MARCH 2020 Maintenance Thread

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MARCH 2020 Maintenance Thread

Postby Lyndzie » Mon Mar 02, 2020 10:00 am

Welcome to the McDougall Maintenance support group! Let’s join together for support and camaraderie while we strive to maintain our successes.

Many of us have lost weight and/or reached other health goals. We’re ready for that next chapter, maintaining the gains we’ve accomplished.

This group will have Friday check ins, where everyone can touch base. Weigh-ins are optional, and will not be tracked. Please feel free to share your non-scale victories (NSV) as well.

In order to foster group participation, we do ask that only participants post, so please do join! You can join at any time simply by hitting the “post reply” button and saying something along the lines of “I’d like to join.” As they say, the more, the merrier.

Hi everyone!

Youtube is a valuable resource of inspirational videos, lectures and past webinars. Without fail, I learn something new each time, even when rewatching Jeff’s calorie density video for the upmteenth time. Recently I came across this fantastic talk by Andrew “Spudfit” Taylor at an Advanced Study Weekend. His presentation resonated with me for so many reasons, including the experience of sleep deprivation, emotional challenges and his overall relatable personality. If you have an hour, it is worth the time.

He gives a great mediation exercise that I have been using when faced with difficult food situations, such as being home longer than expected without a snack, or surrounded by tempting treats (like when your mom gives you two lbs of homemade fudge for Valentine’s Day - aaahhhhh!).

St. Patty’s Day is the only holiday on my calendar for this month, which is easy to celebrate with a warm plate of colcannon and soda bread. Any other holidays to celebrate this month?

Also, what’s on your menu? This week we’re making butternut squash soup with homemade bread, taco night, veggie sushi, arepas, pizza night and ramen.

Best to you all!
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Re: MARCH 2020 Maintenance Thread

Postby GlennR » Tue Mar 03, 2020 1:20 pm

This is my second week of maintenance and so far, so good. I've bounced around a bit, but mainly under 150 as opposed to going over it. That seems fair enough. For the most part I'm simply doing what I did to get here. Most of my meals have been at home with no processed additions, just whole foods. The only eating out was a burrito which had a whole wheat wrapper and no animal products or added oil It's one of the few reliable things I can get around here with beans, rice and vegetables and nothing fried.

I think I'm probably eating better than I did on the journey down. Perhaps that's because I feel rewarded for my efforts. The one thing I don't want is to ever get fat again. I'm sure the years spent fat have done damage that will take time to reverse so I'll stay the course.
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Re: MARCH 2020 Maintenance Thread

Postby deweyswakms » Wed Mar 04, 2020 7:09 am

Thanks Mark for the link to the maintenance thread. "I'd like to join".

Once deciding I could drop in to 'maintenance' mode, I promptly gained 2#s! what the heck??? allergies and sinus = little exercise, anxieties over politics and viruses, couple other issues, sent me straight to MWL #7 (too much snacking on foods way off the plan). That stops today. I was close to my first goal and I will get right back there. Surprising how easy it is to fall back into unconscious eating habits. Awareness and setting my intentions every day works for me. I will watch that video too.

start weight 210 on 7/25/14; MWL recommit 7/2019 weight 197. 6/11/2022 weight 165.0. Height 5'8".
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Re: MARCH 2020 Maintenance Thread

Postby Lyndzie » Wed Mar 04, 2020 11:37 am

Glenn - Excellent start! Keeping that motivation in the forefront is so helpful when there are bumps in the road.

Marsha - Welcome aboard! That pleasure trap can be so challenging at times. I’ve been struggling with it a bit as well, but fortunately I threw away all the junk in the house, and that has kept me out of trouble this week. I hear you about virus concerns, it’s a great time to keep a well-stocked pantry in case we’d rather avoid the masses.
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Re: MARCH 2020 Maintenance Thread

Postby Suey51 » Fri Mar 06, 2020 2:42 am

Hi everyone,

Thanks Lindsey for sharing the link to Andrew 'Spudfit' Taylor. I hadn't heard him speak before and found it very moving and interesting. A couple of great tips - I loved his description of the notion of sacrifice: the sacrifice of not eating 'xyz' (insert whatever off-program / hyper-palatable food you are considering eating) versus sacrificing your future health and the meditation exercise. I summarised his story and some of the insights to my husband while we were out walking and it enabled me to explain some challenges I've been having recently, and to talk about the benefits of simplicity and how moderation doesn't work for me. As a result, he agreed to join me in not having some foods in the home environment for the next few weeks. He loves to 'treat' me and the kids and I find some of the off-program food items hard to resist. He also seems to have (finally) 'got' the benefits of having a menu plan so we'll start using that again.

No other holidays here that I'm aware of, although there are always a lot here in Spain, so watch this space! In February there was the carnaval weekend and a Dia Del Pedal (mass cycling day round the town centre) here which were great fun :)

Welcome Marsha! I've also been struggling with the off-plan snacking so going to work on that over the next few weeks. Awareness and setting you intentions every day sound like good strategies.

Great work Glenn!

