Journal of my journey

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby SilverDollar123 » Fri May 29, 2020 2:18 pm

Got it! Thank you so much. He/She is beautiful...RAS
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sat May 30, 2020 7:26 am

May 30, 2020

Well, well, well. Tony has a brother or a friend -- and he is a bit more aggressive. Now I have 2 of those birds to watch out for when I am working and/or sitting in the yard. They seem to get more territorial when I am on the ground. When I am standing they just walk around me and depending on how close they are to me, they may or may not be puffed up and tail feathers spread. The crazy thing is they hide in the woods and I am working out in the wide open space and they come out of hiding and come out to me.

I weighed myself this morning and I am down form yesterday but up from a couple days ago. I am hovering are a setpoint that I got stuck at in the past. I am thinking I have have to go with the Maximum Weight Loss guidelines if I want to lose. In other words, I will need to eat more nonstarchy vegetables -- every since the grandchildren were here I sort of took a break from those.

Yesterday I had some shredded wheat cereal - the sugared kind, I ate it because it was leftover. I added a banana to it and topped it off with cashew/coconut milk.

Then I went out and worked in the garden, fended off the 2 grouses at different times, and then started a campfire and made hobo dinner--onion, carrot, peas and potato wrapped in foil. I also made an apple pear cranberry dessert. Since the fire was going, I made some s'mores.

GD1 was here so we went for a walk down to the lake and back.

I really need to prepare my meal before I start my outside work. So today, I am going to make that bean soup I was planning to make the other day.

For breakfast, I ate some graham crackers that were left over from last night. I realize now that I saw and ate without giving it much thought other than, "Oh, this will taste good with my coffee."

Today, I plan to eat:
graham crackers

bean soup -- onion, carrot, celery, potato, beans
salad: romaine, sweet kale mix, beet, shredded carrot
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sun May 31, 2020 8:23 am

May 31, 2020

Just a quick update because I have a lot to do today. I am hoping to get the second garden plot planted today. Then I will need to weed and plant the 3rd plot. After I get the seeds in, I will mow the yard, and finally mulch the garden so I can control the weeds. I am excited to have home-grown produce in a couple of months.

I followed my meal plan yesterday - except I added a third meal, leftover hobo dinner and apple-pear dessert. But, I am dealing with night-time snacking. I really need to stop that.

I was in the garden most of the day yesterday and Tony was near me buy kept his distance. Since that other bird came around, I am thinking that Tony may be Millie again. I need to look up grouse behavior - do the stay in pairs like ducks? But, then again, as the DNR person said when he called about what to do with the bird, he stated that "it is a weird bird".

I find it best for me to stick with my food plan by preparing my meal(s) for the day before I head out the door. At least if the meal is ready I can focus on what I am doing outside and not have to stop to make something. It is common sense, (insert here --- duh!!)

Today I plan to eat:
tri-grain flakes, riced cauliflower, blueberries. cranberries, banana, chia seed

leftover bean soup

sweet potato
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Mon Jun 01, 2020 8:25 am

June 1, 2020

I got the second garden plot planted yesterday - one left to do. Then the grass needs to be mowed. THEN, just maintenance on a weekly basis. As I was planting the seeds, I was looking ahead and am looking forward to the harvest. Home grown vegetables are the best! And oh. that grouse is still coming around and it does not like it when I am on the ground and move my hands - she comes at me. (I am back to calling it Millie - when that other one showed up, a friend of ours who is a taxidermist said that the second one was most likely a male and the first one a female. So, they are Millie and Tony.

The bean soup turned out good with the exception of the brand of canned beans I used were hard - like they were old beans that did not soften during the processing. Unless this particular bean is like that because I have had that same problem with some dried beans that I purchased and no matter what I did I could not get them to soften.

Meal plan for today:
shredded wheat,banana with cashew/coconut milk

sweet potato
black beans

Check fridge for leftovers.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Tue Jun 02, 2020 8:48 am

June 2, 2020

Weight: 144 -- I am bouncing up and down, up and down. But this is 3 pounds down since mty restart. Because I am working so much outside, under the hot sun, I am sure part of this is because of hydration, or rather lack of.

