Journal of my journey

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Wed May 13, 2020 6:34 am

May 11, 2020

I ended up making Great Northern Bean Soup instead of Navy Bean Soup - I used onion, celery, carrots; I left out the spinach I planned to add so that I could get the grandchildren to eat (or at least taste it). I added some whole grain noodle. The kids did not eat it so it was not a kid-friendly meal. I made some Whole Wheat cranberry muffins to go with it. (I need to tweek to make compliant with TSS, I used an egg)

The kids love to have pancakes and it is one thing they request to have a lot. But they complain when I make them whole wheat, So D2 brought over some of the mix that they use at home (Krusteaz); I attempted to make them better for you by adding shredded carrot and apple and instead of oil I added 1/4 of a banana, mashed.

I got up early this morning and did a walk on the trail I am making around the property. There is a patch of flowers growing and I went to take some pictures. However, there is a grouse nest nearby and mama is not comfortable with me being so close. I hear some rustling of leaves and the sound is getting closer. There was mama, she comes right into the patch and starts pecking at the flowers I am trying to take pictures. She is within a couple feet of me. At least this time, when I got up to leave she did not chase me like she did the last time we met.

My trail is starting to resemble a trail now. The woods we have are not very good to be in whenever it is windy - old oak trees that are rotten to the core. I am looking for a spot to set up a bushcraft site, but need to find a flat safe spot - not sure that is possible. Hubby wants to make an elaborate site -- not sure why because he rarely gets out of his recliner. I want it to be rustic -- nothing fancy and I don't want to have to take all summer to get it set up.

Today, on the menu:
lentilogna sandwiches (red lentils with tomato sauce and spices)
stir fried vegetables with rice.
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Thu May 14, 2020 9:05 am

May 14, 2020

Well, the lentilogna is still on the to-make list. Time goes by so quickly with the distance learning, entertaining the children, outside work, etc. It really ought to be a lesson for me on the importance of meal planning and prepping. Just thinking about it stresses me out.

Today, I am going to make some Spaghetti Alfredo - made with cauliflower. I found the recipe on the site. Hope the kids don't realize that it is a good-for-you dish. I am going to try the Black Bean Brownie recipe also.

This morning when I woke up, I realized I did not get the mail yesterday, so I set out to the mailbox and the next thing I knew I was standing on the pier down by the lake (3/4 mile away). It rained last night and the fog was just lifting. It was eerily quiet. My only regret was that I did not get there sooner when the fog was heavier. On my way home, I was thinking how refreshing that walk was and I did not have (or need) my coffee this morning to get moving. So, I started my day with a pleasant walk - I tried to run, but I am too stressed, gained too much weight and lost all my fitness gains I had two months ago. Back to square one on both fitness and food.

Distance learning should be finished by the end of the month -- hopefully hubby and I can go back to our normal. My trail is coming along quite nicely. There is a grouse that must be nesting because she comes and checks me out, not sure what she will do when her babies are hatched. So far she only checks me out and chases me when I walk away. She is not puffing up like she did at first.

Time for me to get moving.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sat May 16, 2020 7:26 am

May 16, 2020

Happy Anniversary to us! 40 years today.

I am slowly getting back to my mindset. Yesterday was a fairly good eating day. We had to go shopping to get some parts for our rider lawn mower and stopped at a grocery store. Hubby wanted some pineapple -- I went in to aldi's to buy some and came out with about $55.00 worth of groceries that was mostly produce.
plus some other things

The grandchildren don't care for potatoes so when we ran out we just switched to rice and pastas. But, I miss having potatoes. So, I am glad to have them back again.

My mom called and she seems to be doing okay, my dad says he is doing as well as can be expected - but he is sounding stressed. He is finally able to get physical therapy again -- I hope he gets some relief.

GD1 is going to be stopping by this weekend. She works in a nursing home, but it is her last weekend there. She applied for and has received an offer for a position at the VA clinic as a CNA -- how exciting for her -- she has just graduated from high school and is on her way to a good career -- she will be going to school this fall to continue her education.

