October 2017 McDougall Weigh In Thread

For those wanting to learn about and follow the McDougall Maximum Weight Loss Program. You can also join our monthly weigh-ins.

Moderators: JeffN, f1jim, carolve, Heather McDougall

Re: October 2017 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Cathmc » Tue Oct 24, 2017 3:34 am

Hi there,

Well, I posted ( or thought I did ) yesterday and one of the things I said was that I love how busy this is and that I need to check in more often to keep up.
Too much to comment on right now but loving reading all the comments.

Karen : ( and anyone else interested )
Creamy Cilantro - Garlic Dressing
1 12 oz pack silken tofu
1/2 cup rice vinegar
1/4 cup low sodium soy sauce
2 - 3 garlic cloves ( I used less )
1/2 bunch fresh cilantro

Combine the tofu, vinegar, soy sauce and garlic in a blender or food processor and purée until smooth.
Add the clinatro and process again just until the cilantro is chopped. ( include some cilantro stems for a bolder flavour )
Can be kept in a jar in the fridge up to 5 days.
( copied from FOK app recipes )

Hope you´re all having a healthy, good day.
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Re: October 2017 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Reni » Tue Oct 24, 2017 10:24 am

Hi Everyone,

I know I'm super late, but would like to join for the remainder of the month. I have a lot to lose - starting out at my highest weight of my life at 194. Going to start a journal to help keep me accountable.

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Re: October 2017 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Bougainvillea » Tue Oct 24, 2017 10:54 am

JeffN wrote:
Bougainvillea wrote:Thanks for the link to Jeff Novak's summary of the MWL guidelines, Amy. Yes, I did see it. It's too restrictive for me right now. Especially the reference to "it's okay to be hungry." Uh - no. That will not work for me. Might as well be on Weight Watchers. I need something that will work forever, and that means not being hungry. At least for me. I know that's just one of many guidelines, but that's the one that tries to make me give up.

Just to clarify...

One of the basic principles of the McDougall Program is that you don't ever have to go hungry, EVER!

My post was not about my guidelines and recommendations or about my summary of the guidelines/recommendations of Dr McDougall's MWL program, but about some refinements that Dr McDougall himself made to the McDougall Maximum Weight Loss Program, which is what he recommends for those wanting to lose weight. The 11 points are only an Table of Contents and the post recommends that you clink on the link to read the full description. When you do for the one about hunger, which is the last one, you find this....

It’s OK to be Hungry:

Sometimes you will find yourself in a situation where there is no healthy food available – like when you are out shopping, at a party, or dining with friends. You don’t have to eat. No harm will be done. You won’t starve to death by waiting a few hours until something healthy is available. Delaying gratification is the smart thing to do and when you do finally eat the right foods they will taste extra delicious.

Program Protocol: No one went hungry during the 10 days with us. One of the lessons of our program was successfully taught – “You can eat as much as you want of delicious foods and lose weight.”

Practical Tips for Home Compliance: After leaving the program, people will not have multiple-course meals served to them 3 times a day with snacks mid-morning and mid-afternoon – and thus, they are expected to lose even more briskly at home. If you get stuck with nothing healthy to eat, your best choice in most cases is to go hungry – when you finally do eat, the foods will be even more delicious than usual.

Elsewhere in the Newsletter, you find the following three comments by Dr McDougall

Our guests never suffered a moment of hunger and they thoroughly enjoyed the tastes of the meals we served to them.  That was obvious; they ate 2, 3, 4 and more servings at each meal.”

“Starches are low in calories (calorie dilute), low in fat (the fat you eat is the fat you wear) and high in carbohydrate (which satisfies the hunger drive).  Most importantly, there are sufficient calories in starches to meet your needs for energy and to satisfy your powerful hunger drive.”

“However, be careful that you do not eat so many of these low-calorie vegetable foods that your meals are no longer enjoyable and satisfying for your hunger drive.  You need the starchy selections for sustaining satisfaction.”

As you can see, the basic guidelines are to not go hungry and the comment about "it is ok to be hungry" was only in reference to most cases and when they were nothing else to eat. So, if your only option was fried chicken (which I don't think you have faced yet), then Dr McDougall's recommendation was that you might be better off going hungry then eating the fried chicken.

Part of the reason I posted those refinements was to clarify what Dr McDougall was recommending vs other "hacks" out there being recommended as part of his program, most of which will result in you being hungry.

