Completely Fell of wagon

For those questions and discussions on the McDougall program that don’t seem to fit in any other forum.

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Re: Completely Fell of wagon

Postby guitarplayer007 » Wed Jan 18, 2017 12:50 pm

guitarplayer007 wrote:
GeoffreyLevens wrote:Ken, have you seen Jeff Novick's SNAP meals? Fast, simple, easy, and low cost as well as great variety!

SNAP Meals

Basically you use all frozen veg (they come prepped and ready to cook) just cut open bag and dump variety in pot, add precooked starch like Success brown rice, or frozen sweet potato, etc, tomato sauce if you like it, and some spice blend like Mrs Dash or my favorite, curry powder, simmer a few minutes and dig in. Total time 10-15 minutes and the only waste is the pkgs.

No I don't, but will check it out. I even spoke to vegan chef to see if she could help me find things I like.....

I'm at work and that link is blocked for some reason, do you have the actual address, does he sell Snap Meals on amazon?
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Re: Completely Fell of wagon

Postby guitarplayer007 » Wed Jan 18, 2017 12:54 pm

guitarplayer007 wrote:
guitarplayer007 wrote:
GeoffreyLevens wrote:Ken, have you seen Jeff Novick's SNAP meals? Fast, simple, easy, and low cost as well as great variety!

SNAP Meals

Basically you use all frozen veg (they come prepped and ready to cook) just cut open bag and dump variety in pot, add precooked starch like Success brown rice, or frozen sweet potato, etc, tomato sauce if you like it, and some spice blend like Mrs Dash or my favorite, curry powder, simmer a few minutes and dig in. Total time 10-15 minutes and the only waste is the pkgs.

No I don't, but will check it out. I even spoke to vegan chef to see if she could help me find things I like.....

I'm at work and that link is blocked for some reason, do you have the actual address, does he sell Snap Meals on amazon?

So after reading what you wrote again, I guess these aren't prepared meals ? like Forks over knives used to sell?
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Re: Completely Fell of wagon

Postby Chikiwing » Wed Jan 18, 2017 1:07 pm

guitarplayer007 wrote:Not sure how people do this forever..... I need to find new things to eat and try again. I did about 4 months 99.9 compliant.

But last month or so really fell off and eating all kinds of crap.

The good thing about falling off the wagon is you can recover and get right back on. Cardiovascular problems take years to develop so falling off the wagon doesn't mean much is lost if you get back on quickly.

guitarplayer007 wrote:What do you put on potatoes , I'm not into Salsa :(

Ketchup, mustard, hot sauce, BBQ sauce, garlic sauce. That's my selections.
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Re: Completely Fell of wagon

Postby bethannerickson » Wed Jan 18, 2017 1:25 pm

Way back when, Letha always said, "On plan, planning on staying that way." I took that short sentence to heart. If I'm going to stay on plan, each morning I enter my day with a fairly concrete menu/plan.

I know what I'll consume at each meal. I have emergency soups (stowed in individual serving containers) in the refrigerator in case something comes up. I can always nuke a tater or whip up rice if I have toppings in the fridge. If I'm really in a pinch, I'll use minute brown rice as my starch base.

Since I'm not 100 percent MWL, it's easy to whip up a batch of muffins over the weekend and freeze them. That way I always have those available. I do the same for pancakes and waffles.

I make a double batch of everything and freeze/refrigerate extras so I always have great food set to go.

If you plan for success, you'll achieve it. "On plan, planning on staying that way." I sure miss Letha.

That's what works for me.

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Re: Completely Fell of wagon

Postby Kaye » Wed Jan 18, 2017 2:22 pm

Jacket potatoes - I like the dijon mushrooms recipe from this site ... m-Potatoes

I also chuck any left over chilli or bolognese type sauce over one or just a whole heap of salad with balsamic.

