February 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

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Re: February 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby VGuzman » Sat Feb 15, 2020 12:31 am

Weight Loss for Feb. 14, 2020: - 0.4 lb.

Starting weight: 125.2 lb. (1/3/2020)
Last week: 121.0 lb. (2/7/2020)
This week: 120.6 lb. (2/14/2020)

My weight loss has been very slow. I suspect that not getting enough sleep could be contributing to it since I have only had a couple of days not eating according to the guidelines.

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Re: February 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby rlechols » Sat Feb 15, 2020 1:26 am

Feb 14 weigh in: 163.5 lbs
Loss of 1.5 lbs
Goal weight is 150 lbs

This week was great! Followed the guidelines pretty much perfect all week except for a chosen small deviation on Saturday which was some nice cream. I've been exercising 5 days a week, both 60-70 min of cardio daily and strength training, either upper body weights or abdominal exercises. Feeling great.

I've been extra mindful of when I've eaten enough to just be satisfied. That seems to really be helping with the weight loss.
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Re: February 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby kirstykay » Sat Feb 15, 2020 2:56 am

Update: My daughter's surgery went very well. After all was said and done, they had to remove her kidney. Now, hopefully, she can begin the healing process and put this ordeal behind her. She'll be in the hospital a couple more days, but she is recovering nicely. I'll be here another week with her as long as there are no complications.
I will weigh in once I get home at the end of the month. I've been doing ok with eating, but not perfect. The halls of the hospital are a great place to walk! Not getting great sleep.
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Re: February 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby ltolar » Sat Feb 15, 2020 7:06 am

Good morning!

Weight change for week -0.8

Thanks for all your encouraging words!
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Re: February 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby moonlight » Sat Feb 15, 2020 7:08 am

I don’t feel I had a good week staying on plan... Yesterday I ate chocolate my husband gave me, and I ate a high fat and sodium laden dinner so I’m choosing to not weigh. I think it would be too disheartening – not motivating.

Binge eating – I’m not sure what is considered binge eating but a couple of times this week I have eaten higher fat food past satiation.
I’m not interested in fresh veggies as a snack. They are not appealing (previously they are very appealing – the freshness and juiciness…)
Being stressed hasn’t helped. While I had some great moments making good decisions when I was out of the house and hungry, I had other moments when I made poor choices. I had more stress than usual this week which caused me to not get a good night’s sleep for several nights.
Lacking motivation. Being tired and craving food because I’ve allowed super tasty (fat, sugar, salt) food to creep back into my diet.
I haven’t planned my meals in advance this week the way I normally do. I haven’t exercised as much either. I’ve had to deal with a real sick dog. It has consumed a large part of my time and created stress around trying to get work accomplished and get enough sleep.
I’ve started the habit of grabbing a few bites of my husband’s food, again! A hard habit to break. When I started this WOE I had trouble with crackers and chips mostly. We figured out ways to help me with those foods. Lately I’ve started dipping into his “cheese drawer” in the refrigerator… We can’t get a separate refrigerator. I need to build up my resolve to NOT OPEN THAT DRAWER!

So, I’ve got a lot of issues on my mind. Many disappointing moments. I’m tempted to stop posting because I feel like such a failure and I’m sure people reading these posts are sick of hearing my struggling story. I was encouraged by the success story of Jessica Parsons (Mark posted the link on Wednesday this week). Her story resonated with me when she described a plateau in the middle of her weight loss journey. I’ve had a plateau for over a year. It’s very frustrating knowing that I have goals that I choose to break over and over, yet I don’t want to give up. I feel like just a big whiner! I’m hoping I’ll get tired of this up-down-up-down way of life and start succeeding again.

Plan for the upcoming week: Focus on eating until full and stopping. Eat slower. Eat less calorie dense food. I think I get hung up on thinking I haven’t had enough starch food and over stuff myself, so I won’t need to eat again for a while. I’m going to be mindful of this and try to just eat until I’m full. I may eat more times throughout the day.