Now, if you would like to know my specific guidelines, just walk on over to my forum and you will find them clearly laid out here...


And, when you go there, you will find this as my number one guideline ...

1) Hunger & Satiety - Whenever hungry, eat until you are comfortably full. Don't starve and don't stuff yourself.

So, there you have it.

A few months ago, I was swamped with emails because someone sent out a newsletter saying that my recommendation to them in how to lose weight was to "eat less."

This is my 30th year of teaching this publicly and professionally and I have never, ever told anyone to eat less, ever. In fact, the point i make in my presentations, over and over, is that by following my recommendations, you can eat about 67% more food if you keep the calories the same, or you can eat about 33% more food while consuming about 33% less calories. In both cases, you are eating more, not less. I also searched and searched all my old files, all my old websites, all my emails and messages with the person, did google searches and used the Wayback Machine and couldn't find my saying "eat less" ever. :)

But, this is what happens with misunderstandings or when things are taken out of context or seem out of context.

I have always said, time and adherence at the two most important principles. I think I will add a third. Time, adherence and PUA (proper understanding and application).

Good luck with your weight loss journey and let me know if I can be of help.

In heath

PS excuse my intrusion in the group but understanding this hunger issue is so important to success.

Thank you so much for that clarification! I just saw the list if items, including it's okay to be hungry and thought uh uh. Fortunately, as I am now a grown-up, I was able to just toss out what I didn't like and not give up the entire ghost :-)

But, I'm really relieved to know that the point is only to go hungry if you don't have any possible other options available to eat that are healthy. Whew!

The reason I really believe I can stay on this "diet," is because of the fact that I don't have to go hungry, and I can actually eat food I like, AND be healthy and at a healthy weight.

Glad you butted in. :D
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Re: October 2017 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Bougainvillea » Tue Oct 24, 2017 10:58 am

Reni wrote:Hi Everyone,

I know I'm super late, but would like to join for the remainder of the month. I have a lot to lose - starting out at my highest weight of my life at 194. Going to start a journal to help keep me accountable.


Yay! Someone around my weight! It will be fun to keep each other motivated. I am "down" to "only" 192 (actually weighed 193 this morning - I fluctuate). But, I haven't been this "light" in years. Funny, how things are relative, aren't they?

So good luck! I'm all about beans, rice, veggies and tortillas. That's yummy food to me that is familiar (but without cheese and meat now). So, that's what is mainly working for me. Let us know what is working for you :)
Off meds/animal products 8/13/17, oil-free since 8/29/17
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Re: October 2017 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Bougainvillea » Tue Oct 24, 2017 11:00 am

Cathmc wrote:Hi there,

Well, I posted ( or thought I did ) yesterday and one of the things I said was that I love how busy this is and that I need to check in more often to keep up.
Too much to comment on right now but loving reading all the comments.

Karen : ( and anyone else interested )
Creamy Cilantro - Garlic Dressing
1 12 oz pack silken tofu
1/2 cup rice vinegar
1/4 cup low sodium soy sauce
2 - 3 garlic cloves ( I used less )
1/2 bunch fresh cilantro

Combine the tofu, vinegar, soy sauce and garlic in a blender or food processor and purée until smooth.
Add the clinatro and process again just until the cilantro is chopped. ( include some cilantro stems for a bolder flavour )
Can be kept in a jar in the fridge up to 5 days.
( copied from FOK app recipes )

Hope you´re all having a healthy, good day.

Thank you! I have never used silken tofu before. Tried some firm tofu to make a fake egg scramble and hated it LOL. But, I know it's mainly just there for texture. Can't wait to try it out!
Off meds/animal products 8/13/17, oil-free since 8/29/17
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Re: October 2017 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Bougainvillea » Tue Oct 24, 2017 11:18 am

Okay, I feel like I'm really spamming this thread. Sorry! Just this last post for the day.

Took photos of my food again yesterday, but this morning the sun was shining so pretty on my balcony and my bougainvillea is blooming (my namesake inspiration) and my breakfast was on the side table next to my "throne" where I do everything including eat - and I just had to take a photo. Can you believe it's going to be almost 90 degrees again??!!! Yikes. I wish it would turn to fall already! Maybe we'll just go straight into winter. Anyway, this is my lovely vegan breakfast environment this morning. I am feeling blessed. Even though I have to go to the dentist later.... :shock:


That's a couple of whole wheat tortillas and my rice/bean/lentil/veggie mixture, with fresh greens and tomatoes, hot sauce and a little salt. And my coffee with almond milk and real white sugar (I know....quit Splenda, but don't like Truvia. Will try agave next, but had white sugar in the cupboard.)

