. I did it back then for a month (longer than I ever lowcarbed, lol) but started feeling sorry for myself and "needing" pizza and gave up. Now I'm older, wiser, and unfortunately sicker.

Did I say "long story short"? :) That's more. No more looking back, no regrets. I've been reading everything I could find on the internet by Dr. McDougall and someone I just discovered, Dr. Esselstyn. This morning I had some oatmeal and a banana for breakfast. I'm going out to the supermarket now for potatoes, brown rice, vegetables, etc., etc.

Laura is now veggie!

PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 9:17 pm
by proverbs31woman
Well, I for one am glad that "Laura is now veggie"! Congrats on escaping the cycle of insanity.

I too have eczema (I think). I was never diagnosed with it, but from what I've researched in the Net, I believe I may have it. I purchased some Eucerin the other day, and as soon as I put it on my arms, I felt relief.

Well, I'll be checking in on you. I'm sure you'll have much success!

PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 6:54 am
by LauraVeg
Thank you so much for the encouragement!

Yesterday was an interesting day. Shortly after breakfast I went to the supermarket and bought provisions. Halfway through my shopping trip I realized I had a pounding headache. I guess it was caffeine withdrawal. I finished up the shopping and went home...oh, but first I stopped at the bookstore and bought a copy of "The Engine 2 Diet".

The rest of the day was not easy. I wanted to make sure there would be food available when I got hungry because it would be very easy to grab "regular" food from the fridge. I tend to self-medicate and self-comfort, which is what got me in this predicament in the first place. Yesterday I felt tired and had a bad headache, and all I wanted was a big cup of coffee and a piece of cake. Or, better yet, buttery toast.

As soon as I got home I put some brown rice on to cook, and threw some potatoes into the oven - 2 white and 2 sweet. Then I quickly sauteed some hash browns (frozen, fat-free) so I had something to eat immediately. I seemed to want to eat all day long. I guess I'm used to fatty foods keeping me satiated longer. I did what Dr. McDougall says...I ate more! For dinner I stir-fried (in water) some broccoli and onions, and ate them over brown rice, mixed with a little ginger-garlic sauce I found in the supermarket. It was delicious.

This morning the headache is almost, but not quite gone and other than that I feel pretty good.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 1:18 pm
by mtns
I suffered from bad eczema as well. For me I changed my diet of course, but realized that I need to cut out my sugars as well. Now I can only handle natural sugars, like agave nectar, honey and a little pure maple syrup. If I eat anything off the diet or eat some sugar I start to break out again.
My son also has it worse than I did. For him he has some food intolerances. I got him checked on a bio-scan. He can't handle, dairy, gluten and sugars are the main ones. He still struggles with it, because of parties and stuff where he gets jealous and I feel bad and may allow him some bread. Then with Easter Grandma gave him c choolate bunny.
I do know that eating this way has helped a lot, but food allergies or intolerances can play a part as well.
Stick with it. Kathy

PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 5:24 pm
by slugmom
Welcome, Laura!Sounds like you're off to a fantastic start!

I'm all too familiar with caffeine withdrawal, I'm glad you're getting over the hump in just a day or two!

I'm reading the Engine 2 diet, also. It's fun after all the more "scholarly" toned books (although I don't meant to say they weren't easy, good reads!!) - to hear the same message with a Firefighter tone. The part where he talks about poop made me laugh out loud.

I've recently returned to actually *following* the plan (as opposed to considering it my ideal and ignoring it, LOL) and am with you on the hungry so I'll eat more thing. Seems to be working!

It's good to have you with us!

Hi Laura

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 7:29 am
by f1jim
After looking at your history of dieting recap you are a snapshot of the profile of some of the most successful McDougallers. Many of them had the same history of bouncing from various diets back to SAD and then to McDougall. It sounds like you have a grasp on the situation and I wish you well. Keep us posted on your progress and don't be afraid to throw out questions and concerns.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 1:15 pm
by Letha.
Hi Laura,
Welcome to the journal forum. You did exactly the right thing when hungry and thinking of SAD food. You cooked and ate healthy McDougall food. Good for you! I look forward to hearing a lot more from you on your journey to dynamic good health and fitness. :)

PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 8:00 am
by LauraVeg
Ohmigod. I have never been so hungry in my life! I've been trying to eat more but it's just not possible! How do you do it? As soon as I finish eating I'm hungry. I think about food and eating constantly. I'm obsessed with food! This can't be good. I know I did McDougall for a month once, but I swear right now I can't believe it. How did I do it? How do all of you do it?