My trail is coming along quite nicely, I walked it this morning and am seeing that deer are utilizing it. A grouse has been greeting me quite often when I am either working on the trail or just sitting and enjoying it. She (?) comes and visits me often, even starting to follow me home. I am getting some nice photos.

I have been craving mashed potatoes -- so that will be on the menu for today. 2 more weeks of distance learning -- we are hoping that the grandchildren will be able to go back home.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby deweyswakms » Sat May 16, 2020 7:55 am

Morris wrote:May 9, 2020

I found some videos to work out to:

THANKS for this video tip. I am 73 and sitting too much now which makes my hips and thighs really sore. I am working with a flexible band and some good hip exercises, but definitely will check out this youtube channel.

OUCH on the bitten tongue. Who needs that with everything else going on? Bravo on helping the grandkids; it's not easy. Would they like veggie chili? I make such good veggie chili and add a cornmeal muffin.

Happy Anniversary; 40 years is a big deal! Would the kids eat sloppy joes? I keep meaning to make this recipe (might make a good taco filling too). ... entil-Joes

Good luck. We can do this.

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sun May 17, 2020 7:29 am

May 17, 2020

I am feeling like I am getting back on track with my eating, about 60-70%. And yesterday, since SO was here, I decided to go for a run, outside on the road through the woods. My pace was slow, but my breathing was okay as long as I did not go too fast -- normal for me. It felt so good to get out there running again. I wanted to run longer, but decided to take it easy as I got back into it.

I am thinking that the grouse has adopted us because it is now coming around whoever is outside and she even comes up to the house. Craziest thing I ever saw.

Yesterday I ate:
lentils and spinach

potato green bean salad -- onion, red pepper, green beans and potatoes. I boiled the potatoes in vegetable broth add some garlic powder, thyme, and bay leave. Added salt and pepper and ate it on top of spinach with some corn on the side.

Strawberry and grape drink - blended strawberries and grapes with water and ice. It was more like flavored water than a smoothie.

tomato sandwich on whole grain bread
Black bean brownie with chocolate chip mint ice cream

ice cream bars - x3 (I am such a piggie)

Today I plan to eat:
whole wheat oat pancakes with berries

potato green bean salad on top of spinach

Spaghetti alfredo -- the one made with cauliflower and onion. It was so good last time I made it I want to make it again but use a different shape noodle this time.

I need to work on my snacking -- I love ice cream in the warmer months. I need to find a better solution.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Mon May 18, 2020 6:52 am

May 18, 2020

Eye-opener last night, I shopped at walmart and bought me some new jeans, The size I grabbed did not fit me -- I gained too much these past months and it is time to get serious because I am not going down that road again. I need to get a set of clothes that I can treat to protect me against woodticks - there is a spray that will last 6 washings or 40 days. These woodticks fall from the sky and land on us - I swear, they come out of nowhere. I picked off two of them this morning and I was not even in the wooded part of our property.

I kept my snacking in control yesterday and I resisted the binge that I had been doing each night. I woke up a little bit hungry this morning.

Yesterday, I made that aldfredo sauce again, this time I used a linguini type pasta -- the penne style is much better. But some of it got mixed in with the broccoli -- I discovered that makes a good vegetable sauce.

Soooo goooood!

I experienced a bit of delayed onset muscle soreness from my run the other day. I took it easy when I was running so I was a bit surprised by that even though I managed a 4 miler. I am hoping to do it again today after the kids are finished with their lessons for today.

Speaking of the kid's and their lessons, this is GD2's last week. And with Memorial Day coming up, we are hoping they will go back to their parents this weekend. They want to go home. I don't think things will ever go back to how it was, so they might as well get used to the "new normal" as they say.

Today, on the menu: leftovers for me along with salad (lettuce, spinach, beet, cucumber, shredded carrot)

I feel so much better, less aches and pains, and my mood is a bit more upbeat.

GD1 has been staying a few nights -- she has moved now but needed to finish out her two week notice at the other job she had.It is a two hour drive from where she is now living and we are the halfway. Did I mention she is getting hired at the VA clinic as a CNA? We are so proud of her. Best thing is that she is moving in with a family friend who has helped raise her since she was a baby, when D1 was off doing her thing. This lady and her sister have been such a wonderful stable influence on GD1.