Maybe if I post my weight I will be more motivated to get with the plan. I have been trying to do the 50-70% starch and vegetables and trying to get the snacking under control. I think what is the most frustrating is the lack of caring about what I am eating and the excuses I use to convince myself it is okay to eat it.

But, when I couldn't squeeze into my jeans, I decided that enough is enough. So, I am slowly getting back on track. Hubby is focusing on losing weight also - although we are not following the same plan -- but at least it is easier to focus on eating things according to plan.

I still have to make those sweet potatoes and beans -- I think I need to just focus on individual food rather than dishes. I find that for me, it is easier if I just put the individual components in a bowl and form a meal that way.

I have one garden plot left to plant and then I can mow the grass - But at least I have 2 of the garden plots in -- I cannot wait until I start seeing the little sprouts peeking through the dirt.

Well, coffee time is over....
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Thu Jun 04, 2020 7:00 am

June 4, 2020

Weight: 146 -- on the up side this morning BUT my belt went in a notch.

Most of my calories had been coming from empty calories (i.e. junk food) and I have been focusing on reducing and/or eliminating. The biggest plus is that I am having a lot less aches and pains. I still have some, but it is because i am neglecting to stretch before and after exercise - I know better but am just not taking the time.

My exercise yesterday was mowing the yard, it took me 1-3/4 hour to do one section. 5 more to go. I still have one garden plot left to plant - I better do so soon. Some of the squash we planted is already sprouting.

I have not seen my "pet" grouse for a couple of days, but I have not been in her area. But, the other day when I had to go to town, I saw a different bird crossing the road with her babies -- they were so tiny. I was not able to snap a picture because that was one protective mama.

I cooked up some sweet potatoes yesterday, but we ended up eating out at a Mexican restaurant - I had the vegetable bowl. I couldn't get them to load up my bowl on the spinach though-- they are always stingy with the greens at that place. Must mean that their meat products are cheaper than the produce. It is one of the few restaurants we support so we wanted to help them out a bit during this crisis we are having. When I went to town the other day, my sister and I went to the mall so I could go the sporting goods store to get some bear spray, I was sad to see so many businesses closed. So many small businesses are being wiped out.

While in town, I went to the food coop and bought some more rye and barley flakes for my tri-grain mix.
Yesterday, I found some tomato sauce and diced tomatoes - where I shop I have not been able to find these for a couple of months now. So, I bought quite a bit. I am planning to review Jeff Novick's simple meal plans to get ideas for what to eat.

Hubby is focused on losing weight and while we are not on the same plan, it sure makes a difference with the amount of snack foods in the house = less temptations.

What I hope to eat today:
glass of water
tri-grain flakes. riced cauliflower, blueberries, cranberries, banana, chia seed

sweet potato
black beans

unfried vegetable rice

Let's see how I comply today/
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Fri Jun 05, 2020 6:51 am

June 5, 2020

I managed to do 2 of the 3 meals that I planned for yesterday. It's a start for getting back on track. I did not make the unfried rice because I started to mow the grass at about 4 o'clock and got a burst of energy. I usually only do one section at at time, but yesterday I did 4. The forth one was the trail, but I had to call hubby because that grouse did not like me in a particular area of the trail. I couldn't shoo her away and she started to fly at me. I was stuck in one spot because she was chasing me around the lawnmower. When I started to move away, that is when she flew at me. The other day, I saw a momma with her babies so I am thinking there are some babies somewhere in that area.

In the garden, squash and lettuce have now sprouted. I am planting the last garden plot this morning -- as long as we do not get a super early frost this fall, we should get a good harvest.

Today, I plan to eat:
tri-grain flakes. riced cauliflower, blueberries, cranberries, banana, chia seed

unfried rice with vegetables

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sat Jun 06, 2020 6:46 am

June 6, 2020

weight -- 143.0 --slowly coming down again, but not without effort

Yesterday I ate:
tri-grain flakes. riced cauliflower, blueberries, cranberries, chia seed

pomegranate 'fig" cookies 2 pieces

steamed Normandy style vegetables
brown rice

Caramel corn -- too much
orange juice

steamed Normandy style vegetables
sweet potatoes

can of orange Crush

I am still having issues in my choice of snacks -- but my meals were compliant

I have one item to plant yet (beeets) other than that - my garden plots are done!! It is so good seeing the sprouts popping through the dirt. Cannot wait til harvest -- hope we can keep the bunnies and deer and possible the grouse out of my yard. It looked like millie chose one of my squash mounds to roost. UGH!