The longest I've gone without eating was TWO HOURS and that was difficult. And not only am I hungry, but the thought of eating more of the food I have in my fridge makes me gag. I've been eating oatmeal and banana for breakfast. Lunch has been a baked potato and some steamed vegetables. For dinner I had brown rice and broccoli with ginger/garlic sauce. and in between I've been eating salads, more potato, sweet potato....anything I've got, frankly. And I can't seem to feel satisfied.

Don't get me wrong...the food I fixed was very tasty. But I just can't eat so much, so frequently. Help!

PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 10:22 am
by talkingmountain
Eat more.

Honest, I'm not kidding. Eat more and/or more often, especially of the satisfying foods like mashed potatoes, oatmeal, bananas, that sort of thing.

This ravenous hunger will subside within a few weeks (or days if you're really lucky). It's extremely common when you get all the crap out of your diet. I have no idea why but if you search the boards, you will see that it has happened to most of us and we've all had the same reaction "this can't be normal!" But it is. Best of all, you will not gain weight eating all this fat-free, whole, vegan food. You'll maintain or lose.

So relax. Eat. There are no rules anymore about how much or when it's "okay". Soon your body will adjust and you will find it not needing so much food.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 10:38 am
by Letha.
I’ve been on and off the McDougall plan numerous times and it takes me about 6-8 weeks to transition. The first month I’m never satisfied no matter how much I eat. The second month I start to feel satisfied if I eat large amounts of McDougall food. By the end of the second month I feel satisfied eating reasonable amounts of McDougall food. Additionally, I found beans and grains stick with me longer then potatoes and veggies. Hang in there Laura, it’s worth it. Best wishes. :)

PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 5:44 pm
by LauraVeg
I wish I had followed your advice. You all said to hang in there and the hunger would subside, but I didn't believe it. I went back to lowcarb. Dear God, will I ever learn?

I went back to lowcarb for awhile. Then I went back to eating regular crap. Then I went back to lowcarb. That's where I am now.

I REALLY don't believe there's anything wrong, ethically, with eating meat. Also, from all the research I've read, lowcarb seems to be the healthiest way of eating.

HOWEVER - it doesn't work for me. After a couple of weeks, I simply can't stand the thought of eating meat. I think about eating and I feel sick.

I wish I had an answer. Well...I'm back here, at least for now. Wish me luck.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 6:31 pm
by Letha.
Hi Laura,
Sounds like you are having a hard time transitioning from Low Carb/SAD to McDougall. A lot of us here like me eat MWL because we want to lose weight and I know you want to lose weight too. But I’d like to suggest you do a month or two on the regular plan and really look at some of Mary’s richer dishes to help you transition. On the regular plan you can eat yeast breads, quick breads, tortillas, pancakes, cereal, spaghetti & other pasta, tofu, avocados, dried fruit, nuts and seeds. These will stick with you a lot longer than many of the recipes we discuss on this forum. Mary even has some McDougall recipes for cookies and brownies. Check out this list of recipes from the monthly newsletters that have richer ingredients. Also, check out McDougall’s list of approved foods for McDougall friendly snacks you can treat yourself to. After you master the regular plan you can start eliminating the richer foods and adding more low calorie veggies to speed up weight loss. Best wishes.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 7:37 am
by LauraVeg
You know, you're probably right - I've just been trying to change too much too soon and finding it unsustainable. I will definitely check out those recipes.

Thank you,'re very kind. :)

PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 8:22 am
by toadfood
Welcome back, Laura. I agree with Letha -- try the regular program for a while first. I also have to second what she has to say about beans -- of all the McDougall foods, they satisfy me the best. Sometimes you will see recommendations to limit the amount of beans you eat, because of the protein content. I don't do that -- I eat as many beans as I want -- and have had good results.

Best of luck with your transition! Keep posting and let us know what we can do to help.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 10:35 am
by sksamboots
Best of luck, we are here to support you while you figure this out :)