Mary's Mini Challenge-would you like to join me?

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Re: Mary's Mini Challenge-would you like to join me?

Postby ajhondrngal » Wed Mar 26, 2014 7:50 pm

I guess today is day 9. I think I'll continue through April 3.

B: rice, rice milk, sugar/cinn, banana
L: veggies, hummus, rice
D: thai tacos

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Re: Mary's Mini Challenge-would you like to join me?

Postby luvmyveggies » Thu Mar 27, 2014 7:39 am

SpudInTheBuff, I understand your chocolate cravings. I can't have the stuff in my house or i eat it and it doesn't matter what time of the month.

Here's my menu from yesterday:
B: Banana and 1/2 pear, rice and baby spinach
L: Broccoli, Miso Soup and rice
D: Rice and Extremely spicy beans to which I added a piece of corn bread to calm down the spice in my mouth!
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Re: Mary's Mini Challenge-would you like to join me?

Postby luvmyveggies » Fri Mar 28, 2014 8:04 am

Here's my yesterday's menu:
B: Banana, 1/2 apple, Romaine, baby spinach
L: Miso, Rice, Broccoli,
S: Spanish Rice
D: Rice and Beans

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Re: Mary's Mini Challenge-would you like to join me?

Postby AnnieMaim » Fri Mar 28, 2014 8:28 am

I'm starting a Mary's Mini (potatoes) on Monday to coincide with the start of a DietBet that lasts the month.

April is usually a super unhealthy month for me. My work has a huge festival at the end of the month that I spend crazy hours prepping for in the weeks leading up to it. I usually eat terribly because I'm so tired. I'm trying to be smart this year.

I also have a possible trip to Denmark coming up and, well, no explanation needed. I wanna look good.
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Re: Mary's Mini Challenge-would you like to join me?

Postby Nekkotronik » Fri Mar 28, 2014 11:25 am

I am starting Dr. McDougall's Elimination Diet today, pretty much the same thing, so I would like to join up too. I can't have potatoes (or tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, cucumber, eggplant, chilies or anything from the nightshade family and I have a mustard allergy) so this is going to be extra boring for me. DOES ANYONE ELSE HAVE A NIGHTSHADE INTOLLERANCE?

B: 2 rice cakes, 2 apples, green tea
L: Brown rice, brussels sprouts, carrots

I'm still suffering from my supper on Monday when I ate a red pepper sandwich with potatoes and ketchup (and probably mustard too). Hopefully it will clear out soon. I was in so much pain last night from the gas and bloating I thought my ribs would break! You'd think I'd learn by now!

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Re: Mary's Mini Challenge-would you like to join me?

Postby Jenna » Fri Mar 28, 2014 12:57 pm


Just wanted to pop in and say that we have an elimination diet support thread here:


There are a number of us over there who don't do nightshades, myself included.

I hope the ED helps you!
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Re: Mary's Mini Challenge-would you like to join me?

Postby Mamabean » Sat Mar 29, 2014 5:54 am

I would love to see more sample meal plans -- I am a long time vegan who needs to re-set the scale for spring training -
Need to shed less than 10lb max - I am thinking this plan might just do the trick.
I am assuming my smoothies our out now ?
Can I do mixed hot grain cereal (quinoa, steel cut oats, and buckwheat groats are in my crock pot right now)
thanks for more sample plans -
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Re: Mary's Mini Challenge-would you like to join me?

Postby Katydid » Sat Mar 29, 2014 7:01 am

If you want to follow he MM protocol as written, you can have your mixed grains - provided you are willing to have it for breakfast, lunch and dinner for the next couple of weeks. Same starch - whatever you choose that starch to be - for breakfast lunch and dinner. Same breakfast, lunch and dinner, repeat until weight is lost. No variety. You should not have yo decide what you are having for lunch or dinner. It's the same thing every day :-D

For me, my meals are as basic as you can get: whole grain (currently my daily grain is whole oat grouts. I started with rice but it made me a bit constipated) with flaxseed and blueberries for breakfast, a large (7 cup Pyrex) container of mixed greens and frozen vegetables microwaved and topped with nutrition yeast for lunch, an afternoon snack of oats and an apple cooked together, dinner is more greens and cabbage and frozen Asian vegetables stir-fried together with some Coconut Aminos, and an evening snack of oats and frozen peaches microwaved together.

Using my starch as a dessert allows me to eat five times a day, which seems to help smooth out any blood sugar swings. I've lost 6 pound so far. I intend to keep going until I've lost the weight I gained while injured this winter.

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Re: Mary's Mini Challenge-would you like to join me?