I am hoping to get back on track because even though I haven't stopped 100% with the junk food, I have cut way back and my body is thanking me with lot less aches and pains. I need to focus on that as my goal.

It definitely helps if I think ahead what I want to eat and then get it ready so when it is time for the meals later in the day I just have to grab and heat. Preparation is key for me especially when I am busy doing outside work.

I took some time yesterday to go for a walk in the woods - I did about 3 miles -- it was so pretty with everything being green. I saw a bear track when I was in the middle, almost got nervous, but calmed down when I realized it was a track imprinted when the ground was wet -- it was dry when I was walking so I told myself it was an old track. I need to remember to carry me bear spray when I am in the woods. They are logging an area and I cannot wait til they are finished and then I can go explore that area.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sun Jun 07, 2020 9:29 am

June 7, 2020

weight: 143:8

I am bouncing up and down with my weight, but that is okay because I think it is normal to do so. I just need to be careful so it does not go up too much.

I am focusing on getting back on track and am having less aches and pains due to the cutting back of junk food. I really hope I keep this lesson learned in mind when tempted to eat junk food.

I think that I will be able to drop some inches if I begin exercising again -- strength training and HIIT. I am almost done with getting yard work done -- for now. Two sections to go. I did 3 section yesterday. I storm was rolling in just as I started and I decided to see how much I could get done before the rain started. I surprised myself by getting as much done as I did.

When I finished, I saw a bird come out from the woodline - it was a grouse but not Millie. I wonder how many there are in our wooded area. It is getting so I am not able to enjoy my yard as I would like.

Yesterday, I ate:
tri-grain flakes. riced cauliflower, blueberries, tri-berries mix, banana, chia seed

yellow potatoes and Normandy style vegetables

multi-grain bread with peanut butter and jelly x2

I did not feel satisfied after the potatoes and vegetables so I am attempting to add bread to see if it will help me feel satisfied. I lightly spread the peanut butter and jelly.

I am still having food like items not compliant: -- working on convincing myself that these are NOT MY FOOD -- I won't list them here because I think I should focus on compliant foods here on the forum

Over all I am getting better and cutting back on the junk.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby AnnetteW » Mon Jun 08, 2020 6:19 am

Morris wrote:
I did not feel satisfied after the potatoes and vegetables so I am attempting to add bread to see if it will help me feel satisfied. I lightly spread the peanut butter and jelly.

I am still having food like items not compliant: -- working on convincing myself that these are NOT MY FOOD -- I won't list them here because I think I should focus on compliant foods here on the forum

Over all I am getting better and cutting back on the junk.

Personally I find bread very satisfying, but it has to be a good healthy bread I baked myself. Do you bake bread? Of course it's all the rage right now, and I need to go hunt down some better flour.

I agree about focusing on the compliant foods on one's blog...I try to do that too, though I love to have a good rant.

Take care, enjoy your day.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Mon Jun 08, 2020 7:21 am

Thank you for the comment Annette, we buy the Kirkland multigrain bread -- I think it may have oil in, I should switch to Killer Dave's but the kirkland brand is what hubby prefers. I don't bake bread because home baked bread is a trigger for me and I can eat the whole loaf before I realize what I am doing.

June 8, 2020

weight 143.8 - holding.

Last night i finished the last of the ice cream that I had in the house. I will not buy anymore - it will be 'nice cream if I feel I need to have some.

Other than the ice cream I ate okay. I had the usual tri-grain flakes mixture. Then hubby and I decided to go on a picnic, we went to the state park that is close by. We chose to go to the group camp because that is away from the other campground. It was so peaceful, we were secluded and it felt like we had the whole park to ourselves.

We tried two of our dehydrated meals that we make for camping: Cuban Black Bean with rice and Tika Masala with rice, kidney beans and vegetables. Found out that peas do not rehydrate well.

