New Year, New Me!

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Re: New Year, New Me!

Postby Rosey » Wed Nov 02, 2011 12:21 pm

Just wanted to say I love your avatar picture. Your very pretty.
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Re: New Year, New Me!

Postby kirstykay » Wed Nov 02, 2011 3:55 pm

Thank you, Rosey! I have been shy about posting a picture, but I decided to go for it. I really appreciate your kind words. :)

Gramma Jackie wrote:
kirstykay wrote:kirstykay wrote:
I have a question for Mike (or anyone who wants to answer):
MWL says "no flour products" includes pasta, but Jeff Novick says pasta is okay. What do you think? Is it okay to eat pasta on MWL or not?

I know that some people (including myself) don't like "rules," but I find the closer I adhere to the eating plan on pages 60-65 in the Maximum Weight Loss book, the faster I can lose weight. I've lost 12 lbs. in the last month eating that way. Here is what it says in the book (p. 61) about flour products.

Eliminate All Flour Products

"Eat your grains whole. Eliminate breads, bagels, pastas, pretzels, crackers and corn and wheat tortillas.

In general, the less a food is processed the better for weight loss. Grinding changes two major characteristics of the food: first and most important., grinding a whole grain into flour increases the surface area of the food exposed to the intestinal tract, which increases the amount of nutrition absorbed in the intestines. This also increases the rate at which carbohydrates enter the bloodstream, where they raise insulin and blood sugar. Grinding a whole grain into flour increases absorption of calories and the rise in blood sugar and insulin to three or four times. Second, grinding disrupts the dieatary fiber, thereby reducing its ability to slow absorption, lower insulin, regulate blood sugar, satisfy appetite and enhance elimination."

That being said, I plan to fully embrace flour products when and if I ever reach goal, although for me they will be gluten-free flour products since I have Celiac Disease. On page 77 of the Maximum Weight Loss Book, Dr. McDougall wrote that if after reaching your goal weight you continue to lose or think you are too thin, then you can add more flour products and higher fat plant foods such as avocado, olives, tofu, etc.

Okay, I have to put this in my journal because I know now after reading Gramma Jackie's very clear answer directly from the MWL book that this is an area that I do not want to give up! But, I am going to. Seeing it in black and white makes it quite clear. Especially the part that says "the less a grain is processed, the better it is for weight loss." Since I'm after weight loss, I need to heed this advice and not try to make excuses for a food that is very easy for me to overeat. I am an all-or-nothing person. It will actually be EASIER for me in the long run to follow the simple rule that if it has flour in it, it's not going into my mouth!
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Re: New Year, New Me!

Postby kirstykay » Fri Nov 04, 2011 3:30 pm

I only have 4 more days to go on my juice fast!!!!! I'm very excited. I have to say, I am happy that I have a plan for eating when this is over.

I've had some AMAZING workouts at the gym the last couple of days! I found two classes that are included with my membership that are the quality of some that I've paid for at other (cheaper)gyms! One of them is a "boot camp" style format, and both are very challenging. But I am finding my fitness level improving, and I'm feeling really good about how I'm keeping up with all the other people in the class. I just left the gym today feeling so empowered and energized and excited about REALLY changing for good! I am beginning to see some definition in my muscles which makes me able to imagine what it will be like to really be fit. I can't wait!

I am excited to start the "Holiday Excursion" over in the MWL thread! I've been reading it everyday and everyone seems to be doing quite will be fun to be able to really participate and not just "lurk." So, 4 more days, and I'll be there!
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Re: New Year, New Me!

Postby figpiglet » Fri Nov 04, 2011 8:34 pm

Hi Kirstykay,
Thanks for sharing your journal. I was struck by something you said about believing that each choice is important. This really jumped out at me because I have sabotaging thoughts that I have to change. I have noticed the thought "It doesn't matter what I do" come into my mind. How horrible! I then say to myself "It does matter what I do." I really do have to reverse negative beliefs. Anyway, thanks for sharing your path. It helps to know how others get through things. Jen
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Re: New Year, New Me!

Postby blondie » Sat Nov 05, 2011 6:47 am

Love your new profile pic! You have done so well with the juice fast -- congrats!
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Re: New Year, New Me!