Okay, yesterday's food:

Breakfast: Same as today's breakfast mentioned above.


Lunch: veggie/barley soup with sweet potatoes, spinach and lots of other veggies & a bagel toasted plain. I just ate half the soup and half the bagel - my dog got the other half. ;)


Snack: It was hot yesterday and a cold pear sounded soooo good and it waaas! I put them in the fridge because the fruit flies were threatening to fly off with them. Then, I was glad because it was so cool and refreshing. Yum!


Dinner: Rice (white and brown mixed), black beans, creamed corn (my new addiction!), yellow summer squash, hot sauce and a little salt & my naughty vegan diet cocktail of gin and diet tonic water:


For some reason I was still hungry, so I reheated some boiled red potato chunks and ate them with catsup. (Forgot to take a pic).

And before bed, I was hungry, so I had a small bowl of bran flakes with half a banana:


Woke up and I'm up a pound - no surprise LOL. Had a really stressful event yesterday, not sure if that's why I was so hungry. Actually, now that I think about it, in order to deal with the stress, I walked a lot - several walks. So, that's probably why.
Off meds/animal products 8/13/17, oil-free since 8/29/17
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Re: October 2017 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby amandamechele » Tue Oct 24, 2017 11:55 pm

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Re: October 2017 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby amandamechele » Wed Oct 25, 2017 12:30 am

Werner - I'm glad things are getting better. That's a difficult situation, and one that's not going to go away. You've built up a long standing pattern of snacking while there and it will take a moderately large effort to change that pattern. I was going to compare it to my issue with movie popcorn - how I have only a 50% success rate at avoiding it when I'm at the theatre - so I had developed the strategy to not go to the movies (but you don't have this option)... so more recently I've just been going and not enjoying myself and getting used to being there with the smell and the other people (my family included) eating it. I've been training myself to be okay with it, even though currently I hate it. Having already done this with restaurants and family get-togethers, I know that it works, it just takes practice and the understanding that eventually you will be okay and enjoy the new normal. Let us know how this Sunday goes. Bring your own snacks (as I'm sure you do) and a whole bunch of grit! You can do this. :)

Karen - I'm so glad Jeff stepped in to clarify things, I would never want you to think that you should go hungry...my food photos were meant to show you and everyone just how much food one could potentially eat and still lose some weight. After I lost my first 30 pounds eating this way, I got stuck for a number of years because I didn't realize how much starchy food I really needed to feel satisfied which led me to have trouble staying on plan every single evening. It was a long and brutal learning process, but I got through it! I understand that your taste preferences are different right now and they could change, but it will take time. Please don't worry too much, every little step towards the guidelines will be helpful.

Jeff - Thank you for the clarification, understanding the hunger issue is so very important to success. :)

Katie - Thank you for linking The Slow Fast Way that is the perfect video for everyone to watch. Time and adherence is key!

Cathmc - That recipe sounds delicious. :) I'm avoiding the tofu right now but I want to save this for a future time... or maybe I'll see if the kids would like it. They are so picky with the dressings. I haven't yet found one that they all like.

Reni - Welcome and we're happy to have you join us. I just took a peak at your journal...great start!

Karen - I hope your stressful event is just a one-off. Thinking of you today...I had potato chunks and ketchup too! So so yummy..I may have them again tomorrow.
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Re: October 2017 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Bougainvillea » Wed Oct 25, 2017 10:16 am

katie3 wrote:Thanks for chiming in, Jeff. I always find your posts so helpful.

I especially like this reminder:

I have always said, time and adherence are the two most important principles.

Sometimes I get impatient because I have tried other methods that lead to water weight loss and in the short-term experienced what felt like dramatic weight changes. Of course, the water weight returned and then some. I've been having an impatient feeling couple of days.

To counteract that impatience I'm practicing reminding myself what Dr. Lisle has called the "Slow Fast Way" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vbeHVecDlM for anyone who is interested). Compared to a low-carb (water-weight loss) plan, the McDougall Plan or even MWL can feel "slow" because you're not going to drop 10 pounds in a week. Well, at least I'm not because I'm pretty close to my goal weight. But, what you lose really is fat and the loss is sustainable and with long-term adherence (as you mentioned) the fat loss is maintained.

