August 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

For those wanting to learn about and follow the McDougall Maximum Weight Loss Program. You can also join our monthly weigh-ins.

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Re: August 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby moonspirit » Sun Aug 05, 2018 9:16 am

Wow, thanks for all the information, Amy. And for all the work you do keeping up these threads and summarizing our collective weight loss. This is indeed a wonderful thread, in large part due to your selfless service. <3
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Re: August 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Jobet » Sun Aug 05, 2018 10:31 am

Welcome to the newcomers, Cherrydale and Moonchild. This is an awesome thread. Amy, and others here share great info and are always so encouraging. I'm sure you'll find it helpful on your journey. :)

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Re: August 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby amandamechele » Sun Aug 05, 2018 11:55 pm

Svenja - It has been an awesome start to the month. I bet that apple juice tastes good! I hope you don't mind I did put you in for a zero this week, maybe next week we can calculate the difference once you've been eating for a bit again. Thank you for the cautionary note included because we don't want to confuse anyone into thinking that fasting is a part of the MWL program. Many here may not realize that you are an alternative health care professional (so I'll mention it :) ), and for a fast that long it is recommended that one seeks out professional advise. What are your slow weekend plans, that sounds lovely? Best wishes on your new training!

Jobet - That is SO sweet of you to say. XO. If you ever come out to Vancouver Island, consider yourself invited for a meal too!

Cherrydale - I'm so glad you found the McDougall program, and the MWL version will help you get to your health and weight loss goals more quickly. Please, please take a look at the Dr. McDougall's MWL guidelinesto familiarize (or re-familiarize) yourself, Jeff's Novick's Calorie Densityvideo (if you haven't already), and Dr. Lisle's lecture on The Pleasure Trap(to help you understand some of the physiological and psychological hurdles you may face). May I ask, how familiar are you with the program? Brand new? Somewhat familiar? There are so many resources on this website to explore. I'm excited to have you join us for the August group. :)

Becca - Happy dance time! Congratulations on breaking into a new decade. Those are some mighty serious hikes that you and your husband take. How often do you hike? Non-scale victories are just as satisfying as watching the dial on the scale go down. :)

Moonchild - Wonderful to have you joining us here. I bet that was a fantastic talk! Please keep us posted on how your week goes! This is the way to heal yourself, most definitely. XO.

Marilyn - Glad to have you back! You are doing just fine, and like Jeff Novick has said to many of us before, remember how far you have come :) . 60 pounds down in a year is evidence of many good choices, and congratulations on getting off of so many medications. It still seems so amazing to me when I hear the effects of eating this way (even though it shouldn't...LOL). Keep coming back and restarting, and eventually you will find the right level of adherence to reach and keep your goals.

Moonlight - Fantastic to hear about your travel eating successes. You are welcome for the links :) and I hope this week goes even better. XO

Rosey - There is still ample opportunity with diligent effort for the week to go the way you hope it to. You are doing really well, remember to be gentle with yourself when you slip, try not to let it affect your future choices. Fall down, get up! :)

Lyndzie - I totally agree, hopefully more and more people begin to become aware of the control that they have over their health.

Becca -(edited - the many moons of the group had me confused and when re-reading this I realized it was you) :o Thank you! It takes all of us interacting and learning and caring about each other to create a community that we will feel vested in and thus keep us returning. I find it's not as easy to stay engaged online, as it is when I have a physical meeting place to get together (for obvious reasons). Where I live now there are no oil-free plant based get togethers yet, so I am very grateful to Dr. McDougall for hosting a place where we can all meet virtually. (I feel I would be remiss if I didn't say that doing this is a bit self serving too...LOL... it's been my experiment with myself on how to stay focused and engaged over the longer term and gain access to the help that I need for success...and to make a few friends who-eat-like-I-do along the way :-D )

Best wishes this week everyone:
Here are some recent meals I've been eating:
Potato, cauliflower steak (baked cauliflower, homemade hummus and nutritional yeast), salad greens and green beans.
Split Pea and potato soup from Oh She Glows
Brown rice with a variety of frozen veg mixed with more of homemade garlic hummus and some smoked paprika.
This week's fail: oven roasted zucchini with Italian seasoning! Even though it's burnt, it still tasted soggy. (Blech!) (suggestions on how to learn to like zucchini are welcome):

(That's a heck of a lot of smily faced emojis...better tone down happiness to be here...hahaha)
Last edited by amandamechele on Sat Aug 11, 2018 11:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: August 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby squealcat » Mon Aug 06, 2018 7:13 am

Amy : Thanks for the encouragement ! Many of us don't get that in our day to day lives. Even though my husband is very supportive, I think he must believe that I eat strangely. He knows my (lab ) numbers have improved and my weight as well but he will rarely touch anything I make even though he could add meat to his portion if he wanted to.

