Buns Again

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Mon Sep 07, 2020 12:35 pm

Sept 7
Day 40

B: grape nuts; peach; oat milk; watermelon
L: bean soup
D: grilled zucchini; salad
S: dry popcorn :nod:

Doing extremely well. I realized this morning that my heel pain disappeared weeks ago and hasn’t been back. :nod: weighed in. No loss, no gain.

SW: 250
CW: 240
GW: 140
Last edited by bunsofaluminum on Tue Sep 08, 2020 7:15 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Tue Sep 08, 2020 7:14 am

Sept 8
Day 41

B: Grape Nuts w. apple chunks; oatmilk
L: deconstructed fake tuna salad
D: Panda Express ---- high fat :(

We're getting our September cold snap, it blasted in on high winds overnight. High temperature yesterday was 90* and the high today is predicted to be 52*. Yep. We always get about a week of blustery cold weather in early September and enter into Second Summer towards the end of the month, for a glorious October of warm sun, cool air, bright blue skies and brilliant yellow leaves. Ahhhhhh. Soup season!

Sweater Season!

1. Visualize myself thin 20 minutes
2. Spend time outside
3. Avoid TV news

Program outlined in the MWL book, page 60
1. Eliminate All Animal Foods :oops:
2. Eliminate All Oils :oops:
3. Eliminate All High Fat Plant Foods: Nuts, Nut Butters, Seeds, Seed Butters, Avocados, Coconut, & Olives. :mrgreen:
4. Eliminate All Flour Products :mrgreen:
5. Eat Whole Grains and Potatoes :mrgreen:
6. Eat Legumes :mrgreen:
7. Make Green & Yellow Vegetables One-Half to One-Third of your meal :mrgreen:
8. Eat Uncooked Foods :mrgreen:
9. Restrict Fresh Fruit to No More Than Two Servings a Day, and Avoid Dried Fruit, Fruit Puree, and Fruit Juice :mrgreen:
10. Use Simple Sugar Sparingly :mrgreen:

Healthy Eating Habits
Chew foods thoroughly
Restrict variety

Addendum from the newer version:
1) use no salt in cooking. Sprinkle a little bit on the top of your food if desired. :oops:
2) eliminate calorie dense foods including air popped popcorn and others
that rice cake. It's salty and crispy and I have one or two a day and that's just how it is.
3) eat until satiated. Do not stuff your stomach. Stop when you feel full :mrgreen:
4) be more active. Aim for 30 minutes per day of brisk activity :mrgreen:

I heart my endothelial lining
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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Wed Sep 09, 2020 8:52 am

Sept 9
Day 42

B: bean soup with rice
L: potatoes, salsa, black beans
D: bean soup w rice; salad?

Yesterday, a storm surge blew in, literally. We had an unofficial wind speed at the UofU of 120 mph (The official weather said 90 mph which, thank GOD it wasn't REALLY 120, right? Thank God it was really only 90 mph winds ripping through) And at 7:30 the power went out. Which meant I couldn't work, darn it. And also meant no distracting stuff like TV, internet, phone games...well I had one I could play. But we ended up sitting at the kitchen table and played Rack-O for at least two hours. And visited. Did Zentangle for a little bit. Took the dog for a walk to observe the damage. Trees down, limbs down, trees uprooted...evergreens it turns out have shallow root systems...trees split in half. It was like a war zone. And the power stayed off until 8:20 PM. We were just starting to get ready for bed. Thankfully we have lots of battery operated light sources, including these really cool fridge magnets that are actually on/off switches that shed a good bright light. Also, we have a hand cranked radio, and a hand cranked lantern. And flashlights of course.

So the power stayed off all day, and I didn't have to work, but it brought home how dependent we are on electricity for everything. I couldn't cook or heat things in the microwave, and so many of my leisure choices were out, too. I mean, if I don't have to work, I want to Netflix and chill, right? Playing Rack-O was okay. I kicked butt, for the first time ever in my life :lol: and by the end of the day I was all peopled out. Slept like a log. Turned over when Wylie got up to go to work, and heard the 5 o'clock chime, then noticed...the power was out again!

Mind you, another day not having to work is okay, but I didn't want to do another day of visiting, you know? I am serious when I say I sat down in my little corner of the couch with my blankey over my legs and literally just sat there staring. The lights hadn't yet come on, so I had my hand-cranked lantern on, Wylie was getting his stuff together for work tomorrow, and I was just sitting there wiped out. Just...staring. All peopled out. Didn't want another day like that, you know?

But the power came back on after about a half hour and I was able to fire up my computer and sit down to a pretty good paying job that I actually do not like. Can't say that I hate it, because ironically, I get to talk to people on the phone and help them with things. I also get enough mindless copy/paste tasks that there is a "downtime" of sorts every now and then.

But overall, I don't like this job. Don't like this kind of job. Desk sitting, screen staring, mouse clicking. Sit, sit, sit. The job sort of fell into my lap. Best hourly wage I've ever earned. IN fact, I never dreamed I'd make more than a few dollars over minimum wage as a home health aide, or captioning telephone calls (which I liked that job, because the management there were awesome. It was easy to be friendly and say hey, then go to your cubicle and get going, you know? Friendly without being social :nod: And almost completely stress free) (and pays $6-$7 less per hour...that's a real thing, it really is)

Anyway...I landed the current job and suddenly "qualified" for a small VISA which I used to build up my credit, and then got a credit score that made me eligible for a few debts, which now I have to pay on those and any less pay, I would start being unable to pay my debt payments...etc.