For quick lunches I have frozen stir fry veggies in the freezer and some small bags of pre cooked frozen brown rice so I do a quick stir fry, add some spices or a dash or hot sauce and serve on the rice. It takes a few minutes.
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Re: Completely Fell of wagon

Postby AlwaysAgnes » Wed Jan 18, 2017 2:32 pm

Hi Ken,
If you're looking for some kind of meal delivery, you could look through these. ... rom-today/
Skimming through them I noted that the Thrive Foods Direct one delivers in 50 states and doesn't use oil, but you get what they send and can't choose different food options. Other services like Veestro offer more individual choice but contain oil. I don't know if Forks over Knives still has the meal delivery, but they might have the meal plan which does your planning for you. Plant Perfection (influenced by McDougall, Esselstyn, and Campbell diets) appears to be taking a break, but is supposed to begin delivery again this year sometime.
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Re: Completely Fell of wagon

Postby Skip » Wed Jan 18, 2017 5:56 pm

It comes down to a simple choice:
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Re: Completely Fell of wagon

Postby Risto » Wed Jan 18, 2017 7:57 pm

I also had a bit of a lapse following the holidays. I traveled to family members for the holidays and ate overly rich vegan food, but didn't gain weight, because there were only a few meals that were really over the top, and I got a fair amount of exercise. Oddly enough, the trouble started when I got back home after New Year's Day. My tastebuds had had just enough of the rich things that I was craving them pretty badly, and I took me almost two weeks to get a hold of the situation. I haven't been on the scales but I'm sure I've gained a few pounds, all after then holidays. This is at 60 degrees Northern latitude with six hours of daylight and various kinds of bad weather, which tends to be conducive to skipping exercise and sitting inside and eating.

I, too, got back with the program using potatoes this time around. I make a big plate of oven fries with ketchup in the evening, instead of eating processed junk foods in front of the television. A few times I really ate more potatoes than even felt comfortable, but they did crowd out the junk food.
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Re: Completely Fell of wagon

Postby roundcoconut » Wed Jan 18, 2017 8:13 pm

Hoenstly, I question the wisdom of going on a grand search to find whole natural foods foods that will captivate you.

It sounds to me like a cocaine addict who may be willing to give up their cocaine again, if only they can find a substance that they will like as well. So they go from drug dealer to drug dealer, saying, "I'd like to get off of cocaine -- what other kinds of drugs might I like?"

Well, cocaine is designed to lure you in and kick your behind. Of COURSE there is nothing that will quite give you that high.

A better question might be, "What are some mildly pleasurable things I might enjoy instead of snorting cocaine?"

If the best you can come up with is, "Bowling is OK. And I like doing crossword puzzles sometimes too." Then there are some good starting points!

Translating this over to the food world, what are your favorite vegetables? Eat those as a starting point. What are some starches you enjoy? Eat those when you get hungry.

If you find you love SAD foods up to and including the results they produce in your body, then you will choose that calorie rich and processed fare over and over again, no matter how many vegan chefs you consult. you will just chase the calorie rich foods and gain little health. That is totally your choice to make, and if you dig deep, you can find the appeal of the foods that support you emotionally, physically and mentally. But you gotta WANT to like those outcomes for yourself -- otherwise you are foolishly hankering over the heart attacks and cancer cells that are waiting for you in your "tasty" SAD foods.
Last edited by roundcoconut on Wed Jan 18, 2017 8:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Completely Fell of wagon

Postby calvin » Wed Jan 18, 2017 8:17 pm

guitarplayer007 wrote:What do you put on potatoes , I'm not into Salsa :(


Mary's Creamy Golden Gravy

on your potatoes. You won't be sorry. 8)

Oh, wait, I forgot, you don't like to cook.
You know, you REALLY need to get over that. :nod:

Here. This makes it easier. Make up a batch of these dry "gravy mix" ingredients. Then when you want gravy, all you need is a small pot, a cup of water, and 1.5 Tablespoons of the powder. Recipe here:

Creamy Country Gravy Mix
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Re: Completely Fell of wagon

Postby dynodan62 » Wed Jan 18, 2017 11:01 pm

What do you put on potatoes , I'm not into Salsa :(


Try low sodium tamari.
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Re: Completely Fell of wagon