Postby kirstykay » Mon Nov 07, 2011 6:37 pm

Figpiglet--I know EXACTLY what you mean!!! Sometimes I have to actually talk to myself to fight the untrue thoughts that enter my mind!!! I always hope no one hears me and thinks I'm crazy, but sometimes they are so strong that I really have to talk back to them!!! Sometimes I picture those thoughts as a small spoiled child who wants what she wants and is having a tantrum...I never tolerated tantrums from my children, so why tolerate them in my own head??? :lol: :lol: :lol: Actually, after doing this a few times, the thoughts get quieter, so I guess it works!!

Blondie--thanks for the encouragement! It means a lot to me!

Okay, so I HAVE to share this!!!!! Today, I had to return some pants that I bought a couple weeks ago because when I put them on to wear them THEY DIDN'T FIT!!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: Thankfully, I hadn't taken the tags off. Well, they were size 14s!!! So, I cautiously took size 12s into the dressing room with me, not believing they would fit, BUT THEY DID!!!!! :eek: :eek: ALL OF THEM!!! Sooo, I got brave and tried on a cowl neck sweater dress that I really liked on the mannequin. I took in a size large and a medium, and guess what?????? I bought the MEDIUM!!!!! What is up with that? Vanity sizing or not, I am a SIZE 12!!!!!! I used to be a size 24!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: I can't wait to weigh myself on Wednesday and see where I'm at on the scale because this is CRAZY!!! I'm wearing the pants tonight to my daughter's concert, and I still can't believe it!
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Re: New Year, New Me!

Postby blondie » Mon Nov 07, 2011 6:41 pm

Yay!! Where is bunso's cheerleader icon when I need her!? :lol: Congrats!!
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Re: New Year, New Me!

Postby nomikins » Mon Nov 07, 2011 6:42 pm

YAY YOU!!!!!! I'm very happy for you. I was ecstatic when I got some size 12 levi's at Goodwill for $3.00, fully expecting to not have them fit. They fit! So I can totally relate.

I don't care if it's vanity sizing. As much as I hate to admit it, the number on the tag is very powerful.

Can't wait to hear about size 10!
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Re: New Year, New Me!

Postby fulenn » Mon Nov 07, 2011 8:41 pm

Congratulations on the size 12! Woooo Hoooooo!!!!!!

What if love really IS the answer?

Read my journal about tackling Multiple Sclerosis with a plant-based McDougall diet in the journal forum on this site, Fulenn's MS Page.

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Re: New Year, New Me!

Postby Rosey » Mon Nov 07, 2011 10:17 pm

WOOT!!! Way to go. I'll be there someday. I just got into a 22/24.
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Re: New Year, New Me!

Postby kirstykay » Tue Nov 08, 2011 10:24 am

Blondie, Nomikins, Fulen, and Rosey--THANKS for the cheerleading and's so fun to not be in this alone!

Today is the LAST DAY of my fast!!!!! I have to wait to break my fast until tomorrow at dinner because my husband is out of town for work and he wants to be here for the "celebratory" meal with me!(I am so fortunate--he is my biggest cheerleader!!). So, I am going to spend the day celebrating at the SPA!!! He gave me a gift certificate to get "THE WORKS" as a reward for finishing my fast! So, after my spin class, mani-pedi, facial, and massage, here I come!!! I'll take that as a reward over a hot fudge sundae ANY day!!!! :nod: :nod: :nod:

I have to admit, I'm a little nervous about eating again. I'm afraid that the "feast beast" will show it's ugly head once I start feeding again. I have to listen to my PHYSICAL hunger and not be tempted to eat out of any kind of emotional hunger or other craving. This will be a big test for me. I am sure that my stomach has shrunk and my actual physical hunger will be very easy to satisfy for several days. I plan on breaking my fast with fruit, probably watermellon, and then taking it from there. I may juice some as I ease back into eating, but I want to get started on the Holiday excursion. I won't continue juicing once my digestive system gets used to food again, however, because I know juice is not a part of the MWL plan. I am looking forward to joining everyone on the exciting "excursion!"
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Re: New Year, New Me!

Postby Chile » Tue Nov 08, 2011 10:42 am

Woo hoo! Spa day is a wonderful treat! That's going to be my reward for eventually hitting my goal weight. Hm, maybe I can persuade my hubby to get me one before that... :lol:

Do you have your meals planned out for the first few days after breaking the fast? Fruit, light steamed veggies, and such? Congree (Chinese rice porridge) would be nice and easy on the tummy.
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Re: New Year, New Me!

