March 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

For those wanting to learn about and follow the McDougall Maximum Weight Loss Program. You can also join our monthly weigh-ins.

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Re: March 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby moonlight » Fri Mar 23, 2018 7:43 am

I'm reporting a 1 lb loss this week. Yeeha! I'm preferring MWL foods more and more. Last night I was in town for a music festival - very hungry by the end. I didn't want to stop and eat out, I wanted to go home so I could have something I really wanted to eat. Baby steps.

Jobet, you have inspired me, too. Amazon has lots of books on rock painting and by looking through the sample pages on several books, you can sort of piece together a lot of information without buying anything. Good luck with your endeavor. I'm sure your rocks will be beautiful. I love your photos of food and flowers. Congrats on staying MWL compliant.

Suey, congrats on keeping up with maintaining your desired weight. I'm learning from you each week! Speaking of husbands' choice of food, I do the same thing - just don't look at the non-compliant food on the table. I have to avert my eyes from lots of things - cheesecake, guacamole, pasta salad, etc. Sometimes I get in trouble but most of the time if I don't look at it, I can get my mind off what my husband eats. I've asked him not to leave the most tempting foods in the front of the fridge. He's very very supportive.

Landog, congratulations on your weight loss! I love the pics.

Good luck to everyone this week. Thank you for being here. Especially Amy. You are such a great resource and soothing voice when all I want to do is beat myself up sometimes.
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Re: March 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Suey51 » Fri Mar 23, 2018 8:10 am

Thanks Jobet and congrats on keeping 100% compliant this week! I've found that sometimes it takes the scales a while to catch up with the behaviour. But if I keep doing things right, one meal at a time, they always do. And in the meantime, its good to know we're doing the right thing for our health isn't it? You've inspired me to dust off my rebounder. I stopped using it when I had knee trouble but used to love it. I like your idea of using it for squats :-D

Way to go landog, that's wonderful news!

Congrats on your loss moonlight and thanks for your kind words. I'm so pleased your husband is supportive. Keep up with the baby steps, they are obviously working!
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Re: March 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby victw » Fri Mar 23, 2018 8:55 am

I'm hesitant to post but don't want to drop out. I'm down 4.2 lbs but that isn't quite right because I've had a sore throat this week and loss of appetite. Taking the day off from work and will spend the weekend focusing on rest.

11/1/19 Sloppy - 137.6/21.55
1/1/19 Still maintaining - 134.8/21.11
10/12/18 Maintenance wt - 136.4 BMI 21.36
5/6/18 151.8 lbs 23.8 - Normal. 4/8/18 154.6 lbs BMI 24.2 - Normal. 3/11/18 161 BMI 25.2 Overweight.
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Re: March 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Jobet » Fri Mar 23, 2018 8:59 am

Thanks for the tips, moonlight. I'm finding tons of rock art/painting ideas on You Tube as well. Congrats on your loss this week! Way to go!! I prefer this way of eating to anything I've done in the past, so I'm sticking with it, for health reasons mainly. Losing the weight will be great, but I already feel so much better and lovin' that.

Suey, here is a good thread on rebounding, with some wise words from Jeff N. At my age, I only do easy stuff on the rebounder, nothing daring.

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Re: March 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby kirstykay » Fri Mar 23, 2018 9:00 am

I am extremely happy to report a 2 lb. weight loss this week!! Happy doesn't begin to describe it! It has been very rewarding to stick with it this time and feel like it mattered. I had to keep reminding myself that I am NOT an anomaly or some sort of physiological mutant...there is nothing wrong with me, and this plan works if you work it. I worked it last week and didn't get the results I wanted, but they showed up this week. YAY!

Suey51 - Thanks for the tips on the oatmeal. I actually do add the frozen banana, and usually another frozen fruit as well, like blueberries or cherries...just have gotten used to the extra sweetness of the maple syrup in addition to that! :? It hasn't been too hard to adjust to sweetness down and still enjoy my oatmeal in the morning. It's a small change, but an important one, I think.