So I'm kind of stuck in a job I don't like. Welcome to the adult world, Heidi. Right? I could list some of the reasons, but let's just say office drama is a real thing, and stomping out fires can be stressful. Not office drama fires, but finding out why someone had a denial for a procedure, or getting a provider the information needed for a billing claim. Etc.

Also this thought occurs: It has been a LOOOOONG time since I had any kind of alone time. Yesterday's end of day exhaustion from all the one-on-one, visiting, game playing. And Wylie's shift is over by 9:30 a.m. every day, which means he's here most of my work day. And he's a cranky SOB lately. Control freak extraordinaire. I'm kinda tired of him you know ;) like any wife/husband pair, eh?

Okay enough about that stuff. Job, togetherness, and other exhausting things.

After yesterday's mini-emergency, and thinking back to March 18, when a 5.2 earthquake hit on my first day of work from home...sitting here wondering how to get my connection to actually WORK from home when suddenly things are shaking? yeah, that was trippy ... Anyway. That, plus this power outage, plus just feeling anxious like there's going to be something big...bigger...I want to get a 72 hour kit together FOR SURE. We should all probably have bug out packs as well. But seriously, all the stuff we might need for a more prolonged period without infrastructure, all together in one place where we know it's there and can find what we need for whatever contingency.

For instance yesterday's food. Breakfast was cold cereal. Lunch was a big salad. And dinner was going to be room temp nuked potato and a can of beans, you know? And then Wylie said "Let's get Panda" and I did...and ended up eating a high fat dinner because it was cooked and hot and sounded so good. Won't


repeat that. But see? Panda Express was up and running, because their power was on. What if everyone's power was out? I guess we'd use the grill out back...if the wind hadn't been howling, we might be able to do that, right? So. In the event of a more major emergency/catastrophe I just want to be able to

1) stay calm because we have what we need
2) stay hydrated for at least three days in case utilities are out
3) cook food. I have somewhat of a stock of canned beans, but what if I need to cook rice? cook a potato?
4) provide basic care for injuries
5)repair broken things if need be. Seriously, if a tree had crashed through our roof, would we know right where to find a tarp for makeshift patch jobs?

We have a tarp or two. Wylie knows where they are. We have a long utility extension cord out in the shed. We have a first aid kit in the bottom cupboard of the bathroom. We have flashlights; one in the linen closet, one on the shelf in the back room. Some press on lights in a basket on a shelf in the back room. A hand crank radio in a box on the same shelf. Extra batteries in a basket on the coat closet shelf. Gloves in the coat closet. And we even have 55 gallons of water stored. But not very portable if we need to bug out, eh?

Well anyway. Going to start gathering the stuff we will need in case of disaster. It just feels like disaster is going to strike. But seriously, if the Yellowstone Caldera went off, wouldn't hurt my feelings. I'd be dead on the spot and so would all of my loved ones. Except we might not, since we'd more likely be in a thick ash zone, not the "kill zone." *sigh* However, if it's a solar flare that takes out the entire electric grid, or a really major earthquake that REALLY tore things up? I just want to be ready, you know?

1. Visualize myself thin 20 minutes
2. Spend time outside
3. Avoid TV news

Program outlined in the MWL book, page 60
1. Eliminate All Animal Foods
2. Eliminate All Oils
3. Eliminate All High Fat Plant Foods: Nuts, Nut Butters, Seeds, Seed Butters, Avocados, Coconut, & Olives. :mrgreen:
4. Eliminate All Flour Products :mrgreen:
5. Eat Whole Grains and Potatoes :mrgreen:
6. Eat Legumes :mrgreen:
7. Make Green & Yellow Vegetables One-Half to One-Third of your meal :mrgreen:
8. Eat Uncooked Foods :mrgreen:
9. Restrict Fresh Fruit to No More Than Two Servings a Day, and Avoid Dried Fruit, Fruit Puree, and Fruit Juice :mrgreen:
10. Use Simple Sugar Sparingly :mrgreen:

Healthy Eating Habits
Chew foods thoroughly
Restrict variety

Addendum from the newer version:
1) use no salt in cooking. Sprinkle a little bit on the top of your food if desired. :mrgreen:
2) eliminate calorie dense foods including air popped popcorn and others
that rice cake. It's salty and crispy and I have one or two a day and that's just how it is.
3) eat until satiated. Do not stuff your stomach. Stop when you feel full :mrgreen:
4) be more active. Aim for 30 minutes per day of brisk activity :mrgreen:

I heart my endothelial lining
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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu Sep 10, 2020 8:04 am

Sept 10
Day 43

B: Hot Grape Nuts cooked w. oat milk and a peach sliced into it
L: Costa Vida salad w. corn tort instead of flour :nod:
D: bean soup; watermelon?

Thank goodness other people have their copies of the MWL book available to them. I've GOT to go through boxes and find my McDougall books. And all my cookbooks. And Wylie's recipes. They're all in a box from our move two years ago.

Anyway, Morris/Nancy posted this list from the MWL book, that I thought was really good.

