Rosey - 2011 Journal

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Re: Rosey - 2011 Journal

Postby Rosey » Fri May 04, 2018 12:27 pm

303lbs this morning. since I'm doing Friday weigh ins.

So far this morning I've had a big bowl of oats, with almond milk small amount of maple syrup and blueberries. Planning on soup and salad for later.

It's walking time for my dog and I so he is telling me. so off for my walk I go.
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Re: Rosey - 2011 Journal

Postby Rosey » Mon May 07, 2018 9:25 am

My Mom is in the hospital they say she either had or was having a heart attack when she was admitted. Her being in there when she was eating pretty much same way I have been for a while now has made me stop and evaluate and I actually told hubby no lets eat at home yesterday when he wanted to go out to eat. Dad asked if Mom could come stay here with us for a few after she gets out of hospital so any money that hubby would of used to eat out just got spent to buy a bed for our spare bedroom hopefully it gets here before she gets out if not she gets our bed and we will sleep on air mattress.

I've been drinking more water or herbal teas for last few days got a headache but trying to push through it.

Making myself come back on here and journal and do weigh ins is helping me motivate as well since I end up reading other stuff on here that makes me think.
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Re: Rosey - 2011 Journal

Postby Rosey » Mon May 07, 2018 9:27 pm

Good News: Mom got her results back her heart is fine. Doctors said She needs a lot of down time and quiet time to herself. They said her body is struggling to keep going from being sick and trying to keep going. She is being released.

Dad is bringing her to my house says she will get more down time here then at home.

as for my food still doing better but I did have an oops on the soda again today drank just enough to make the headache go away.
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Re: Rosey - 2011 Journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Tue May 08, 2018 7:54 am

I'm glad your mom is okay, and it's good that you have room for her to stay with you. Hopefully she gets back on her feet soon. As for her eating, she may be doing real good right now, but what did she feed herself over a lifetime? Now that she is staying with you, all of you can eat healthy and her body will heal all the quicker. :)

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Re: Rosey - 2011 Journal

Postby Rosey » Tue May 08, 2018 10:17 am

bunsofaluminum wrote:I'm glad your mom is okay, and it's good that you have room for her to stay with you. Hopefully she gets back on her feet soon. As for her eating, she may be doing real good right now, but what did she feed herself over a lifetime? Now that she is staying with you, all of you can eat healthy and her body will heal all the quicker. :)

She's been on again off again McDougall since I was really young. She's been mainly McDougall for years now but there are still things she needs to quit eating like the Amy's enchiladas. She is always offering them to me and I'm always saying no thank you they have oils Mom. She doesn't eat them a whole lot but they are always at her house. She once told me I was trying to be to strict on myself with it after this she told me ok maybe she needs to be to strict too. I told her even I haven't been strict enough or I'd have this weight gone by now. So for how ever long they stay here Dad, Mom, hubby and I are all going to stick to eating at home and on McDougall.
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Re: Rosey - 2011 Journal

Postby amandamechele » Tue May 08, 2018 7:10 pm

Hugs to you Rosey, sounds like its been a busy week, its good to hear that your mom is okay. Great job not eating out.

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Re: Rosey - 2011 Journal

Postby Rosey » Tue May 08, 2018 10:25 pm

amandamechele wrote:Hugs to you Rosey, sounds like its been a busy week, its good to hear that your mom is okay. Great job not eating out.


It has been a busy week. Dad and Mom got here today and first thing Dad wanted to do was go have pizza gah.
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Re: Rosey - 2011 Journal

Postby Rosey » Wed May 09, 2018 8:06 pm

eating all meals at home today WOOT!!! took a mile walk with my Dad well Mom rested.
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Re: Rosey - 2011 Journal

Postby Rosey » Fri May 11, 2018 10:39 am

Ouch. up to 307lbs this morning clearly shouldn't of ate a lot of pizza the first day my parents were here. I need to get better at saying no for myself but also for my Mom. She said she would of said no too if I had. The last time I did the plan I had no problems sticking to it not sure what's changed in my brain. One friend told me I was a fraid of the success I was having. Is it true? hummm
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Re: Rosey - 2011 Journal