Postby luvmyveggies » Sat Mar 29, 2014 11:04 am

I felt a bit of encouragement this morning when I got on the scale. I lost another 3 pounds, bringing my total to about 6 pounds since I began MM. It hasn't been perfect with lots of mess ups, but I am continuing to continue despite any mess ups.

Yesterday went o.k. until I decided to eat a warm chocolate chip cookie and got so bloated and felt completely awful for the rest of the day. Going without wheat for some time confirms I am intolerant to gluten or just intolerant to junk food.

I tried an easy soup that was really tasty. I got the idea from Julies. Rice, broth, frozen peas and carrots, ginger and garlic. It was a little bland, then I took her suggestion to put Sriracha sauce in it and it was tasty and satisfying.

Another reason to do this, I was at a job interview for a dermatologist. I would get free dermatology services if I get the job, but she told me my skin looked so clear that she didn't know what they could do for me.

My continued good luck wishes to all.
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Re: Mary's Mini Challenge-would you like to join me?

Postby luvmyveggies » Sun Mar 30, 2014 8:43 am

Yesterday's menu:
B: Banana, Romaine, baby spinach
S: Peas, Broth, ginger, garlic, brown rice
L: Brown rice tortilla, bell pepper, romaine, dill pickle, cucumber
S: Corn tortilla, beans, romaine, salsa
D: Brown Rice, curry, coconut milk, bell peppers, egg plant, zucchini, tofu
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Re: Mary's Mini Challenge-would you like to join me?

Postby Katydid » Sun Mar 30, 2014 9:38 am

Down another pound, for 7 pounds total. Back into the 140s - yeah! Weight sure does come off slower than it went on :angry: Enjoying the whole oats as my starch. Easy as rice to prepare, but more soluble fiber. Hopefully, that will show up as lower cholesterol next time I get it checked. Hang in there, everybody.

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Re: Mary's Mini Challenge-would you like to join me?

Postby Cristina » Sun Mar 30, 2014 11:41 am

I've really enjoyed reading through this thread. I can see some people are doing it hardcore and others are inspired to eat more simply but not a rigid protocol. If I was going to do this extremely strictly and pick just one starch to eat three times a day, I'd try butternut squash. I don't know if I could hack it!

On one hand, it seems like sweet potatoes would be an excellent candidate, but I think I get a little sleepy after eating them whereas I don't with the winter squash. I'd pick lettuce to accompany it and make a fresh salad with every meal, but I struggle with finding appropriate salad dressings and just can't gag down plain salad. If I eat nothing but cooked food and no raw food, I really get lethargic and brain fog.

I'd like to do my own modified mini: a green smoothie for breakfast, a salad with a sweet potato for lunch, and winter squash soup with cooked greens for dinner. That's still super simple.

I think very simple and somewhat bland food is very healing for someone like me who has problems with compulsive overeating.
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Re: Mary's Mini Challenge-would you like to join me?

Postby luvmyveggies » Sun Mar 30, 2014 1:37 pm

Welcome Cristina,
If you are looking for a yummy smoothie that incorporates your salad and have a powerful blender such as vitamix, there is a recipe for a glowing green smoothie out there that incorporates, romaine, spinach, kale, banana, apple, celery. I do a modified smoothie with spinach, 1/2 apple, banana and romaine lettuce.
Good luck on your adventure!
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Re: Mary's Mini Challenge-would you like to join me?

Postby Nekkotronik » Sun Mar 30, 2014 9:25 pm

On day 3, down 4 pounds! Yeah woo! I decided I would try the baby food as a nice snack, so I went to the grocery store and (having never bought baby food before) was amazed, but mostly disgusted, that most of the flavours included MEAT! I had to read the labels very carefully to get the varieties without.

Very happy with my progress, my stomach feels so much better on the simplified diet. I'm eating both rice and yams, but never at the same time. Made a lovely rice casserole with just poultry seasoning, celery, carrots, onions and fresh cranberries! I wasn't sure how it would turn out. My reasoning was: Celery + Onions = Thanksgiving Stuffing. Stuffing = poultry seasoning. Stuffing = cranberries. It worked! It was delicious! The cranberries just add a little pop of tartness which was quite refreshing.

Good job everybody! Thanks for listening :)
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Re: Mary's Mini Challenge-would you like to join me?

Postby rubricalformula » Mon Mar 31, 2014 9:24 am

Hey, I have been on the starch solution for about a month and it is going great! I have to go to california tomorrow but on Wednesday, I am starting 10 days on taters! I'm excited to see how it goes!
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