Well, coffee is finished now - time to get moving...
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Wed May 20, 2020 7:56 am

May 20, 2020

We did not make it through the end - the grandchildren want to return home and hubby and I are so ready to send them back. GS2 is acting out and is really missing being home. We had the same thing happen with GD1 when we cared for her when she was 4 years old. They get so frustrated and cannot express themselves so they act out.

I think we are all relaxing our fears a bit on the Covid-19 scenarios and we are all comfortable with the grandchildren going back to their parents. Although the number of cases are increasing so are the numbers of those no longer in isolation.

All this hand washing has made me aware of how dirty my hands get through the day -- and after grocery shopping. Man, I cannot believe the dirt that is on my hands - the soap bubbles are a light grey from all the dirt that has been picked up.

The other day, as I was sorting out the pantry, I found a box of Tasty Bites Madras Lentils. I had a copy cat recipe but that was not close. So, I did a search and found a recipe on veganblueberry's website which has the ingredients closer to what was on the Tasty Bites version. Close, but not quite. But her recipe is a keeper for us.

Mowed the yard for about 3 hours yesterday - still got a lot more to go. I break it up into sections. And that crazy grouse was following me around the yard. This morning she came up to the house when the kids were playing out on the patio. Craziest thing I ever saw.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Fri May 22, 2020 7:37 am

May 22, 2020

Today is day 2 of being a second generation empty nester -- meaning the grandchildren went home the other day. They were happy to go back and D2 ad SO were happy to be reunited once again. GS2 was getting so frustrated at not being home. GD2 seemed to just go with the flow -- she seemed to understand it was because of the virus that they were here, but thinks it is all better now. We tried to emphasized that they needed to keep up with the handwashing.

Speaking of handwashing, my hands are so dry from all the washing. But, I am now aware of how dirty my hands can become, especially after grocery shopping. I am still amazed at how dirty my hands become when it seems like I am touching what looks like clean packages. Reminds me of the time when our daughters were younger, (2 and 4 years old) and in the church we attended every one was sick. I did a hand washing routine every hour and I never caught what ever was going around; the girls did because they were in the nursery and one of the attendents was wiping noses with the same tissue --

I gained a lot of weight during this time because I did a lot of stress eating and snacked way too much on the wrong tpe of foods. But, when I could not longer squeeze into my jeans and my fat pants fit me I decided it is time to get serious again. That batch of lentils I made have been my mainstay of what I ate yesterday. I had not been eating vegetables like I ought to have been. The grandchildren seemed to like corn the best, so that was on the meal plan often.

Lentils and rice was for brunch and dinner. I am still snacking on junk, but it was at least controlled -- for me, that is a start. I think I have a days worth of lentils left - today I will have use it as a topper for sweet potato and serve it with some broccoli on the side.

Breakfast will be my tri-grain flake mix with blueberries and cranberries and flaxseed. I will eat that after my exercise. I am hoping to have enough motivation to go for a run outside. I attempted it yesterday, but as I neared the mile into the woods I heard dogs barking and it sounded like they were moving toward me -- not knowing what was out there across I field, I turned around. I went the other way, then hubby called -- I forgot to tell him I went for a run. Then I lost my motivation and ended up just walking. I went down to the lake and back up the ATV trail -- alll the brush now has leaves and I realized I am not as comfortable on the in the woods trails now that I cannot see very far through the underbrush. I guess I will have to spend more time out there to get used to the sounds again.

That grouse that is living on our property is starting to get annoying. She was following me when I was mowing the yard and I had to watch out for her because she'd be in my way -- crazy bird. She even came up to the house, right by our door when the grandchildren were playing on the patio. When I was on the trail I made, sitting on a log, she was right there next to me. She was making me nervous because I do not know bird behavior, but I do know this is not normal for a "wild" bird.

We are ready to start planting our garden, but it looks like rain and I don't want to plant seeds if it rains hard. Some of the potatoes I planted and now starting to grow. I have some yellows that sprouted so I will put them in the ground and see what happens. Just hope I don't get those potato bugs. We bought a lot of asparagus plants - those will be ready to go into the ground today or tomorrow. Unless we add more dirt to the beds.