I think zucchini is soggy no matter how it is prepared but I kind of like it that way. I must have grown up eating a lot of overly moist foods ! My favorite zucchini recipe is from my Vegan Under Pressure cookbook (Creamy, dreamy Zucchini Chowder ). Cookbook is by Jill Nussinow and I have made many of the recipes in that book. I have made it three times in the last month. It make a pretty good amount but I have it all consumed by the end of the week. It has a 1/4 cup of almond flour in it but it has many portions so that is diluted out quite a bit. I guess you could substitute a potato instead and blend that in at the end to make it creamier.

Well, on to the gym this morning.

Finally raining here in Michigan ! We really need it. My husband has spent this summer moving sprinklers around the yard to keep our plants alive. He can take a break today !

Have a great day !

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Re: August 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby moonspirit » Mon Aug 06, 2018 8:49 am

Hi Amy,

We normally just go for 2-3 hours once a week, and then I do an hour once a day, just walking the dirt roads of our neighborhood. Almost none of it is flat, unless we go down to the valley where it is hotter, drier, dustier, with no shade, and who wants to do that?

We live on the edge of the San Luis Valley in Colorado. The valley floor is 8000 ft elevation. Our house is at about 9000 ft. All the good hikes start higher than that. Many of them have a lake or other destination to get to. That is the lure that makes us go longer than we should sometimes. We are both working up to being able to do the 10-mile or 12-mile round trip that it would take to actually get to a lake. Meanwhile we are enjoying the lushness of the upper meadows and ridges. The trails follow creeks that have carved out the mountains, and there are water-loving plants, protected from winds, that grow tall and beautiful there. It almost reminds me of Oregon (where I lived for 25 years), except that the trees are different: aspen and pine and willow instead of fir and oak and cedar.

Three weeks ago was the first time I'd made it to the meadow in 6 years - it's a difficult hike, about 2.5 miles, all uphill. It goes on from there to one of the lakes at a slightly lower rate of elevation gain, but it's still another 4.5 miles or so. We made it to about 30 minutes from the lake - another hiker told us how much farther we had, and we were both beat by that point, thinking that the lake was just around the corner. We had underestimated the distance and didn't bring enough food and water. It was a good thing we turned around when we did, actually, because there was a crazy hailstorm about 30 minutes after we got home. It had been clear all day and then boom.

So we have goals. We used to go backpacking a lot before I started working full time again and gained all my weight. Our honeymoon was a 23-mile loop near Diamond Peak in Oregon. We both love the outdoors, and I am grateful that I am regaining my ability to be out there for longer and more beautiful hikes.
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Re: August 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby VegSeekingFit » Mon Aug 06, 2018 7:24 pm

Cherrydale wrote:Hello! Is am new to this group and looking forward to joining the journey. I have multiple health problems due to my weight- diabetes, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia. I am taking megs for my blood sugar and high blood pressure but I know these are food related diseases and changing my food is the real cure. Funny thing is, I am a nurse and work in a long term nursing facility and have seen the problems caused by poor diet choices. The SAD has been my past with no vegetables some days, but I want to eat WFPB. Any encouragement and suggestions are welcome. I am 5'2" and weigh 184.5 lbs.

Hi Cherrydale!! Welcome and congratulations - you have found the best thread on the boards for encouragement and community!! I saw that you received a ton of great advice / links to info already -- and the link to the calorie density video. That one has helped me tremendously (and I've watched a few times)!!

One other thing that helped me when I started was planning out what the starch would be for each meal. To make sure that I had it in the pantry and to make sure that I didn't have to think too much. For instance, I ate oatmeal for breakfast about 100 days straight. Then, batch-cooked lunch that I took to work (was either lentil chili. veggie stew (heavy potatoes), split pea soup). For dinner, I'd usually have potatoes - or another batch cooked soup / stew / chili. For variety, would use different veggies / fruit.

Additionally, don't go hungry. Bring your food when you are going out to make sure you don't get stuck in a situation with only "bad" decisions to make. I bring a whole mini-cooler to work with my food and keep in my desk McD soup cups and an oatmeal cup in case of emergency. Also, if I'm going out to social event, will eat my food first, so not hungry. If I go to the movies, I stuff compliant snacks in my purse (don't tell... :cool: )

Anyway, not sure if this is helpful to you - but did help me. Wishing you the best on your journey!!

