ASW Weekend Update

For those questions and discussions on the McDougall program that don’t seem to fit in any other forum.

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ASW Weekend Update

Postby f1jim » Sat Feb 18, 2012 12:03 am

Well, the first night is in the books and first and formost I want to acknowledge the forum members I have run into already. I got the pleasure of meeting our own Frozenveg and her husband, here all the way from Palmer, Alaska. Cloudy is vibrant and fun and she looks even better than the pics we have seen here on the boards. Also here is Vanilla Orchid and her hubby from my hometown of Pacifica. We also ran into LyndaK from Petaluma. There are several Star McDougallers here and we will get some reunion time with them.
Dr. McDougall kicked the event off with a recap of the last newslettera since the September ASW. The buzz was pretty thick when Paula Deen came up. We are all waiting to see if she takes him up on his offer to come to one of the 10 day programs.
Dr. Welch was an excellent speaker. Entertaining and humorous even when discussing a not so humorous topic. Overdiagnosis and overtreatment are big news now in the medical world and his message is very timely. He brings life to what is essentially an actuarial subject. We will hear more from him tomorrow.
I hope those watching at home are enjoying the feeds. Feel free to post your feedback here as you watch.
More tomorrow.
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Re: ASW Weekend Update

Postby Lani Muelrath » Sat Feb 18, 2012 12:35 am

Hey Jim! Thanks for saving a place for me at dinner. Head of the table no less! Thanks also for not holding me to the 'head of the table speech' tradition. At least I was in good company - Mary McDougall had the seat at the other end of our table, did you notice?

Haven't seen Linda yet but I agree what a treat to meet Cloudy. What a beauty! She and I had a chance to catch up a little while waiting in line to talk to Dr. Welch after his speech. I asked him a question about mammography misdiagnosis. Remind me and I'll fill you in tomorrow.

Glad there are so many cyber-McDougallers joining us at distance!

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Re: ASW Weekend Update

Postby Katydid » Sat Feb 18, 2012 6:10 am

Couldn't afford to go to the ASW, but I'm having fun spotting you all in the video streaming. Even spotted Dr. F in the audience during the opening remarks. :D BTW Jim, your picture doesn't do YOU justice. You look much younger 'in person'.
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Re: ASW Weekend Update

Postby hastings » Sat Feb 18, 2012 7:16 am

Thanks so much for the updates! Keep 'em coming, and wish we could all be there in person.
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Re: ASW Weekend Update

Postby veggielou » Sat Feb 18, 2012 8:35 am

Thanks Jim. Wish I was there.
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Re: ASW Weekend Update

Postby f1jim » Sun Feb 19, 2012 12:03 am

What a packed day this has been. Another super breakfast and then a great talk by Dr. Greger on the latest nutritional research from 2011 in his entertaining game show format. It was great fun but filled with solid information. I got to thank him for his great website and topical videos he posts. Then Dr. Welch was up and discussing the topics relative change and survival in medical studies and the shennanigans foisted on us using those terms in research. Excellent stuff and makes me want to reread all the studies using those terms I run into with a new eye.
Dr. McDougall gave a nice intro on why the "Starch Solution" is best just before heading into luch where I got my share! I had the privilige to chat with a couple more forum members. Martin68 and JayKay both introduced themselves and we had some great conversations with each other. I tell you mealtime is the best for great chats and learning about others in attendance. The stories are incredible and I am humbled by the progress made by many. At lunch they filmed Frozenveg for her Star McDougaller video. Look for it soon.
After lunch Lindsay Nixon, The Happy Herbivore cook made us a handful of treats from her books and we got a nice bit of her background in the process. Then Dr. McDougall had a sit down chat with the well connected Kathy Freston about her newest books. She travels in some heady circles and does a lot to promote vegan eating and furthering the cause.
Then Dr. Fuhrman gave a great talk on Super Immunity and he showed why he is so popular and why many here on the forum blend his ideas in with Dr. McDougalls. Then, of course, the great debate between Drs Fuhrman and McDougall with John Mackey of Whole Foods fame acting as moderator. I came away quite happy that both men were really quite close on their ideas about nutrition. The differences were very small and mattered very little when looking at the big picture of wha they both thought made up an ideal diet. They both scored points with the crowd for their enthusiam and persistence. We are lucky to have them both as nutritional guides. Once got the sense they both had great respect for the others work.
Then a wonderful dinner and more buzzing about the debate then back to the meeting room for a great presentation from John Mackey and Dr. Matt Lederman on the transformation happening at the Whole Foods Stores. Big news with their Wellness Clubs and the exciting changes with the immersion programs for their staff and the options available to their consumers. After that talk people seemed to hang around and chat with each other and hash trough a lot of the content of all the talks. At about 9:30pm I had to call it a night and get ready for another packed day. It's been very rewarding and tomorrow looks pretty good too!
Be sure to wave into the camera.
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Re: ASW Weekend Update

Postby patty » Sun Feb 19, 2012 12:36 am

Wow.. How exciting!