Well, coffee time is done: today is a new day with a new start for my eating. It feels strange not have the grandchildren here, but it's like a huge weight has been lifted. A friend of ours, sme age as us, had his grandson for 2 weeks and he remarked, "There is a reason why our grandparents never spent a lot of time with us when we were younger." -- man, those two, ages 8 (now 9) and 4 are so energetic. It was the noise that was bothersome.

My meal plan for today:
trigrain flakes with riced cauliflower, blueberries, cranberries and flaxseed

sweet potato
spinach, lettuce and beets

Exercise: about 10 minutes on the Healthrider
run outside
mowing yard if no rain

I need to remember to drink water throughout the day.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sat May 23, 2020 7:01 am

May 23, 2020

Well, that was a disappointment. I weighed myself this morning and updated the ticker -- I got serious again yesterday and saw that I was only one pound away from my starting weight of this journal. That pretty much means I gained back everythinng I has lost over these past years. On the positive, I am down 0.8 pounds from yesterday.

That breakfast I ate filled me up most of the day. I was busy mowing. I mowed the trail, but did not get to the section I needed to do. I break my yard up into sections. Once summer comes and the weather turns hotter and drier, it won't be so bad because the grass does not grow as fast. We have a lot of dandilions, I think I should figure out how to harvest them. :) I really believe that keeping busy is key for me not to eat as much.

We bought some extra topsoil for the aspargus beds - so I'll need to go out and mix it in with the existing soil. That is the fun part of gardening, get down and playing with the dirt. We are behind in our planting the garden plans that we had, but are ahead of the past years. Hope fully we will get everything in in time.

GD1 had her virtual graduation ceremony last night. It is official, she is a high school graduate now. The ceremony was nicely done; for living in a small town it was a large class, just under 500 students.

D2 and SO are managing the distance learning with GS2, but the schoool is now winding down for the school year so the lesson are shorter and easier. His teacher tries to motivate the students to get the work now by announcing whoever has all or just one assignment missing as a rock star to the rest of the class. That was motivation for GS2 to get his work done, but some days it took a long time. I kind of miss the kids being here, but then again I don't.

That grouse in the yard is starting to get annoying now and is disturbing my time in the woods. She is starting to get aggressive with me and it is no longer fascinating having her so close. Now, I am wishing she'd stop coming up to me when I am either working or just sitting there. I looked up grouse behavior and read that these are shy birds and it is rare to see them. Oh yeah, this one comes running up to me like I am her long lost friend. What to do now!

I want to go camping but so far the campgrounds are not open, last I looked no new reservations are being taken for June. That means I will just have to go camping on our property -- when we head up north, I will make a campsite up there. I won't want to go far into the woods because our friend up there is monitoring our trails and said the bears are out and about up there in the area I wanted to set up my site.

One my menu for today:
tri-grain flakes with riced cauliflower, blueberries, cranberries, banana and chia seed.

Sweet potato
black bean

Exercise: mowing and recumbent bike to get some mileage for the Amerithon challenge.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sun May 24, 2020 8:03 am

May 24, 2020

Well, down another pound from yesterday, I made it a point not to eat just for the sake of eating most of the day. The key phrase is most of the day. I really need to get my mindset to thinking the right things. Stress level is way down now, mainly because the noise level is way down now.

I went for a walk last night while on the phone with one of my sisters. I got to the spot where the frogs were and she heard them croak - either my microphone is very good or those froggies are LOUD. One time, I went there and they were so loud it hurt my ears.

The walk was relaxing with the exception when the ATVers came zooming past. Everything is so green right now with the leaves just coming out. I love springtime because of that. After the dreary dormant winter everything comes back to life in such a colorful way.

That crazy grouse is becoming a nuisance now and is starting to get aggressive toward me. This morning, I opened the door (it sticks so it makes noise) a couple of times before I was ready to go outside just to see if she had that as a cue and when I walked out, I looked over to the direction she comes from and I saw her come running through the grass toward me. As I walked up the driveway, I did not look behind to see if she was following me. On Monday we are going to call the DNR and tell them we have a nuisance bird and see what they tell us to do.