Postby Hal » Thu Jan 19, 2017 1:50 am

If it's just not tasting good enough to keep eating more than a few bites at a sitting (my problem) i try a little nutritional yeast.
Not sure what to think about using it all the time, but it definitely makes everything taste rich and savory, and i fill up on whatever until i'm about to burst. A little Mrs. dash, fresh garlic, beans and corn in a pot of mashed potatoes - with a splash of nutritional yeast it becomes a feast for a king. Give that a shot. :nod:

You can't go wrong with basic Quaker quick oats (non-sweetened/flavored type) with sliced ripe banana and cinnamon. Don't use milk or anything - just use a little more water in the cooking - way better than with sugar and milk or cream. I usually have that at the end of the day, or when i need something substantive in less than five or so minutes.

Home made oven fries (no oil) with ketchup is pretty tasty - make sure you make enough to fill you up.

I just bought the latest Mcdougall cookbook 'The Healthiest Diet On The Planet" and plan to stock my kitchen with the tools i will need and the staples like spices and special things we need as substitutes for the bad stuff in most recipes.
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Re: Completely Fell of wagon

Postby barryoilbegone » Thu Jan 19, 2017 7:18 am

I admire your blunt honesty guitarplayer007, because sometimes it is tough. Who and what we've got around us makes it challenging. I've fallen off the wagon in terms of vegan junk food on a few occasions, and I probably also consume more soy yoghurt and dried fruit than is totally good for me in absolute health (in terms of sugar), and a bit too much mustard at times (in terms of salt). But just compare that to the kind of life I would have had in eating, were it not for John McDougall, Caldwell Esselstyn et al. I dread thinking about what might have been had I not put this into practise.

And it's not the kind of dread thinking like, "I might be dead" by the way: none of us are here to live forever, and the starchivore way of eating won't make any of us immortal. But about what kind of myth I'd be propagating to myself and others about health. Look at what the SAD, paleo, low carb and Atkins have done and are doing to people's health over the long haul, and how they're also damaging the prospects of a sustainable and environmentally free world for our kids, without giving a jot about it. The starchivore way is no more and no less than setting the odds in our favour as best as they can be set, and helps us and the world live longer and healthier than we might otherwise have done. That's all we can do, and all you can do with trying to stave off the heart disease I guess. You'll perhaps fall off at times, but the more we keep at this, the more it's prolonging us with the healthiest life possible.

Real key thing is to get back on the track to the starch way, and respect what you're trying to do in changing your life and your world a bite at a time. You're leading the way, even if you feel you've succumbed, because you're getting back on the wagon. And that makes all the difference to the future becoming a bit brighter.
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Re: Completely Fell of wagon

Postby guitarplayer007 » Thu Jan 19, 2017 7:59 am

AlwaysAgnes wrote:Hi Ken,
If you're looking for some kind of meal delivery, you could look through these. ... rom-today/
Skimming through them I noted that the Thrive Foods Direct one delivers in 50 states and doesn't use oil, but you get what they send and can't choose different food options. Other services like Veestro offer more individual choice but contain oil. I don't know if Forks over Knives still has the meal delivery, but they might have the meal plan which does your planning for you. Plant Perfection (influenced by McDougall, Esselstyn, and Campbell diets) appears to be taking a break, but is supposed to begin delivery again this year sometime.

Thanks you Agnes
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Re: Completely Fell of wagon

Postby guitarplayer007 » Thu Jan 19, 2017 8:00 am

calvin wrote:
guitarplayer007 wrote:What do you put on potatoes , I'm not into Salsa :(


Mary's Creamy Golden Gravy

on your potatoes. You won't be sorry. 8)

Oh, wait, I forgot, you don't like to cook.
You know, you REALLY need to get over that. :nod:

Here. This makes it easier. Make up a batch of these dry "gravy mix" ingredients. Then when you want gravy, all you need is a small pot, a cup of water, and 1.5 Tablespoons of the powder. Recipe here:

Creamy Country Gravy Mix

Believe me I cook a lot, make my own Black bean brownies from scratch, bean burgers, garlic spread, pankcakes from scratch ..etc
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