So, along with telling myself "Slow Fast Way" I'll remind myself to "give it time." Give it time, give it time, and enjoy the process of adopting long-term, life-enhancing healthy choices.

Katie3 - thank you so much for the link to that webinar video. I just watched it. It's so perfect for me right now. I want an actual McDougall medallion to wear LOL. But, I'm going to make a copy of the chart of my daily goal like the one Dr. Lisle made - starch, starch, starch, salad, fruit, exercise - 80% goal. Perfect. Slow and steady wins the race and I don't have to be perfect. Ahhhhh.

Amy - yes, it was a one-off stressful situation dealing with a very rude and obnoxious receptionist at my doctor's office. I have a hard time shaking those kinds of things off, and always beat myself up later on with all of the brilliant ways I would have handled her - if I'd only known ahead of time what was going to happen LOL. If I have to deal with her again, though, I'll be ready. :unibrow:

What I did do brilliantly, however, was go for walks instead of comfort myself with food. And then I wrote an email to my doctor, lodging a complaint. I did not remain a victim. :wink:
Off meds/animal products 8/13/17, oil-free since 8/29/17
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Re: October 2017 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby amandamechele » Wed Oct 25, 2017 10:32 pm

Karen - Walking was a brilliant strategy for dealing with your stress. Fantastic!
(I have been looking for a situation to use my favourite baby meme lately...that little guy is so darn cute!)

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Re: October 2017 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Cathmc » Thu Oct 26, 2017 5:23 am

Hello there everyone.

Katie3 - Thank you so much for the link it really did me the world of good to listen to that today. I´ve been feeling a little despondent and feeling like I´m just never going to get there. You can imagine, this really spoke to me. THANK YOU.

Amy - Yep, the guy is very cute and you´re food looks good as always.

Karen : I see that you too enjoyed the webinar. hahaha. Yep, I want one of those medallions too. Well done for going for a walk instead of eating.

Reni - Hi. I´m a newcomer too. Welcome.

I hope you´re all having a good day. I´m feeling so much better than I was at the weekend. I´m a little worried about the weigh in tomorrow and I´m trying not to be. I am really trying to convince myself that it´s NOT all about WEIGHT and to just enjoy the journey or should I say the tortoise road. :lol: and I am.
I have a bbq/ picnic with friends on Sunday. All big meat eaters but very respectful of those who arnt. Any suggestions for what I can take ?
One thing I know I will take is a black bean and mango salad that I love and the friends who have tried it also love.
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Re: October 2017 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Bougainvillea » Thu Oct 26, 2017 12:30 pm

Cathmc wrote:Hello there everyone.

Katie3 - Thank you so much for the link it really did me the world of good to listen to that today. I´ve been feeling a little despondent and feeling like I´m just never going to get there. You can imagine, this really spoke to me. THANK YOU.

Amy - Yep, the guy is very cute and you´re food looks good as always.

Karen : I see that you too enjoyed the webinar. hahaha. Yep, I want one of those medallions too. Well done for going for a walk instead of eating.

Reni - Hi. I´m a newcomer too. Welcome.

I hope you´re all having a good day. I´m feeling so much better than I was at the weekend. I´m a little worried about the weigh in tomorrow and I´m trying not to be. I am really trying to convince myself that it´s NOT all about WEIGHT and to just enjoy the journey or should I say the tortoise road. :lol: and I am.
I have a bbq/ picnic with friends on Sunday. All big meat eaters but very respectful of those who arnt. Any suggestions for what I can take ?
One thing I know I will take is a black bean and mango salad that I love and the friends who have tried it also love.

About your barbecue - I had a friend who used to have BBQs all the time, but there were always vegetarians/vegans who also came. She just grilled up a ton of veggies for them. You could take a bunch of already sliced up bell peppers (big slices so they don't fall into the fire) for them to grill for you. I suppose it's possible some meat crumbles or whatever could end up on them, but if you used to eat meat, it shouldn't be too horrifying if that happened.

Otherwise, yeah, just take some salads you can eat.

Yesterday, I gave blood & when they saw I was O negative, and I said I'd be happy to give double red cells if they want me to (hadn't been to this blood bank before), they drooled with glee LOL. I told them they better get them from me before I lose all the weight I want to lose. You actually have to be heavy in order to give double red blood donations. Something about more body mass = more blood? I forget.