I watched the Q&A with Doug Lisle McDougall webinar this week, and something he said in that really stuck with me: We get on the scale looking for a "cause and effect" outcome. "I did this this week (or yesterday) and so I expect the scale to be a direct reflection of my good (or bad) choices. When it isn't, I get confused or discouraged, or feel like my behavior doesn't matter. He calls someone like me a "Scale Monkey." LOL!! He recommends weighing once a month, three days in a row in the morning and taking an average of that. Repeat the next month, and if you've lost 3-5 pounds, you're doing extremely well. WOW!! I'm getting used to the fact that my weight loss can be slow and I can be okay with that. I'm not ready to weigh myself only 1x/month yet, but I am ready to only weigh myself 1x/week. Normally, I weigh myself every morning. That is an improvement from my past behavior of hopping on the scale several times/day. So, this week, I'm not going to weigh myself until next Friday. My focus will be on compliance to the program, and that way the fluctuations of the scale throughout the week won't effect my mood (and then my behavior).

Thanks for your encouragement, AMY, it's been so meaningful to me. It also really helps me that everyone on this forum is so positive and encouraging and honest. I am working on being really honest with myself and others in regards to my eating. I wasn't perfect this week. A couple times I ate some nut butter on toast, and I even had some off-limits food (I won't mention what so I don't trigger anyone) in the break room at work. But I didn't allow it to derail me, and I am letting go of the belief that I have to be perfect. I am also letting go of the false belief that I am broken and hopeless. Baby steps in the right direction.

Hope everyone has a great week!
"Remember, It's the food." ~Dr. McDougall

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Re: March 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby galooop » Fri Mar 23, 2018 9:01 am

Lost 0.8 LBS

working towards my intermediate goal of 160

wishing everyone a beautiful weekend!
:-) Chris
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Re: March 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby landog » Fri Mar 23, 2018 10:10 am

Yay, Kristy!

kirstykay wrote:I watched the Q&A with Doug Lisle McDougall webinar this week, and something he said in that really stuck with me: We get on the scale looking for a "cause and effect" outcome. "I did this this week (or yesterday) and so I expect the scale to be a direct reflection of my good (or bad) choices. When it isn't, I get confused or discouraged, or feel like my behavior doesn't matter. He calls someone like me a "Scale Monkey."

I get it, but..
I weigh myself daily after my morning shower. I think that it helps keeps me on track.

Maybe for me it IS a direct reflection of my good (or bad) choices. :D
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Re: March 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Jobet » Fri Mar 23, 2018 11:57 am

Congrats KirstyKay on your loss, that's wonderful!
"Scale Monkey" That is too funny! I'm not a Scale Monkey any longer, only weigh once on Friday's now. :-D

Congrats Chris on your loss this week. You have a wonderful weekend too! :)

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Re: March 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby BeHealthy » Fri Mar 23, 2018 3:48 pm

Congrats to everyone on their losses! For those who gained, hang in there and keep doing all the right things, next week will be better.

I lost 2 pounds since last Friday. I had a lazy weekend last weekend. I just felt like rest and naps needed to take priority over the workouts I had planned. I'm glad I took the time off, but will also be glad to get back to my routine this weekend. I'm still feeling tired, but I'll show up and give things (spinning class, elliptical, weights and yoga) my best effort in the next two days.

Have good weekends!
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Re: March 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby victw » Fri Mar 23, 2018 8:37 pm

kirstykay wrote:I watched the Q&A with Doug Lisle McDougall webinar this week, and something he said in that really stuck with me: We get on the scale looking for a "cause and effect" outcome. "I did this this week (or yesterday) and so I expect the scale to be a direct reflection of my good (or bad) choices.

kirstykay - Thanks for mentioning the webinar - it came up in another thread and since I had the time I watched. I'm going to quit weighting myself every day. Not quite his method - but 2 days a week.
I need this to be about my long term health. And focusing on the weight loss - which is generally easy in the beginning - is not a long term solution.

I also like what he had to say about being in the groove and falling off the wagon.

11/1/19 Sloppy - 137.6/21.55
1/1/19 Still maintaining - 134.8/21.11
10/12/18 Maintenance wt - 136.4 BMI 21.36
5/6/18 151.8 lbs 23.8 - Normal. 4/8/18 154.6 lbs BMI 24.2 - Normal. 3/11/18 161 BMI 25.2 Overweight.
3 years staying on plan is the goal.
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Re: March 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Svenja » Fri Mar 23, 2018 11:22 pm

Good Morning!

I report a loss of 3 pounds this week.

I keep it short today I am on a run ...

Have a great weekend everyone!
Be kind, eat your plants!

