May 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

For those wanting to learn about and follow the McDougall Maximum Weight Loss Program. You can also join our monthly weigh-ins.

Moderators: JeffN, f1jim, carolve, Heather McDougall

Re: May 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby anelson108 » Fri May 10, 2019 9:13 am

Weigh-in today Friday, May 10, 2019: 191.4
Last week: 194
Results: 2.6 pound loss
Total loss (since joining MWL): 13.2
Goal weight: 150 pounds (5' 6" height)
NOTE: This was a better week. Listened to Doug Lisle's interview about emotional eating (the links that Amandamechele posted for us). It was very helpful!
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Re: May 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Heyjudi » Fri May 10, 2019 9:32 am

Morning Everyone......

Weigh-in today
Friday, May 10: 134.4
Friday, May 3: 132.4 :thumbsdown:
Results: 2 pound loss :D :thumbsup:
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Re: May 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby OOnaOwl » Fri May 10, 2019 10:07 am

Zero weight lost. Gained back the 2 pounds I had lost last month, this puts me at zero weight lost since March when I started. Pretty certain I have insulin resistance (I am in late perimenopause & also recovering from advanced adrenal fatigue-both of which cause insulin resistance). This makes it impossible to lose weight until it is healed, which would explain my struggles. So, I am working to heal this with diet and exercise. I am removing white rice and white potatoes for now until my body responds better. Focusing on non-starchy veggies, fruit and beans with a little oats in the morning. I will eat quinoa a few times a week & occasional brown rice & sweet potato. I'm eating raw breakfast & lunch & cooked dinners. Been running 3x week, adding in some additional short walks and yoga also this next week (I started it this week already with walking). Also going to try to go to bed earlier every night to get more sleep, and allow myself daily naps as needed/time etc. Reading this could take months or longer to heal, even more patience is needed ( I have been trying for years to lose this weight to no success other than a couple pounds up and down). I do feel better eating this way, but it is very disheartening to try so hard for so long with no success. Wishing everyone here health and happiness!

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Re: May 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Rosey » Fri May 10, 2019 10:09 am

last week 285.4 lbs this week 284 lbs for 1.4 lb loss. Though I'd rather count yesterdays weigh in. laugh dang swelling.
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Re: May 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Belana » Fri May 10, 2019 11:03 am

Hey MWL,
I posted last week, but nobody checked in with me! :-(
Anyhow, I'm still on track, so I've decided to change my goal weight and shoot for 102. An old movie from the 50's inspired me. :lol:
Most people were skinny back then! When I see old movies or photos from that skinny era, I think about how someone from that era time-traveling to the 21st century would react to Americans today. :shock:
This weekend I'm doing a stressful road trip. Road trips are awful for me when I'm dieting, so wish me luck. Fortunately, it's just an overnight, but it'll still be difficult to stick to MWL. :?
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Re: May 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby sirdle » Fri May 10, 2019 11:55 am

Belana wrote:Hey MWL,
I posted last week, but nobody checked in with me! :-(

Sure they did! You might have missed it.

amandamechele wrote:Belana - Your dedication to your goal, even while finding it frustrating, is admirable. Best wishes this coming week.

amandamechele wrote:Here are the results for the first week in May:
Belana - 1.3

Belana wrote:Anyhow, I'm still on track, so I've decided to change my goal weight and shoot for 102. An old movie from the 50's inspired me. :lol:
Most people were skinny back then! When I see old movies or photos from that skinny era, I think about how someone from that era time-traveling to the 21st century would react to Americans today. :shock:
This weekend I'm doing a stressful road trip. Road trips are awful for me when I'm dieting, so wish me luck. Fortunately, it's just an overnight, but it'll still be difficult to stick to MWL. :?

Glad to hear you're still on track! Good luck on your road trip!
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Re: May 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby sirdle » Fri May 10, 2019 11:59 am

Down 2.1 lbs this week.

Cheers, :-P
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Re: May 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Apr.grandash55 » Fri May 10, 2019 3:39 pm

(Week 1) Weigh-in Friday, May 10: 204 lbs.
Last week: 203
Results: 1 pound gain
Goal weight- 160 (5’ 11’)
Well, I’m up one pound and I’m pretty sure I know why. Have a great week everyone.
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Re: May 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby cmwann » Fri May 10, 2019 6:20 pm

Shoot! I forgot to check in this morning! I'm down .6 lb. I felt like I might have gained, so I'm happy with that! 142.8 down from 143.4. I think I'm getting the hang of it, and I hope I continue to do well!
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Re: May 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Idgie » Fri May 10, 2019 7:13 pm

Started at 309.4
Latest: 305.8 (-3.6)
Not 100% compliant this week, but going forward, I'm going back to "not an option" for all non-McD foods (and all non-MWL foods unless I'm in a place where I cannot control my food, and then I am to choose McD food or not eat)
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Re: May 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Artista » Fri May 10, 2019 7:24 pm

Hi Everyone!

My weight is the same this morning as last Friday, so zero for me for this week. My clothes are feeling looser so maybe it will show up on the scale next week. It's not just about the weight loss for me, though, because I love how I feel eating this way. I need to remember that!
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Re: May 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby moonlight » Fri May 10, 2019 10:16 pm

My weight is the same. I made some poor choices this week...
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Re: May 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby amandamechele » Sat May 11, 2019 12:34 am

Judi - Wow, Thanks you so much for sharing those charts. I don’t see them here right now, but I did earlier, so maybe it’s my computer.