I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

Thankful for amazing people - McDs, JeffN, Mark, Tiffany, Goose! ... ight-loss/
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Re: August 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Rosey » Tue Aug 07, 2018 12:18 am

moonspirit wrote:Hi Amy,

We normally just go for 2-3 hours once a week, and then I do an hour once a day, just walking the dirt roads of our neighborhood. Almost none of it is flat, unless we go down to the valley where it is hotter, drier, dustier, with no shade, and who wants to do that?

We live on the edge of the San Luis Valley in Colorado. The valley floor is 8000 ft elevation. Our house is at about 9000 ft. All the good hikes start higher than that. Many of them have a lake or other destination to get to. That is the lure that makes us go longer than we should sometimes. We are both working up to being able to do the 10-mile or 12-mile round trip that it would take to actually get to a lake. Meanwhile we are enjoying the lushness of the upper meadows and ridges. The trails follow creeks that have carved out the mountains, and there are water-loving plants, protected from winds, that grow tall and beautiful there. It almost reminds me of Oregon (where I lived for 25 years), except that the trees are different: aspen and pine and willow instead of fir and oak and cedar.

Three weeks ago was the first time I'd made it to the meadow in 6 years - it's a difficult hike, about 2.5 miles, all uphill. It goes on from there to one of the lakes at a slightly lower rate of elevation gain, but it's still another 4.5 miles or so. We made it to about 30 minutes from the lake - another hiker told us how much farther we had, and we were both beat by that point, thinking that the lake was just around the corner. We had underestimated the distance and didn't bring enough food and water. It was a good thing we turned around when we did, actually, because there was a crazy hailstorm about 30 minutes after we got home. It had been clear all day and then boom.

So we have goals. We used to go backpacking a lot before I started working full time again and gained all my weight. Our honeymoon was a 23-mile loop near Diamond Peak in Oregon. We both love the outdoors, and I am grateful that I am regaining my ability to be out there for longer and more beautiful hikes.

I love the outdoors too. Hubby and I go for hikes and walks a lot in beautiful locations. I grew up in Eugene, OR and have lived all over between there and Portland area now We are buying a house in Salem. Nice to be right in middle of my folks and his Dad. My favorite hikes are ones that include water falls or lighthouses.
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Re: August 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Jobet » Tue Aug 07, 2018 6:54 am

Rosey wrote:
moonspirit wrote:
I love the outdoors too. Hubby and I go for hikes and walks a lot in beautiful locations. I grew up in Eugene, OR and have lived all over between there and Portland area now We are buying a house in Salem. Nice to be right in middle of my folks and his Dad. My favorite hikes are ones that include water falls or lighthouses.

Rosey, I know we aren't supposed to envy others, but I definitely envy where you live! My hubby and I had the privilege of living in Corvallis thirteen years ago for a couple years. The company he worked for downsized and then we simply couldn't afford to live there, so moved back to NC. We loved the way the people we met were more health conscious and active, bike lanes everywhere, etc. We spent more time hiking there than anyplace we've ever lived. It was so beautiful and it's where I started photography. How could I not?

We especially loved the Aufderheide Scenic Highway near Eugene. And I took thousands of photos at Deepwood Museum & Garden in Salem. The waterfalls in Washington State were so gorgeous, and the coast with it's incredible lighthouses from Washington down into CA. Of course, Mount Rainier National Park was a favorite. I miss it to this day.

I lost my hubby ten years ago, due to a reaction to BP meds, and he only had slightly elevated BP. If we had only known the McDougall lifestyle then, he'd still be with me. He always wanted to go back to the West coast, but unfortunately we didn't make it.

Enjoy your new home and beautiful part of the world, my friend!! :)

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Re: August 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Lyndzie » Tue Aug 07, 2018 7:47 pm

Hi all! First, I’d like to take a moment and give myself a pat on the back for going to the state fair and eating nothing. That place is a land mine and I survived.

Next, I just saw a video on YouTube for “fried zucchini” from Jane and Anne Esselstyn. Amy, maybe this is your key to success with summer squash?

Finally, what is everyone doing about transitional clothing? I’m loathe to buy anything new right now, but there seems to be a gap between what I’ve been wearing and where I want to end up. I don’t want to invest much in short term ensembles, but I’m looking kinda schlubby. (I just asked my husband how to spell “schlubby,” and explained why, and he said, “You’re not shlubby. I wouldn’t be with you if you were schlubby.” I’ll take that complement!). Any ideas?
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Re: August 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Mark Cooper » Wed Aug 08, 2018 8:39 am

Hi Lyndzie!