Postby blondie » Tue Nov 08, 2011 10:50 am

Congrats! How wonderful to have such a supportive man! I had a full-body massage about a month ago, and it was so wonderful, I decided to reward myself with one every time I lose another 10 lbs. I have 3 lbs. to go till my next one! :-D
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Re: New Year, New Me!

Postby kirstykay » Tue Nov 08, 2011 12:07 pm

Chile wrote:Woo hoo! Spa day is a wonderful treat! That's going to be my reward for eventually hitting my goal weight. Hm, maybe I can persuade my hubby to get me one before that... :lol:

Do you have your meals planned out for the first few days after breaking the fast? Fruit, light steamed veggies, and such? Congree (Chinese rice porridge) would be nice and easy on the tummy.

Thanks, Chile!

Not really "planned" but more a general idea of what I should eat, exactly what you've listed above: fruit first, steamed veggies and salads for a while, simple vegetable soups. I'm especially looking forward to the soups! I've been SO COLD only drinking juice all the time!! If I ever juice fast again, it will only be in warm months!!! :lol:

I've never heard of Congree. Could you tell me where to find it and how to make it? It sounds good.

Blondie---Whoo Hoo! Only 3 more pounds to your next massage!!! What a nice reward for every 10 pound milestone...I may have to copy that idea from you! :nod:
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Re: New Year, New Me!

Postby kirstykay » Wed Nov 09, 2011 2:02 pm

Okay, so yesterday was the last day of my juice fast. :nod: I am breaking it tonight with a dinner of watermellon and maybe a small green salad. My total weight lost for the last 21 days is 10.2 pounds! I am very happy with that number, and it puts me at a weight I haven't seen in 20+ years! It also makes me feel like I am close enough to my goal that it is no longer a far off dream, but a doable reality!

As I mentioned previously in my journal, I came off an indulgent summer and kicked off the Fall back up to 205 lbs! So, I have lost 35 pounds over the last 3 months!!!!!! I am absolutely THRILLED with this progress. I have proved to myself that I can do this! I have just over 35 pounds left to lose, and plan on doing that in short order. I have no idea how long it will take, and I don't even care, because I KNOW I WILL DO IT NOW! No more messing around! It is within reach!

I learned a lot of things during my fast. Here are some of them:

1. I am a food addict. Say what you will about whether food addiction is valid or not, I know in my heart that I am as addicted to certain foods as some people are to alchohol. Certain foods have a gravitational pull that I feel powerless to resist and therefore require complete abstainence on my part! I am convinced that this is critical to my continued success, and also that I was in denial of this truth up to this Fall when I finally said, "That's ENOUGH!"

2. Weight loss is not a mystery. Mine is not the only body in the history of man to defy the laws of science! If I'm not losing weight, there IS a reason...Follow the plan, the weight WILL come off.

3. I no longer have to be afraid of my hunger. It will not KILL me to be hungry if there are no appropriate, health promoting foods available to me at the moment. I can wait comfortably until there are.

4. I am an emotional eater. Not a surprise; however, I was surprised at some emotions I had to face and feel in certain situations when I didn't have food to numb my feelings. They were uncomfortable feelings and being without my drug, food, to avoid the feelings left me vulnerable and uncomfortable for a while. I didn't like it.

5. Just as hunger will not kill me, uncomfortable feelings will not kill me. I can get through situations and handle uncomfortable feelings without the need to numb myself. (This is a huge breakthrough for me that I woulld not have experienced had I not been fasting.)

6. I am stronger than I think.

7. I can keep promises I make to myself without compromising. This is NOT too hard for me.

8. I like to EAT! And I love to cook. This one was interesting. I actually missed cooking for my family MORE than I missed EATING! That was a huge surprise. I needed to process what exactly this means about me and the way I give and receive love. I'm still working this out; but I came to the conclusion so far that cooking and developing healthy new recipes is a fine hobby to have, as long as it has a proper place in my life. In other words, I have to be very careful not to allow my needs for approval and love to be mixed up with food. This is pretty dicey. I recognize that it is a pattern from my childhood and I could easily place too much of an importance on for my own children. In short, I have to be careful not to equate food with love, either giving or receiving. This is something I need to continue to work through.

That's it for now, and this post is getting really long, so I'll stop here. I may add more insight later if I think of anything. I'll begin posting my meals over in the Holiday Excursion thread tomorrow! I'm excited to be re-joining you all in the land of the healthy EATING!!!!!
"Remember, It's the food." ~Dr. McDougall

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