Lindsey - your food plan for the week sounds super-delicious! On the menu this week were veggie paella, sweet potato and butternut squash curry, lots of baked potatoes, roasted beetroot, garlic mushrooms, hummus, salads, a root veg and a cannelini bean soup plus lots of spinach and even a little kale from our local organic farm shop :-) This week will probably be similar, but I'll do the plan after the weekend.

My weight is the same as last week, I'm still using a 7 day rolling average which I'm finding helpful - it feels a less like being on a small roller coaster! And I'm still using the McD regular program 10 point checklist which is highlighting the areas for me to work on. Apart from the snacking, we ate out more than usual as had my younger step-daughter visiting. Her elder sister is here this weekend so some eating out again this weekend, and then back on to meal planning and mostly eating at home for the last few weeks of our trip.

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Re: MARCH 2020 Maintenance Thread

Postby GlennR » Fri Mar 06, 2020 12:51 pm

Sue - I have things brought into the house to contend with and it's one of the reasons it took so long for me to get down to my target weight. It took a while but eventually, I gained the ability to ignore it. I won't say that it's always a cakewalk, but most days I can pass on the less than ideal stuff.

Marsha - Welcome. I'm sure the weight gain will fall off again soon.

Lindsey - Squash is one of my favorite vegetables. I have some squash stew in my fridge with black beans, veggie broth and corn in it. It might be what's for dinner today.

Todays' weight was exactly 150 pounds.
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Re: MARCH 2020 Maintenance Thread

Postby Ejeff » Fri Mar 06, 2020 5:32 pm

Sue, glad your husband is willing to keep the environment cleaner. It definitely helps. Lindsey your meals all sound very good. I lost a pound this week so 104.2. My high end of the range is 105 so just barely staying below that. Planning to have a couple big salads this week as I’ve been missing them. This week I did make a nice simple veggie soup that filled me up pretty good. I am planning to make a pasta sauce with sunflower seeds and potatoes and this time I will add cauliflower. Also planning to cook a batch of steel cut oats with apples and freeze some to have it ready.

Eating will be challenging this week as we will be watching tennis at Indian Wells and they no longer allow food to be brought into the venue. My plan is to eat a big breakfast and eat very little while there. I just do what I can in these situations.

Went for a hike and it seems my hip cannot do hills. Not sure how to fix this issue, but for now I will stick to flatter terrain. Wishing everyone a great week.
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Re: MARCH 2020 Maintenance Thread

Postby deweyswakms » Sat Mar 07, 2020 5:08 am

Saturday March 7, 2020

Good morning,

Scales this morning show I am back to my new low # of 181 (first goal is 180 and probably I want 175). A week ago I had gained 2#s from stress eating. 3 days ago I got the flu! Not 'that one' thankfully, but bad anyway. And yes, I had the flu shot. I volunteer at an elementary school which is a germ factory. i will probably stop because at my age I just should not willingly expose myself to the germs.

Anyway, 2 days of not eating much except a bit of jello dropped those extra 2 lbs. The thought of eating my veggie chili was a big turnoff. I am still not very hungry; oatmeal is ok. Plus I had mashed potatoes with peas and carrots. Craving some veggie soup so will make some today I think.

I am convinced that eating whole foods plant based as I have for years is the reason these viruses don't linger for a week or more. 3rd day, today, I feel much better!

start weight 210 on 7/25/14; MWL recommit 7/2019 weight 197. 6/11/2022 weight 165.0. Height 5'8".
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Re: MARCH 2020 Maintenance Thread

Postby Mark Cooper » Sun Mar 08, 2020 3:15 pm

Lindsey - Thanks for sharing the talk from Andrew Taylor, I haven't had a chance to watch it yet, but I'm very much looking forward to it.

Glenn - I totally agree with your view toward maintenance, I feel like to maintain my current status I have to "dance with the one that brung ya," so for me it is MWL onward into tomorrow.

Marsha - Welcome! I hate the flu, it is no fun at all! I totally agree that this way of eating seems to be great for fending off, or at least minimizing those pesky viruses. Glad you are on the mend.

Sue - Thanks for highlighting those tips from Spudfit's talk, that idea of the relative types of sacrifices one might make is quite insightful.

Erin - I know I definitely miss my big salads on the rare days when they are absent from the menu! Sorry to hear your hip was bothering you.

Speaking of viruses, my daughter came down with a nasty flu-like bug this week and missed 4 out of 5 days of school, so our house was more chaotic than usual. I made a couple big batches of congee to get us through a few evening meals. My weight is still holding steady.
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Re: MARCH 2020 Maintenance Thread

Postby Lyndzie » Mon Mar 09, 2020 6:43 pm

Sue - Your stay in Spain sounds like it has been the most wonderful time, with a constant stream of visitors. I am glad you enjoyed the video. That is so great that your husband is receptive to getting some of the tempting foods out of the house, especially on holiday.

Glenn - Well done on the consistent maintenance!

Erin - Would you be willing to share your potato/sunflower/cauliflower pasta sauce recipe? Everything I’ve come up with is getting two thumbs down by everyone. I just saw that the tennis tournament was cancelled due to COVID-19. How are oyu guys doing?