I set a goal to get my gardens planted by June 1st. This will be a couple weeks ahead of our previous planting times - hopefully, we will get everything harvested before frost. WHAT? It is not even summer and I am talking about frost.

There is at least one rabbit running around our property -- I am thinking I will need to fence-in the greens or we won't have any.

Yesterday, we went to town to get some garden supplies. We decided to support one of the restaurants that we often went to in the past. I was happy to see that even though we went in the middle of the afternoon, they had a steady stream of customers -- so hopefully they will survive this shut down and slow reopening of the businesses. I had a vegetable dish, requested no oil with white rice.

So, only my breakfast plan was followed yesterday. So my menu today will be a repeat of yesterday's. Before I start the garden work, I will prep the sweet potatoes to have them ready. I'll use canned beans. I'll be adding a salad to go with it.

Exercise will be -- garden work, walk, stretching.

I am slowly getting back on track and am liking it... well coffee time is over and it is time for me to start my day. Rain is in the forecast so I am not sure how much gardening I will get done. Did I mention that yesterday, I planted 96 asparagus plants?
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Mon May 25, 2020 7:50 am

May 25, 2020

What a beautiful morning! Yesterday was cloudy, this morning the sun is shining, the air is fresh, and everything is so green. A bit too green, there is a layer of green pollen all over the vehicles. i really wanted to go for a walk, but I have too much to do today. A neighbor gave us some straw that we can use on the garden walk ways. I am hoping to get most of the gardens in today. We are going to plant: winter squashes, watermelon, cantaloupe, green beans, tomatoes, corn, spinach, beets, carrot, lettuce and kale.

I need to mow some sections of the yard yet. But the garden is priority because once the seeds are in and the mulch is down, it is done except for occasional weeding and watering.

The grouse in the yard is becoming a nuisance now and she comes at me whenever I am down below or on the trail. Yesterday, I stayed away from the wooded area but was outside and I could hear the drumming. I looked up grouse behavior and it is said that these birds are shy -- not this one!

I weighed myself this morning, down 2.2 pounds now. I skimmed through the information I had on my scale app and am trying not to get too discouraged at how quickly I gained. But, then I think about what I was eating during these times of stress and I really should not be surprised about it it.

Yesterday, I managed to have the two compliant meals:
tri-grain flakes, riced cauliflower, blueberries, cranberries, banana, and chia seed -->I like this mixture it keeps me feeling full for a long time.

Sweet potatoes
black beans with onion, red pepper, and spinach

Today I plan on eating:
tri-grain flakes, riced cauliflower, blueberries, cranberries, banana, and chia seed

Salad - romaine, spinach, cucumber, beets, shredded carrot
left over sweet potato and black beans - that is, if I get to them before hubby. If not, ?
Vegetable Mix (broccoli, cauliflower, orange and yellow carrots)

Both hubby and I are now focused on eating better for weight loss, except we have different ideas as to what is healthy. But, I am going to focus on what I need to do -- and now worry so much what he will want to eat. Despite his pain level, he is demonstrating that he is capable of making what he wants to make for himself. I need to take care of me.

Well, coffee is finished and there is a robin pecking at one of our windows - I guess I need to go clean the window before breakfast and see if that will stop it. The smiling face I taped on the window is not working.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Tue May 26, 2020 8:14 am

May 26 2020

That crazy grouse! I am outside working on one of the upper garden plots, talking on the phone with my sister, and that bird sneaks up on me. Later in the evening, hubby and I are marking where we want to put the squash plants and she joins us. She even followed us around to the front door. This morning is garbage day, as I take out the garbage to the curbside and start walking back to the cabin, I hear something unusual and I stop to look to see what is there. It was just MIllie flapping her wings. I walked back to the street and start walking down the road and that crazy bird follows me. Oh, I named her Millie. We are going to call the DNR and find out what we can do about this bird -- she has pecked at me a couple of times and I am worried she might attack me one day when I do not realize she is there. Sneak attack.