Establishing a healthy way of life from page 127 of the MWL book.
Step 1. Be Goal-Oriented
Step 2. Acknowledge Your Willingness to Pay the Price-----chocolate. The price for me has been chocolate. Strictly a feast food from now on.
Step 3. Educate Yourself, Become an Expert
Step 4. Visualize Yourself as Healthy HEALTHY!!! I've been visualizing thin, but thin WOULD be healthy in this case.
Step 5. Make a Commitment: It’s Magic
Step 6. Ensure That Your Environment Supports Your Goals
Step 7. Alter Your Coping Mechanisms
Step 8. Join A Support Group
Step 9. Reward Yourself I bought a pair of slightly more expensive earrings to reward my full month of compliance. :nod:
Step 10. Keep It Simple

This coming weekend we're going for a family campout. I've got to plan ahead so I can avoid the high fat stuff. Planning on bringing some cooked potatoes. Wylie is going to make his yummy tomato cucumber salad, and I'll get some before the oil goes on. I will indulge with pancakes on Saturday morning. Allowing an occasional feast day is a very important part of staying with this program, but I doubt I need a feast ANYTHING since I had that high fat dinner on Tuesday. Hmmm maybe I'll bring some oatmeal.

Must. Be. Careful.

Enjoying the energy. That "be more active" guideline is just coming naturally. I am moving more because I have more energy :nod: Yesterday I was up and down the stairs a dozen times before breakfast. Who knows why, but it was easy. Didn't even raise my heart rate. It's also keeping me from sheer exhaustion at the end of my work days. BUSY time of year for insurance companies, and every day has been pretty swamped....partly from playing catch up after the wind knocked out electricity for so many people.

1. Visualize myself thin 20 minutes :) actually did this for a few minutes this morning
2. Spend time outside
3. Avoid TV news :mrgreen:

Program outlined in the MWL book, page 60
1. Eliminate All Animal Foods :mrgreen:
2. Eliminate All Oils :mrgreen:
3. Eliminate All High Fat Plant Foods: Nuts, Nut Butters, Seeds, Seed Butters, Avocados, Coconut, & Olives. :-P (2 tbsp guac on my salad)
4. Eliminate All Flour Products ;-)
5. Eat Whole Grains and Potatoes :mrgreen:
6. Eat Legumes :mrgreen:
7. Make Green & Yellow Vegetables One-Half to One-Third of your meal :mrgreen:
8. Eat Uncooked Foods :mrgreen:
9. Restrict Fresh Fruit to No More Than Two Servings a Day, and Avoid Dried Fruit, Fruit Puree, and Fruit Juice :mrgreen:
10. Use Simple Sugar Sparingly :mrgreen:

Healthy Eating Habits
Chew foods thoroughly :roll:
Restrict variety

Addendum from the newer version:
1) use no salt in cooking. Sprinkle a little bit on the top of your food if desired. :mrgreen:
2) eliminate calorie dense foods including air popped popcorn and others ;-)
that rice cake. It's salty and crispy and I have one or two a day and that's just how it is.
3) eat until satiated. Do not stuff your stomach. Stop when you feel full :mrgreen:
4) be more active. Aim for 30 minutes per day of brisk activity :mrgreen:

I heart my endothelial lining
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simple, humble food
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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Fri Sep 11, 2020 6:56 am

Sept 11
Day 44

B: Hot grape nuts w. 2 tsp br sugar and oatmilk; peach; berries
L: bean soup; veggie stix
D: We're stopping for dinner on the way to our family campout.

Camping weekend coming up. We're bringing lots of things I can eat, including a serving of potato salad with a fat free dressing that I made. My mom set aside the taters, onion, celery and I made a dressing from mustard, oat milk, honey, salt. Stirred it into my serving and it's been sitting in the fridge...melding. I'm going to be careful, but also allowing myself a feast day. In fact, I'm taking a bar of dark chocolate...haven't tasted chocolate for six weeks....going to indulge in two squares ;-) and sharing it with people.

It's going to be cold, and it's going to be fun :) and I'm going to be careful!

1. Visualize myself thin 20 minutes :) actually did this for a few minutes this morning
2. Spend time outside
3. Avoid TV news :mrgreen:

Program outlined in the MWL book, page 60
1. Eliminate All Animal Foods :mrgreen:
2. Eliminate All Oils :mrgreen:
3. Eliminate All High Fat Plant Foods: Nuts, Nut Butters, Seeds, Seed Butters, Avocados, Coconut, & Olives. :-P (2 tbsp guac on my salad)
4. Eliminate All Flour Products ;-)
5. Eat Whole Grains and Potatoes :mrgreen:
6. Eat Legumes :mrgreen:
7. Make Green & Yellow Vegetables One-Half to One-Third of your meal :mrgreen:
8. Eat Uncooked Foods :mrgreen:
9. Restrict Fresh Fruit to No More Than Two Servings a Day, and Avoid Dried Fruit, Fruit Puree, and Fruit Juice :mrgreen:
10. Use Simple Sugar Sparingly :mrgreen:

Healthy Eating Habits
Chew foods thoroughly :roll:
Restrict variety

Addendum from the newer version:
1) use no salt in cooking. Sprinkle a little bit on the top of your food if desired. :mrgreen:
2) eliminate calorie dense foods including air popped popcorn and others ;-)
that rice cake. It's salty and crispy and I have one or two a day and that's just how it is.
3) eat until satiated. Do not stuff your stomach. Stop when you feel full :mrgreen:
4) be more active. Aim for 30 minutes per day of brisk activity :mrgreen:

I heart my endothelial lining
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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Mon Sep 14, 2020 8:00 am

Sept 14
Day 47

B: grape nuts; berries
L: rice w. gravy and peas; broccoli
D: not chicken soup!!! yum!