Each week I get a sense of renewed energy after reading everyone’s story. [b]Mark and Goose[/b], thank you both for your time, energy, and thoughtfulness in providing so many helpful comments, advice, and guidance to help and encourage us to find our path. I appreciate your effort!! I’ll just keep showing up, hanging my head in shame until I get sick of myself and start consistently choosing to keep to my intentions. :o
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Re: February 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby colleenaprn » Sat Feb 15, 2020 8:00 am

Good Morning,
I lost 2 pounds this week
weight: 219
total 10 pounds lost
I tried to be more conscious of salt intake and water intake this week which I feel helped me lose the weight that I had gained last week. I have a tendency to salt my food out of habit (I do not cook with salt anymore) and get so busy at work I forget to drink enough.

I am also journaling what I eat which was suggested to me in this group and I think it is helping. I have put my food intake into chronometer a couple times just for curiosity and noticed I am not eating enough calories which could also slow my weight loss down. It is such a fine line between eating enough but not over eating( which I have struggled with for years).
I love having a safe place to come and express my concerns and read about others struggles and successes; I learn from the wisdom expressed in this group!
Thank you!
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Re: February 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby JaBee » Sat Feb 15, 2020 8:35 am

Weight change -1.0
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Re: February 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby SherryW » Sat Feb 15, 2020 8:44 am

moonlight wrote: I’ve had to deal with a real sick dog. It has consumed a large part of my time and created stress around trying to get work accomplished and get enough sleep.

I'm so sorry about your dog! I hope it's something that he or she can recover from. We have a lot of pets, and when one gets ill, it's just live having a sick kid but worse in a way because they can't always tell you what's bothering them and they have an instinct to hide any weakness.

We have an old guy right now who's fooled the vet. He's definitely sick, but she didn't think he'd live more than a day or two when we brought him home from the hospital right before Christmas. He's still kicking and feels bad sometimes, but still enjoys being around us and has a good quality of life for now - but, we're still bracing for when the time comes.

Just wanted to say I feel for you and your dog and I hope things improve.

I haven't thought about what I'll do when I'm in a moment of crisis with this diet. Hopefully, I'll power through and excuse myself if I can't. My previous high-stress diet was full-sugar cokes, Lays regular potato chips and nothing else. That just doesn't fit anymore.
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Re: February 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby moonlight » Sat Feb 15, 2020 8:51 am

SherryW wrote:
moonlight wrote: I’ve had to deal with a real sick dog. It has consumed a large part of my time and created stress around trying to get work accomplished and get enough sleep.

I'm so sorry about your dog! I hope it's something that he or she can recover from. We have a lot of pets, and when one gets ill, it's just live having a sick kid but worse in a way because they can't always tell you what's bothering them and they have an instinct to hide any weakness.

We have an old guy right now who's fooled the vet. He's definitely sick, but she didn't think he'd live more than a day or two when we brought him home from the hospital right before Christmas. He's still kicking and feels bad sometimes, but still enjoys being around us and has a good quality of life for now - but, we're still bracing for when the time comes.

Just wanted to say I feel for you and your dog and I hope things improve.

I haven't thought about what I'll do when I'm in a moment of crisis with this diet. Hopefully, I'll power through and excuse myself if I can't. My previous high-stress diet was full-sugar cokes, Lays regular potato chips and nothing else. That just doesn't fit anymore.

Thanks, Sherry! My sick dog is 6 months old. We're not sure what caused the stomach upset but severe diarrhea and vomiting started Wednesday ... The vet is involved. I don't think she's going to die, now... I'm hoping she turns a corner today - like me with my MWL loss plan!! :D I'm glad your old pup is still with you. :)
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Re: February 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby Butterfly043 » Sat Feb 15, 2020 10:31 am


I was wondering if you had considered creating an actual placemat sized Healthy Eating Placemat to sell that we can actually use as a constant reminder? I personally think it would be helpful, plus we could always use them as gifts to give to our friends who are trying to transition.
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Re: February 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby JeffN » Sat Feb 15, 2020 10:56 am

Butterfly043 wrote:Jeff,

I was wondering if you had considered creating an actual placemat sized Healthy Eating Placemat to sell that we can actually use as a constant reminder? I personally think it would be helpful, plus we could always use them as gifts to give to our friends who are trying to transition.