I am getting back on track with my eating and lost 3 pounds since I started focusing on what I am putting in my mouth. I am aware of me thinking "I do not need to eat that" or "that is not a good choice". So, my thoughts are getting to where they ought to be. June 1st, I am going to reread and do the Beck Diet Solution. I am going to start on the 1st so it will be easier for me to track where I am in the program. For those who don't know, The Beck Diet Solution is a cognitive behavior program, to retrain your brain to think differently and to create new ways of doing things. I will be adding The Starch Solution to it.

I weighed myself this morning - down 3.2 pounds since my restart. I need to get some more intense physical exercise into my routine, but I am waiting til the garden work is finished -- too many hours in the sun and too much bending and up and down. One time I was in a fit bit challenge and all the up and down was recording as going up and down stairs - someone asked me where I was that I was doing so many stairs. :lol:

Today I plan to eat:
tri-grain flakes, riced cauliflower, blueberries, cranberries, banana, and chia seed

salad: romaine, sweet kale and beets, shredded carrot
vegetable mix: broccoli, cauliflower, orange carrot, and yellow carrot mix
chick peas

I am finding that if I plan just 2 meals it seems to work best for me and I don't get so discouraged because I can never seem to follow through with my plan of eating for the day. Focusing on just 2 meals gives me more of a feeling of success even if the other is not compliant.

Exercise: getting another garden plot ready for squash and greens. I have a conference call for my mom this afternoon, so I think I will get away and go for a walk and/or run in the woods today after that is done.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Wed May 27, 2020 7:43 am

May 27, 2020

Well, I did not weigh myself this morning - had to deal with my mother and her games. Yesterday she had a meeting with the county case worker to choose my dad's plan for medical assistance. She was complaining that her phone wasn't ringing AGAIN! All right, I gave her the benefit of the doubt because she had issues with the phone's ringer when I first purchased the phone and the company had to do a hard reset to get it working.

Since some the restrictions have been lifted, I decided to drive to town and get her to meet at my sister's house for the meeting. On the way, I stopped and bought her a new phone. I was only home for an hour before she is calling me saying that her phone is not ringing again --- Seriously?! It was a new phone and it worked fine when I left.

Her hearing is going and she constantly has the television on full blast -- #1 reason why she cannot hear the phone ring. Plus she kept telling me she was seeing a setting that I was not able to find on her old phone - (same model). Too be honest, I think she is making it up -- now I am dealing with guilt thinking that, but my mom is not a nice person. None of my siblings want to deal with her and they all leave it up to me to deal with her. My older sister talks to her often and has been helping with the errands while we were in the stay-at-home, but I think that is because that is part of her therapy. Just joking, but we did not have a pleasant childhood.

I'll be honest, it was a rainy dreary day and when I went to town to get my mom, I drove into the parking lot and saw my mom sitting on the bench outside waiting for me. She looked so frail and lonely -- this shut in is so hard on the elderly.

On the positive, they started physical therapy with my dad, put him on a low dose of pain killer and the other day he was able to stand for 6 minutes. It has been a while since he was able to do that. He was so encouraged he asked to have his walker back, but they told him he was not quite ready for that yet.

Despite my mother, I am going to stay focused on eating the right things. Last night, as I was washing the dishes, I was thinking, I sure could use some chocolate right now. None in the house, so that passed.

Today I plan to eat:
tri-grain flakes, riced cauliflower, blueberries, cranberries, and banana

bean soup: onion, celery, carrot, potato, bean

I still have the goal of getting the garden planted by June 1st - I am now 2 days behind in what I was going to do -- to many interruptions. I am looking for to getting into the woods.

Oh, we called the DNR (Department of Natural Resources) about Millie (the grouse) turns out it may be a Tony. We were told by two people that attacks on humans are rare - so I guess we are stuck with the bird following us around. It has pecked at me already, so I need to be careful when it is around me when I am working. But, the one person did say that it is a weird bird.

Exercise: I don't even what to plan what to do today - I need to get those gardens planted.
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby SilverDollar123 » Wed May 27, 2020 4:08 pm

Can you send a picture of Millie/Tony? Would love to see it. RAS
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Fri May 29, 2020 8:03 am

I uploaded some picture to flic.ker - but I don't know how it works. Here is link to the album

If it does not work, how do I add photos?
Nancy (aka Morris)

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