Over the weekend, we went camping. Actually, it is very much like "glamping" as we slept in a comfy bed in a camper, and had a kitchen and a regular bathroom with a flush toilet. But it's in the mountains, pine-scented air, extravagant stars, a camp fire, and silence. I was SO active! Went on a long walk/hike every day that I was there, pitching in with set-up and break-down. I cannot believe that I went for at least a mile long walk and my feet were JUST FINE. Still are. No bone spur, no sock of pain. My feet are JUST FINE. I know this is due to the elimination of added fats, because it ain't due to weight loss.

I feel fantastic. I want to post on the FB page that I follow. People (me) get caught on slow weight loss or something...well, don't you like it that you're no longer constipated? Isn't it nice having a clear, calm energy ALL the time? Don't you love feeling free of the aches and pains you got accustomed to? The weight will come off, but that's more like the icing on the cake. The energy and clear headed brain power are where it's at.

Over the weekend I did treat it like a feast. Ate things off plan...e.g. some chocolate. (but not ALL the chocolate) Pancakes made with refined flour. A couple of eggs. But I did bring a fat free version of potato salad, and ate grilled zucchini steaks while everyone else consumed animal flesh.

But guess what...this was a little odd...we had a very hearty "breakfast for lunch" on Saturday. Ate pancakes, eggs, hashbrowns, an orange roll (SOOOOO sweet...ack) and an oatmeal/chocolate chip cookie at around 11:00 and no one felt hungry all day long. Around 5:00 p.m. we all said "wait a minute, should we be working on dinner?" but no one was hungry! :lol: We did end up bbq'ing around 6:00 and with the aromas of the food my stomach sort of woke up. But our normal routine around there is to nibble all day long. I mean, there was tortilla chips and salsa, cookies, fruit, chocolate...and we left it alone, all of it. Sat around visiting, crossword puzzles, reading, Zentangle. Took a walk, chopped firewood. Listened to music. We had a few shots, but didn't get plastered. Etc. Not munching all day long was new. Walking at least a mile on Saturday, same on Sunday and NOT having dead feet was new, too. I LOVE IT!

And now I'm back home, the feast is over and I'm back to my normal foods. :nod: Going to make soup today.

1. Visualize myself thin 20 minutes :mrgreen:
2. Spend time outside :mrgreen:
3. Avoid TV news :mrgreen:

Program outlined in the MWL book, page 60
1. Eliminate All Animal Foods :mrgreen:
2. Eliminate All Oils :oops:
3. Eliminate All High Fat Plant Foods: Nuts, Nut Butters, Seeds, Seed Butters, Avocados, Coconut, & Olives. :mrgreen:
4. Eliminate All Flour Products :oops:
5. Eat Whole Grains and Potatoes :mrgreen:
6. Eat Legumes :mrgreen:
7. Make Green & Yellow Vegetables One-Half to One-Third of your meal :mrgreen:
8. Eat Uncooked Foods :mrgreen:
9. Restrict Fresh Fruit to No More Than Two Servings a Day, and Avoid Dried Fruit, Fruit Puree, and Fruit Juice :mrgreen:
10. Use Simple Sugar Sparingly :mrgreen:

Healthy Eating Habits
Chew foods thoroughly
Restrict variety

Addendum from the newer version:
1) use no salt in cooking. Sprinkle a little bit on the top of your food if desired.
2) eliminate calorie dense foods including air popped popcorn and others
that rice cake. It's salty and crispy and I have one or two a day and that's just how it is.
3) eat until satiated. Do not stuff your stomach. Stop when you feel full
4) be more active. Aim for 30 minutes per day of brisk activity

I heart my endothelial lining
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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Tue Sep 15, 2020 4:01 pm

Sept 15
Day ???

B: cooked grape nuts w oat milk; berries
L: stir fry over rice; toast w. honey
S: sugar snap peas

Still feeling terrific. I sprang awake at 5:00 am today and took a 20 minute walk before dawn. It was lovely, and my feet were fine. Still are. I'm more excited about this than anything else. Hopefully I'll lose some weight.

I heart my endothelial lining
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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Wed Sep 16, 2020 8:28 am

Sept 16
Day 51

B: grape nuts; craisins; apple; oat milk
L: Hash browns, spinach, zucchini
D: Spaghetti w. plain marinara sauce; minestrone soup

Today I WILL make soup. Yesterday for dinner I ended up having sushi from the Kroger sushi bar, ramen soup, and edamame. Watermelon for dessert. I REALLY stuffed myself full. Ugh. But that ramen soup was good. Miso and seaweed for broth, and noodles. That is all. YUM.