Postby moonlight » Sat May 12, 2018 6:19 am

Hi Rosey,
I love reading your journal. It's such a powerful tool we have here. I wanted to say that I was very timid about speaking up for what I needed when I started McDougalling about 6 months ago. I don't know why, maybe afraid of failure,, but the more I stayed on the diet the easier it was to speak up and say that I want to eat this way, becoming more assertive with friends and my husband. Going to restaurants got better - I made better choices and talked to the server about options not on the menu. I also stopped going to restaurants except when I absolutely have to. I think if you can plan a week's worth of food and have it ready to eat, you'll be more likely to stick to your plan throughout the week. Being prepared is key. If you like to cook and have purchased the MWL book, it's fun to try to cook all the recipes at least once. I learned a lot about what I liked and I also learned how important it is to have prepared food ready to go. (You can read about it in the first few months of my journal.)
Good luck! I hope you have a great McD compliant weekend.
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Re: Rosey - 2011 Journal

Postby Principality » Sat May 12, 2018 8:39 am

Congrats on the success! I too had previous success eating this way, left it for many years only put myself right back where I started. So here we are again, lol. We’ll learn to say no to ourselves together. Not my strong point as I was binging pizza too.
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Re: Rosey - 2011 Journal

Postby Rosey » Sat May 12, 2018 11:27 am

Principality wrote:Congrats on the success! I too had previous success eating this way, left it for many years only put myself right back where I started. So here we are again, lol. We’ll learn to say no to ourselves together. Not my strong point as I was binging pizza too.

Pizza is definitely a weakness for me. I still ain't back where I was and I came back to McDougall in time to keep myself from getting there thankgoodness. My heaviest was 399lbs. I got down to 245lbs and now I'm 307lbs according to the scales yesterday. I told myself I was never getting back in 300's but I did. Time to fix it and keep it fixed this time and go even farther down then last time.

I also learned recently that my body is rejecting my hot hot hot spicy stuff so that will help me a bit make it easier to stay away from my Mexican place. Last 3 times we went there I got sick and then I added my habenero salsa to something and my stomach got all upset again. Love the taste and effects except the tummy effects laugh. The times before those 3 I didn't know they had habenero salsa so I was eating just the hot salsa. I told them the day I found out that the hot wasn't quite spicy enough and they brought me out the other and it tastes delicious but my tummy doesn't agree. My parents went home the other day and left me a lot of salad makings mmmmmmm. Soup makings too. I think they enjoy coming and stalking my cubboards.
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Re: Rosey - 2011 Journal

Postby Rosey » Sun May 13, 2018 8:22 pm

Went to daughters for Mother's Day Dinner and she did just as I asked oil free Hummus and veggies and fruit. Love my kiddos.
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Re: Rosey - 2011 Journal

Postby Principality » Mon May 14, 2018 5:07 am

So nice to hear your food wishes were honoured. Such a simple thing but it means so much when those we love enable us to do what we need to. I think roundcoconut was journaling just the other day about an athlete that was very good at telling others what she needs. I think we all need some help in that deptartment. I have a tough time being assertive, but from what I’ve been reading it appears that if we make our needs known, they just might be addressed. Even something so simple as getting to eat what we want to without the temptations of what others think we should have is an awesome feat. Did you have a contingency plan in case you were stuck with delicious non plan food and risked hurting feelings?
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Re: Rosey - 2011 Journal

Postby Rosey » Mon May 14, 2018 11:28 am

Principality wrote:So nice to hear your food wishes were honoured. Such a simple thing but it means so much when those we love enable us to do what we need to. I think roundcoconut was journaling just the other day about an athlete that was very good at telling others what she needs. I think we all need some help in that deptartment. I have a tough time being assertive, but from what I’ve been reading it appears that if we make our needs known, they just might be addressed. Even something so simple as getting to eat what we want to without the temptations of what others think we should have is an awesome feat. Did you have a contingency plan in case you were stuck with delicious non plan food and risked hurting feelings?

Luckily for me my daughter has seen me get sick to many times she wants to make sure I have something on my plan. I've always had issues with getting sick with non McDougall foods just didn't realize exactly what was causing it till I was put on an elimination diet. First part of that reminded me of Mary's Mini's. My Mom has been on and off Again McDougall since I was very little. I have been since I was a teen but I let my ex's tell me what to eat well I was with them and was always sick. My current hubby supports me most of time but he has a hard time not wanting to go out to eat. We are working on that. Told my hubby I need to get on it and stay one it because even a little oil is making me sick now days.
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