Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

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Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

Postby lmggallagher » Sun Nov 03, 2013 4:35 pm

Hi Nicole:

First let me say I am glad your Dad weathered this latest medical procedure - but I am just praying that the next time they go after that clot they SUCCEED completely on all fronts and your Dad gets back into the complete pink of HEALTH! Enough already on the dinkin'around!

Now for your day - GOOD GOLLY MIZ MOLLY - what a ton of things to line up and do. The concept of all that standing and talking while you work just astonishes me. I really recognize the hauling of all the equipment though from my Mom's pleine air periods and especially from the times when she did a BIG local art fairs. We had to haul everything she needed to set up a whole show including the walls - but there were two of us. Eventually, after many learning curves, ways of packing a hauling became very efficient and finally she didn't even need my help. I think you're on to something about a cart and asking for help unloading. The way my Mom learned was to ask all the folks around her what worked best for them - so if you ever find yourself at an outdoor art show ask those folk because they are pros at the pack and haul and probably know where you can get stuff you need cheap too.

Anyway what I wanted to say is be hugely proud of yourself for making it through a day like that. I am so tired from reading it I just called to tell my family I will be a no show to pack up my Aunt's Sister's show at the Antique Fair near here. Frankly, I did her a favor by being a no show - there are 2 other family members bringing friends with and she is bringing one of her won friends too - and as she buys us all dinner at a local high end restaurant - she didn't need me i the mix and I don't need to be tempted. I am so not doing well with temptation these days. Once I am back to FODMAPS I'll be fine but if I let in one thing I am not supposed to have the cravings are completely back. Ouch!

How did telling you congrats turn into a thing all about me :lol: :lol: :lol: Just to say it exhausted me I guess! I sure think this idea is really a cool one. I haven't heard of anyone else doing this - it's just so novel and wonderful!
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Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

Postby ~Beth~ » Mon Nov 04, 2013 9:35 pm

Wow, Nicole, just think, of all you accomplished
Isn't it great to have that ability, even if it tires you out and causes some joint pain, just to be able to do it?
Progress. Happy for you that you were able to do so much

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Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

Postby moonwatcher » Mon Nov 11, 2013 12:45 am

Dear Nicole,

Coming out of my cave a bit to catch up here. I've missed you!! Wow, what a day with the surgery and the wedding painting!! I am glad you were able to do that, and rest up afterwards and take good care of yourself. I bet you did some beautiful painting too. Lucky people to have you and your talent there.

I am really sorry to hear about your Dad. . .my goodness, not to be disrespectful of the good docs, but they are going in so many times maybe they'd better put in a zipper!! (This is meant to make you laugh, black humor to go with your black rice. . .)

What happened with your Mom's knee. . maybe I overlooked that one. .

The recuperative food you're eating sounds great. . .and great for the PMS. . .sending you lots of love and support!!

To be continued. . .


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Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

Postby nicoles » Mon Nov 11, 2013 3:37 pm

HI Michelle! Thanks so much for the good wishes for my Dad's health.

Yes, indeed that was quite a day and it took me about a week to recover! So nice to know you can underestand the equipment-schlepping involved, too! Those art fairs sound like fun. Perhaps it will be in my future. Maybe you can be my assistant/salesperson?

Beth, thanks! You are right, it is so very fun to be able to paint. It gives me back so much, even if I feel it the next day.

Moonwatcher, I have missed you too! Yes, it was quite a day. A vortex of "stuff"! With my Dad, the thing is, he and I are alike in that our health situations confound standard results. Truly, he is the first person they have ever encountered to be resistant to the anti-clotting medication they are giving him.

It was my Mother-in-Law's knee. She had a torn meniscus. Although, funny-in-a-black-humor-sort-of-way story, she was misdiagnosed for 6 months and prescribed physical therapy that made it worse, while getting picked on by doctors and family alike for being out of shape. Nobody even checked to see if she had an actual knee injury. During this time she fell off the plant-based wagon, and I have to say I do not blame her. Life must've seemed pretty bleak during those 6 months, what with being in pain that is not resolving and everyone mad at her for it to boot.