Been enjoying those grape nuts. They stick to my ribs nicely, until about a half hour before lunchtime. One thing that's been missing from my menus the last few days has been greens. Maybe I'll throw some spinach in. Hmmmmm, lunch can be hashbrowns and spinach. :nod:

1. Visualize myself thin 20 minutes
2. Spend time outside :mrgreen:
3. Avoid TV news :mrgreen:

Program outlined in the MWL book, page 60
1. Eliminate All Animal Foods :mrgreen:
2. Eliminate All Oils :? (Olive Garden...There was probably oil in both the minestrone and the spaghetti/marinara)
3. Eliminate All High Fat Plant Foods: Nuts, Nut Butters, Seeds, Seed Butters, Avocados, Coconut, & Olives. :mrgreen:
4. Eliminate All Flour Products :?
5. Eat Whole Grains and Potatoes :mrgreen:
6. Eat Legumes :mrgreen:
7. Make Green & Yellow Vegetables One-Half to One-Third of your meal :mrgreen:
8. Eat Uncooked Foods
9. Restrict Fresh Fruit to No More Than Two Servings a Day, and Avoid Dried Fruit, Fruit Puree, and Fruit Juice :mrgreen:
10. Use Simple Sugar Sparingly :mrgreen:

Healthy Eating Habits
Chew foods thoroughly
Restrict variety

Addendum from the newer version:
1) use no salt in cooking. Sprinkle a little bit on the top of your food if desired. :mrgreen:
2) eliminate calorie dense foods including air popped popcorn and others :?
that rice cake. It's salty and crispy and I have one or two a day and that's just how it is.
3) eat until satiated. Do not stuff your stomach. Stop when you feel full :oops: ABSOLUTELY stuffed myself at dinner
4) be more active. Aim for 30 minutes per day of brisk activity :mrgreen:
Last edited by bunsofaluminum on Thu Sep 17, 2020 1:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

I heart my endothelial lining
by red squirrel

simple, humble food
by f00die

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu Sep 17, 2020 1:03 pm

Sept 17
Day 52

B: watermelon
L: spaghetti w. marinara sauce; spring medley veggies; bread
D: quesadilla style; Rice and corn;

Doing really well. I've been taking walks in the mornings, feeling calm and energized all day every day. This morning my foot hurt a little bit more than usual. I think my left shoe is "encouraging" a sort of achy spot RIGHT WHERE A BUNION MIGHT START :eek: so it may be time for new shoes. Still marveling at the lack of pain in my feet, though. Taking full advantage of it. :nod:

1. Visualize myself thin 20 minutes
2. Spend time outside :mrgreen:
3. Avoid TV news :mrgreen:

Program outlined in the MWL book, page 60
1. Eliminate All Animal Foods :mrgreen:
2. Eliminate All Oils :?
3. Eliminate All High Fat Plant Foods: Nuts, Nut Butters, Seeds, Seed Butters, Avocados, Coconut, & Olives. :mrgreen:
4. Eliminate All Flour Products :|
5. Eat Whole Grains and Potatoes :mrgreen:
6. Eat Legumes :mrgreen:
7. Make Green & Yellow Vegetables One-Half to One-Third of your meal :mrgreen:
8. Eat Uncooked Foods :mrgreen:
9. Restrict Fresh Fruit to No More Than Two Servings a Day, and Avoid Dried Fruit, Fruit Puree, and Fruit Juice :mrgreen:
10. Use Simple Sugar Sparingly :mrgreen:

Healthy Eating Habits
Chew foods thoroughly
Restrict variety

Addendum from the newer version:
1) use no salt in cooking. Sprinkle a little bit on the top of your food if desired. :mrgreen:
2) eliminate calorie dense foods including air popped popcorn and others :?
that rice cake. It's salty and crispy and I have one or two a day and that's just how it is.
3) eat until satiated. Do not stuff your stomach. Stop when you feel full :mrgreen:
4) be more active. Aim for 30 minutes per day of brisk activity :mrgreen:
Last edited by bunsofaluminum on Fri Sep 18, 2020 8:26 am, edited 1 time in total.

I heart my endothelial lining
by red squirrel

simple, humble food
by f00die

The rest is an industry looking to make a buck off my poor health
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Re: Buns Again

Postby Ruff » Thu Sep 17, 2020 3:03 pm

prepping without the guns and attitude!

So, (earthquake survivor here) by my bed, an emergency radio that I top up with power as part of my weekend routine. It has solar and hand crank, but if you have ever hand cranked one of those things in a real emergency (kids crying, stuff everywhere, the bridge down no water, power, sewage) you would appreciate it powered and ready to rumble! A spare pair of glasses, and an old pair of shoes tucked under the bed to avoid flying glass landing in them.

every night bedfore bed, my phone goes on charge in the same place. My handbag which contains $100 cash (no power, no swiping cards) is put beside it.

Grab bags (and yes, we have done a tsunami siren dash), are hanging by the door, including a pet grab bag. Aim to be out of the house and driving away in less than 5 minutes if you live in a Tsunami zone, or potential wildfire zone. Can you evacuate by bike if the road is unusable?

the cars always have at least half a tank of petrol, half means refill now.