Marsha - Oh man, the flu is no fun! I’m glad to hear you’re recovering quickly. Kids are little petri dishes, no joke.That is a bummer to quit volunteering, but repeated bouts of the flu are so physically challenging. Did I see in your journal that you’ve gotten down to 180 since you posted? Congrats on the achievement!

Mark - I so feel for you right now! The flu seems to be rough with the littles this year, and lasts so long. Glad to hear you are on the other side of it and things are looking up.

As for me, things are holding steady. We’ve been super busy, but nothing too hectic or exciting.
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Re: MARCH 2020 Maintenance Thread

Postby Lyndzie » Mon Mar 09, 2020 7:06 pm

Hi everyone!

For the past two months, the novel coronavirus, a.k.a. COVID-19, has dominated the news. While eating a plant-based diet does not make us impervious to viruses, a healthy body has the best chance of mild symptoms if exposed. Dr. McDougall has not written specifically about this coronavirus, but he did write the June 2003 newsletter about SARS, another coronavirus.

A few countries have instituted quarantine measures to try and control the spread of the virus. While I would surprised if that happens in larger democratic countries, the harder hit cities in the US are already recommending people work from home if possible and select schools are instituting distance learning as precautionary measures. Jeff recently replied to a query about food preparedness in case one would rather stay home for a few weeks and rewatch old McDougall webinars instead of spending time mingling with the general public while buying groceries. The 10 Healthiest Foods and SNAP Meal Template is a great resource for stocking the pantry and making quick, delicious, balanced meals.

If you are interested in more news, the New York Times is putting out a daily briefing via email.

In short, wash your hands and eat your veggies. :)

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Re: MARCH 2020 Maintenance Thread

Postby deweyswakms » Tue Mar 10, 2020 6:54 am

Good Tuesday Morning, March 10, 2020

Yes Lindsey,

I did hit 180 as noted on my journal. After weeks of trying to get to it, flirting 1-2 lbs up/down, the other day the scales showed 180. I barely had time to let that achievement sink in because this morning's scales showed 179. Ohhh myyy. My eating has changed: I am hungriest in the morning so I have the most to eat then. I decided if I am still hungry, eat a bit more. Dinner last night was 2 mashed red potatoes with corn and peas. Made a lot of food, was all I wanted. So I am just going to take the time to get comfortable with this achievement! It's so amazing. Wow.

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Re: MARCH 2020 Maintenance Thread

Postby Lyndzie » Tue Mar 10, 2020 8:58 am

Way to go, Marsha!
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Re: MARCH 2020 Maintenance Thread

Postby Ejeff » Tue Mar 10, 2020 9:11 am

Way to go Marsha!

Lindsey, yes we are disappointed the tennis was cancelled, but nothing we can do about that. I feel bad for the players...wonder if the Miami Open will also end up cancelled, time will tell.

Here is that recipe, I haven’t baked it guess I should try that sometime. I hope your family gives it the thumbs up, let me know. My family enjoys it, but they are all adults. Or maybe they just say they like it ;-)

Smokey MAC and Greens

1 fist sized potato peeled and cubed
1 large carrot peeled and diced
1/2 large onion (not sweet)
1/2 cup raw sunflower seeds
1 clove garlic
1 TBS lemon juice
2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp liquid smoke
1/2 tsp pepper
1.5 cups unsweetened milk
5 oz of baby kale (or regular kale chopped and stems removed)
16 oz elbow noodles

Put potato, carrot, onion and sunflower seeds in pot and cover with enough water to submerge everything. Simmer until everything is tender about 15 minutes, then drain water out.

Put everything from pot into blender, along with garlic, lemon juice, salt, pepper, liquid smoke and milk. Blend until very smooth.

Cook pasta until al dente and at very end add kale, give a quick stir then drain. Add back to pot and stir in sauce. At this point you could put in a casserole dish and cover with bread crumbs and bake at 400 for 10 minutes.
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Re: MARCH 2020 Maintenance Thread

Postby deweyswakms » Fri Mar 13, 2020 6:27 am

Good morning, Friday March 13, 2020 in the year of the VIRUS.

As I reported earlier, I hit the 180 #, which was my first goal. I barely had time to register that when the next day, and every day since, scales read 179.6. Close to the same thing, I know, but the # is so fun! I would like to lose a few more pounds so will just keep on steady with eating MWL.

I admit to getting bored with my usual fare; so will pull out the cookbooks and look for something different. Still not bored with potatoes though! Think Egyptian red lentil soup sounds good.

For the most part, I am practicing self-isolation, more distancing really. Want to give health professionals a chance to 'flatten the curve' as they say in the progression of this virus. Plus I had a recent bout with influenza (not the covid one!), and frankly don't want more of it. Only lasted 24 hours and I give all credit to our way of eating for a rapid recovery.

That said, I am out of coffee! so going to make an early morning run to the big store to stock up.

start weight 210 on 7/25/14; MWL recommit 7/2019 weight 197. 6/11/2022 weight 165.0. Height 5'8".
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