On the positive, the campgrounds are now open; on the negative, there were a lot of people camping on a day that in the past not many people chose to camp. In the past, I chose to go camping during the week because not many people would be there. But since we have not opened up all businesses yet, I can see why there would be more people there just to get out.

Today, I will eat:
brown rice, riced cauliflower, blueberries, mixed berry mix, banana, chia seed

curried potatoes

sweet potato
black beans
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Wed Jun 10, 2020 8:34 am

june 10, 2020

weight: holding same as yesterday.

Meal plan went by the wayside yesterday -- it was a bad day emotionally. D1 called and wanted me to lie about something. I told her I wouldn't do it. Well, she started to get angry and I tried to end the conversation but it escalated -- I guess she is not longer my daughter and was told f**** ** -- this after telling me how respectful she always was toward us.

But, instead of grabbing whatever and shoving it in my mouth, I went for a walk in the woods and took time to enjoy the scenery and stopped to take pictures of blossoms that were on the wayside. It was right before a storm came through the area - how appropriate. I did get home before the downpour came. And what a downpour, I had not seen it rain like that for quite some time.

Actually, despite all the emotions, I did not snack in-between meals. I did have something non-compliant but incorporated it into my meal.

Today, I plan to eat:
black grapes
tri-grain flakes, riced cauliflower, blueberries, tri-berry blend, chia seed


Vegetable bowl from a Mexican Restaurant
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Thu Jun 11, 2020 6:49 am

June 11, 2020

Weight is holding -- yesterday was a success with NO junk food. Hubby had a doctor appointment and wanted to go shopping at Walmart afterward. We went to look for those mosquito netting that one wears over a hat. These are great and I want to have extras on hand in case mine break. I am constantly wearing one whenever I am outside. But I digress...

Hubby wanted some cookies, so there I was in the cookie and chip aisles. I did not buy anything. I told myself that I did not want to eat that stuff. I am giving myself credit for resisting and not giving in to temptation. I countered the "want" by reminding myself how a lot of my aches and pains have gone away once I cut out the junk that I had been eating.

Less aches and pains has been one of my "whys" since the beginning of my journey. I need to keep that in mind constantly especially since hubby is following a different plan of action than I am and is bringing the stuff in the house. Fortunately for me, we have different tastes and what he is buying is not a temptation to me. I cannot wait til my mindset is completely: NOT MY FOOD! I have done it before and I can do it again.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sat Jun 13, 2020 9:57 am

June 13, 2020

Weight up a bit -- but eating was off a bit, ate out at that restaurant and it was salty and yesterday we were up north and rather than eating out I chose to eat peanut butter sandwiches.

D1 called and acts as if nothing happened - for her disowning me, she sure was chatty. It is so hard dealing with her and my mother .

I am starting my day with:
tri-grain oats with chia seed and strawberries (fresh picked --SIL (soon to be ex-SIL) left these behind. I say I better enjoy them as they are some of the most expensive strawberries I ever ate. I digress and better stop or my attitude will plummet.

I got to go now... we got scheduled for a haircut -- my hair is so long and snarly it is hard to brush.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Tue Jun 16, 2020 8:13 am

June 16, 2020

My weight is holding, up a little but that is to be expected.

GD1 is visiting for a bit, she loves tacos so we took her out to eat at one of the few restaurants that are open for service. It is sort of like subway where you tell them what you want on it. I got the vegetable bowl - rice, beans, lettuce, spinach, green pepper and onion, mushrooms, corn, tomatoes, onion, cilantro, mild salsa. In the past, they stated they use little oil in the items that are cooked and I think they are still holding to that.

I am having a hard time keeping up with all my work that I need to do. I need to get out there and weed the garden, time to redo the yard. I'll just do a bit at a time and eventually I will get it done.

This morning I picked some rhubarb and will make a strawberry and rhubarb sauce. Both just picked from the garden. yummy!

I found my little notebooks that I created for the Beck Diet Solution and reread some of my "whys" -- I think I found some motivation to get with the program -- This is not a practice life and I owe it to myself to be the best that I possibly can be. --

Today, I started my eating with:


I plan to make:
mashed potatoes and grave
salad -- romaine and spinach
garbanzo beans
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