So, even though I had eaten my hearty burrito breakfast, after a couple hours of lying there having my blood & fluids pumped in and out of me, I was a little light-headed. And they only thing they had that I could eat was salted peanuts. At least they had those. I was surprised they didn't even have fruit. Just fruit juices and lots of sugary baked goods like cupcakes - which they kept trying to force on me LOL. I just kept saying, No, I'm on a diet and I'm being good, but the peanuts will work.

The peanuts felt so heavy and oily and salty! Funny, how things have already changed for me - yay! But, it did remind me that I really need to take something with me everywhere I go that I can eat. I really expected them to have fresh fruit. Next time, I'll take my own. I had bananas and apples here, too. I'll need to be better about throwing something healthy into my bag whenever I leave the house, just in case.
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Re: October 2017 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Bougainvillea » Thu Oct 26, 2017 12:49 pm

Pics of my food from Tuesday:

Breakfast - I wanted to show how much of the greens and fresh tomatoes I put in the burritos before adding some of my bean/rice/veggie mixture. Makes them more MWL compliant :-)


Lunch - I wasn't really hungry yet, but needed to eat something because I was going to get all numbed up at the dentist. So, I just had a bowl of bran flakes with almond milk and a banana. It was hot, and I wanted something cold, and it was the easiest option:


Evening cocktail - OMG, my face was still numb at 5pm (after I feed and walk the dog and then have my evening cocktail), but my teeth and gums were screaming! I was starving, too, but there was no way I could eat anything that wasn't liquid. I had to drive to the dollar store and buy straws LOL! The good news is, I'm now in a healthcare system where I can get my teeth worked on again. It's been years, and they are deep cleaning my teeth. They cleaned the lower ones on Tuesday, and I go back today to get the uppers done - yikes!


I do plan on cutting back on having a cocktail every day, but I'm not there yet. Figure, I might as well be honest here about what I'm really consuming.

Dinner - Once my face finally came back to life, I made the yummiest dinner! I got this lovely Cephalon pan at the Good Will for only $8! No lid, but this is exactly the pan I had on my wish list and they go for around $40 or $50 new. Score of the century, and my money also went to a good cause. Anyway, I just started stir frying some Asian veggies I had - canned bamboo shoots and water chestnuts, then started throwing in other veggies, canned tomatoes and some Indian type spices - inspired from the Vegans In Poverty thread ideas - and it turned into this Indian/Asian curry veggie dish that was great! Put it over rice (1/2 brown 1/2 white). Yum!

Off meds/animal products 8/13/17, oil-free since 8/29/17
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Re: October 2017 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Bougainvillea » Thu Oct 26, 2017 1:07 pm

Wednesday's food pics:

Breakfast: Same as yesterday - bean/rice/veggie burritos on whole wheat tortillas:


Lunch: Leftover dinner (curry veggie mix and rice):


Snack of peanuts from Blood Bank: (beware - this has my fat arm and my bandage in it LOL):


Snack after getting home from Blood Bank: Grits and almond milk and a banana - which was actually gross LOL. Grits are better plain, but I had already made them and put the banana on them and the salty and sweet was weird together, so I put almond milk on it to get it down. I'm consuming too much almond milk, I think. At any rate - I do not recommend this mixture at all.


Dinner - Stir fry brocolli and water chestnuts and peas, and I used leftover bean water I'd frozen to make a sauce out of that turned out really good. Added some Indian/Asian type spices, soy sauce and some corn starch to thicken it. On whole wheat noodles. It was good, though a tad salty from the soy sauce:


Before bed: bran flakes, banana and almond milk:


And no cocktail! Felt too wonky and tired after giving double red cells, and just drank iced water.


I kind of doubt I'll lose any weight this week. I'm eating too many bananas and almond milk, I think. But, that's okay. I was still my lowest weight this morning at 192 and that's okay.

Alright, I'm off to the dentist again and I'm not hungry! Dang. Need to force something down because I'll be all numb again. Hope you all have a less numbing day nyuck nyuck.
Off meds/animal products 8/13/17, oil-free since 8/29/17
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Re: October 2017 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Reni » Thu Oct 26, 2017 6:07 pm

Bougainvillea wrote:Dinner - Stir fry brocolli and water chestnuts and peas, and I used leftover bean water I'd frozen to make a sauce out of that turned out really good. Added some Indian/Asian type spices, soy sauce and some corn starch to thicken it. On whole wheat noodles. It was good, though a tad salty from the soy sauce:

That dinner looks pretty good! :-D
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