Thanks for the love and support!!
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Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

Postby nicoles » Mon Nov 11, 2013 3:51 pm

Interesting Update

The whole time I have been eating this way, I have continued to have PMS. For two+ weeks every month, from the second I ovulate until I get my period. In addition to all the PMS symptoms (bloating, water retention, painful breasts, abdominal inflammation and digestive issues, crushing fatigue, black moods, weepiness and muscle soreness) I also tend to get some increase in joint pains and mild psoriasis-like stuff (itchy skin). Always a bummer, apparently intractable, I was anxiously awaiting menopause :lol:

I noodle around on this forum and Dr Fuhrman's regularly, looking for tidbits of information, and I came across a threadon each where people were exploring the Fast-Five version of intermittent fasting. Basically you eat all your food for the day within a 5-hour time period, and fast for 19 hours daily. Dr Bert Herring, the guy who came up with this, has a book on it for free on amazon, and did this TED talk as well.

Someone on a thread mentioned that it reduced their inflammtion levels and I was intrigued, so I decided to try it just a few days ago whilst in full blown PMS-mode.

My PMS is 95% gone. My itchy skin is gone, and my joint pains are 98% gone.

I find this very exciting, seeing as PMS has been such a monster for me. I will update this experiment further as it progresses. I cannot say this is for everyone, but it seems to suit me just fine so far. I do it by eating breakfast and lunch in a 5-hour period, and skipping dinner, which I am usually not hungry for if I eat both breakfast and lunch anyway.

Kinda cool! :cool:
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Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

Postby moonwatcher » Mon Nov 11, 2013 4:04 pm

Nicole, I am so happy for you to have found this!! It sounds fascinating. I was plagued by these very kind of PMS symptoms from the time I had Michael until I started eating this way. They got much better, but never went away altogether. Now that I'm post menopause, they are gone. But it would have been nice to know there might be something else that could have helped those 27 years. . .

I am about to take a nap but hope to come back at some point and listen to the TED talk. This seems like a good fit for you, and almost "easy" considering that you have done so much actually fasting. . .thanks for letting us know. I really am glad you are getting some relief. You have enough stress in your life right now without having to go through that every month.

Hugs and prayers for you and your Dad and your MIL too.


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Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

Postby nicoles » Mon Nov 11, 2013 4:55 pm

Thanks MW! Hope you enjoy the video!
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Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

Postby MSNomad » Mon Nov 11, 2013 11:09 pm

nicoles wrote:I do it by eating breakfast and lunch in a 5-hour period, and skipping dinner, which I am usually not hungry for if I eat both breakfast and lunch anyway.

Really interesting! My PMS symptoms have decreased quite a bit on this way of eating. Much more tolerable now.

I'm curious, Nicole, if you'll eat this way every day, or just for part of the month?
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Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

Postby moonwatcher » Mon Nov 11, 2013 11:22 pm

Well, I wrote a whole response about watching the TED talk earlier and have no idea where it went!! It was very interesting--I loved "the study of one" concept--but now i'm too tired to add much else. I think MSNomad asked a similar question to mine. Anyway, good interesting stuff--really like how he returns to empowering people to see how they feel and follow what works.

So so glad it's helping you so much!!


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Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

Postby nicoles » Tue Nov 12, 2013 9:24 am

HI Moonwatcher and MSNomad!

So last night, I was driving to the art store and listening to the This American Life podcast. The whole show was about convincing one of the producers' mother, who had a List of things One Does Not Talk About, that these subjects COULD be interesting in the right presentation.
On the list? Diet, menstruation, health issues, one's dreams, and money.

The rational of the list (French origination apparently) was that the first four are boring to anyone else but the speaker, and that last one is gauche and boorish. I was laughing so hard because, with the exception of the last two, this journal is BASED on the "boring" subjects 1-3. And with that introduction, here I go again...

MW, I am sorry to hear that you had the same experience for 27 years! Although this has really been my experience for the most part, since I first started menstruating.

I would say, like both of you, that my PMS symptoms have improved eating this way, but not gone away entirely. And are (were! as of right now) still quite uncomfortable. So like you, MSNomad they are much more tolerable, but still very unpleasant.