Dan - Nice! Best wishes for the coming week.

Midnight - I know, right? Ah-mazing...LOL. Good job this week making some great choices. That’s really exciting to be that close to your first goal!

Shelley - Hey! Thanks. :) Staying on track is a win, in and of itself. It means not having to fight your way through the pleasure trap, it means no having to re-lose weight from an off week, it means you are still in this. Time will fix the weight loss problem. Keep up the good work. I saw one of your pictures on FB and I can tell by your face that you are losing. You look great.

K - Great start! Your numbers are really good this week, and they’d be very motivating to me too. Normally, people tend to see anywhere between 0.5 to 2.5 pounds per week, give or take. I hope you will find that very satisfying too, because losing just 1.5 pounds a weeks equates to 78 pounds in a year. Learning to read labels is an excellent skill and I’m glad you are enjoying the process. Here are a couple more links from Jeff Novick on label reading, if you are interested:
A Review of the Rules and Guidelines For Reading Labels
My Guidelines for Evaluating the New Nutrition Facts Labels

Spirit - Fantastic. :) Best wishes for this coming week too.

Angela - I’m glad you found those links helpful. Dr. Lisle’s lectures really are an important piece to taking off and maintaining weight loss. They will help you understand exactly what you face from your environment, your social circle and from your own mind. He, then, provides strategies to mitigate a number of those circumstances. Here is a link to his website: Esteem Dynamics. It’s chock-full of good stuff. Really nice loss this week, keep up the good efforts.

Judi - Wonderful loss. I see you jumped right back on the bandwagon. I love the thumbs down indicating the loss. So cute!

OOnaowl - Sending you a virtual hug! You are going through a lot and have the exact right mindset to get through it. Keep focusing on an excellent diet. Exercise is great too, but maybe don’t overdo it. Other than adrenal fatigue, do you have any other medical conditions? Autoimmune diseases? You mention trying to get more sleep, when in bed do you sleep well? You don’t have to answer any of those questions, I’m just curious to know more about what you are going through. Patience is a virtue in this case, most definitely. :)

Connie - You can count yesterday’s number if you want. If you hit it this week, let’s celebrate it. Swelling be darned!! What did you weigh yesterday?

Belana - Congrats on staying on track. That’s an ambitious goal, We’ll be here to cheer you on. What old movie were you watching? Best wishes on your road trip. Let us know how it goes, and how you navigate any tricky situations.

Sirdle - Cheers to you. Thank you. :) That’s one great loss this week.

Apr.grandash.55 - Thank you for checking in. This next week will be better, I’m sure, especially since you know where you could make some adjustments. Good luck this week.

cmwann - You are on time! People can even weigh-in until about mid-day tomorrow and still be on time. (Quite honestly, you could weigh in any day and I’d add you in, if I remember. I check in here most regularly from Thursday to Sunday, so those are the best days to catch me) I hope you continue to do well, it definitely looks like you’ve gotten the hang of things.

Idgie - Good plan and good week. Really. We do what we can to get ourselves back on track.

Artista - Non-scale victory! It can be just as important for staying motivated. So is loving how you feel when eating this way. Keep up the really good adherence and you will eventually lose.

Moonlight - XO. Next week is still full of potential. :)
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Re: May 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby amandamechele » Sat May 11, 2019 12:38 am

Here is the picture from the Label Reading link of Jeff’s:

JeffN wrote:Here is a copy of the one that has been used at the McDougall Program for over 10 years.


This is for those that are too shy to click on the links...LOL. I’ve attended this presentation of Jeff’s a few times and when I read this I can actually hear an audience chanting Never, ever, believe anything on the front of a package. It’s a fun (and informative) show. :)
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Re: May 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby OOnaOwl » Sat May 11, 2019 3:51 pm

Thanks @amandamechele:

OOnaowl - Sending you a virtual hug! You are going through a lot and have the exact right mindset to get through it. Keep focusing on an excellent diet. Exercise is great too, but maybe don’t overdo it. Other than adrenal fatigue, do you have any other medical conditions? Autoimmune diseases? You mention trying to get more sleep, when in bed do you sleep well? You don’t have to answer any of those questions, I’m just curious to know more about what you are going through. Patience is a virtue in this case, most definitely. :)

No, I am quite healthy always with the exception of the adrenal issue and menopause. I have always been very healthy until the adrenal issue. Sleep is an extremely common issue with menopause if you didn't know. I do my best to get at least 8 hours per night-and I almost always do. Menopause is no joke, I try to warn all my younger female friends about how profoundly it effects every area of life. Of course everyone's experience of it is different, but I can confidently say it will leave no area of your life unchanged! I am definitely not overdoing exercise-only 30 minutes 3 times a week plus a few short walks. Will be upping to a few sessions of 20 minute at home yoga as I gain endurance. Like I said, I strongly suspect insulin resistance which is very common with both menopause and adrenal fatigue-even with only small weight(fat increase) as I have had. I ran out of patience for this years ago, so much effort for so long and zero payoff! I am going on sheer willpower & stubbornness now. I will be damned if I will accept being a chubby version of myself, it is not an option to stay this way for me. I will NEVER give up! Thanks for your coaching help here, I really appreciate it greatly. Have a good weekend!

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