Water, you might be on your own with this for longer than you think. Remember washing people and plates, soaking legumes and rice.You cannot have enough water. I have been through all this and I still dont have enough water. Empty and refill water tanks twice a year (I do it on the equinoxes, so this weekend). I also now have a Berkey gravity fed water filter. Eventually we had water trucks come down the road daily and we brought out our buckets etc, but it wasn't sterile and needed to be boiled. We had a camping stove but it takes a long time to boil all the water you need, and uses a lot of gas (we didn't have enough gas, sorted that now).

If there is no sewage where are you going to do the necessary? We were without a flushing toilet from February 22nd to OCTOBER!!!!! All through the winter. Digging a dunny is the best solution but we actually got through about 8 during that time. MARK WHERE YOU DIG THEM, after you have backfilled them!!!!!! Ask me how I know :unibrow: Otherwise Im sorry, its buckets, bags and kitty litter.

Disease. You are doing the necessary in the garden, you have no showers, or baths. The local beach/river is contaminated with sewage. And you need to keep yourself/kids free of disease. Different buckets for washing humans, pots and plates, and clothes. Use washing buckets for water collections. Keep drinking water seperate in closed containers if possible, ones with a tap are a huge advantage.keep a bowel by the dunny with water and disinfectant in it. Change the water frequently. disinfect hands before food prep (you might not cook as hot or as long when using a camping stove). Cleanliness will literally save you. If there is no rubbish collection, bury or burn rubbish. If you have to bag human waste, you need a rubbish collection. This is a serious health hazard. if no rubbish collection dont bag human waste. Find another solution. In a concrete jungle this could be very difficult.

Food, I now keep a months supply of food in the house at all times. I simply rotate it. I store it in the wardrobe in one of the kids bedroom (they have left home!)

But remember, anything, anything at all that you do will help. Even if you just buy candles and matches because in a power outage (3 and a half weeks for us) you will run out of batteries, and you cannot recharge any. Do one thing a week. Put old shoes under the bed, you had a quake, you may get another. You dont want to walk barefoot through the aftermath of a quake. Week 2, buy candles and matches. Week 3. buy and fill a 5 gallon water container. It all adds up.

Good luck, and stay safe. Kia kaha

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Fri Sep 18, 2020 7:38 am

HI Katie,

Thanks for posting your experience. Wylie got a 55 gallon drum and filled it with water. It's in the basement. In fact, I kid you not, JUST this morning I was wondering how often/whether we need to refresh that water. Now I know, twice a year.

But our experience with the windstorm, and the earthquake earlier this year...I am going to get a 72 hour kit together. Going to start working on that this weekend. We have room for a bin in the basement, and I want to put all the stuff we might need to shelter at home without power, for three days. Including some source of cooking food without electricity. A folding/backpackers camp stove with the little tin of fuel that fits under the burner. I've used that kind of thing on backpacking trips. Also, I know how to light an actual wood fire, using matches, lighters, and striking rods. I've cooked on an open fire, and I've cooked IN the coals of fires. Potatoes are pretty easy to roast in a fire.

The reason for a 72 hour kit...well, when the power went out, we went looking for our battery/crank operated stuff. We found our flashlights in a few different places, the hand cranked lantern in a drawer with our battery packs for charging phones, the hand crank radio on a shelf in the back room, candles nowhere. I think they're in a drawer of my china hutch, which is behind boxes right now :| so...getting the things we might need, all together in one place where we all know it is located, and portable in case we need to leave home. Sheltering at home is preferable, but if impossible, we want to bring that 72 hour kit with us. AND bug out bags, in case there's no way to drive if we need to leave home. Pet bug outs, too. Great tip! Though of our three cats, only one will seek us out in the event of a disaster. The other two will hide or bolt :(

Shoes by the bed is a terrific idea. My mom has done that her whole life; Wylie keeps his Birkenstocks by the bed. My shoes are in the other room. I can change that. A pair of shoes and socks, actually...right by the bed.

According to one video I watched, having a tarp and ropes, a long extension cord, multi-tool, crow bar...there's lots of things I'd never think of on my own. My main thing with a 72 hour kit is water, clothing, and food enough for three days. But yeah, a tarp in case there's damage to the roof or something, along with a way to fasten it down. As you say, add an item or two per week. Get some dang candles, right? A friend also suggests oil lamps. I like the hand cranked lantern and radio but yeah...make sure it's fully charged so we don't have to crank it for two hours to get anything from it. :nod:

This weekend I can at least buy the bin and possibly that folding camp stove with fuel. And candles. I can find some of the stuff we want to pack around the place. Rope, changes of clothing, Panic is a killer, and if we have our necessities together, we can function in an emergency with...less...panic.

Food storage is a lifelong habit of mine. I say "Thanks to my relationship with food, I always have plenty of food around" but also, consider that I grew up in Utah, which is The Mormon State, and the Mormon religion focuses on end times/survival/self-reliance and they are taught to keep a year's worth of supplies. Well I didn't grow up Mormon, but I grew up in that culture and have dearly loved family who are LDS and so the habit of keeping food stocked is inbred in me. That, plus 10 years living out in a rural area, 50 miles from the nearest city...I learned how to make everything from scratch, and had staples stored in at least 25# bulk in bins. Before the pandemic, I had gotten away from that a little bit, thinking "We'll always be able to buy a 2 lb bag of rice at the store, whenever I want"...and then I went to the store and there was NO RICE nor any BEANS!...and the next chance I got, bought 25# of rice, and lined my shelves w. canned beans. TP, same. I keep an 18 ct. on hand, and when I open it, I buy another one for the shelf, so I'll have the stuff "in the event"...