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Re: ASW Weekend Update

Postby Denise » Sun Feb 19, 2012 7:06 am

Thank you for taking the time to update us on the've had long and exciting days and this is the best connection for those of us who cannot be there

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Re: ASW Weekend Update

Postby potchneeyoung » Sun Feb 19, 2012 8:12 am

Wow!!! Thank you, Jim... I am so envious and jealous. I especially liked what you had to say about Dr. Fuhrman and Dr. McDougall, undoubtedly 2 of the greatest doctors in the world for the thousands of people they have already helped and cured. If anyone else at ASW has something to share about ASW, please post for those of us not fortunate enough to be there ....
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Re: ASW Weekend Update

Postby Lani Muelrath » Sun Feb 19, 2012 8:23 am

Great job reporting Jim!

I concur on the 'agree' between Drs. Fuhrman and McDougall, and for all on the forums they agreed in summation that the biggest chunk of our calories come from starches. Dr. F. has more of an eye to limiting them and Dr. McD says eliminate the oils, dairy and meat and fill your plate with the starches and veggies and enjoy. He always makes it so simple and easy, doesn't he?

The show was punctuated by Dr. F. at one point lifting his 'kale is the new beef' t-shirt to reveal his abs. Didn't get a snapshot of that one! Mackey did a great job of moderating.

Off to the final day of festivities! More from Fuhrman, Klaper, and Melanie Joy is up today as well. Just had time to load a pic or 2 up to facebookand will do more this week....

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Re: ASW Weekend Update

Postby lydia » Sun Feb 19, 2012 8:24 am

Thanks Jim for the updates. I did spot you and your wife on the videos and my thought was that both of you looked younger and better than when I met you in person 2 1/2 years ago. Just as Dr Mc Dougall says, eating this way makes you look younger and more attractive every year!!! I sure appreciate all the effort you do to make this forum keep the focus and your discussion has inspired me that I may need to make it to the sept weekend.
I was jealous of all the connections you were able to make from the people on the forum. That would have been so inspiring. I did spot frozen veg on the video recognizing her from her picture on line. Can't wait to see her video.
If anyone is on the fence about getting the on line version, I would say that I have only heard 4 talks yet and I have my money's worth. I think that the information that Dr Welch shares is an absolute minimum education for anyone who is going to go into the medical system for any reason. His book is also just as understandable. Either way you will get the information; I can only imagine how validated that Dr McDougall feels when listening to Dr Welch. This is stuff John has been saying for many years as a lone wolf.
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Re: ASW Weekend Update

Postby didi » Sun Feb 19, 2012 8:37 am

It is doubtful that Paula Dean will spend any time McDougalling at the center. She might have to give up Victoza. To tell you the truth, I don't think I could give up six million dollars.

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Re: ASW Weekend Update

Postby patty » Sun Feb 19, 2012 9:05 am

didi wrote:It is doubtful that Paula Dean will spend any time McDougalling at the center. She might have to give up Victoza. To tell you the truth, I don't think I could give up six million dollars.


You can't buy or go to college for the wisdom you have. That is the currency Dr. McDougall is marketing, a new freedom where he is able to say, "I might not be the richest doctor but I am the luckiest." And that is because of people like you Didi.

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Re: ASW Weekend Update

Postby patty » Sun Feb 19, 2012 9:07 am

lydia wrote:
If anyone is on the fence about getting the on line version, I would say that I have only heard 4 talks yet and I have my money's worth. I think that the information that Dr Welch shares is an absolute minimum education for anyone who is going to go into the medical system for any reason. His book is also just as understandable. Either way you will get the information; I can only imagine how validated that Dr McDougall feels when listening to Dr Welch. This is stuff John has been saying for many years as a lone wolf.

How great is that?

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Re: ASW Weekend Update

Postby giddyupgin » Sun Feb 19, 2012 12:04 pm

Thanks Jim for the wonderful updates. Looking forward to the September weekend. Hope to meet you and give a big hug.
Have a great ride as we ride through life...
from giddy up gin <^__~~ Wooo....hooo...
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