My Birthday Present from You!

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My Birthday Present from You!

Postby Anna Green » Mon Nov 23, 2009 8:02 am

Hi, I know I'm a bit cheeky (less cheeky than before in some ways) but I want a birthday present from you for my birthday tomorrow. Could you tell me in detail about your best healthy moments? Could be riding your bike with your children, sun in your face, wind in your hair, thighs not rubbing together the way they used to...etc. If it's sex you can tell me that too-might want to pm 8). Anyway, I am going to print it and keep it with me to read when I want inspiration/motivation. You can do the same and have your own present. So please please take a moment. Details about how all the senses are involved are wonderful.
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I've wanted to do this for a while anyway, so...

Postby Ege Bamyasi » Mon Nov 23, 2009 2:08 pm

...I don't think there is a better place or time to do it than here in your birthday thread, for all you do for others and your awesome sense of determination.

I'd like to share exactly what it is I've alluded to in my own journal, when I said I used to do some insane bike riding on a daily basis as a teenager/young man. This was created using the Google Maps Pedometer, where you can plot a route, point by point, and get a fairly exact distance and handy map.

24 years ago, I was living in North Las Vegas but attending a Vo-Tech high school on the opposite side of the valley. 16-year-old Ege B. had previously been close to 300 pounds, but I really wanted to do something about that. I also -- this being Vegas and all -- wanted no part of being crammed on a school bus full of ruffians (seriously, ruffians) and being carted across the valley and back every day. My answer to this was to have my mother buy me a marginally decent 10 speed bike so that I could cart myself back and forth. I spent my sophomore year of high school walking 3 miles back and forth daily to my prior school, and by virtue of that I dropped down to a slightly more reasonable 260-ish on my 6-foot-plus, doorway-blocking frame. :-P

When my junior year at So. NV Vo-Tech Center started, I braved my own fear and the still-considerable late August heat and did this:


That ride culminated in a hill of about 1/3 mile in length and a grade of nearly 6% (as measured with the help of Google Earth). I didn't think there'd be any way I would top that hill my first day or any other, without getting off the bike and pushing it up. Much to my surprise, I dropped my trusty steed into the lowest gear and pushed with every ounce of will I had... and made it up that sucker without stopping the very first time. I left at approximately the same time I would have had to in order to catch the school bus two blocks away, and as I later found out even on that first day I managed a time equivalent to what the bus would have taken. Over time I only got faster.

Out of all my long bike routes -- of which there were a total of three I rode for long periods of time -- this was the most grueling. It lasted until some horrific monsoonal rains came along and completely flooded out the bottom of that big hill by the school. I had no choice but to plow through a foot of water, since back in 1985 there was far less development in that part of town. I came out the other side with both tires flat and totally drenched and filthy. I needed my best friend's parents to come get me that day, and the brow-beating I took from his mother on the way home killed my resolve. I lasted well over a month before the flood stopped me, and I dropped to 235 lbs. and lost about 4 sizes in pants.

If only I knew then what I know now, I'd never have stopped making those bike trips. But, I offer this as proof that long ago I really was quite the unstoppable tank of a kid. :D

Happy Birthday, Anna!!!
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For You, Anna

Postby talkingmountain » Mon Nov 23, 2009 10:08 pm

Anna, I don't have a great "aha" moment to share, but here are some "little moments." Maybe not exactly what you were hoping for, but for you on your bday, I wanted to at least try!

- Recently had my 11-yo in my lap, and I could put my arms all the way around her, and lay my head on the top of her head and smell her sweet clean hair. A year ago, my belly prevented her from getting that close.

- In spin class, I remember the first time I was able to "hover." This is when you pedal with your tush right over the saddle but not touching it. It takes a lot of glute, leg, & abdominal strength. I can remember so many months of watching the other, fitter people do this and thinking "how on earth do they manage that?" And now I can do it!

- The first time I was able to walk up our hill without any chest pain. A beautiful, sunny, spring day in 2009.

- The day a month or so ago when I realized that I have to lengthen my walking route to make it still take 30 minutes. Used to be able to do barely 1 loop in 30 minutes. It was a beautiful fall day and you could smell the leaves (or at least I imagined that I could smell them, as I seem to have lost my sense of smell). Doggie was prancing beside me, occasionally glancing up with her silly bright eyes.
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Postby sksamboots » Tue Nov 24, 2009 9:19 am

I wish I had something to share! Let me think about it but for now

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Postby bunsofaluminum » Tue Nov 24, 2009 9:56 am

Happy Birthday! yayaaaay, Birthdays!

If I can change the word to "strongest" more than healthiest, I can think of many moments.

Walking home on the foothills, after sunset, and finding myself in a golf course, having to push myself uphill in the failing light, but keeping on going, my heart rate soaring, sweat pouring, aching legs and feet, but keeping on going until I got there. That felt SO strong and powerful.

Just sitting here in the morning, no coffee in me, but a cup of chai tea and a clear head, calm nerves, sweet peace, alertness, and cheer filling me up. THAT is the most wonderful blessing.