A lot to think about, but I love having a project to work on.
Last edited by bunsofaluminum on Fri Sep 18, 2020 8:41 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Fri Sep 18, 2020 8:25 am

Sept 18
Day 53?

B: grape nuts w craisins and apple; oat milk
D: baked potatoes; baby carrots; cauliflower florets

It occurs to me that my breakfast choices are flour products. Grape Nuts are allowed on the plan, but they might be kinda calorie dense. Frosted Mini Wheats, likewise PLUS refined sugar. Oatmeal is out, as I can stuff my stomach with rolled oats, or steel cut oats, savory oats, sweet oats, and 90 minutes later I am HUNGRY. Like, empty stomach hungry. It's crazy. But maybe I should start having something like hashbrowns and greens for brekkie. Start focusing on low calorie density foods for all my eating. *sigh*

I was in such a good place mentally six weeks ago...I've been fighting cravings a little bit the last few days. Maybe triggered myself with the "feast" camping days. :roll: Time to make some creamy luscious sauces and gravies. :nod:

1. Visualize myself thin 20 minutes MUST DO!
2. Spend time outside :mrgreen:
3. Avoid TV news :mrgreen:

Program outlined in the MWL book, page 60
1. Eliminate All Animal Foods
2. Eliminate All Oils
3. Eliminate All High Fat Plant Foods: Nuts, Nut Butters, Seeds, Seed Butters, Avocados, Coconut, & Olives.
4. Eliminate All Flour Products
5. Eat Whole Grains and Potatoes
6. Eat Legumes
7. Make Green & Yellow Vegetables One-Half to One-Third of your meal
8. Eat Uncooked Foods
9. Restrict Fresh Fruit to No More Than Two Servings a Day, and Avoid Dried Fruit, Fruit Puree, and Fruit Juice
10. Use Simple Sugar Sparingly

Healthy Eating Habits
Chew foods thoroughly
Restrict variety

Addendum from the newer version:
1) use no salt in cooking. Sprinkle a little bit on the top of your food if desired.
2) eliminate calorie dense foods including air popped popcorn and others :?
that rice cake. It's salty and crispy and I have one or two a day and that's just how it is.
3) eat until satiated. Do not stuff your stomach. Stop when you feel full
4) be more active. Aim for 30 minutes per day of brisk activity

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Mon Sep 21, 2020 8:22 am

Sept 21
Day 1

B: grape nuts; berries; oatmilk.
L: lentil vegetable stew over rice
D: lentil vegetable stew over rice

Well, I guess "feasting" over our camping trip was a mistake. It seems to have triggered me, and I'm back to fighting cravings, wishing I could eat all the things. Even CHEETOS are calling my damn name. I'm so sick of fighting this. Back to feeling depression on me, as well. Dammit. How many clear weeks did I have? FML. I don't even care if I follow the freaking McDougall plan, let alone MWL. Screw it. I'm not losing weight anyway.

So yesterday I ate about 2 1/2 servings of that horrible Gordetti's snack mix. Soooooo salty, and pretty high in fat. :( I forgot to take baked potatoes with me to my PT. Oh, I had sugar snap peas with me, which to tell the truth would have held me over OR what if I just didn't let my FREAKING STOMACH rule my GD LIFE? :angry: :angry: :angry: Would I have WASTED AWAY during a FREAKING five hour shift? Pete's sakes.

*ooooh, Heidi's tummy is very slightly grumbling. Better feed it NOW!* :\ I'm disgusted with myself.

OMG I don't want to have depression again.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby wildgoose » Mon Sep 21, 2020 10:12 am

Buns, I read your journal all the time. I think it’s because you’re always blunt and honest, and because your ups and downs sound So Much Like Me.

I don’t know how many times a "feast" has derailed me. I got to the point where I was cursing Dr. McDougall for ever using the word. It’s not his fault, though — people like me just can’t feast. Period. Feasts are just wide-open portals to the Pleasure Trap, and it’s so not worth the week-long (or longer) struggle to get back out. Or worse yet, the months of being off the rails that one stupid feast has started.

It took me 15 years — fifteen crazy up-and-down, off-and-on years — to lose the weight. I finally got my act together a year and a half ago and did it, 100%, all-in. No cheating, no feasts, no drama (OK, not too much drama :lol: ). What was different? I’m not sure. A consultation with Dr. Doug Lisle really helped (and yeah, not wanting to look like a weak-livered failure when I checked in with him periodically...). Rising blood pressure and sore joints helped too, as did the fact that I was coming up on age 65. Whatever it was, it finally worked.

But it’s not easy. The cravings do go away. The salt and sugar cravings took about a month. The fat cravings, about three months. As long as I didn’t feed them! One slip and the timeline got a week or more tacked onto it.

And yes, I still have my days where I just want to say <bleep> it, I’m going to a drive-thru and pig out. I can’t stand one more meal of broccoli and brown rice. I hate it that my Gander can eat whatever he wants and never gain an ounce (cursed genetics). I’m sick of having to cook every single thing I put in my mouth, and then clean up the kitchen. So I whine, and then (BECAUSE I’ve been in a deep groove on-plan for so long, which is the only thing that saves me) I suck it up and go steam some broccoli and thank God I have a bunch of cooked potatoes in the fridge, ready to go. The whine-fest passes, and I’m OK again.