I 2nd your pat on the back! Those sort of fairs are DEFINITELY full of food traps! Awesome success.
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Re: August 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby americaninca46 » Wed Aug 08, 2018 10:02 am

Good morning Lyndzie, I can sure identify with you regarding clothes to fit a shrinking body. So much changed when I lost weight. Not only my size of clothing but my style. When I was over 200 lbs, my clothes were just to cover my body. Now that I am down 60 lbs. I want to be a bit more in style. I shop at second hand and consignment shops. Buying a few basic items cheap lets me buy some trendy things in the stores. I do find that classic items never go out of style. Adding a scarf or jewelry really dresses up the average clothes and changes the appearance of an outfit.. Clothing swap meets are good too if you have friends who are of the same mindset. I read somewhere that we only wear 20% of our wardrobe. Also I find that as long as you are happy, healthy and confident, people do not really notice what you are wearing. At least that is what I tell myself. Ha Ha. Most of the clothing stores in my town have closed so there is not much to buy. That helps with over spending and temptation. It is hard though. I think I want to loose a bit more weight, but do not want to have to get more clothes. Alterations are a good idea too if you sew or know someone who sews. Especially if it is something you really like. I like flowing loose fitting things that are comfy. Of course, I am over 70 so there isn't any body part I want to flaunt like the kids do. Oh, I shouldn't say that. I did see a lady over 70 wearing short shorts and a tank top with no bra. Ewww not something I want to see again. Hope this was helpful. I worked 30 years in a jog that required a uniform. I do love my clothes. I did not go to the fair this year. The food was too tempting. Good for you and your planning ahead.
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Re: August 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby VegSeekingFit » Thu Aug 09, 2018 6:48 pm

Hi Moonspirit! :) I loved your comment about NSV's (non-scale victories)!! Kudos to you!!!

Hi Amy! :) I should have learned from your post on zucchini. We got a huge one from a neighbor's garden and I roasted it - not as burnt as yours... :lol: but should have been pretty crisp. Now, on the positive side, my son ate half of it. I could not love the sliminess... Need to stick to raw zucchini or find another recipe!!

Hi Lyndzie, :) I didn't have so much trouble (until recently) with the clothes. Was a "proud" :shock: owner of 4 sizes of wardrobe. Yikes. Have donated all of the stuff now that doesn't fit. I think AmericanInca had a great suggestion on borrowing or trading with family members or friends. (I can't be the only one who owned multi-sized wardrobe?) I've borrowed / traded in the past for more "one-time" occasions like going on a cruise or pregnancy... Good luck!!!
I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

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Re: August 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Jobet » Fri Aug 10, 2018 6:15 am

I'm down .7 this week.

This is an incredibly helpful thread by Jeff N. Get a life!

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Re: August 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Lyndzie » Fri Aug 10, 2018 6:42 am

I’m holding steady, I think? My scale is analogue, so it’s a bit sensitive to how you stand on it. I could be up or down depending on if I lean forwards or backwards. All the more motivating to eat those veggies!

Yesterday I went out to a late breakfast with my mom, just to have my plans for oatmeal spoiled when I got there because they were out. Opted for whole wheat toast and dry cooked country potatoes, but man if those were the no-oil version of potatoes I can’t imagine what the regular ones look like. In hindsight maybe I should have opted for the fruit bowl, but it was already past noon and I hadn’t eat yet, and it would be hours before I could get food again. Live and learn, right?

Thanks for the clothing tips! Even though the scale didn’t move, the couple clothing items I have are fitting better. Debating whether to pick up a pair of shorts, since the end of summer is approaching.

Wishing everyone the best when they hop on the scale today!
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Re: August 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Mark Cooper » Fri Aug 10, 2018 6:52 am

I'm at 157.9lbs this morning, so a gain of 0.7lbs for me. :\

I feel pretty good about the week overall, by Wednesday I feel like I got the sweet cravings under control and have managed to stick to the 2 servings of fruit per day recommendation. Also tried oat groats for breakfast, and they have been amazing - I made a big batch that has lasted most of this week. MWL has definitely been great for helping me get my cramming / over-stuffing under control, so I'm hopeful my efforts show up on the scale next week!

Cheers to all participants - these message boards are such an amazing and supportive community. I'm am really glad to be here! :D
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