For those wanting to learn about and follow the McDougall Maximum Weight Loss Program. You can also join our monthly weigh-ins.

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Postby Starchyme » Tue Apr 07, 2009 8:11 am

Wishing you a most wonderful trip. Can't wait till you return to tell us all about it. Happy McDougalling while you are away!
Happy McDougalling!
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Postby Debbie R. » Tue Apr 07, 2009 11:53 am

mairead11 wrote:
Is anyone attending the upcoming McD 10-day program? I'd love to go, but timing isn't right. Wondering if anyone is looking forward to it. I would LOVE that inspiration [it's a dreary day here and thoughts of summer and "happy places" are stealing my dreams these days!].

Today, I'm on plan, and planning on staying that way!
Mairead :-D

Hi Mairead and everyone - I haven't been around for a while, but my office mate just got back from attending the Mc D 10 day program and I am back on MWL. We will be able to support each other in making healthy Mc D choices at work which I really need! When I was doing MWL before, this site was also a great source of support. Thanks for being here!
To Health!!

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Postby LauraA » Tue Apr 07, 2009 5:41 pm

HealthE1 wrote:Wishing you a most wonderful trip. Can't wait till you return to tell us all about it. Happy McDougalling while you are away!

Thanks, HealthE1, I'll take my computer, so you'll all be going to Australia with me! Take care, LauraA
Take care, LauraA

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Postby rotemmay » Tue Apr 07, 2009 7:37 pm

Hi all! I did MWLP for 6 weeks and lost some good inches but then my birthday week came around a few weeks ago and I got totally off track. Then I tried doing a vegan raw food diet and that was totally a bust - I missed my grains!

So as if last night I'm back on MWLP and very happy about it. I notice how much I love the food and how my mood has risen with the good grains and veggies I've been having (and no added fat). I'm hoping to keep with this until the end of April and then be prepared to go on vacation for a few weeks in the beginning of May (as close to McD as I can stay) and then when I get back really buckle down and do this right! I have about 25 pounds to lose and I'd love to lose them!

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still going strong.... but slow.....

Postby LindaC » Tue Apr 07, 2009 7:55 pm

Now have lost 16.4lbs since January.

Way to go Letha, you doing good girl!!!!!

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Postby Starchyme » Wed Apr 08, 2009 2:38 am

That's great, LauraA. Will be looking forward to reading your updates about the trip.
Happy McDougalling!
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Postby Letha. » Wed Apr 08, 2009 8:13 am

Thursday Is Weigh-In Day

If you’d like to participate, please post your results sometime on Thursday and I’ll add them up for the group on Friday morning.
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New here

Postby txjack » Wed Apr 08, 2009 8:39 am

Hi, I'm Dale
I just signed up on the Board yesterday (I talked about what's been going on with me on my first post in the Newbie section).

While it's the 8th, I officially started the program on 4/2. I wrote in my entry yesterday of my trouble with diabetes because of insulin/meds adjustments made recently by my doctor. I knew about Dr McDougal's programs for a while and finally said I have to start it.

As of yesterday, I hadn't weighed yet so was unsure if I had even lost anything, I had been so concerned about my blood sugars. They have been out of sight (sometimes just under 500). They are way down, now. I have had to cut back insulin by 45% , the pills by 50% and it looks like I have lost 5lbs. With the insulin, it has been very hard to lose weight, sometimes eating hardly anything.

I have been following the MWL not really for the faster weight loss but because of it's effects on my sugars. Looks like it's working on both fronts.

Looking forward to the future.
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Postby Letha. » Wed Apr 08, 2009 8:49 am

Checking In. I’m on plan and planning to stay that way.

LindaC, Congratulations on your 16.4 pound loss. Well Done!!

Tam, I’ve done some extended stints of raw foods too and I like MWL way better.

LauraA, I’m so glad you are taking us to Australia with you. I’ve always wanted to go there.

Debbie, Having a diet buddy at work will be tremendously helpful for you. I look forward to hearing much more from you this month!

Melanie, Did you sleep better last night?

MaryW, A veggie subway sandwich is a good choice when faced with an unexpected monkey wrench in your regular food plan. I’m glad to hear you won’t be buying any more chips.

Teresa, If you’ve been going totally off plan on weekends eating fatty foods, perhaps you need a little more leeway on the weekends. You could follow MWL during the week and the regular plan on the weekends. Then you could have some McDougall pizza, or some spaghetti, or burritos, or a McDougall brownie to feel like you had a little treat without falling off plan.

Mairead, With all your exercise you should be able to do some really fun and physical stuff this summer. Do you have plans to go hiking or biking or some such thing this summer?

CarolWL, My thoughts are with you as you support your mother in this difficult time.

Cowgirrlup, I haven’t brought 3-2-1 dressing to a restaurant yet but I’ll be following your example in the future. Love my 3-2-1.

Txveggie, Good for you signing up for a yoga class! That’s very brave of you. Even if you are the biggest person in the class now, you won’t be for long following the McDougall plan.

Bambie113, Did I read correctly that you are out there climbing mountains? :) Most excellent!

You folks are great. Thank you all for participating in this thread. See ya tomorrow.
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Re: New here

Postby Letha. » Wed Apr 08, 2009 8:51 am

txjack wrote:Hi, I'm Dale
I just signed up on the Board yesterday (I talked about what's been going on with me on my first post in the Newbie section).

I have been following the MWL not really for the faster weight loss but because of it's effects on my sugars. Looks like it's working on both fronts.

Looking forward to the future.

Welcome aboard Dale. Glad you found our little group. Please post often! :-D
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Postby LauraA » Wed Apr 08, 2009 6:48 pm

Welcome txjack - I think that you'll love our group, and the McDougall program is really the way to get many, many medical issues under control! Have you heard the star McDougaller stories? They are really great. Take care, LauraA
Take care, LauraA

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Postby cowgirrlup » Wed Apr 08, 2009 8:52 pm

Letha, I brought my 3-2-1 dressing to that restaurant for the first time a few weeks ago and they didn't even blink....no one paid any attention to me. I wondered if they just assumed it was a food allergy or something. I bring a small (only holds a few tablespoons ) tupperware type container and if I am worried about my purse, I just put the container in a small zip lock bag and then into my purse it goes.

It makes it so much easier for me. Otherwise I try to figure which dressing is low fat (probably none of them!) and even if I only use a little bit of the salad bar dressings I know it would be full of fat and probably contain dairy, too. This way I don't feel any guilt and I can enjoy my meal.

I am going to make the Caribbean Stew tomorrow. I will probably just use pinto beans and black beans because I have a lot of pinto beans already cooked. :D
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Postby MaryW » Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:59 pm

txveggie, I just wanted to tell you that I'm so glad that you are taking a yoga class. I've taken several and I have enjoyed all of them. Sometimes I get funny looks from the other (usually very thin) students. You don't see many 300 lb people doing downward dog! But it's great exercise, great stress relief and just plain fun. Your teacher should be able to show you how to modify the poses so you can do them. I know sometimes I am not strong enough or my tummy gets in the way. Or your teacher can show you a pose to do instead, like doing child's pose if you aren't ready for down dog. Good luck and have fun!
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Postby vanita324 » Wed Apr 08, 2009 11:11 pm

it's 1AM here in VA so ill be the first one to post. 160 lbs. , down 4 from monday. i'm on mary's mini so that's probably why, but i'm very pleased!
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Postby vanita324 » Wed Apr 08, 2009 11:14 pm

i do have a question.. what is the difference between MWL and Mary's Mini and the regular McDougall? Isn't is all the same?
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