Actually, all of the moments of strength and health point to one major thing in my life, and that is, that I am not depressed anymore. Energy and optimism are up; my house tends to be tidy more often than cluttered these days; I am interested in many things around me, capable of helping others, sleeping well at night until just before the alarm goes off, waking up without a lot of grogginess...It's good! Whenever I do push myself to the end of a tough hike, or scrub the kitchen, or practice my piano, call a friend, say hi to a neighbor, all of it just highlights the fact that I'm comfortable in my own skin, accepting of myself and others, and confident in my ability to do life.

It's pretty nice :) Wonderfu, actually!

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Postby Yomom » Tue Nov 24, 2009 2:25 pm

I am about halfway to my goal weight and am already enjoying some healthy moments, most of them very simple and almost trivial, but not to me!

Bending over is easier; I used to have to brace myself. Sometimes I used to get a rushing feeling in my head, but that's gone now when I bend over.

I recently took a trip, and noticed a couple of changes:
Airline seats are not uncomfortably tight. I no longer feel that someone has to dread sitting next to me because I impinge on their space. Leaving the plane, I was able to walk briskly through the terminal, carrying my duffle bag, with no breathlessness or sense of strain. My usual exercise is only walking, so I attibute this ease upon exertion to my blood vessels being less clogged, rather than to fitness.

Big healthy moments come in the grocery store, when I don't even look at most of the stuff on display, chanting "nope, nope, nope" in my head. This afternoon I actually got excited when I put a nice head of cauliflower into my cart, picturing it roasting. I sure have come a long way from the secret candy and cake eating!

Cleaning house used to leave me dripping with sweat. I actually had to wear a headband, and would then feel exhausted for hours. Now it seems like a minor (albeit still boring) task.

Hope these healthy moments were the sort of thing you were looking for.

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Postby Tazi752000 » Wed Nov 25, 2009 10:36 am

Happy Healthy Birthday! Though I am a day late.

My healthy moment recently was going on a 4 mile hike. I felt great and if it wasn't for my hyperactive 9 year old son whining he was tired I probably would have walked even further. I am really excited about the next chance to go on a long hike.
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Postby Anna Green » Wed Nov 25, 2009 3:11 pm

Hey everyone, thank you!
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Postby Starchyme » Wed Nov 25, 2009 5:41 pm

Another happy birthday to you!

Mine's creeping up on Dec. 7th. I had wanted to be at goal weight by then. Not gonna happen. I'll also be in Disney on that day. But planning to follow McDougall as closely as I can during that week.

I'll post my weight tomorrow from the gym.

As for weight gain, I'm really thinking that salt has a lot to do with it for me. I had Indian buffet Friday. But concentrated on dal soup and lots of plain rice. Had just a little bit of aloo gobi (they called it something else). None of the fried stuff. No bread! (That really hurt to refuse!)

Didn't eat dinner, either, so I definitely didn't over-eat that day and ended up 1.6 lbs. heavier the next morning. Happy to say it disappeared during the day.
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Postby merriweather » Sat Dec 05, 2009 2:27 pm

In March of 2009 I had to use a cane to walk. The Dr gave me some pills and it got a little better, but I was still winded when I walked even a block or two.
I shopped at Wal Mart, because I could lean on their carts, the Target ones were too tall--I am only 5 ft.
One day I said to the Dr. well, I can walk now, but I still get so winded, and I want to do more.
He then asked me if I would like to change my lifestyle. Mind you we had taken every class Kaiser offered. He showed me the McDougall web page.
That was two months ago. I have lost 21 pounds, I not only walk easily, I do exercises every day. I have so much energy.
My husband joined me , do to cholesterol issues. So we feel like we are on an adventure.
We have found 3 Asian markets fairly near to us. We are eating things we never tried.
My type 2 diabetes is so much better. Halved my long term insulin, from 100 units to 50. And my short term from 30 a meal to 10. In fact, the last few days I have had several low sugar episodes, so I am in the process of gently lowering it more.
Do I miss the old diet?, Not really. I think maybe when I was craving things, I was really missing nutrients, and now I am getting them from all the fresh veggies.
Have a wonderful birthday, and know you can look forward to enjoying many , many more. Healthy , vital ones!!
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Re: My Birthday Present from You!

Postby Faith in DC » Tue Dec 08, 2009 12:09 pm

I thought of a simple one for you. In the fall I bought boots. Black boots that go all the way up to my knee. These were not special made boots for 'thicker' calves either. They do have an elastic insert but I'm not using it. I purchased them in September. Believe me even then I was excited as I've never been able to have normal boots. Heck half the time boots made for large calves didn't work either. Something so simple, that now when I wear them I tell myself, look how far you've came.
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Re: My Birthday Present from You!

Postby raven » Thu Dec 10, 2009 3:10 pm

Hi Anna. This is a great idea, that will be of use to a lot of us.

I also have little moments. Getting into smaller size clothes is wonderful, especially clothes that i haven't been able to wear for a while, and now ones that i haven't worn in a long, long while.

I am able to walk quickly up the mountain road by our house. I don't even dread it anymore, or feel relieved when it's time to go back downhill.

I've largely stopped thinking about what i can't eat. Now i sometimes think only that i would have wanted a cookie, or something like that now (when i am stressed, tired, or super hungry), but i don't actually want anything like that now, i just want to eat.

I now like salads, which i ate, but never really saw the attraction people have for them before.

I don't feel like an embarrassment to my husband when i meet people he works with.

I'm sure that there will be more healthy moments to come - for all of us.

Thanks for asking.
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