15 day Mary's mini--Nov.1-Nov. 15

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Postby kirstykay » Wed Nov 04, 2009 3:12 pm

Bkfs - hasbrowns cooked in my waffle iron...AWESOME!!! with cabbage
Lnch - Panera vegetable soup with green salad/no dressing and apple
snack - banana
Dinner will be mashed potatoes and broccoli

Craftyeladye - Congratulations on sticking with it and you bs being below 200!!! that's great!

nomikins - What resolve you have!!! I'm so impressed that you were able to avoid all the temptation! You inspire me :D

sksamboots - thanks for the encouragement!

Here's to another day toward health, everyone! We're REALLY DOING THIS!!!
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Postby Della Street » Wed Nov 04, 2009 3:39 pm

Day 2 of Mary's Mini for me. I'm just eating potatoes, veggies and a fruit a day. Because I'm cutting out my usual beans for now, I'm certainly a lot hungrier. I think I mentioned that yesterday. :)

An extra helping of potatoes does the trick. I will never, ever, get tired of potatoes. :)
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Postby janluvs2heel » Wed Nov 04, 2009 8:34 pm

Thanks everyone for your support. It is really hard to be at my job right now but I am hanging in there. This is what is so great about this forum. You all are doing so well, too.

There hasn't been any temptations today, the pumpkin pie is still there, 1/2 eaten, but it isn't something that I would like to eat so that is cool. A patient brought us this huge box of Pink Lady (apples). Really nice of him. Although they aren't my favorite, they beat pumpkin pie.

I am looking forward to tomorrow, it is my "Friday". Then I wil have 3 days off & will not have the stress & I am so looking forward to Monday when Teri will be back. I woke up this am at 330 & all I could think about was what I was going to say at our meeting this am, well, I did say some stuff but the temp assistant wasn't there yet so it kind of looked like I was talking about her without giving her the chance to defend herself, but I didn't care. And another of the hygenists backed me up, it felt good.

I have some soup left, I think I will eat it tonight even though it has some beans in it, not that many. I hate to waste good food & it is a soup kind of night.

Other than that, I am on plan & planning on staying that way.
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Postby sksamboots » Thu Nov 05, 2009 11:11 am

Good morning! Successful People :thumbsup:

I'm on plan

I can't remember what day i'm on....i'll have to look back and see

Feeling good and on plan. I'm eating all the potatoes I want until my delight. They are really delicous to me, that helps a lot . I'll check in later. Keep on keepin on :D
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Postby CraftyeLadye » Thu Nov 05, 2009 12:41 pm

Day 4 for me feeling so much better but hungry a lot. The best part is that my fasting blood sugar this morning was 169 down from 311 on Monday. I am thrilled. I really did forget how fast this works. The jitters and headache are starting to reced and I have more energy. Keepit up everyone.
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Postby kirstykay » Thu Nov 05, 2009 2:59 pm

debbie wrote:Very nice everyone. It seems we are doing bvery well. I am down 1.5lbs from my gain 2 weeks ago and out of the obese catagory. Very happy about that. I didnt expect to be down till at least sunday at the earliest, but was very happy to see that. A very nice surprise.

Deb-YAY!!! Way to Go!!! I can't wait to be out of the "obese" category. t will be a while for me, though.
Congratulations!!! :D

Another good day for me. This is day 11 on MM.
L-oven fries
D-mashed potaoes and big salad, maybe some soup we need to finish up

I weigh in tomorrow and am expecting a good result. Hopefully I won't be disappointed.
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Postby Della Street » Fri Nov 06, 2009 7:38 am

I have completed three days on Mary's Mini and am starting on Day 4 today. I am following this very strictly just as explained in Dr McDougall's Newsletter article. I am only eating potatoes, veggies and an apple a day. The results are remarkable after only three days.

I'm down a few pounds and I feel calmer. I think my blood pressure is lower or at least I notice that my heartbeat isn't as rapid.

My plan is to do MM until the 13th. Then I have a pot luck dinner to attend for which I will be bringing my MWL chili.
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Postby janluvs2heel » Fri Nov 06, 2009 11:15 am

I am on plan & staying that way. Woke up with much less stress since I dont have to go to work, well, I am going in but I will be by myself. A big difference.