You’ve been there. The first week of getting back on track is the worst. Days 4 and 5 may be worse than day 1 and 2. You know it. And yes, you feel like a pile of goose guano for letting your stomach rule your life. I don’t know if I can say anything to make you feel better or to motivate you — you’re pretty good at motivating yourself! I know you’ll get back on track. Just wanted to let you know that there are folks out here pulling for you.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Tue Sep 22, 2020 9:51 am

wildgoose wrote:Buns, I read your journal all the time. I think it’s because you’re always blunt and honest, and because your ups and downs sound So Much Like Me.

I don’t know how many times a "feast" has derailed me. I got to the point where I was cursing Dr. McDougall for ever using the word. It’s not his fault, though — people like me just can’t feast. Period. Feasts are just wide-open portals to the Pleasure Trap, and it’s so not worth the week-long (or longer) struggle to get back out. Or worse yet, the months of being off the rails that one stupid feast has started.

It took me 15 years — fifteen crazy up-and-down, off-and-on years — to lose the weight. I finally got my act together a year and a half ago and did it, 100%, all-in. No cheating, no feasts, no drama (OK, not too much drama :lol: ). What was different? I’m not sure. A consultation with Dr. Doug Lisle really helped (and yeah, not wanting to look like a weak-livered failure when I checked in with him periodically...). Rising blood pressure and sore joints helped too, as did the fact that I was coming up on age 65. Whatever it was, it finally worked.

But it’s not easy. The cravings do go away. The salt and sugar cravings took about a month. The fat cravings, about three months. As long as I didn’t feed them! One slip and the timeline got a week or more tacked onto it.

And yes, I still have my days where I just want to say <bleep> it, I’m going to a drive-thru and pig out. I can’t stand one more meal of broccoli and brown rice. I hate it that my Gander can eat whatever he wants and never gain an ounce (cursed genetics). I’m sick of having to cook every single thing I put in my mouth, and then clean up the kitchen. So I whine, and then (BECAUSE I’ve been in a deep groove on-plan for so long, which is the only thing that saves me) I suck it up and go steam some broccoli and thank God I have a bunch of cooked potatoes in the fridge, ready to go. The whine-fest passes, and I’m OK again.

You’ve been there. The first week of getting back on track is the worst. Days 4 and 5 may be worse than day 1 and 2. You know it. And yes, you feel like a pile of goose guano for letting your stomach rule your life. I don’t know if I can say anything to make you feel better or to motivate you — you’re pretty good at motivating yourself! I know you’ll get back on track. Just wanted to let you know that there are folks out here pulling for you.


Ahhhh Goose, you're the best! Thanks for the encouragement. I know this mood swing only too well. I haven't had to deal with depression like this since starting with McDougall 11 years ago. Depression went away and stayed gone for...well since about November-ish of last year. Don't know if it's a menopause thing or what, but it's boring. Depression is BOOOOORING. You're right about me getting back on track. I know I will. Even when I was away and not posting here, I was still staying away from animal flesh, eggs, and dairy. And this time around, when I finally got my head in the game and ditched added fats, the relief in my joints has been amazing. I'm keeping that in the front of my mind. What if I don't lose a pound? Can I rejoice and be thankful about the pain sock NOT being on my left foot? Can I FEEL that there's no pain in my right heel?

As for the men losing weight. My pill of a husband and I weighed the same at the beginning of summer. Then he had tooth problems and was eating less and dropped 20 lbs ... and since then he's consumed less sugar, reduced his portions slightly, and has now dropped 32 pounds. He's still eating cream sauces, cooking everything in either butter or olive oil, and eating entire meals with not a vegetable in sight. He does have a healthy smoothie once in a while for brekkie, but otherwise eating whatever, only smaller servings. :\

I admire those who decide food isn't the pinnacle of life, and figure out a simple meal that they eat every time. Greens and sweet potatoes. Beans and rice with spinach. And they just do that, over and over again. They don't sit there thinking what delectable fake cheese sauce can they pour over their potatoes. They just cook simple food, eat until satiated, and go about their business until the next meal without daydreaming about food. But I'll be honest, I don't like the thought of never having a day of just hedonistic Buttered Toast or Chocolate Cake eating EVER again. Yet, this fight that I am back to fighting again...is it worth it? Probably not.

anyway, another day. I did actually pretty good yesterday. Ended up having a huge lunch of "British Breakfast"... sauteed mushrooms and onions, grilled tomato slices, hash browns, and eggs. Yes, I had two over easy eggs. Spinach. No baked beans. I didn't want to open a can. And then didn't feel hungry again all day long. Had a small bowl of rice w. chunked garden tomatoes and cucumber for a late-ish dinner. That was the food. Work was extremely busy, which also calmed my emotions and kept my mind occupied.

Soooo Am I going to start over and count this as Day 1? *sigh* I need to think about what I'm doing. Is it helping to put the MWL guidelines on every post? Sort of, but it became a chore pretty fast. Maybe fill my mind with some good McDougall or other Starch Based videos. I'll figure it out.

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