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Re: March 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby amandamechele » Sat Mar 24, 2018 12:55 am

Sue - I sometimes have to check my reaction to certain posts too (not necessarily from Jeff). I try to remember that over the course of 30 years of doing this that he, and the other experts and even also long-term adherents will have noticed patterns of success and failure that I may not even realize are occurring in my life...and sometimes I'm not quite ready to hear it. I try to take it like Rule 9 of that book you and I just read. ;) It's nice to know that you and McBailey are working at this together, and respecting and supporting each other's dietary choices. By showing him how dedicated you are just by action and not words, it will encourage him to not only eat this way but to want to help make it easier for you - whether that's by bringing in less and less tempting foods or by helping chop veggies! You are so lucky!! I'm so glad you are continuing with us for your maintenance stage, I enjoy your encouraging posts.

Jobet - It's a beautiful book, and I hope your library has it. You and Moonlight are very right, there is so much information available on the internet that there may not even be a need for a book at all. I asked my daughter what she liked best about the designs in that book and if she had any tips for us and she said that she thinks using a fine tipped paint marker to outline your designs really makes them stand out. We both love the mandala style designs.
I'd love to hear more about the book cover that you are designing, if you wish to tell us more. What kind of book did your son write?
Congratulations on staying so compliant, that takes a lot of work, but you are doing the right thing keeping it very simple. As Sue said, just keep at it and soon you will see the weight come off. Have a wonderful week!

Landog - Woo hoo! Best pictures ever! Congratulations on reaching this your socks, no less...LOL. Hey, this plan works...yep and you are showing us how its done.

Moonlight :o Thank you, I think we all make a great supportive team. When one of us takes a knee, someone is always there to help us back up. All of the supportive chatter this week has brought a gigantic smile to my face...look at us go!!
Congratulations on your success this week. Its great to hear that your preferences are changing! That is huge and will bode well for future choices, especially when in situations that demand more than autopilot. Those are some great steps baby!

Vic - Thank you for checking in. I'm sorry to hear that you haven't been well. Rest, keep a glass of water by the bed, a sock pinned around your neck (my mother insisted on this, even with just the tiniest of sniffles and no sore those pipes warm) and some split-pea vegetable soup on stove for when you appetite returns. Watching Dr McDougall eLectures in bed could also help pass the time. :)

Kirsty - Hugs! Here's to showing up this week (the weight loss, that is)! Time and consistent adherence, that will get us where we want to go. Keep up the effort towards consistent adherence, because time will take care of itself. :) This week's webinar with Dr. Lisle was a great one, I hope you have success staying away from the scale for the whole week. I also have had to minimize my weighings to stay sane.
What a fantastic week, learning how to do just well enough to see results but without expecting perfection that can lead to the EgoTrap. Difficult lessons indeed. I'm very happy for you!

Yay Chris - Wishing you a beautiful weekend too!

Ann - Wonderful loss this week. Sometimes a nap is just what the doctor ordered.

Svenja - Yes! Eating plants and running around is working for you...LOL! Have a lovely weekend too.
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Re: March 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Starchyme » Sat Mar 24, 2018 12:01 pm

Hi, I'm joining the March Weigh In Thread 3 weeks late, but I still have time to get started. I weighed in at home this morning and see I need to release just a few more pounds to get to my goal, having aleady released 40 lbs though the years of McDougallingl. So, I'll log in as 6 pounds to go from today. :)
Happy McDougalling!
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Re: March 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Sundog » Sat Mar 24, 2018 12:13 pm

Weight up 0.5 :shock: weight 230.3

Happy Saturday everyone,
I did not want to post because this is the second week of a weight gain but I decided that it’s part of the journey and I must face the reality that my weight will fluctuate. I did have a compliant week. The one issue I’m having is back pain. I know that I’m having inflammation in my body as for the last 4 days I’ve been dealing with what ever is wrong with my back. It’s just so frustrating as I know that getting this weight off will help my back, knees, hips etc so a period of no weight loss is time lost from getting healthier. :crybaby: All I can do is continue to be compliant and try and move as much as possible.
I finally got approved for the laser ablation of the varicose vein in my right lower leg! On April 5th I’m having the procedure done!
So going forward I’m going to keep a positive attitude and do the very best I can of what I can control and this is what I choose to put in my mouth.
Happy for everyone who saw positive results with your weight loss! :D
For those of us who had a gain this week it’s just a step up on the way down, a lesson learned, a moment to reflect and make positive changes for the week ahead!
Best, Sundog
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Re: March 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Starchyme » Sat Mar 24, 2018 12:17 pm

Thanks for posting, Sundog. Wishing you a great week to come.
Happy McDougalling!
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