Yes. I actually have one that was made as a prototype and am working with a designer as we speak to have it make placemat size and laminated. As soon as it is done, I will announce it in these forums first.

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Re: February 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby Drew* » Sat Feb 15, 2020 12:14 pm

Weight change on Friday: 176.3 lb …+1.3 lb

Down 8.9 lb since starting in this forum at the beginning of January.

Success: Three 40 minute indoor jogging sessions plus some straight lifts for ½ hour 2-3 times this week. I made another batch of longevity soup and had plenty of lunches with it.

Greater attention: I used my birthday and Valentine’s Day to consume some foods that are not on the list including flour, sugar, and oil (in the ingredients). I overdid it a bit and need to get back on track.

My impression is that I am living Mon through Thursday night with my father (on hospice) and my mom (who is anxious) and that my response was to “celebrate” my birthday with them.

Overall impression: I can do this and get back to the MWL way. Thanks.
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Re: February 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby laurag » Sat Feb 15, 2020 1:01 pm

Wow lots of people having real life stuff , my heart goes out to all of you ! Hang in there people :)

I stayed at 145 no change

I am doing well on staying away from oil and fat
Need to work on 50/50 plate

Mostly I am doing half veggies but at end of day I am going back for seconds of thirds of dinner and it is hard not to just grab a bite of rice or potato and snack , I really would like to focus on getting another plate and doing half and half again.

I am so happy to be in a place where I am realizing that it is ok to be all in and I can let the oh I will make an exception of this or deserve that food behind! It has been freeing although still hard here and there I feel like bambi walking for first time. But I really think I got this and all the things we learn in this group have a simple truth that it does work. The MWL I just need for my body type 100% adherence and that's ok. I am working on trusting that I just need to solidify the behaviors and I will be on the right road for me :nod: I hope everyone will be ok and just keep at it there are breakthroughs just takes time and to keep trying without beating yourself up

We can do this !
It's the food!!
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Re: February 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby etoirocks » Sat Feb 15, 2020 1:02 pm

Last week, I came in with a 1.1lb weight gain. I didn’t have much to explain it other than water weight, a fun female side effect. Lol. This week, I lost that 1.1lbs and another .2lbs, for a total 1.3lb loss last week. I can never be sad about a loss, but I am a bit sad that I’m only recording 0.2lbs loss for the month of Feb so far. Sigh. We did have an unusual week with my boy child having gallbladder surgery on Tuesday. However, I don’t think I really stress ate. Between caring for him and having a nightmare mess come up at work, I still didn’t get in any exercise. Perhaps that’s what is missing. I also ate oatmeal almost as much as I ate taters this week, and I slacked on getting in my veggies. I travel next week, and I’m fortunate to be staying at a hotel with a kitchenette. With no other influences but me, I hope to eat just taters and veggies, at least Tues-Fri next week. So, fingers crossed for a nice loss next Saturday, if I can get the fluid retention that often happens from traveling down to a minimum. I am still feeling AMAZING! So that’s a huge win regardless of what the scale says. I clothes continue to fit looser and I can feel a change in my face.

I was successful at meal prep last Sunday, prepping all my veggies for quick eats or for steaming and prepping a mix of red and gold taters in the IP and baking sweets and a purple skin white flesh sweet I got at TJs that’s absolutely delightful! I repeated tater prep Wed night bc I was almost out.

Due to the slow Feb loss, I edited my Feb goal from 20lbs down to 15lbs. Always good to have a goal ;)

Happy starchy Saturday everyone!

Jan 6: start date
Jan 17: -4.3lbs
Jan 31: -5.1lbs
Feb 7: +1.1lbs :(
Feb 14: -1.3lbs
Total loss: 9.6lbs
New end of Feb goal: -15lbs
*GOAL*: -68.6lbs (Maybe end of summer???)
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Re: February 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby Jiffy » Sat Feb 15, 2020 2:36 pm

Hello everyone,
My weight this week is 243.8. (Unfortunately I don’t remember my weight from last week to note a gain or loss.)
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