While I have jumped off the cliff into the realm of Boring TMI, I will say that my periods themselves have improved dramatically. I have no need for any painkillers, and I do not get the overwhelming tiredness during it that I used to. Dare I say, they are almost enjoyable? :unibrow:

Yes, Dr Herring is a very affable sort of TED presenter, with his study of one. I loved that, too, and the Did I Enrich Today? (D.I.E.T.) concept. He has a blog here that explores that.

MSNomad, I am not sure yet if I will keep it up or just do it a couple of weeks each month. I am thinking I will experiment and see what works out the best for my body and lifestyle. I will keep you posted! :-D
Last edited by nicoles on Tue Nov 12, 2013 10:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

Postby moonwatcher » Tue Nov 12, 2013 10:08 am

Leave it to this American Life!! :lol: :lol: And you, too, Nicole--you are so funny about these topics--warm open and helpful too!!

Yes, I loved "Did I Enrich Today?" also--thanks for mentioning it--I knew there was something else, but couldn't remember it after the lost post. . .

Thanks for answering our queries. Of course you'll experiment, see what works for you--study of one, right? :)

I have to say the best thing about menopause is my body not trying to ovulate. . .(I guess this is definitely a statement that would be on the list of forbidden topics!!)

And one quirky thing--what was with the camera angle at the beginning of that TED Talk?? :lol: :lol: It was like the camera man fell into the orchestra pit and couldn't get out for about 3 minutes!! :lol: Never seen that angle before on a TED talk. .it did make the good doctor look a bit ghastly at first. . seriously though, well worth the watch.


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Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

Postby jamietwo » Tue Nov 12, 2013 10:44 am

Hi Nicole, so glad you found another dietary "cure"! Although I :eek: at the thought of not eating for 19 hours! :shock: I had my early lunch today at ... 9:30AM. :lol: You know that old saying, "never say never"? I used to say I could NEVER give up wheat ... and I've been gluten free for around 8 years now! Well, I could NEVER eat all my food in 5 hours a day. :roll: I like the sound of less inflammation, so I really hope this doesn't come back to haunt me! :lol:
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Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

Postby MSNomad » Tue Nov 12, 2013 11:22 am

moonwatcher wrote:And one quirky thing--what was with the camera angle at the beginning of that TED Talk?? :lol: :lol: It was like the camera man fell into the orchestra pit and couldn't get out for about 3 minutes!! :lol: Never seen that angle before on a TED talk. .it did make the good doctor look a bit ghastly at first. . seriously though, well worth the watch.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
I've watched a lot of TED talks, and that is the worst videography I've ever seen. I love your description of what might have happened, Moonwatcher! I sat looking out the window just listening for a while, because that much movement of a hand held camera is very unwatchable for me. Great info, though, and luckily the camera work improved!
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Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

Postby nicoles » Tue Nov 12, 2013 9:01 pm

MSNomad wrote:
moonwatcher wrote:And one quirky thing--what was with the camera angle at the beginning of that TED Talk?? :lol: :lol: It was like the camera man fell into the orchestra pit and couldn't get out for about 3 minutes!! :lol: Never seen that angle before on a TED talk. .it did make the good doctor look a bit ghastly at first. . seriously though, well worth the watch.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
I've watched a lot of TED talks, and that is the worst videography I've ever seen. I love your description of what might have happened, Moonwatcher! I sat looking out the window just listening for a while, because that much movement of a hand held camera is very unwatchable for me. Great info, though, and luckily the camera work improved!

:lol: :lol: :lol: I listened instead of watched it too! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

Postby ~Beth~ » Thu Nov 14, 2013 12:24 am

I noodle around on this forum and Dr Fuhrman's regularly, looking for tidbits of information, and I came across a threadon each where people were exploring the Fast-Five version of intermittent fasting. Basically you eat all your food for the day within a 5-hour time period, and fast for 19 hours daily. Dr Bert Herring, the guy who came up with this, has a book on it for free on amazon, and did this TED talk as well.

This sounds interesting. thanks for mentioning it

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