Had sweet potato & apples & cinnamon for breakfast. Cooking a couple potatoes so I will have them if I get hungry. Be prepared.

It is so exciting to read all your successes. Even though I have been on plan, it has been a struggle, my "drug" of choice is food, so when the going gets tough, I want to eat. Keeping in touch with this thread & some of the others really helps. We all have problems, stresses in our lives. Eating will not make it go away or help, I am struggling to keep that in my head when things get rough. A couple times this week, I almost blew it, but I made myself eat my McDougall foods, by the time I did that, I no longer wanted the other stuff. At least it is not in my house, that makes it easier as well.

Have a great weekend!!!!!
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Postby kirstykay » Fri Nov 06, 2009 12:44 pm

debbie wrote: I am feeling a little anxiety with the days counting down, like I am worried about not having the same control as I seem to have now. But I think I may down MM till thanksgiving and then start it again the day after, so I can make sure I retain control. I think that is what is worring me, losing control again. I have had it for 6 days now and that is making a huge difference.

I know what you mean. I have the same fear. I guess it's just one day at a time. And the more success we have, the easier it will get. At least that's what I'm banking on. I know the couple of times I've felt really tempted in the last week, I just kept thinking about what it is that I really want, and what the consequences of failure really are. So far, that has kept me from going off plan. ...But I've failed on so many things so many times before...I just can't think those thoughts! I also really do think there is something physiological taking place in my brain because I am much less drawn to "bad" foods than ever before, so that's encouraging.

This is day 12 for me. I'm going to do it until Monday, which will be 15 days. I'm ready for more variety in my eating. I keep seeing all these great MWL recipes I want to try, plus we're going out of town, so it will be a little easier to find things to eat if I expand my options a bit. If I don't do well, though, I'll be right back!

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Postby sksamboots » Fri Nov 06, 2009 1:18 pm

Glad everyone is doing so great! :thumbsup:

Today is Day 10 for me. I honestly didn't know it was going to be this easy. MWL was a struggle for me but MM is easier. I think it's because MWL had so many choices and brought on so many cravings but with MM I'm limited and that really seems to help me. I plan on continuing. For those of you that worry about the future. My only advice is don't. Just take it 1 day at a time and focus on the current day your on. That's what I do. I think that works best. Plan Plan Plan and put into practice what you plan. Your all doing great and all very amazing. TGIF :D
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Postby Wendy » Fri Nov 06, 2009 10:46 pm

.....did you weigh in on Friday like you mentioned you were going to....or are you going the full 15 days before you get on the scale?

Your journey is so exciting and inspiring!!!!!

Thanks for posting.
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Postby Della Street » Sat Nov 07, 2009 7:07 am

I have completed four days of MM, sort of. I went to visit a friend yesterday and we cracked open a bottle of wine. Not good. :oops:

The day wasn't a total loss though because I still stuck to my potatoes and veggies. Today I start day 5.
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Postby sksamboots » Sat Nov 07, 2009 12:46 pm

Deb: Take care of yourself!
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Re: KirstyKay...

Postby kirstykay » Sat Nov 07, 2009 2:48 pm

Wendy wrote:.....did you weigh in on Friday like you mentioned you were going to....or are you going the full 15 days before you get on the scale?

Your journey is so exciting and inspiring!!!!!

Thanks for posting.

Thanks for asking. I posted my weigh in on the "on plan and planning on staying that way", but I forgot to post it here. Oops!! Yes, I weighed in on Friday and I've lost 2 more pounds! :D So, I'm down to 238...out of the 240s!! I am going to do MM until Monday, and then switch to MWL.

Good luck starting today! I wish you much success!

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Postby sksamboots » Sat Nov 07, 2009 6:09 pm

yay Kristy!

I'm glad to hear everyone is doing great. I woke up late with a nasty headache and I slept the afternoon away. I'm still 100% on plan for MM and still going to continue until I decide not to. Glad to have all you hear for support :-D
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